How To Use Self-centered In A Sentence
Born Princess Sophia of the minor German principality of Anhalt-Zerbst, reared by an ambitious and self-centered mother, she was plucked out of near obscurity by the Russian czarina, Elizabeth, in 1744 as a bride for the heir to the Russian throne, Peter III.
The Rise Of an Empress
They care about nothing but themselves and their self-centered ideology.
On the contrary, people on the left and on the right are equally forceful in decrying self-centered individualism, consumerism, new pressures on the family, and the decline of community.
Why the Culture War Is the Wrong War
Yet lumpish Jane's fairytale romance is left stranded on the roadside by the self-centered pragmatism of robbers on the run.
But character and intellect may be studied and loved as self-centeredly, as much with a view to the enjoyment of mental excitement, as the body itself.
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However, you certainly have no problem exercising your right to be self-centered and ignorant to world affairs.
Too many of us don't have them anymore, either because we're too self-centered or too cynical.
I'm selfish and self-centered, and I don't seem to have any control over it.
To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness.
Bitter bah-humbug, self-centered and short-sighted attitudes like that expressed by "Hillary or McCain" exemplify "what's wrong with the country".
Obama holds big lead in Oregon
I guess most of us Yanks just self-centeredly assume that he’s one of us.
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Being self-centered is fast becoming the norm in many cultures.
As a result, modern elegies more often than not break with the decorum of earlier modes of mourning and become melancholic, self-centered, or mocking.
Next, there is Stone's objection to my view that Kissinger's brand of interventionism "cannot be described as nationalistic or self-centered.
The Real Kissinger?
Being self-centered and being selfish are not the same thing.
To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness.
Greed and self-centeredness take us out of the present and stop us from appreciating what we have right now.
Ed and Deb Shapiro: Why Do We Feel Good Making Fun of Others?
The least happy are the self-indulgent, self-centered, self-assertive, self-pitying, or simply selfish.
To question the meaning of such a proposition or to suggest that such a faith is self-centered often leads to a counterquestion that measures the questioner within narrow parameters: "Are you saved?
Tone it down or forget about making a love connection this week. You won't impress anyone if you brag, exaggerate or are self-centered.
You can find many faults with Sarah Palin; she is arrogant, self-centered, egotistic, grossly dishonest, can be pompous and obnoxious, and is literally sociopathic without any conscience, to name just an obvious few.
King: 'Going Rogue' reignites Palin divide, even in her hometown
To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness.
By necessity, economies will have to retrench and become more local, more self-centered.
They both present themselves as selfish, self-centered individuals and they deserve one another.
This selfless act of kindness and bigheartedness belies the idea that these people are entirely self-centered and careless, and in this context their disregard for Harry's body takes on its proper significance.
Archive 2008-01-01
Thus we have four distinct types of people involved in the incident as bandwagon accusers: (1) the cynical avaricious/profiteering sort, (2) the naive but self-centeredly good-intentioned true-believers, (3) the revolutionary murderers/crusaders, and (4) the cowardly.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Administration’s Response
For all the older generation's flaws, the younger characters of the film are weaker, more self-centered and less promising.
Weil's piece, though, has recently been dented, which is consistent with a general revisionism regarding this — it must be acknowledged — difficult, self-centered, and somewhat self-important saint.
The Lost Crusade
She is domineering, prone to tactless remarks, and often self-centered.
Both extroverts and self-centered people displayed self-assured body movements and friendly facial expressions and made original self-introductions.
Who Is Popular at First Sight?
We walked home together, and I tried to make an effort to be cheerful and not so self-centered about what had happened.
Evangelicalism is at it’s very core a religion of self-centered people.
Think Progress » White House Continues to Exploit Miers’ Religion
a solitary, queer, self-centered old bachelor, a "quahaug," as my fellow-Bayporters called me.
Kent Knowles: Quahaug
In the long run, though, such self-centered thinking does not serve anybody.
Either choice would be difficult, I'm sure, but there's something a bit dog-in-the-manger, or again, self-centered, to think that if a life that comes from me is going to be lived outside my control, outside my purview, then better, or easier for me, if that life just never exists.
Abortion Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry
He'll be described as egotistical, self-centered and greedy, concerned with only George Steinbrenner.
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Her self-centered mother, Youle, the daughter of an Amsterdam Jewish oculist, was a seamstress and a courtesan of middling success.
Actress, Seductress
7. The person behaves self-centeredly and/or self-referentially.
And Obama gives a big “FU” to Bibi, too
To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness.
Of course, our self-centeredness, our distinctive attachment to the feeling of an independent, self-existent �I�, works fundamentally to inhibit our compassion.
