How To Use Self-confidence In A Sentence
You captain the dream team of smart thinkers that shine with self-confidence and boundless energy.
The Sun
Dressed in a silver-patterned silk shirt and tailored trousers, he exudes self-confidence.
England's wars, waged successfully by humble bowmen as well as knights and noblemen, created among all ranks a self-confidence that warmed English hearts.
The hole in her shimmery gold nylons from her encounter with the Pekingese didn't add to her self-confidence.
Lethargic and lacking self-confidence, he was a quiet dreamer, with interests in theology, art history, and oriental religions.
I found it intriguing that he used his sharp intellect and self-confidence for the wrong ends.
Times, Sunday Times
Hedman's mind has been more robust than his body, his self-confidence undented by his high-profile mistakes.
Another advantage though was that it brought her into perfect physical shape, which boosted her self-confidence.
The truth is that this region is brimming with self-confidence - and with good reason.
Increased self-confidence can help improve academic achievement.
We should have the perseverance, must have the self-confidence especially! We must believe, our talent is used to do something.
Self-confidence must be instilled in the child from an early age.
Hubris, sometimes spelled hybris ancient Greek ὕβρις, is a term used in modern English to indicate overweening pride, self-confidence, superciliousness, or arrogance, often resulting in fatal retribution.
Touchy, Touchy: Catching Up With "The Climb"
We should have the perseverance, must have the self-confidence especially! We must believe, our talent is used to do something.
He can remain in that position only by showing great self-confidence when it comes to his partners.
Times, Sunday Times
Because, as an author, I believe that kind of insouciant self-confidence builds a more enduring bond.
It was what the poets mean by an 'inspissated' gloom; it thickened day by day, as hope and self-confidence evaporated in thin clouds of disappointment.
Father and Son: a study of two temperaments
He is possessed of an enormous amount of self-confidence, but I don't believe he is egotistic in the normal, widely understood sense.
But most of the female population likes to put on a bit of slap now and then for self-confidence and attracting men so for that alone it gives guys some peace.
It was all about national self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
To describe oneself as a fine chemicals supplier, therefore, requires self-confidence, not to say courage.
To make such decisions requires extraordinary courage and self-confidence.
You need a technically inquisitive mind and a high degree of self-confidence to work in bomb disposal and landmine clearance.
Times, Sunday Times
That doesn't do much for your self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
He thinks that mood of national self-confidence is still with us and affecting current political thought.
Times, Sunday Times
Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness.
The girls 'distinctive qualities-from Trini's bubbly self-confidence to Dominique's granitelike demeanor-were abundantly evident in Williams-Garcia's enthusiastic reading.
Publishers Weekly - Children's Books News
If ones hears the rumbling approach of a runaway train, why should one's panic be lessened by the knowledge that the engineer, conductor, crew, and passengers abroad the train are well medicated, and, as a result, are all models of self-esteem and self-confidence, are imbrued with glowing good cheer, and are at peace with themselves and the world?
The Rise of Pharmatopia
In fact, no one could take his greatest assets from him - his self-confidence and his gift for self-promotion.
His sonorous, actorly tones boom around the enclosed space, a mark of his self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
Although he was easily intimidated by the other boys, especially by Jack, he did not lack the self-confidence to protest or speak out against the indignities from the boys as the shy former choirboy Simon did.
An amused smile plays across his lips; he works a room with supreme self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
Not!" fleered Butch, whom Hicks 'easy self-confidence never failed to arouse.
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
These entrepreneurs need to boost their own self-confidence and to feel that their business is associated with a successful enterprise.
Another welcome by-product is increased self-confidence.
23 Steps to Successful Achievement
The barked torrent of words flowed over me: a cataract of verbiage with unknown phrases sticking up like sharp rocks to confound the frail barque of my self-confidence and perhaps overwhelm it.
His attractiveness is partly due to his self-confidence.
While that was quite humorous, it is a serious issue and so many men have had their self-confidence eroded by it.
The Sun
What's more the joy of winning against insurmountable odds can do oodles to boost one's self-confidence.
Time and again he was particular about enhancing self-confidence of students.
It was horrible, but it gave me a fantastic feeling of self-confidence.
Whence this peculiar congeries of views, advanced with supreme self-confidence and heedless inattention to fact?
Jan's sense of self-confidence is what makes artists want to paint her, she said.
Managers who tend to be unassertive tend to feel vulnerable and lack self-confidence, particularly in situations such as your own.
Times, Sunday Times
Because of their lack of self esteem and self-confidence, says Lucy, many self-harmers tend to have very extreme emotional reactions to things which to many people would seem trifling.
Understated self-confidence and unbreakable positivity is his way.
