
How To Use Self-defence In A Sentence

  • The time was propitious for the banding together of women in self-defence. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • The listeners grow suspicious with his self-defence story and discover the truth concerns them all.
  • Hartnett said he was pushed by Laurence, and hit back in self-defence with a single slap with the palm of his hand.
  • What do you call the surest means of self-defence? The Reckoning
  • The South African attorney general later acquitted her on the grounds of self-defence.
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  • The noble art of self-defence in all its aesthetic glory will always draw polite applause from appreciative audiences. The Sun
  • The noble art of self-defence in all its aesthetic glory will always draw polite applause from appreciative audiences. The Sun
  • Prima facie evidence, in fact, that the deceased died from a blow struck in self-defence by another prisoner whom he had attacked. RIOT
  • In advanced stages of instruction students are guided towards techniques of self-defence, under realistic conditions.
  • The time was propitious for the banding together of women in self-defence. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Since starting self-defence classes at the age of four, the lad caught the eye of instructors by sailing through tests for 32 different belts, to reach the black.
  • I would condone it myself but the point is, it was self-defence and protection of that child.
  • A protective husband accused of beating a man to death with a steering lock after his wife's car was damaged acted in self-defence, a court heard yesterday.
  • It will entail improvements to self-defence and war-fighting capabilities and enhancement to the ship's reliability, maintainability, availability and supportability.
  • At first a strong advocate of Black separatism, he was prepared to condone violence as a means of self-defence.
  • There can be no doubt that the magistrates were entitled to reject the argument of self-defence or defence of another.
  • Record numbers across Germany are signing up for self-defence classes. The Sun
  • Their sensitiveness is a thing we have been trained, for self-defence, to repress. The Growth of the Soil
  • It seems clear that the judge also rejected the defences of accident and self-defence.
  • He was given training in self-defence and counter-intelligence techniques. Times, Sunday Times
  • Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.
  • But the have-a-go hero was then arrested himself when officers spotted a rusty truncheon he had put in his pocket for self-defence. Archive 2008-06-01
  • But every now and then some patient managed to break through the mental barrier erected by training, habit, and self-defence.
  • His defence was that of self-defence; he alleged that the victim had attacked him first.
  • The police officer claimed he used the baton in self-defence, although he admitted that he had struck the first blow.
  • I would condone it myself but the point is, it was self-defence and protection of that child.
  • In an interview broadcast on Radio Freedom in June 1986, in which he assessed developments in the first six months of that year, President Tambo referred to combat groups and self-defence units "mushrooming" everywhere; and described these as important formations of the broad popular army. 6. Did the ANC Perpetuate any Gross Violations of Human Rights?
  • It was a self-defence mechanism, getting the bullies to laugh rather than having to fight them. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • I believe in the right of self-defence of the weak against the strong, and I do not propose to allow any man to maltreat me at his pleasure, as long as there are any weapons of defence to be had by which I can equalize any strength withhis .... The Volokh Conspiracy » The Right to Carry Concealed Guns Debate: Pretty Similar in 1872 and in 2010
  • Plainly this defence must not be confused with self-defence under public international law.
  • They acted for a lawful sovereign power exercising self-defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if they were used only after proper training and in self-defence, how can that be construed as unprovoked aggression?
  • The group of instructors and students at the self-defence class don't resemble ninjas at all, but are a bunch ordinary people who happen to be pretty adept at utilising an opponent's weak spots to overpower them.
  • These features of the defence of self-defence are critical to the outcome of this appeal.
  • Is scientific scholarship perhaps only a fear and an excuse in the face of pessimism, a delicate self-defence against—the Truth?
  • A treaty regime affording third party rights can not outweigh a State's inherent right to self-defence.
  • Spiders generally bite only in self-defence.
  • That was the trial judge's view as well and he did not leave self-defence to the jury.
  • In such circumstances the wounding of V would not be unlawful as it would be justified by the defence of self-defence.
  • Plainly this defence must not be confused with self-defence under public international law.
