How To Use Self-assurance In A Sentence

  • Despite having had an alcoholic father, he projected a sense of self-assurance and equanimity.
  • A fine figure of a man, he radiates masculine self-assurance, a quality that interested the Queen greatly.
  • At 25, he already has the composure and self-assurance to match his 6ft 6in frame.
  • Your quiet self-assurance can open new job doors. The Sun
  • You are ablaze with cheerful self-assurance, and passionate about achieving your aims.
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  • West was born in 1893, the daughter of a beautiful and indulgent mother and an unreliable macho father, and from her earliest days she evinced utter self-assurance.
  • And yet he had never been so deeply conscious of the gulf which lay between the oriental fatalism of his life and ways and the placid self-assurance of these westerners, so well-content with the earth upon which their feet fell. The Great Prince Shan
  • Amy's therapist viewed Amy's rejection of medication as a unique act of self-assurance and maturity.
  • He lists his achievements with the self-assurance of a man who will probably be a millionaire before the year's out.
  • A fine figure of a man, he radiates masculine self-assurance, a quality that interested her greatly.
  • In all the pictures, she's got a striking air of confidence and self-assurance about her.
  • A fine figure of a man, he radiates masculine self-assurance, a quality that interested the Queen greatly.
  • The sun dives deep into the foundations of your chart to give you a calm self-assurance that gets better results than other louder, boastful voices. The Sun
  • Putting on an air of self-assurance, she marched into the room, clutching a neat stack of tomes in her other hand.
  • He had the canny self-assurance of an industry maverick, the outsider who tries to roil the works, japing every complacent rule of belief. Underworld
  • His voice was edged with pain, and I saw that he was struggling to keep his mask of self-assurance on.
  • It has nothing to do with aping masculinity, or with butchness, but with a particular kind of complete self-assurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • He plays the role with a mixture of sadness and self-assurance that makes his character the most memorable in the picture.
  • The sun dives deep into the foundations of your chart to give you a calm self-assurance that gets better results than other louder, boastful voices. The Sun
  • The plot reads as pure sudser, but is executed head held high, with self-assurance standing in place of self-pity, and fate sidestepped for the fortunes we make in its place.
  • It wasn't long before the teenager was demonstrating both the self-assurance for which he is renowned and the chip that has taken up residence on his shoulder.
  • Men can actually take on that aura of authority just by moving through life with an air of self-assurance and a boost of self-esteem.
  • By spreading out, the band try to claim the stage, however with only ten performances under their belts, what lacks in self-assurance is certainly compensated for in mystifyingly thunderous guitars.
  • With self-assurance and near total faith in their own strengths and intuition, these people will strive hard to fulfill their dreams and ambitions.
  • He had this incredible confidence and self-assurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The confidence man's utter self-assurance can sometimes become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • Blind people quickly learn to find their bearing (space, time) in judo training and to move around with self-assurance.
  • He will seize any opportunity to pontificate, expressing his views with fervid self-assurance and with little concern for time constraints or his audience.
  • You have a calm self-assurance that tells people you mean business. The Sun
  • With his smart clothes, close-cropped blond hair and remarkable self-assurance, Keating is more reminiscent of William Hague.
  • Toward the end of my talk, I told the group that the core characteristics of leadership are self-assurance and authenticity.
  • The confidence bestowed by his patron boosted his self-assurance and perpetuated his interest in becoming a professional sculptor.
  • “Mais oui!” le garcon says with self-assurance, and calls the bartender over. Undine Spragg, International Cocktail Bitch
  • Their confidence and self-assurance is indeed palpable, as is their ability to express themselves uninhibitedly.
  • Epstein takes on these comers, too, with his characteristic self-assurance.
  • Despite having had an alcoholic father, he projected a sense of self-assurance and equanimity.
  • Their confidence and self-assurance is indeed palpable, as is their ability to express themselves uninhibitedly.
  • Auden seems to have impressed his teachers and schoolmates by his wide knowledge and self-assurance.
  • The sun dives deep into the foundations of your chart to give you a calm self-assurance that gets better results than other louder, boastful voices. The Sun
  • A fine figure of a man, he radiates masculine self-assurance, a quality that interested the Queen greatly.
  • As a director, Parigi shows a great deal of self-assurance and natural ability.
  • People in England are kind of overawed by that because they're not used to quite that level of self-assurance in their women in public life. CNN Transcript Mar 31, 2009
  • Everything I do in future I will tackle with total concentration and self-assurance, and I will do it well.
  • Christina has used her self-assurance and ambition to rise to the top.
  • He praised Trotsky for his outstanding abilities, yet chided him for his excessive self-assurance and preoccupation with administrative matters.
  • Their confidence and self-assurance is indeed palpable, as is their ability to express themselves uninhibitedly.
  • Their confidence and self-assurance is indeed palpable, as is their ability to express themselves uninhibitedly.
  • But emotionally he found it extremely difficult to resign himself to the disappearance of that invigorating militancy and that imperturbable self-assurance that had marked the working class in the 1970s.
  • There's nothing more attractive than an air of self-assurance.
  • The confident swagger and self-assurance that helped him win the US Open turned to arrogance and started working against him.

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