Her constant criticism and the lack of a fulfilling job has completely destroyed my self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
Cadet training teaches obedience, endurance and builds self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
He constantly tried to undermine her self-confidence.
For many youngsters innocently watching it may have meant a dawning of a new direction in life, involving a blend of aspiration, determination and self-confidence.
By 1974 it had produced a precipitous decline in self-confidence and was tearing the country apart.
Times, Sunday Times
Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space.
These entrepreneurs need to boost their own self-confidence and to feel that their business is associated with a successful enterprise.
The self-confidence, pulchritude and sheer numbers of the females on display left me breathless.
It teaches self-discipline, self-confidence, and academic skills, just to name a few.
A combination of apparently unlimited electoral puissance and an underlying lack of both intellectual self-confidence and political principle has destabilised him.
Apparently going to a business school does wonders for your self-confidence.
Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space.
Government should have the self-confidence to allow more 'free' unwhipped votes.
Times, Sunday Times
Often it is frankly biblical, beginning with John Winthrop's famous 1630 sermon "A City Upon A Hill" that gave a much-needed dose of self-confidence to the Massachusetts Bay colonists.
Jonathan D. Moreno: America's Problem With "Progress"
They gain greater self-confidence and - in some cases, at least - a real lust for learning.
Kelly's self-confidence is bolstered by her unswerving Christian faith.
United States President Abraham Lincoln from childhood have an inferiority complex, he is overcome by self- deprecating self-esteem, develop their own self-confidence.
I notice that the lines of her eyebrows, nose and mouth all end with a slight upward curve like a yacht's sails, which gives a kind of hopefulness and self-confidence to her expression.
By 1974 it had produced a precipitous decline in self-confidence and was tearing the country apart.
Times, Sunday Times
Women are also less likely to have had the self-confidence to write diaries and autobiographies.
It is therefore likely to have great self-confidence.
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
It will also help them to develop self-confidence and skills of articulation and delivery.
The bakery, pharmacy, and orderliness suggest self-confidence if not sufficiency.
When he spoke, he's surrounded by his usual air of self-confidence, calm, indifference and superiority.
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
Her self-confidence will develop alongside her technique.
The intellectual self-confidence of the expert.
Times, Sunday Times
By 1974 it had produced a precipitous decline in self-confidence and was tearing the country apart.
Times, Sunday Times
The sick, glorious sport of ice climbing depends on physical equipoise, which depends on mental tranquility, which in turn depends on a smooth blend of faith and self-confidence.
It is a measure of his self-confidence and considerable political acumen that he did.
Times, Sunday Times
His obvious self-confidence, deadpan delivery, and great reactions serve to make him a much better actor than most musicians who try to make the jump from the studio to the screen.
It was not a complacent or narrow or inward-looking self-confidence.
To describe oneself as a fine chemicals supplier, therefore, requires self-confidence, not to say courage.
It was obvious that Peter's height came from his mother, a brisk brown woman with the soldierly posture of self-confidence.
For Pullman fans, this kind of plucky self-confidence must sound familiar: it's Lyra Belaqua, the novel's crafty protagonist, who travels from Oxford to the Arctic Circle -- aided by armored bears, flying witches and a truth-telling compass that only she can read -- to rescue her kidnapped best friend.
The Arctic Adventurer
It was a dream to help people regain their self-confidence by helping them feel good about themselves.
However, his smug self-confidence took a battering when Tudor won the Rounders.
Clearly his body image isn't affecting his self-confidence too much.
The Sun
With little suspicion and high self-confidence, the Rottweiler responds quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in his environment.
Gardening seems to engender a sense of accomplishment, which in turn boosts self-confidence and helps us to deal with other aspects of life.
Times, Sunday Times
The self-confidence, pulchritude and sheer numbers of the females on display left me breathless.
For them, the millenary celebrations proffered an avenue to the rebuilding of the cultural self-confidence needed to continue ruling the empire.
But the Malayalam film songs composed by Salil Chowdhury inspired me with self-confidence, with hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow.
There were side effects even for the most amenable child: restlessness and insomnia, complete loss of appetite, diuresis, a tendency to “facilitate the flow of thought, generally at the expense of concentration,” and “a rather fictitious sense of fitness, self-confidence, and well-being.”
Raymond Carver
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
The whole composition exudes a bold, reckless and extravagant self-confidence.
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
He seemed to have gained a greater self-confidence from the incredible and unexpected success of his book and he capitalized on it rapaciously.
Gardening seems to engender a sense of accomplishment, which in turn boosts self-confidence and helps us to deal with other aspects of life.
Times, Sunday Times
It just brought so much self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
We should have the perseverance, must have the self-confidence especially! We must believe, our talent is used to do something.
