How To Use Selective In A Sentence
I was talking to a mom today whose daughter's elementary teacher said she was afraid that her daughter had "selective mutism.
Canard - French Word-A-Day
Non-selective NSAID therapy may be appropriate for chronic pain management in aspirin users given that suitable GI prophylactic measures are utilized in high-risk patients.
I quote it at length, with O'Reilly's rather selective quotation in boldface.
One wonders how Ecevit, with his exaggeration and selective memory, can have an objective and nonaggressive attitude toward a fair solution in Cyprus.
Europe's Highs And Lows
The arbiter device receives requests for data transfers from the master devices and selectively transmits the requests to the slave devices.

Histones physically control access to genes, and adding small functional groups such as acetyl or methyl units to them can selectively switch certain genes on and off.
The interpretation of scripture was polarized between the selective literalism of Calvinism and the more liberal application found within the teachings of Arminius.
Hunters selectively cull the does to make more forage available for the bucks.
Activated ROCK induces neurite retraction [5] while selective ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, as well as ROCK dominant negative mutants promote neurite formation
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
In real life, your selectiveness is a plus for your team, but it's keeping you out of this contest.
Hyperimmune responses, either at the initial immunisation challenge or in the amplification of immune response, can be observed in cellular mechanisms such as basophil degranulation, or at a molecular level, with changes in the levels of messengers such as leukotrienes; reduction of the intensity of these mechanisms are described in terms of molecular pharmacology, such as selective or nonselective inhibition of lipoxygenases.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Cells in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus have been shown to selectively express steroidogenic factor - 1.
Use weed killers very selectively, for spot rather than general treatment.
There should be a return to selective education because not everyone are equal and I defy anyone to teach a class where the abilities range from genius level to non assessable and full fill the needs of each child.
Is someone who left University with a Third Class degree the person to go to for Maths advice
And while there certainly are similarities between selective mutism and
Elizabeth Hartley Winthrop - An interview with author
Thus the use of selective sentencing to change criminal behaviour was but marginally effective.
Times, Sunday Times
Nader backers who should know better are suffering from a highly selective historical amnesia when they make these arguments.
A conceptual framework for selective coding was developed that linked unrelated codes to the core category of providing.
The serotonin transporter can be selectively inhibited by antidepressant drugs such as fluoxetine and citalopram.
Direct mail operations are likely to expand and become increasingly selective and specific.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
A prebiotic functions by selectively stimulating the growth of probiotics and other beneficial bacteria in the GI tract.
A number of the older tricyclic antidepressants, typical neuroleptic medications and, more recently, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been trialed in eating disorders.
It also means having asset management capabilities that help prioritize remediation based on the most critical assets and having selective restore capabilities to allow for timely recovery of critical assets.
It can then be argued that treatment effects result from selective attrition of higher risk cases.
Might there be a universal selective benefit that could explain the evolutionary persistence of introns?
The issue is the flagrant abuse of the term skeptical as used by someone with a highly selective and prejudiced opinion, as coupled with an inherent mistrust of a majority
However, this process is not selective, produces solid sludge for disposal, may have environmentally damaging effects of its own, and must be repeated to be effective.
There are two main classes of antidepressant used for treating cataplexy - the Tricyclic antidepressants and the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs).
One such problem that was discussed was selective mutism, an anxiety disorder that Dr. Koplewicz described as "when kids are chatterboxes at home, and yet are literally paralyzed in strange situations.
Child Mind Institute Luncheon
We continue to operate in a challenging and extremely competitive microenvironment, which is forcing us to selectively use our balance sheets to win deals by offering our customers favorable terms when we can obtain a profit guarantees.
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Suppliers are highly selective about whether they cut electricity or gas prices, and when.
Times, Sunday Times
The metacentric height can be selectively varied by varying the relationship of center of gravity to that of the dipole mass system with respect to the metacenter of the gravity gradiometer.
