
How To Use Self-consciously In A Sentence

  • Maybe Richard Cohen's only problem is that he gently cries himself to sleep at night, his uncalloused, lily-white hands self-consciously stroking his beard, waiting for an anthrax letter that never comes. Dan Sweeney: Richard Cohen: Squealing Porcine Quisling, or just Gone Native?
  • In contrast to what he sees as the dry formalism of his forbears, Morrison offers a self-consciously passionate response to the play.
  • Danny's hands flew to his head self-consciously, the shrill ringing of his phone saving Alyssa from a tart response.
  • Thus, from the outset, we are on the borderline between art and cliché, the self-consciously poetic writing nudging us in the direction of art.
  • You have to ask yourself whether an illiterate country girl, ignorant in city ways, would have such a self-consciously literary mode of expressing herself.
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  • Gus is self-consciously aware of his hunchback and tries to stand taller than everyone else, with tough-as-nails determination and on-demand availability.
  • She was self-consciously aware of his stare.
  • Suspense, of which Hitchcock remains the acknowledged master, is merely the form of cinema that focuses most self-consciously on this general truth of cinematic experience.
  • Self-consciously she fingered the emeralds at her throat.
  • She was fiddling self-consciously with her wedding ring.
  • So why do you laugh at a public action designed however self-consciously and sillily at maintaining those lanes for the public? BSNYC Hot Friday Quiz Action!
  • The real winner is Lost in Translation, mostly for distinguishing itself in this list as being self-consciously cinematic.
  • This part feels totally unscripted as the young cadets self-consciously address the cameras, with commentary from their moms occasionally thrown in.
  • Cullen's creative work is often effetely comfortable and self-consciously vulnerable.
  • We all paused, turned to look at Sara in shock as she tugged self-consciously at a lock of pale hair.
  • The world which the book inhabits seems too self-consciously literary, too introverted.
  • The film is self-consciously artsy and becomes a little trying at 63 minutes.
  • Ivy, in contrast, scratches her underarm unself-consciously. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • A director famed for creating self-consciously radical, wildly unconventional, corrosively satirical, and savagely violent works could do worse then take on board an actor who personifies those traits in his everyday life.
  • It deals with the making of Renaissance copies of a Roman relief based on Hellenistic figure types, which are then adapted in self-consciously referential ways into contemporary classicizing art in several media.
  • Scott is the Roger Dodger of the film's title, a shark, a venomous, unpleasant, conniving, self-consciously chauvinistic pig.
  • The venerable Sir Walter Scott, who self-consciously wrote romances, criticized Jane Austen for not being romantic enough.
  • His work continues to present a double vision, one touched by both calamity and glee, and whose self-consciously public language underscores its highly personal timbre.
  • Such a caste system is precisely the condition that existed in England during the colonial period and from which propagators of official American ideology self-consciously attempt to distance themselves.
  • Wagner carefully and self-consciously based his design on those principles, while aestheticizing them, by invoking the ideal community.
  • Jimmy Stewart’s self-consciously down-to-earth writer in The Philadelphia Story thinks he has rich Katherine Hepburn pegged from the beginning, but by the end, he’s not so sure; Hepburn’s high-toned brittleness is something of a façade, her ex-husband Cary Grant shows the sort of cunning that other screwball comedies might have assigned to an average Joe, while her up-by-his-bootstraps fiancé, played by John Howard, proves a rather dull fellow indeed. Archive 2008-09-01
  • A clot of the former were self-consciously sipping absinthe at the bar on the ground floor, so I sidestepped them and ascended the short flight of steps to the dining room above.
  • But he showed none of the ostentation of a self-consciously rich young man. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Unlike the versions of feminist psychology examined before, associative feminist psychologies are rarely deliberately or self-consciously adopted.
  • Now, it's not like the sound has changed that much, but this album certainly is flowerier, more baroque, more self-consciously showy than anything they've done so far.
  • More often, though, we participate in signification less self-consciously, more by elective affiliation, with much less formal expectations and obligations; in so doing, we float along with the significations made available by mass culture and socially-dominant institutions. AKMA’s Random Thoughts
  • If only she could abjure art the way she abjured religion and write less self-consciously, the true artist would re-emerge from what is beginning to seem like indefinite hibernation.
  • I ran a hand through my tangled, matted black hair self-consciously.
  • He ran his thumb down the cleft of his chin, self-consciously, over a small vertical shaving nick on the cleft of his chin.
  • Although it did cover social issues, they argued that this was merely an inevitable consequence of its commitment to realism, rather than something which they self-consciously set out to do.
  • Need" is of course what it is all about, but unlike pornography proper, whose job it is to create a world in which all desires can be satisfied, Café Flesh does the opposite: in its strange post-apocalyptic, self-consciously theatrical world, desire is an addiction, an illness, a disease, a painful, insatiable but unsatisfiable need without corporeal manifestation or release. How to Do the History of Pornography: Romantic Sexuality and its Field of Vision
  • In some spots, these self-consciously gestural strokes have been airbrushed blue.
  • These stories are more explicit and more didactic, probably because they are more self-consciously in-tended as correctives.
  • Ivy, in contrast, scratches her underarm unself-consciously. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • It falls to the French director Rachid Bouchareb to make what is, so far, the only substantial feature specifically on 7/7, and he brings to the subject an outsider's view – very different, I suspect, from how a self-consciously speechified, British-made drama might look. London River
  • He was so preoccupied by his own intimate sensations that the idea of applauding never occurred to him, until he perceived his conspicuousness in not applauding, whereupon he clapped self-consciously. Clayhanger
  • It's dry, bloodless, and emotionally disengaged; but most annoyingly of all, it's self-consciously ‘literary’ in such a mimsy, precious way.