You see all the elements of specifically American self-confidence in Star Trek, too.
You have a considerable amount of self-confidence, and you like yourself without being conceited or boastful.
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
But while this self-deprecation is all very well, one does need a chunk of self-confidence to create anything for public consumption, let alone so many different things.
May 2006
What is undeniably true is that he was blessed with an irrepressible self-confidence that was not shaken by a bout of childhood polio.
Times, Sunday Times
Your self-confidence was low so you were vulnerable to his chat.
The Sun
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
Among the key findings in the study was that students with low self-confidence take longer to settle in.
It was horrible, but it gave me a fantastic feeling of self-confidence.
He reminded her of a young golden retriever: attractive, overly eager, full of restless energy and unlimited self-confidence.
Their failures in this area have damaged their self-confidence and creditability.
The Buddhist revival gained momentum in the 1870s after a series of public debates between Buddhist and Protestant preachers increased Buddhist self-confidence.
Liu prefers simple narrative style ebulliently painted in brilliant colours that reveals a certain self-confidence and naivety, as if seen through the distorted lens of Pieter Bruegel.
In addition, self-confidence is growing in Turkey in view of its economic performance.
For me it's been plain scrappy stubbornness, not necessarily talent or self-confidence, that pushes me forward.
What chiefly struck me about Mrs Brindley was her serene air of capableness, of having a self-confidence which experience had richly justified.
The Grim Smile of the Five Towns
Getting the job did wonders for her self-confidence.
Perhaps she is boosting low self-confidence by keeping you on your toes but your marriage will suffer if she goes on like this.
The Sun
His choreographic language is traditional and a little unadventurous but he has made a ballet which exudes self-confidence and fun.
My self-confidence and self-esteem were at their lowest in life.
Christianity Today
Again, one does not want to temper that self-confidence - it would be no fun for him and no fun for us watching, either.
Profound Self-Confidence is exemplified when a child is confronted with a difficult task and his first response is the certainty that he can accomplish it.
Defeat would leave them pointless and inflict further damage on their already fragile self-confidence.
We should have the perseverance, must have the self-confidence especially! We must believe, our talent is used to do something.
Low scores indicate self-doubt, a belief that one is unworthy or undesirable, and lack of self-confidence.
You have a considerable amount of self-confidence, and you like yourself without being conceited or boastful.
But self-confidence in the sense of psychological certitude is not the same things as absolute certainty in the philosophical sense.
There was the temper of the Norfolk fox-hunter in the "doggedness" which Marlborough noted as his characteristic, in the burly self-confidence which declared
History of the English People, Volume VII (of 8) The Revolution, 1683-1760; Modern England, 1760-1767
Dressed in a silver-patterned silk shirt and tailored trousers, he exudes self-confidence.
Schnabel , who once said of himself, "I'm the closest you'll get to Picasso in this life, " remains a painter of prodigious energy, productivity and self-confidence.
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
Male or female, narcissists are the quintessential sharks: Self-confidence and charm make them highly appealing in the early stages of attraction.
A survey of middle-school girls reveals that their self-confidence in math suffers when their parents believe the gender stereotype that holds that math is a male domain and when the parents give unsolicited help with homework.
Science Press Releases
The self-confidence, assurance and poise with which the children tackled each and every one of the 21 songs on the programme was unbelievable.
Her self-confidence will develop alongside her technique.
It nourishes our self-love, self worth and self-confidence.
Within football, this steely focus and self-confidence is well known and noted all the more for his reserved manner off the pitch.
Times, Sunday Times
She was still rather underweight at 100 pounds, okay, very underweight, but she ate healthily, exercised a normal amount and gained a ton of self-confidence.
His constant criticism ate away at her self-confidence.
He stood out from the rest, a strange mixture of Oriente farm boy and privately educated lawyer, brimming with self-confidence.
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
His self-confidence took a sudden jolt with the news that he had not been selected.
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
In contrast, this training has given them gainful employment and, above all, recognition and self-confidence.
Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space.
Her self-confidence will develop alongside her technique.
But any such sense of national superiority or self-confidence has long gone, along with the empire.
Times, Sunday Times
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
One of the most important attributes is self-confidence, and that's something performing gives you.
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
Such ingenuity and self-confidence should be applauded at a time when Hollywood churns out bland twentysomething pap at vast cost.
Meanwhile, struggles with self-confidence and trust -- especially for those of us who feel "wronged" -- could be threatening to suck us under.
D. A. Wolf: When Is The Right Time To Date Again?
impregnable self-confidence
Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!
Australians lacking self-confidence are almost a contradiction in terms, yet the signs are unmistakable.
Times, Sunday Times
You need a technically inquisitive mind and a high degree of self-confidence to work in bomb disposal and landmine clearance.