(PHLPP1 and PHLPP2), phosphatases that selectively dephosphorylate the HM of Akt, resulting in decreased kinase activity
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-- A selective allosteric potentiator of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor increases activity of medial prefrontal cortical neurons and restores impairments in reversal learning. - latest science and technology news stories
Claim 1 - "A microelectromechanical resonator comprising: a microelectromechanical resonant structure characterized by a mass and one or more selectively doped regions; a vaporizable material for altering the mass of the resonant structure.
Archive 2006-10-01
Standard, first-line OCD treatment typically includes selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants such as clomipramine, along with behavioral therapies.
The method according to the invention has for this purpose the feature that after the first lacquer coating has been selectively removed, at the positions where this has occurred the first electrically conductive material - preferably constantan - is etched away to a predetermined depth and only then is the second electrically conductive material - preferably copper - applied respectively introduced at these positions.
The nature of the grazing mayfly suggests selective feeding or assimilation of the more highly labeled algal-bacterial substance.
A bioselective membrane electrode sensitive to methyldopa has been prepared by means of banana tissue covering an oxygen electrode and made in flow type.
Three unsymmetrically substituted polyamine analogues demonstrate significant and selective antitumor effects.
-- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apr 8, 2009 - KAI Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a privately held drug discovery and development company, today announced the Company has initiated a third Phase 2a study of KAI-1678, a first-in-class, isozyme-selective, small peptide inhibitor of the epsilon protein kinase C pathway (epsilon PKC).
Jones has been more selective at the plate, waiting for pitches he can handle.
Deep ultraviolet photolithographically defined ultra-thin films for selective cell adhesion and outgrowth and method of manufacturing the same and devices containing the same
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, which kills western corn rootworm larvae, is relatively unresponsive to an alarm signal ((E) - beta-caryophyllene, which is released by the infested roots) Turlings has successfully improve H. bacteriophora's response to caryophyllene by selective breeding of the nematodes.
RedOrbit News - Technology
In their capacity as culture brokers boatmen also assume a position of authority when guiding pilgrims, selectively informing them about the city.
They speculated that the gaps in the solar spectrum are the result of selective absorption by atoms in the Earth's atmosphere.
I agreed to be put on an SSRI, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
Blogging About Anti-Anxiety Meds
It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept. Bill Watterson
He is just another politician with seemingly double standards and a selective memory.
Times, Sunday Times
The liberal interpretation could be demonstrated by an overview and then by explaining selective examples.
The dehydrogenation and selective hydrogenation reactors were run continuously and the product collected.
Here we have the same selective process at work in a different field, but one that invites similar blind reactions.
Rather than urge selective and punitive tax increases, Ms. Devine should be urging no taxes at all.
This is a selective use of statistics that ignores the tremendous improvement over the past decade.
Times, Sunday Times
Four microliters of the diluted mix were used as template for the preselective amplification reaction using primers with one selective nucleotide at the 3'-end.
Wild plants such as the early marsh orchids are very selective about where they grow.
These nanoparticles are selectively oxidized by the hypervalent iodine species PhICl
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Your editorial memory is curiously selective.
Times, Sunday Times
I will selectively quote what I find interesting; you can find the entire speech here.
We have precursors: modern choanoflagellates show that protists can find selective advantage in transient assemblies, colonial organisms show the virtues of more permanent arrangements, and creatures like sponges exhibit cooperativity and specialization in internal function.
Planet Atheism
One of the things that is difficult about a selective school like this is that only the very bright are worthy.
Times, Sunday Times
Since M.F.K. Fisher was only selectively self-revelatory, we'll never be sure.
The Romantical She
In July 1969, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's judgment that positive assessments of S.n. Goldwater's mental dispositions were left out in the magazine's highly selective (misleading and dishonest) excerptings of purported expert analyses.
The Orange County Register - News Headlines : News
These patterns of variation are also found for the wolf and across the Carnivora, suggesting that they existed before the domestication of dogs and are not a result of selective breeding.
"Intraspecific macroevolution" within domestic dog breeds - The Panda's Thumb
Henry Sidgwick, you are not only highly selective in the questions you choose to answer, you evade answering the questions, prevaricate and confabulate.
