
How To Use Seigneur In A Sentence

  • Uday's a handful, living out some Baathist-inflected fantasia on De Palma's Scarface, shooting off guns indoors, plucking schoolgirls off the streets and raping them, exercising Caligulan droit du seigneur over a war hero's new bride, prompting her suicide, and mutilating and disembowelling his own dad's food-taster at a banquet to honour Mrs Hosni Mubarak par-TAY! The Devil's Double and more movies on the megalomaniacal
  • Toutes les fois que le seigneur re鏾it un message ou ambassade, ce qui lui arrive presque tous les jours, il fait porte. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • For this he paid an annual homage to the seigneur of “1 sol in ‘cens,’ 3 live capons and 9 silver livres in ‘rentes,’ and 9 days of work on the seigneurie.” Bird Cloud
  • Edward was supposed to exercise a kind of droit de seigneur over the junior members of the cast. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • But while the castles became increasingly the centres of seigneurial lordships and the centres of the power they exercised, this meant that aristocracies were now abandoning the cities.
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  • Je viens à vous, Seigneur! confessant que vous êtes25 A Villequier
  • However, from the smallest seigneur to the most powerful lord, the entire family and their descendants were noble, and, in the eighteenth century at least, awarded themselves the title of their choice.
  • I pictured the streets of Quebec alive with people: the young seigneur set off with furs and silken sash and sword or pistols; the long-haired, black-eyed woodsman in his embroidered moccasins and leggings with flying thrums; the peasant farmer slapping his hands cheerfully in the lighted market-place; the petty noble, with his demoiselle, hovering in the precincts of the Chateau St. Louis and the intendance. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • But in Mirabeau (Kadhésch) a grand seigneur moderne, when his valet-de-chambre de confiance proposes to provide him with women instead of boys, exclaims, “Des femmes! eh! c’est comme si tu me servais un gigot sans manche.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Renters were squeezed by high rents in the decades before the Revolution, and many peasants found themselves facing lords who collected seigneurial dues with more rigour than ever.
  • Saar," said the Chevalier, "Monsieur le Capitaine, I vas not at the siege of the petit Leyth, and I know not what you say about the cockloft; but I will say for Monseigneur de Strozzi, that he understood the grande guerre, and was grand capitaine -- plus grand -- that is more great, it may be, than some of the capitaines of The Fortunes of Nigel
  • However, most towns and cities were parasitic on the countryside, drawing men and taxes for the state, along with rents, seigneurial dues, and tithes which noble and clerical élites largely expended within the towns themselves.
  • Without the intendancy the seigneurial system would soon have become an agent of oppression, for some Canadian seigneurs were quite as avaricious as their friends at home. The Seigneurs of Old Canada : A Chronicle of New World Feudalism
  • Between these towns, farmers who had been recruited by seigneurial landowners filled the fertile river valley lands.
  • During the eighteenth century, the great French seigneurs also revivified their ancient feudal rights to levy tolls on trade passing through their domains.
  • Be assured that were the great Turk this very day to offer me the lordship (seigneurie) of Jerusalem, I would positively decline it. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Thus the landlords retained their old labour services without the traditional obligations of a seigneur, while the peasants continued to do their corvée with very little to show in the way of landownership.
  • (Extracting profits from the manufacturing of money is called seigniorage, after seigneur -- "lord" in French.) The New Coin Of The Realm
  • Some confessors there be who laugh within their hearts at these sorrows of lovers, as if they were mere "nugae" and featherweights: others there are who wax impatient, holding all love for sin in some degree, and forgetting that Monseigneur St. Peter himself was a married man, and doubtless had his own share of trouble and amorous annoy when he was winning the lady his wife, even as other men. A Monk of Fife
  • I just tend to dislike certain pesky things like the "droit du seigneur" (did I spell that right? Free to be Home
  • In which respect, not any one daring to displease her, shee went with the dead bodle to the Seigneurie, there to answere all Objections. The Decameron
  • Thus the landlords retained their old labour services without the traditional obligations of a seigneur, while the peasants continued to do their corvée with very little to show in the way of landownership.
  • Regret about the abolition of droit de seigneur and the right of feudal overlords to flog peasants may be comic, but it is hardly an interesting political philosophy.
  • The seigneurial system was intimately bound up with the ideal of living nobly: it was designed to let seigneurs consume what peasants produced.