  • There are currently no grounds for a claim to use such force in self-defence.
  • He always maintained he acted in self-defence.
  • The noble art of self-defence in all its aesthetic glory will always draw polite applause from appreciative audiences. The Sun
  • She avoided jail by pleading self-defence.
  • Engrossed by the pride of self-defence, and the indignancy of unmerited unkindness, the disturbed mind of Camilla had not yet formed one separate reflexion, nor even admitted a distinct idea of Edgar himself, disengaged from the accusation in which he stood involved. Camilla
  • And he was now teaching young Patsy, unbeknownst to his elder brothers, the rudiments of the noble art of self-defence.
  • There are currently no grounds for a claim to use such force in self-defence.
  • Indeed, it has been argued that in some cases where women kill a spouse or partner who has battered them, the elements of self-defence may be made out.
  • If you think you have the right to assault a burglar, the burglar himself has a right of self-defence!
  • The teenager said he was only acting in self-defence when the youth swung a punch at him.
  • The true difficulty for them lies in making out how the reasons which justify self-defence in their view of it, do not also justify the acceptance of a duel: how, if I may make another man's death a means to the preservation of my vital right, I may not as well make another man's risk of death and my own, which is all that a duel amounts to, also a _means_, none other being at hand, to the preserving of my no less vital right. Moral Philosophy
  • No jury thereafter ever found him guilty of a capital felony if by chance he killed a gangsman in self-defence. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • I take into account the fact your perjured evidence wasn't accepted by the jury, as they plainly rejected your account of self-defence.
  • The noble art of self-defence in all its aesthetic glory will always draw polite applause from appreciative audiences. The Sun
  • It seems clear that the judge also rejected the defences of accident and self-defence.
  • I believe there is some merit in revisiting the situation where we actually take all forms of self-defence off people when they go on to an aeroplane.
  • Absolution for having committed homicide in self-defence, or undesignedly, ninety-five livres. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • In advanced stages of instruction students are guided towards techniques of self-defence, under realistic conditions.
  • Some prison consultants teach self-defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nation's Maritime Self-Defence Force is reportedly planning to construct a new 284 metre long destroyer capable of transporting 14 helicopters, 4,000 people and 50 trucks.
  • However, the trial judge found that the Crown had negatived the defence of self-defence as he found the complainant both credible and reliable and most importantly he found the incident to have occurred as the complainant had outlined.
  • If a man shoots another in self-defence, or under gross provocation, the death is not caused by accident.
  • Of course, the hostile and inspired propaganda which ignores or plays down the inhumanity of the terrorists exults in magnifying any severity to which our own soldiers, even in self-defence, may be compelled to resort. The Cyprus Question
  • Build a fortress for self-defence. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They acted for a lawful sovereign power exercising self-defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a man shoots another in self-defence, or under gross provocation, the death is not caused by accident.
  • There you might be convicted of manslaughter on the basis of excessive self-defence.
  • I'll bet he even makes viola jokes (most violists do, in self-defence).
  • National police commissioner George Fivaz said he agreed farmers should take what he described as maximum self-defence steps, but within the ambit of the law. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I again recur to the prominent subject of my letter, viz. that woman is denied the first privilege of nature, the power of SELF-DEFENCE. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • It was thrown to him to use in self-defence presumably and he did just that.
  • In such circumstances the wounding of V would not be unlawful as it would be justified by the defence of self-defence.
  • Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.
  • I thought a man would have been ashamed to punish the pure self-defence of folk so offenceless as the Belgians. The Appetite of Tyranny Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian
  • The jury had clearly rejected self-defence and the judge therefore had to make some sense of it.
  • But to many the biggest worry was the ramming through parliament last month of a bill to allow for Self-Defence Forces - an increasingly euphemistic title - to be sent overseas.
  • Recent hurricanes have swept on inexorably, bringing with them a range of responses - fear, alarm, stoicism, fatalism, and self-defence.
  • At the other extreme were the pacifists who rejected any form of violence, even in self-defence.