John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
Contributing to the Neo-Platonism of Plotinus were — besides Plato (read very selectively) and the Platonist and Neo-Pythagorean commentators on his thought — a constructively critical consideration of Aristotle and his Peripatetic commentators and an influence, deep at some points, of Stoic ideas which Plotinus 'conscious and frequently expressed hostility to Stoic corporealism could not overcome.
The great thing about the Rule of Law is its lack of selectiveness; in other words, the Rule of Law applies to everyone regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation.
Shannyn Moore: The LIEonization of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens
This, in turn, should help us identify selective forces that act within genes and thereby understand which genic features are of functional significance.
Thereafter, he systematically dismantled the Leicestershire attack with selective strokeplay of the highest class.
Times, Sunday Times
This can be done effectively by treating the actively growing weeds with a non-selective herbicide.
Coreceptors: Design, synthesis and properties of macropolycyclic complexing agents binding selectively one or several molecular substrates: metalloreceptors; photoactive receptors; cyclointercalands.
Jean-Marie Lehn - Curriculum Vitae
Constancio's rejection of Paine's deism illustrates that liberals were selective in their borrowings from the ‘canonical’ Enlightenment.
Not only did she choose businesses for their compatibility, she was also selective in choosing the right people to be tenants at the center.
And then I had the breakthrough that his selective mutism stemmed from some specific reason, a secret explanation.
Catherine Murdock discusses her first novel, Dairy Queen.
“House musician, title searcher, trail blazer,” she sneered, as she selectively read out loud from the employment history on my resume.
Being Multi-faceted in a Two-Dimensional Society, part 2, with R. H. Phillips, Author of "Witness to a Crime"
Except as otherwise specifically provided, a "registrant" is a person registered under the selective service law.
I can quote some of the figures on the cuts in regional selective assistance in the period in question.
The messaging feature allows group mailing lists to be established for e-mail retrieval and for selective information to be captured simply.
It thus involves a selective rejection of those deemed different, a rejection that renders the latter undifferentiated.
Teach them to shop selectively, and teach them to trade up from masstige by offering products that are exciting and a good investment for them.
FW, who bares her heart selectively, creates a uterine cosmos, exclusively.
Once you buy the modules, their tools can be displayed together—or selectively hidden—in one workspace.
This is the important point about a fortnight in which the subject of selective education has come back with a whimper.
Times, Sunday Times
Five patients had additional selective gastric vagotomy because of excessive gastric acid or a history of duodenal ulcer.
Buyer's deafness: selective, quickly fading, total BLOCKQUOTEage of the audial canal.
Sauce for the goose
So in Kamenetz's world -- a world that I agree would be far better for pure learning -- what steps into the role played by accreditation, both the one you get from the college you went to and the one you get from the relative selectiveness of that college against other colleges?
Anya Kamenetz: Credentialism and Higher Ed
Aerenchyma is formed by cell separation or selective cell death and disintegration.
This results chiefly from age-selective migration from London, but also bears witness to the North-South movement of labour.
The PM's handlers and media managers, through smart time management, must ensure he is regularly but selectively exposed.
By analyzing the relationship between basis expansion model (BEM) and Doppler spectrum, the authors propose a scheme based on fractional BEM for the estimation of doubly selective channel parameters.
Thereafter, he systematically dismantled the Leicestershire attack with selective strokeplay of the highest class.
Times, Sunday Times
He is asking them to register with the U.S. selective service in case the military draft ever returns.
It's a page out of the antievolution playbook: using evolutionary biology's own literature against it, selectively quoting from the likes of Stephen Jay Gould to illustrate natural selection's downfalls.
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Another type, called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) work by slowing down the reuptake process.
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McCain selectively "rejected" statements made by Hateful Hagee but never denounced the endorsement.
McCain rejects endorsement of a second controversial pastor
Here's my view of alliums, since you brought them here: First, despite being in the same family, your example of chives and bear garlic (a.k.a. ramson) are different plants inhabiting different ecologies and facing different selective pressures.