  • Fournier has noted that the syndics of the Estates sought to put an end to rulings of the Parlement of Toulouse on seigneurial rights.
  • M. de Gaspé tells how he often accompanied Madame Taché, in her own right co-seigneuress of Kamouraska, opposite Malbaie, in her visits to the people on the seigniory. A Canadian Manor and Its Seigneurs The Story of a Hundred Years, 1761-1861
  • Louis XI—that in defatigable workman, who commenced on so large a scale the demolition of the feudal edifice, continued by Richelieu and Louis XIV to the advantage of royalty, and completed by Mirabeau to the advantage of the people—Louis XI had done his utmost to break up this network of seigneuries which covered Paris, by casting violently athwart it two or three ordinances of general police. IV. An Awkward Friend. Book X
  • Monseigneur and Monsieur, who were already playing at 'lansquenet'; Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • It was that land could be held, not under the seigneurial system of the old French regime, but under the Anglo-Saxon right of free and common soccage, where men were freeholders all. Some Important Aspects of Canada's International Trade
  • _Item_ -- They shall tell him about a meeting between the imperial and ducal ambassadors, at which meeting there was some talk of making a kingdom out of certain lands of Monseigneur and joining these to an _imperial_ vicariate of all the lands and principalities lying along the Rhine. Charles the Bold Last Duke of Burgundy, 1433-1477
  • Mons., the chancellor, clad in velvet over velvet cramoisy, first pronounced a discourse in beautiful Latin as a response to what had been said by the seigneur of Mayence. Charles the Bold Last Duke of Burgundy, 1433-1477
  • Although some inventories after death and other records list imported pieces brought to New France by administrators, seigneurs and ecclesiastics, most Canadian furniture of French derivation was probably made locally in small quantities as early as 1640.
  • He calculates seventeenth-century crop yields, for instance, by drawing regressions on a Norman seigneurial grain levy.
  • In Picardy where seigneurial dues were also minimal, seigneurs used their privileges to lease out logging rights in forests at a time when wood prices were skyrocketing.
  • So long as it fitted into the needs of the colony, so long as the intendancy remained to guard the people against seigneurial avarice, the system had a great deal to be said in its behalf. The Seigneurs of Old Canada : A Chronicle of New World Feudalism
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • Un jour, Louis XII apprit qu'un grand seigneur avait battu un laboureur. French Conversation and Composition
  • It was not unknown for a church to lie within a castle bailey itself, standing at the junction between the zone of lordship and the community beyond, and emphasising the seigneurial influence over ecclesiastical provision.
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Speaking of dialogue revision, part VI: and then there’s the fine art of doing it right, or, love, agent-style
  • Et aussi ` a la verite Christ n'a pas moins repandu son sang pour laver les petits enfants des fideles, qu'il a fait pour les grands; [569] c'est pourquoi ils doivent recevoir le signe et le sacrement de ce que Christ a fait pour eux: comme en la loi le Seigneur commandait qu'on leur communiquat le sacrement de la mort et passion de Christ, quand ils etaient nouveau-nes, en offrant pour eux un agneau qui etait le sacrement de Jesus-Christ. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Edward was supposed to exercise a kind of droit de seigneur over the junior members of the cast. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Here in the Thirty Years War, the seigneurial system collapsed and serfs refused to perform labour services.
  • Edward was supposed to exercise a kind of droit de seigneur over the junior members of the cast. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • à mon très-redouté seigneur monseigneur le duc, qui me l'a ordonné. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 10 Asia, Part III
  • Had been in the troubled waters of disintegrate actually, the society dominates to exist with the configuration of seigneur .
  • The Canadian censitaire had a written title-deed which stated explicitly the dues and services he was bound to give his seigneur; the copyholder had nothing of the kind. The Seigneurs of Old Canada : A Chronicle of New World Feudalism
  • In Picardy where seigneurial dues were also minimal, seigneurs used their privileges to lease out logging rights in forests at a time when wood prices were skyrocketing.