  • The thing about High School Musical is that even though it's inspirational, even though it's platitudinal, even though it's obvious, it's also self-consciously ridiculous. Archive 2007-01-01
  • But NAF self-consciously did use the word "commons", indeed so extravagantly that it was repeated more than 200 times in this brief 21 page document, twice as many times, interestingly, as they used the word "military". The Full Feed from
  • As no longer an order imposed by nature, it is clear that subjective freedom is an essential desideratum: the relation of marriage must of all things be between self-consciously free individuals.
  • She was self-consciously aware of his stare.
  • The Oscars tend to try to go a little more outside the box — although that backfired when they went for the James Franco-Anne Hathaway pairing, where there was no chemistry and Franco's self-consciously post-modern/social media approach was a complete misfire. Ask Matt: Why We Love The Middle, Tonys-vs-Oscars, Glee Project, Grey's and More!
  • The model, self-consciously, is the government’s fuel efficiency standards for cars. Data Centers Are Becoming Big Polluters, Study Finds - Bits Blog -
  • The most tiresome tales are those that are the most self-consciously metafictional. The Times Literary Supplement
  • the little girl self-consciously recited the poem
  • The alternative to Segal's style of self-build was the kind of free-spirited hippy homes that sprung up in self-consciously alternative communities, notably in California. Junkitecture and the Jellyfish theatre
  • With its unself-consciously quaint domestic and commercial architecture (still a lot left, especially away from the bay) Ocean Springs reminded me of a typical town in upstate New York, crossed with Lafayette, the bustling little city at the heart of Louisiana's Cajun country. Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Apres le Deluge, Moi
  • But he showed none of the ostentation of a self-consciously rich young man. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • It engages historians, philosophers, scientists and the educated lay public alike in a discussion that self-consciously resists the temptation of polemics.
  • Unlike the versions of feminist psychology examined before, associative feminist psychologies are rarely deliberately or self-consciously adopted.
  • Quite frankly, I would have loved to see a self-consciously low-rent c-movie.
  • The dialogue is self-consciously clunky, the characters are stereotypes and each section is fronted with a pretentiously redundant quotation.
  • First, their book provides an up-close look at people who have deliberately and self-consciously chosen to go against conventional norms about work hours.
  • It, however, is paradoxical that "enjoying the rural life" has never been an indigenous idea having developed independently and self-consciously, but a bounce-back of urban cultural expansion.
  • Her overconfidence diminishes both her freewheeling approach and self-consciously feminine subject matter.
  • The boys posed rather self-consciously for the photo.
  • Nothing is self-consciously fractured or haphazard; the songs hang shaggily on rigid compositional armature.
  • As their name suggests, ‘romances of real life’ denote a self-consciously oxymoronic genre.
  • These prose pieces ultimately acquire a kind of poetic intensity of effect in their bleak circumscription of the character's experience, although they avoid self-consciously "poetic" devices: Narrative Strategies
  • The film is self-consciously artsy and becomes a little trying at 63 minutes.
  • “It” was a hundred double-spaced pages covering the first six years of his life in copious, often funny detail, interlarded with many rather self-consciously “writerly” passages. Last Words
  • I guess the one flaw structurally is that we have to accept the fourth and in some ways most fantastic version of the story as being more or less "accurate", having been previously set up with three less reliable accounts (two of which self-consciously display their own unreliability). January Books 10) Doon
  • Firstly, the book offers a heterodox alternative to orthodox neo-classical thought whilst also describing very self-consciously the core of neo-classical thinking.
  • But it is Antony Sher who steals the honours as the ebullient Jacob, a self-consciously wise peasant who seems to have stepped out of a Sholom Aleichem story. Travelling Light - review
  • Like most ads of its kind, it is self-consciously understated; but as it happens, it is just a little too smug for its own good.
  • Intermittent snippets of conversation suggesting rehearsal out-takes rang with a self-consciously clever sitcom snap, ultimately not terribly enlightening or deep.
  • The story is simple and the style self-consciously deadpan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its shape was a brazen imitation of the classic boxy Mini designed by Alec Issigonis 40 years before; and the fakery continued inside the car with a soup plate speedometer and toggle switches that self-consciously harked back to the Sixties. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The story is simple and the style self-consciously deadpan. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have to say I adore that word “formicary” here – though I think there are critics now who would protests at such a self-consciously literary word. Postcard from nowhere: airports and assumptions : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Nilufer Bharucha, faculty in the department of English and project coordinator, explained that the term diaspora means to be scattered or dispersed across national boundaries, and has been self-consciously used today by postcolonial theorists to describe those who got displaced from their home owing to colonial politics and post-colonial economic realities. Analysis
  • He is the phantom actor behind the self-consciously performative tics of his otherwise two-dimensional characters.
  • It's an unpretentious medley of old and new - the perfect antidote to the self-consciously cool bars of Dublin.
  • I pulled my arm under the sheets self-consciously, shrugging when he looked at me inquisitively. He probably thought I had been cutting.
  • In Mitchell's crafty hands, the bawdy drawings become kaleidoscopic fun-fur mosaics: deliciously touchy-feely, rather than puerile or self-consciously lewd.
  • Self-consciously and apologetically unilingual, he still tried to make a difference - put himself out there, asking questions, admitting his weaknesses, challenging sacred truths.
  • Its doors opened last year in a house dating from the 1920s, with decor that is reminiscent of the times to which its name refers, in a way that is retro without being self-consciously or slavishly repro.
  • Ablaze with fiery emotions, Meredith walked self-consciously to the bathroom under Lucenzo's critical eyes.
  • Perhaps that academic background is what makes his books seem a little planned, a little too self-consciously 'novelly'. British Blogs
  • She was fiddling self-consciously with her wedding ring.

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