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Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf.
These activities supported high-stakes gambling, for example, on the outcome of fights between selectively bred bull terriers.
You don't have a choice in stereo: You force everything into that left/right soundfield by selectively boosting or attenuating certain frequencies to enhance those instruments.
The list provided here is necessarily selective.
Since everyone knows that people of different backgrounds speak differently, why this selective appreciation?
Instead of a single factor with chemoattractant activity as found with subhuman primate cells and guinea pig cells, two factors were identified that selectively attracted PMNs but not mononuclear cells.
Formerly perhaps the motive of the perpetratorswas simplyto obtain the loot of'the money ', butfor the last couple of centuries this has selectively changed as corporations were acquired and merged, the prime motive becoming an exercise to acquire' the power 'over the rest of us.
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The capillary wall carries a net negative charge, and acts as both a charge-selective and size-selective filter.
Check for aphids and spray if 50 pc of ears are infested; use a selective aphicide such as Pirimicarb.
Non-selective herbicides such as glyphosate and glufosinate aid in broadening the spectrum of weeds controlled.
September 10th, 2008 at 1: 38 pm jason bonham thinks mccain is engaging in selective outrage. maybe we should get him a premium membership to the daily kos.
Asymmetries in the character transition curves describing these zones suggest that Townsend's warblers have a selective advantage over hybrids and hermits.
He accused men of his generation of selective amnesia about their pasts.
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By a careful examination and aesthetic evaluation followed by using precise injections to focal muscles, a surgeon can affect the depression of the brow by selective treatment to the depressors and letting the elevators take action.
Selective mutism would manifest only in particular social situations rather than globally.
Only the much more uncommon protanopes and tritanopes suffer from a loss of sensitivity with respect to one of their groups of spectrally selective photoreceptors.
Among the many problems with chemical controls is that they are non-selective: They don't just kill pest insects, they kill bees too.
Labetalol is an adrenergic receptor blocking agent that has both selective alpha1-adrenergic and non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocking actions that is used to control blood pressure in severe hypertension.
DWS Full News Feed
After multidisciplinary consultation, the family requested selective bipolar umbilical cord cauterization of the abnormal parabiotic twin with transection (cutting) of the cord to reduce the risks associated with co-twin cord entanglement.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
He is just another politician with seemingly double standards and a selective memory.
Times, Sunday Times
This will only work if maintained schools are given ring-fenced funds for senior staff to take a direct and active responsibility for selective university applications.
Times, Sunday Times
Selective assessment can not be dispensed with while there is a shortage of resources to meet individual needs.
However, these resistance-conferring alleles are often accompanied by a reduction in fitness relative to the nonresistant wild type that is exposed in the absence of the selective agent.
For example, resurfacing of the patella with a patellar button is practised routinely, selectively, or not at all.
When grown in their natural environment, often consisting of hot climates with sporadic rainfalls, C 4 plants have a selective advantage over C 3 plants.
Higher - energy radiation is used for intentional selective destruction of tissue, such as cancerous tumors.
Like journalists, politicians selectively quote the facts, they only tell one side of the story, and they give unbalanced and biased opinions.
The selective removal of these minerals resulted in a change of the composition of the magma to one near that of the rock syenite.
Superacid catalysts developed at the Institute permit oxidative condensation of methane to higher hydrocarbons, as well as the selective electrophilic conversion of methane to its mono-substituted derivatives such as methyl halides and methyl alcohol.
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We attempted to assess the specific consequences of topographical changes by selective manipulation of this parameter with neutral K20 antiintegrin antibody.
They do look more like miniature aurochs, but that is because they have not been selectively bred for beef or milk, and cattle that have been left to their own devices will tend to revert to ancestral type.
Ms. Rosin selectively quoted articles supporting her perspective that there is insufficient evidence for the health benefits of breast-feeding, and ignored the mass of data that provides ample evidence for its benefits.
Letters to the Editor
There is thus no evidence to suggest that definition expansion may provide useful information when applied selectively to highly distinctive words.