  • Je vous salue Marie, Marie pleine de grâce, le Seigneur est avec vous, Vous êtes bénieentre toute les femmes, et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni. Common Catholic prayers in French
  • Pendant ce temps on attachoit au seigneur une serviette en soie; on pla鏾it devant lui une pi鑓e de cuir rouge, ronde et mince, parce que leur coutume est de ne manger que sur des nappes de cuir; puis on lui apporta de la viande cuite, sur deux plats dor閟. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • In Canada, seigneuries were divided into long-lot farms larger than peasant holdings in France, much of them, in the first generations, uncleared forest.
  • With one tistle-head, and a nettle or two, he could make a soupe for twenty guests — an haunch of a little puppy-dog made a roti des plus excellens; but his coupe de maitre was when the rendition — what you call the surrender, took place and appened; and then, dieu me damme, he made out of the hind quarter of one salted horse, forty-five couverts; that the English and Scottish officers and nobility, who had the honour to dine with Monseigneur upon the rendition, could not tell what the devil any of them were made upon at all. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Here in the Thirty Years War, the seigneurial system collapsed and serfs refused to perform labour services.
  • The reward for his family was ennoblement and the right to exploit the canal as a fief with rights of seigneurial jurisdiction.
  • Apr鑣 eux enfin venoit une dame Turque, parente de grand-seigneur: elle 閠oit dans une liti鑢e que portoient deux chameaux richement par閟 et couverts. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The chateau was inherited by Marigny from his father in 1754 and in the same year its seigneurie was elevated into a marquisate, giving Marigny the title by which he is generally known.
  • At the beginning of 1820 the newspapers announced the death of M. Myriel, Bishop of D----, surnamed "Monseigneur Bienvenu," who had died in the odor of sanctity at the age of eighty-two.
  • A prig or a pedant was his favourite butt, and the performance was rendered all the more effective by his elaborate assumption of the _grand seigneur's_ manner. Collections and Recollections
  • Though not often discussed in polite company, seigniorage, that is, the ability to coin or print cash (the right held by a feudal seigneur) and have other folks hold it, is valuable: Those who hold the $100 bills have, for many, many years, been providing a substantial loan to the U.S. government -- and it's interest free! Main RSS Feed
  • Le Turc lui a confi� le commandement de cette contr閑, et il en poss鑔e en seigneurie la plus grande partie. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The count plots to exercise his droit de seigneur, the right of titled men to deflower the brides of lesser folk.
  • Unlike the seigneurial courts, the jurisdiction of the leet did not belong to the lord by right but had to be granted to him by the king.
  • What a charming grand seigneur , " he said, "and what a fine air he had with his blue ribbon!
  • The seigneur would, in turn, subdivide his acreage to tenants who paid a nominal rent, cleared, and farmed the land.
  • Monseigneur the Duc de Bourgogne danced on this occasion for the first time; and led off the 'branle' with Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • King, and comes to hold the position of a tenant-in-chief (_une seigneurie collective populaire_). Medieval Europe
  • Many scholars claim that there was no such law, called droit de seigneur or jus primae noctis, passed at any time in the Middle Ages. Jus Prima Noctis
  • Kind and tempting was the invitation to prolong my stay at the See House; enticing was the prospect offered me of a visit to a seigneurie on the Ottawa; and it was with very great reluctance that, after a sojourn of only one day, I left this abode of refinement and hospitality, and the valued friends who had received me with so much kindness, for a tedious journey to New The Englishwoman in America
  • As owner of this fief, Claude Follow was one of the “seven times twenty-one” seigneurs claiming manorial dues in Paris and its suburbs; and in that capacity his name was long to be seen inscribed between the Hôtel de Tancarville, belonging to Maître François le Rez, and the College of Tours, in the cartulary deposited at Saint-Martin des Champs. II. Claude Frollo. Book IV
  • In an important sense, inland towns were parasitic on the countryside, for the bulk of the seigneurial dues, rents, tithes, and fees collected by the first two estates of the realm were spent in urban centres.
  • During the revolution, when the peasants of all the adjoining estates violently dispossessed their landlords of their property; when every adjoining chateau exhibited a scene of desolation and ruin; the peasants of this estate were remarkable for their moderate and steady conduct; so far from themselves pillaging their seigneur, they formed a league for his defence "-- Ils l'ont soutenùs," as they themselves expressed it -- _and he continued throughout, and is now in the quiet possession of his great estate_. Travels in France during the years 1814-15 Comprising a residence at Paris, during the stay of the allied armies, and at Aix, at the period of the landing of Bonaparte, in two volumes.
