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  1. sharks; rays; dogfishes; skates

How To Use Selachii In A Sentence

  • The eleventh stage is formed by the primæval fish or selachii (sharks); the twelfth by the mud fish, of which there still live the protopterus in Africa, the lepidosiren in the tributaries of the The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • The ideal figure of the vertebrate as given in Figures 1.98 to 1.102 is a hypothetical scheme or diagram, that has been chiefly constructed on the lines of the amphioxus, but with a certain attention to the comparative anatomy and ontogeny of the ascidia and appendicularia on the one hand, and of the cyclostoma and selachii on the other. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • We find the same biserial primitive fin more or less preserved in the fossilised remains of the earliest Selachii (Figure 2.248), Ganoids The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
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