Times, Sunday Times
Their egos and self-confidence are such that they feel immune to dangers that will overcome other mortals.
Throughout the novel, Rubinstein slides between Yiddish-inflected and Gentile slang depending on his level of self-confidence.
A feeling of sudden, proud self-confidence, an indocile wish to walk unmoved in spite of grim environments, plainly possessed him, and when he reached the wicket-gate he turned in without apparent effort.
Wessex Tales
Hereditary chiefs were distinguished by refined manners, dignity, honor, and self-confidence.
His charm, poise and self-confidence are, right from the start, extremely sinister.
On the one hand, awareness of the diversity of humanity could pose challenges to European self-confidence.
It takes away from self-confidence, immobilizes a person through anxiety, and creates an exaggerated fear of the environment.
Time and again he was particular about enhancing self-confidence of students.
He thought a few kind words might boost her self-confidence.
Self-confidence is a definite advantage in most areas, but wingless flight is not one of them.
Times, Sunday Times
These were still the sensitive times, when Irish self-confidence wasn't what it is now.
She acts by striding about, arms akimbo to suggest self-confidence.
An anal expulsive personality is broadly defined as exhibiting cruelty, emotional outbursts, disorganization, self-confidence, liberal-mindedness, sometimes artistic ability, generosity, rebelliousness and general carelessness.
About my proposed Titus recording.
We should have the perseverance, must have the self-confidence especially! We must believe, our talent is used to do something.
An amused smile plays across his lips; he works a room with supreme self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
In my teens I lacked a lot of the self-confidence that would come with my success in running.
His wife had a knowing insight into his supreme self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
I was told that my name characterised self-confidence, independence, and academic success.
Lange is, if anything, a big, beautiful woman — she radiates a feline, almost leonine tawniness and self-confidence, and has been admired by some crit-ics for her "lithe" presence.
Victims on Broadway
These entrepreneurs need to boost their own self-confidence and to feel that their business is associated with a successful enterprise.
In general, asking for feedback can be illuminating and useful, and shows great self-confidence and self-worth to the employer.
You need a technically inquisitive mind and a high degree of self-confidence to work in bomb disposal and landmine clearance.
Times, Sunday Times
As for Kirstein, d'Amboise is fascinating on the relationship between George and Lincoln self-confidence versus self-questioning, and he sheds new light on the succession of leadership at NYCB after Balanchine's death.
An American Apollo
Valerius Maximus gives some very neat examples of this in his chapter on self-confidence, de fiducia sui.
Studies in Pessimism
She had all the marvellous "aplomb" of her countrywomen, who can transgress all laws of fashion or taste, and through sheer self-confidence remain correct.
The Great Secret
Babies are born full of unselfconscious self-confidence but, by the time most of them become toddlers, this self-confidence has been lost and they see themselves not being acceptable to their families.
But I feel terribly tired and completely lacking in self-confidence.
It is that lack of self-confidence, this deep cultural malaise, that serves to have us in a constant muddle, running around, rudderless, like headless chickens, always going backwards instead of forward.
Her problems are her weight and low self-confidence.
The Sun
Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space.
Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.
This self-confidence lies behind his avid and vocal support of spiritualism in the last 20 years of his life.
His constant criticism ate away at her self-confidence.
Still, full marks for industrial-strength self-confidence.
Economic strength will restore our respect in the world and our national self-confidence.
Times, Sunday Times
This was back before I'd met Jason, even, so my self-confidence wasn't great.
In short, modern psychology reduces the Risen Christ to a series of interpsychic experiences that produced in the disciples a renewed sense of missionary zeal and spiritual self-confidence.
Rethinking The Resurrection
Clinton and Obama, both of whom are extremely proud and arrogant all on their very own, have been thoroughly confirmed in their self-confidence by all the adulation and hosannas heaped upon them by the love-blind liberal media.
Friday question answered
His self-confidence took a sudden jolt with the news that he had not been selected.
After training, the women are integrated into their families, equipped with self-confidence and skills to pursue a life of their own.
Today there's a new self-confidence: we're audacious, we're loud and we get things done.
Despite his deep self-confidence, Malik's brothers were concerned the week that he was going to be batboy for the Chicago Cubs.
Davy Conway can contribute a lot more from play while Michael John Tierney often looks too complacent on the ball while bubbling with self-confidence.
self-confidence is not an endearing property
Unfortunately, having been so hurtfully tossed aside many times previously had wreaked havoc with her self-confidence in the dating pool and Rachel just wished that whatever she did have with Todd wasn't irreparably damaged.
A neat , clean-cut appearance—including meticulous grooming—will build your self-confidence and boost your chances of impressing a prospective employer.