  • Even when the Baltic lands became outlying provinces of Sweden and later of Tsarist Russia, Germanic merchants and seigneurs continued to dominate Baltic towns and commerce and the manors where Estonians and Latvians were enserfed.
  • Et par l'ordre et commandement de très-haut, très-puissant et mon très-redouté seigneur, Philippe, par la grace de Dieu, duc de Bourgogne, de The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 10 Asia, Part III
  • Quelques uns les Scavent, les autres ce contenteront de Scavoir que des le tems que jeu l'honneur de faire quelque Sejour chez feu le Duc d'Albemarlea Londre qui fust alors establis du Roy Charle II. vice Roy de Jamaique, par la Relation qu'on me fist de la beauté, bonté, et richesses de L'Amerique Angloise, J'en concluse une Ideé si advantageuse, que Sur les fortes invitations de ce Seigneur je l'aurois Suivis en ce Voyage avec empressement, si je n'eusse esté detourné par les fortes remonstrances de mes parents qui voulloient que je m'etablisse dans ma Patrie, et nonobstant touttes les douceurs que j'y pouvois avoir, il me resta pourtant toujours quelque amorce et quelque chose d'attirant pour les pays Susdits. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • This first return towards the old French politeness was startling to some susceptible Republicans; but things were soon carried farther at the Tuileries by the introduction of 'Votre Altesse' on occasions of state ceremony, and Monseigneur in the family circle. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Once the feared noble forces failed to materialize, village militias instead turned their weapons on the system itself, compelling seigneurs or their agents to hand over feudal registers to be burned on the village square.
  • In 1713, when Britain acquired Acadia, they were some 2,300 French habitants living on seigneuries, under the manorial system which France established in her colonies.
  • The knightly class soon ceased to be purely professional soldiers and became landed proprietors in their own right, acting as seigneurs or lords of the manor.
  • Paris avoit grand peur car nul seigneur n 'y avoit_. Jeanne D'Arc: her life and death
  • In the first place there was some music; then tables were placed all about for all kinds of gambling; there was a 'lansquenet'; at which Monsieur and Monseigneur always played; also Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • The great Prince Godfrey de Bouillon fully approved of the steps taken by these gentlemen, and for his own part contributed to the upkeep of the hospice the seigneurie of Montbirre, with all its dependencies, which formed a part of his domain in Brabant. Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
  • With one tistle-head, and a nettle or two, he could make a soupe for twenty guests -- an haunch of a little puppy-dog made a roti des plus excellens; but his coupe de maitre was when the rendition -- what you call the surrender, took place and appened; and then, dieu me damme, he made out of the hind quarter of one salted horse, forty-five couverts; that the English and Scottish officers and nobility, who had the honour to dine with Monseigneur upon the rendition, could not tell what the devil any of them were made upon at all. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Americans always say "dook" instead of "duke," that nobody present seemed to realize the proper way to address a nephew of the Czar was to call him Monseigneur, that the Olympic games in London had been conducted admirably, arid that he didn't believe in marriage, anyway. Cupid's Understudy
  • Being ushered up a spacious staircase, and across a landing hung with family portraits of Pellegrinis who were once upon a time Bishops, Priors, Captains, and powdered Seigneurs in ruffles and laced coats, we are shown into a reception room where a table is laid for luncheon. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • It was in vain that he said "I had rather have no power at all and no seigneurie at all [than] not to be able to keep up the rights of it. A Canadian Manor and Its Seigneurs The Story of a Hundred Years, 1761-1861
  • A seigneurie on the St. Lawrence might well be looked forward to as the reward of military service when the war should be happily terminated; if not, it was something to be able to reduce the great establishment which otherwise must still be kept up in France. The King's Warrant A Story of Old and New France
  • He went on to acquire titles and estates, becoming conte di Buttigliera and seigneur of Saint-Thomas-de-Coeur.
  • After a time, Monseigneur hears a loud cry, and the horses rear and plunge.
  • Vieux-Chateau, conseiller et premier écuyer tranchant de mondit très-redouté seigneur; The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 10 Asia, Part III
  • For this he paid an annual homage to the seigneur of “1 sol in ‘cens,’ 3 live capons and 9 silver livres in ‘rentes,’ and 9 days of work on the seigneurie.” Bird Cloud

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