Heavy rain, strong winds and lightening crashed through the town in selective patches.
Whether the chemical is alcohol, narcotics, cocaine, or nth-generation selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, their effects tend to become blunted over time.
Although no scientific studies are available to support these claims, clinicians report that thin layers of slough or fibrin buildup on the wound bed can be covered with a selective enzymatic debriding agent prior to sponge application.
The list provided here is necessarily selective.
The government clearly haven't been listening to that supernanny woman because by being so selective and religionist how else do I describe it?
Archive 2008-10-01
In some places the demand for selective education is unbelievably high and it would remove some of the pressure on places.
Times, Sunday Times
The new money is to build partnerships between grammars and non-selective schools.
Selective bipolar umbilical cord cautery and transection of anomalous parabiotic twin The patient was a 33-year-old, second pregnancy, referred at 21 weeks gestational age for pregnancy complicated by a monochorionic, monoamniotic (single shared placenta, single shared amniotic sac) twin pregnancy, with one twin reported to have multiple congenital anomalies.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
Leo's mother Joanne Holland, of Cook Avenue, Hempstead, Peterborough, has now received confirmation that a slot for the operation, called a selective dorsal rhizotomy, has become available on November 16 at the St Louis Children's Hospital in Missouri, USA.
Peterborough Today - News Feed
We have to be selective about the markets we choose," said Kim Shukla, an agrologist and co-owner of Stoneland Orchard, a fruit and vegetable operation near Steinbach, Man.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
The transceiver includes a receiver which can be selectively powered down whenever activity within the communication line ceases.
The invention concerns a method for supplying fuel for a dual-fuel carburation injection internal combustion engine capable of being selectively supplied, in a carburation mode, with a first fuel or, in another carburation mode with a second fuel.
Employees were less selective about sharing positive gossip, presumably because it was seen as less sensitive.
Times, Sunday Times
You are making local schools selective on income by the back door.
Times, Sunday Times
Much of the looting was selective thievery of a quite small number of valuable pieces, with smashing and burning of furniture and furnishings carried out to simulate looter-like behaviour.
Buddhism of which so much has been made by Western humanists is a creature of their highly selective readings of Buddhist scripture.
Letters to the Editor
These channels appear to be plasma membrane-located and non-selective, being permeable to both monovalent and divalent cations.
The enquiry was highly selective and used only to support pre-established positions.
The best students, who attended one of the few selective schools, received the equivalent of a high-quality prep school education.
The ability to choose whether images should be handled or ignored is excellent, as well as the ability to selectively clean the history (1 particular item, all items, all image-items).
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Antennas with high gain, selective patterns and high efficiency can assure that networks are reliable and perform at the best.
Zhivkov selectively purged officials throughout the early period to prevent development of alternative power centres in the party.
Thus the use of selective sentencing to change criminal behaviour was but marginally effective.
Times, Sunday Times
It suggests that these species, which maintain a filovirus infection without negative health consequences, could have selectively maintained these so-called "fossil" genes as a genetic defense. - All Content
A "delinquent" is a person required to be registered under the selective service law who fails or neglects to perform any duty required of him under the provisions of the selective service law.
If you did it with 5,000 mutants and 5,000 wild-types (enough to detect a selective advantage as small as 0.005%) and saw changes in allele frequency compatible with drift, people would definitely stand up and take notice.
Demarcation as Politics
In order to analyse the relevance of the epicuticular wax to the overall transpiration barrier, the epicuticular layer was selectively removed with gum arabic.
Certain characteristics can be developed through selective breeding.
The book includes a selective bibliography of works on French art.
That selectiveness is almost as disturbing as the piece itself.
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Selective breeding means the bicolour gained recognition as a pedigree in victorian times.
These are a selectively bred form of the domesticated angel, Pterophyllum scalare.
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Doctors, health visitors and social workers are not law enforcement officers permanently and selectively attuned to discovering breaches of statute.
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Some speculate that libraries may become small-scale publishers by selectively transferring the flow of electronic information into print.
As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils.