Compassion and the Individual
She's a shallow, vain, self-centered woman who is going to crash and burn at a very early age.
Mr. Hampton and the cast cycled through dozens of English phrases for the French word "caractériel," someone who relishes in behaving badly, including "self-centered brute," "hooligan," "delinquent.
Turning Paris Into Brooklyn
He didn't look like he was bothered by all the attention, but he wasn't vain or self-centered either.
With so many worldwide still suffering from the worse economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, with un- and underemployment and foreclosures at historic highs, with poverty rising and the middle class declining, with hopelessness again ever-present at too many family tables, with dreams deferred or just dead, rich-beyond-Croesus Wall Street bankers are self-centeredly complaining about how tough they have it.
Dennis M. Kelleher: Handcuffs and Prison Sentences for Bankers Next Time
This buffoon is the most self-centered idiot I have ever seen or heard.
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They both present themselves as selfish, self-centered individuals and they deserve one another.
She seems oblivious to what she is doing to herself-and she's far too narcistic and self-centered to let that happen under normal circumstances.
Clinton: Democratic nomination process needs to change
Sometimes she looked back and it all seemed so shallow and self-centered that she felt herself panic; other times it seemed just fine.
Few people can stand constant praise without becoming vain and self-centered.
These are some examples of how the modern sporting identity is typified by self-centered and undisciplined behavior.
This comes from letting go again and again of self-centered thoughts and habitual storylines.
Few people can stand constant praise without becoming vain and self-centered.
They care about nothing but themselves and their self-centered ideology.
His style is so hilar-iously messy (sample Evans epigram: "Possession is 99 percent of ownership") that it's fun -- the voice of a self-taught, self-centered mogul who was never mogully enough to command absolute power.
The Last Tycoon, Take Two
It's a puerile ideal - in real life we're all far too independent and self-centered to want to dissolve ourselves in another person.
Unfortunately, he also discovers that she's about as self-centered and egotistical as someone can be.
I cannot believe that after having run such an exceptional, thoughtful and for the most part 'pitch perfect' campaign that Obama would make the collosal mistake of being 'blackmailed' into accepting this divisive, self-centered, tone-deaf and (I'm increasingly convinced) not entirely stable person as a VP candidate.
Obama Gets New Supers, With A Switcher From Hillary
Being self-centered and being selfish are not the same thing.
But despite her faults, he had to admit that she wasn't quite the selfish, self-centered socialite he'd originally thought her to be.
They tend to be immature, moody, self-centered and evasive of responsibility.
However, you certainly have no problem exercising your right to be self-centered and ignorant to world affairs.
There is no doubt that in exchanging a self-centered for a selfless life we gain enormously in self-esteem. The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice utmost humility, is boundless. Eric Hoffer
I especially admired how Verghese vividly described the primary characters 'unvarnished gut feelings and urges: love and hate, unrequited love and betrayal, excessive self-centeredness, compassion toward others, necessary self-survival actions and the resulting guilt and fear and a willingness to give up one's life for the sake of another.
Reader reviews of Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese.
What if contrition is self-centered and selfish, aimed at securing forgiveness?
If you try to hold the spirit, you breed selfishness and self-centeredness.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
Their cries a strident me! me! me! they prey upon the weak self-centeredly – say in self defence that they deserved it anyway.
Sorry neocon fundy zealots, but certain things are NOT up for a vote ... that's the entire purpose of the Constitution ... protecting an unpopular minority from the tyrrany of the bigotted, self-centered, greedy, religious-nutcake majority.
Same-sex marriage closer in D.C.
She is a self-centered downtown diva with a head full of attitude.
I was a very self-centered and big-mouthed comedian," he told me.
Comedian Jeffrey Ross On Visiting Servicemen Overseas: 'They're The Best Audiences'
There is no doubt that in exchanging a self-centered for a selfless life we gain enormously in self-esteem. The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice utmost humility, is boundless. Eric Hoffer
These are some examples of how the modern sporting identity is typified by self-centered and undisciplined behavior.
He also chided one reviewer at another paper for being self-centered.
She shows up when she wants, her book is nothing but a vindictive lashback at everyone she ever perceived 'hurt' her, she poses for pictures then calls the same pictures 'sexist' ... how long does the list of faux pas, bloopers, and innuendoes have to get before this person is revealed as the self-centered person she really is?
Christie, McDonnell explain Palin's absence from campaign trail
Of course, our self-centeredness, our distinctive attachment to the feeling of an independent, self-existent �I�, works fundamentally to inhibit our compassion.
