How To Use Self-constituted In A Sentence
Writing retrospectively in The Rights of Man, Paine also celebrated the self-constituted popular committees which (Paine believed) from 1775 to 1777 successfully governed the new nation.
History from Below
These committees were in some measure self-constituted and may have had some continuity with pre-Revolutionary committees, but most were formed in response to the recommendation of the First Continental Congress in 1774, to enforce the Continental Association against trade with Britain.
History from Below
It is a sore point with me, this being told what I am to do or not do by you self-constituted lords of creation.
Chapter 6
Ashton acting as self-constituted plenipotentiary on the part of her daughter and husband, and Mother Blenkensop, equally unaccredited, doing me the honour to be my representative.
The Bride of Lammermoor
But the old gentleman, his self-constituted companion, did not allow him to recede from the invitation, which he had rather suffered to be implied than directly expressed.
The Bride of Lammermoor
There's an important additional point of view, that religious organisations should recognise themselves for what they truly are, which is self-constituted interest groups.
Is religion a force for good... or would we be happier without God?
They saw themselves—and were seen by others, with varying degrees of relief, acceptance, and resentment—as the self-constituted board of directors of Europe.
The Great Experiment
This pensive intramural existence of the self-constituted nun appeared likely to continue for an indefinite time.
The Woodlanders
The self-constituted learning means that university students have rights and abilities to govern their own learning.
This self-constituted Censor morum reads Aristophanes and Plato, Horace and Virgil, perhaps even
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Nowhere in Paine's treatise do I find a celebration of the self-constituted popular committees, though he certainly would have approved of them as a way to begin constitutional government.
History from Below