Similarly, lungs were a selective advantage to fish living in stagnant waters, enabling them to breathe air, long before the descendants of these fish walked on land; in modern teleost fishes the lung has lost its function as a breathing organ, and has been transformed into a hydrostatic organ, the swim bladder.
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Mucicarmine, Alcian blue, elastic, and trichrome stains were used selectively to help define morphology.
The selective forces promoting such phenotypic conformity in groups should in theory make it more difficult for group members to identify other individuals.
Polymorphic differences occur as selective adaptations to different environments.
Volatile nitrosamines can be selectively reduced from mainstream smoke by passage through a plasticised cellulose acetate filter tip.
I imagine that through some selective breeding, a cat with a mane could be produced.
Faulkner K, et al. Selective increase of the potential anticarcinogen methylsulphonylbutyl glucosinolate in broccoli.
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After overnight incubation in selective media, recombinants were plated onto MM agar containing 20 g/ml kanamycin and maintained at 25°C in a sealed gas jar under microaerophilic conditions.
we choose our students very selectively
The actor now vows to be more selective and cautious in his onward journey.
That cat clearly collects its trophies quite unselectively.
Times, Sunday Times
Nor was the exact definition of 'hoon' - because keeping this term loose makes selective interpretation by the regulators very convenient.
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Most of the girls are extremely selective in their choice of boyfriends.
Relationship experiences included status, selectiveness with partners, importance of steady partners, fidelity, and communication.
When necessary, surgical interventions, such as selective dorsal rhizotomy performed by neurosurgeons and Botulinum toxin injection/motor point block by the physiatrists, can be used to treat problems that result from cerebral palsy.
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But I pointedly and publicly criticized my colleagues when they engaged in alarmism and selective reporting.
University-based programs in educational administration have been far too unselective in whom they admit and ‘train ‘for leadership roles.
The advantage of using chum is that the slowly settling bits of bait can draw deep fish to the surface; this allows the astute angler to be selective.
If you have shrubs grown for their colored twigs, you will want to selectively prune these, too.
As the volume of emails rises, I've had to become selective.
As well, the left and right side wheels can be swapped around so that the wheel dish rims face in for a narrower harvester profile in selective work.
Think of it as the ongoing and selective process of evolution: whatever works moves forward, and whatever doesn't is scrapped.
I juxtapose Halperin's version of Greek alterity with Davidson's precisely because both versions together allow us to consider how alterity is necessarily selective.
The Uses and Abuses of Historicism: Halperin and Shelley on the Otherness of Ancient Greek Sexuality
His dedication to poetry was total and highly selective.
Times, Sunday Times
Objective Propoxur-susceptible Musca domestica strains were established through reverse selective breeding in the laboratory setting.
Because Spence alumnae are routinely accepted by Harvard, Princeton and Columbia universities, the school can afford to be very selective.
Alan Singer: What's Good for Mayor Bloomberg's Kids Is Good Enough for Ours
The statistics quoted are highly selective and tendentious.
Selective support for some of the projects is attracting no comment from the ever noisy and vigilant environment lobby, feeding the theory that a land grab for pals is the motive.
Cells were allowed to recover in two different media selective for respiratory function: a medium rich in glucose but lacking uridine, and a more stringent one in which glucose was substituted with galactose as a carbon source.
And in any event, wouldn't it have been helpful - both to listeners and to the victim's daughter - if the stories that mentioned Williams' nominations had stressed how unselective the nomination process really is?
In some places the demand for selective education is unbelievably high and it would remove some of the pressure on places.
Times, Sunday Times
Maybe we're still so unspecialized for the task of running that selective breeding could accomplish this.
Direct mail operations are likely to expand and become increasingly selective and specific.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
MONTGOMERY - Former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy says he was a victim of selective prosecution when he was convicted of bribery in 2006 and has asked a Montgomery federal judge to grant him a new trial.
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One option would be to increase the £120m regional selective assistance budget, channelled into businesses in struggling areas.
In other words, the permeability barrier is selectively transparent for transporter proteins.