Compassion and the Individual
He said both he and his ministers had practiced an ‘illogical, unsympathetic and self-centered style of communication’.
In the long run, though, such self-centered thinking does not serve anybody.
If there is anyone who seems to embody the Renaissance completely and totally, it is this grouchy5) and self-centered painter, scholar, inventor, scientist, writer, anatomist, etc.
In truth Deb is the bad friend - too self-centered and self-conscious to care about Beth.
Anybody who votes for a self-centered selfish 100 million dollar crybaby is delusional.
Obama shoots, but doesn't score
This is a definite change for the better – an upgrade to a more thoughtful, less self-centered approach.
John King to replace Lou Dobbs
But he is too young, foolish and self-centered to know that. victim of republican greed
Clinton would 'look forward' to Palin sit down
As Howard meditated in silence, his mind cleared and his self-centered thoughts faded away.
As a self-centered dentist who must grapple with the fact that dead people are suddenly asking him favors at every turn, Ricky Gervais is just testy enough to feel make the silly seem authentic — and very, very funny.
Top 10 Overlooked Movies of the Last Five Years » Scene-Stealers
He was also a loner (despite two marriages), a sharp-tongued cynic at times, and a self-centered man who could serve humanity yet express little empathy for the problems of those close to him.
This comes from letting go again and again of self-centered thoughts and habitual storylines.
If he is now self-centered, selfish, and self-willed, do not think that he is going to change himself or that you are going to be able to change him once you get him past the ceremony.
The term became widely known after the film based on the novel was released in 1963, and it quickly became an epithet for rude, self-centered people who roamed the world with utter disregard—even disdain—for other cultures.
When he was a child, he demonstrated the psychological problem of being too self-centered.
He is thereby reduced to the status of a child, though a spoiled child with the physical capabilities of a man: petulant, demanding, querulous, self-centered, and violent if he doesn't get his own way.
After all, Americans are self-centered ignoramuses who ‘love to talk about things they know nothing about,’ as Rick Mercer proclaims.
Now, I know we "environmentalists" can come across a trifle earnest at times, but this resident's self-centeredness will remain a shining example of how the U.S. leads the world in the blind overconsumption of resources.
No Wonder We Are Thought Profligate
What is CNN's attraction to this self-centered woman anyway; there has to be one.
Palin: We're 'not really into the drama'
Further, self-centeredness, self-consciousness, and self-contradiction are not wholly reducible to self-delusion in these narratives.
Unfortunately, he also discovers that she's about as self-centered and egotistical as someone can be.
The immature, self-centered, disrespectful, disloyal, lying pig is getting what he deserves.
Jenny Sanford files for divorce
I am delighted by what Franken did; the self-centered stuffed shirt needed this and then some.
Al Franken's senate shut down
The documentary was provocative and creative in its demonstration of how our society has been brainwashed into believing that money, materialism and self-centeredness are the basis of happiness.
Cocoa Popps: I AM: The Film, the Message and... Water Bottles?
Few people can stand constant praise without becoming vain and self-centered.
In truth Deb is the bad friend - too self-centered and self-conscious to care about Beth.
She shows up when she wants, her book is nothing but a vindictive lashback at everyone she ever perceived 'hurt' her, she poses for pictures then calls the same pictures 'sexist' ... how long does the list of faux pas, bloopers, and innuendoes have to get before this person is revealed as the self-centered person she really is?
Christie, McDonnell explain Palin's absence from campaign trail
Needless to say Bruce, being the selfish, self-centered person he is, abuses his newfound power to his own advantage.
I'm selfish and self-centered, and I don't seem to have any control over it.
Contemporaneous with this type of self-centeredness is another kind — the posting of downloads of e-books on a wholesale scale by individuals.
The Impact of Technology on Reader Civility « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
Sarah is so self-centered that she will go down in history as the single most important reason for the destruction of the party of Lincoln and the rise of the conservative ReBirther Tea Party.
Poll: Iowa Republicans like Palin, but have doubts
We should be attacking him and his theories relentlessly, until he is exposed as the self-centered political snob that he is, and then cast him down as a beaten and broken shell of a man for trying to pawn his self-satisfying lies off on us.
Outrageously outrageous outrage* of the day: Rush Limbaugh electric car edition. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
I really don't think the word self-centered is accurate; I would simply call myself bed-centered.
Ilene Kleinbaum: The Great Wake-Up Program: What Helps You Fall Asleep?
Needless to say Bruce, being the selfish, self-centered person he is, abuses his newfound power to his own advantage.
To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness.
So they can call out the GOP on their utter self-centeredness and lack of morality ..
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