  • He used the gun in self-defence.
  • Is it not the common law that a citizen is entitled to use self-defence in the case of wrongful arrest?
  • Staff are also now trained in non-physical techniques to diffuse a confrontational situation as well as in physical self-defence.
  • She insisted on some self-defence classes where I learnt how to grapple properly. The Sun
  • They learn basic techniques in self-defence.
  • I might have to have some self-defence classes. The Sun
  • It was thrown to him to use in self-defence presumably and he did just that.
  • The one application of this principle is the doctrine of self-defence.
  • I've had my moments in the past - fortunately on very few occasions - where I've had to raise the old dukes as a means of self-defence; but I've always used force purely as a deterrent.
  • In such a situation the law on self-defence works much better than most people think, but not as well as it could or should. Times, Sunday Times
  • The edition more than once refers, in wry self-defence, to the description of the character in 1984 who 'was engaged in producing garbled versions - definitive texts, they were called'. The Complete Works of George Orwell (reviews)
  • Is it not the common law that a citizen is entitled to use self-defence in the case of wrongful arrest?
  • He used the gun in self-defence.
  • He tried to claim that he had acted in self-defence.
  • The one application of this principle is the doctrine of self-defence.
  • I struck out feebly in self-defence and hit him across the chest, which increased his rage.
  • They have, on the contrary, steadily maintained that the sectaries were the persecutors, since the company had exclusive ownership of the soil, and acted in self-defence. The Emancipation of Massachusetts
  • It is the nineteenth century doctrine of anticipatory self-defence which claims a right to take necessary and proportionate action in self-defence when there is the danger of an imminent attack.
  • Dr Nigel Harrison wrote in the journal that the man had been bitten by a venomous katipo spider, which live in New Zealand sand dunes and attack only in self-defence. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • The lesser struggle is the physical struggle of self-defence.
  • Build a fortress for self-defence. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Her mother shot and killed her alcoholic father in self-defence during a drunken argument in front of their daughter.
  • There you might be convicted of manslaughter on the basis of excessive self-defence.
  • There can be no doubt that the magistrates were entitled to reject the argument of self-defence or defence of another.
  • That was the trial judge's view as well and he did not leave self-defence to the jury.
  • The rights I would accord non-human animals are the rights not to be killed by humans - except unwittingly or in self-defence.
  • These features of the defence of self-defence are critical to the outcome of this appeal.
  • The jury had clearly rejected self-defence and the judge therefore had to make some sense of it.
  • In self-defence, Michael hit his attacker on the shin with the bat, felling him to the ground.
  • Is it not the common law that a citizen is entitled to use self-defence in the case of wrongful arrest?
  • The jury decided that Walker had acted in self-defence.
  • The legitimate waging of armed conflict is now confined to self-defence - an exception which is generally permitted in municipal law.
  • In the middle of the zine is a fantastic pull-out called ‘Fighting Back’: a hand-drawn leaflet on self-defence for women and girls, which Isy has given up copyright for - photocopiers at the ready!
  • Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.
  • A lawful act such as a killing in self-defence is not an unlawful act for this purpose.
  • The Scarborough self-defence business chief has his hands on a new career as a Church of England vicar, after being recommended for an ordination course by the Archbishop of York.
  • It's your self-defence mechanism kicking in. The Sun
  • And if it is so with such persons, how much more with the less religious, who, the faultier they are, have generally a more vivid spirit of self-defence! Sermons. Volume The Fourth.
  • There is no warrant in international law or self-defence to allow him to persist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tambo referred to combat groups and self-defence units "mushrooming" everywhere; and described these as important formations of the broad popular army. African National Congress Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • Mr Manciya said he was a taximan and he had to carry some form of arms for self-defence as they were being hunted down by a rival group. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Kok's not guilty plea was rejected by Du Plessis, who said that Kok had "exceeded the bounds of self-defence, and had the intention of means of ` dolus eventualis 'to shoot Mr Steenkamp". ANC Daily News Briefing

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