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How To Use Segregation In A Sentence

  • Instead, segregation has continued despite the fact that some of Oldham's most monocultural schools have been closed and merged since the riots, while others have been moved to different areas to seek a mixed intake. Oldham schools still polarised 10 years on from race riots
  • In the case of marriage, calling SSM discriminatory or segregationist represents either a failure to adequately recognise the sexuality of the individual involved or more perniciously to regard that distinction as immaterial or undeserving of respect. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • The powders are compacted into preforms, sintered and then forged in the conventional way to produce segregation-free forgings.
  • We shall see, however, that while evangelicals were readier to defend racial segregation than nonevangelicals, in part because of where they lived, their distinctiveness on this dimension declined as evangelicalism grew. American Grace
  • Evidently neither Bull Connor, the segregationist police commissioner of Birmingham, nor the merchants expected this quiet beginning to blossom into a large-scale operation.
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  • We oppose segregation on religious grounds.
  • Last, in 1896 in Plessy v. Ferguson, another profoundly antilibertarian decision, the Supreme Court held over the lonely dissent of John Marshall Harlan, that the broad police power of southern states could allow them to force segregation in public transportation and public schools, and impose antimiscegenation laws. Rand Paul's Wrong Answer
  • The injustice in the city led Dr King to organize non-violent demonstrations aimed at ending segregation.
  • Adding properly sand ratio can prevent gravity segregation and weeping of concrete mixture and keep the water content constant.
  • After getting into trouble in October 1985, he was sent to administrative segregation, known to inmates simply as "seg" and where he stayed locked up in a tiny cell 22 hours a day. The Seattle Times
  • The relationship between racial residential segregation and nondisclosure varies by loan purpose.
  • Our analysis of 1170 mammalian karyotypes provides strong evidence that karyotypic evolution is driven by nonrandom segregation during female meiosis.
  • Without progressive leadership, would segregation have been outlawed?
  • According to jazz historian Leonard Feather, “Joe Marsala was responsible in his quiet and unpublicized way for more attempts at breaking down segregation in jazz than Benny Goodman.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • The effective measuresare presented bo avoid zonal segregation of carbide.
  • So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful. Paul Tillich has said that sin is separation.
  • The general trend shows areas with higher racial residential segregation linked to less diverse religious communities.
  • Crossing over ensures segregation of homologous chromosomes in meiosis I.
  • As the story goes, nationally televised images of well-dressed children marching into jail, and of protesters being blasted with hoses and attacked by German shepherds, at a time when the United States was engaged in a competition with Communism for the hearts and minds of dark-skinned people in the Third World, made segregation a contradiction that had to be eliminated. A Renegade History of the United States
  • High fidelity of meiotic chromosome segregation is essential for the propagation of all sexually reproducing organisms.
  • Under the segregationist policies of the apartheid regime, they were designated "coloureds" - people of mixed race origin - and denied significant political representation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In addition, poor wages not only offset women's increased access to the job market, but occupational segregation, as a result of women's access, helped to lower the status of certain jobs and create pink-collar ghettos.
  • Loss of KLP-19 polar ejection force causes misorientation and missegregation of holocentric chromosomes. Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
  • He is ready to proceed with the implementation of the President's directive about nonsegregation down to the platoon level, and proposes to initiate this in the three cavalry regiments and the AA battalion up north, but does not want to do it if it is premature. "[ Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965
  • Excessive trowelling causes segregation of the aggregates and should be avoided. 1.1 The role and purpose of irrigation
  • There is no real segregation - people are not snooty in Ripon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Racial attitudes existed parallel to hardening attitudes towards immorality and vice, which required the same segregation that racial separation would soon require as well.
  • We conclude that dopamine depletion in PD leads to a remapping of cerebral connectivity that reduces the spatial segregation between different cortico-striatal loops.
  • But he rejected the definition of multiculturalism as a society in which there was more segregation and people led parallel lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1961, the New Abolitionists focused their attention on segregation in interstate transportation, particularly on passenger buses.
  • In France there was a policy of segregation. Times, Sunday Times
  • To segregation he opposed the idea of trusteeship, not for the benefit of the trustee but for the benefit of the ward. The Rise of the South African Reich - Chapter 7
  • There you have gender apartheid and segregation which is very discriminatory against girls and women.
  • One important cause of residential segregation is competition for access to preferred forms of housing.
  • For example, as so many women worked in jobs such as boatbuilding where promotion and flexibility were allowed in time of war, the artificiality of the horizontal segregation is demonstrated.
  • Throughout history you would be considered open-minded if you supported desegregation, or women's suffrage, or even democracy.
  • The Groups Areas Act furthered this concept by rigidifying urban segregation and excluding black traders from central business districts. 2. South of the Limpopo
  • Why is racial and ethnic segregation so pronounced? Sociology
  • In 1954, the Brown v. Board of Education decision outlawed segregation in public schools.
  • This partially lifts the choke hold that residential segregation puts on interracial social contact.
  • The segregation vesicles are interpreted to represent solidified interstitial melts, which migrated into gas bubbles prior to lava solidification.
  • Segregation short-changes the students by denying them exposure to one half of their society.
  • Lyndon Johnson, shown signing the legislation, made a crucial last-minute phone call that enabled us to break a filibuster by Southern segregationists and pass the bill. The Good Fight
  • The segregation of women and sexual apartheid are seen as a desirable state for women in society.
  • Dressed in a regulation orange jumpsuit, she would next be taken to her cell in the prison's segregation unit. The Sun
  • Dressed in a regulation orange jumpsuit, she would next be taken to her cell in the prison's segregation unit. The Sun
  • Consequently, the material is embrittled by impurity segregation to interfacial boundaries.
  • But the segregation of the lepers on Molokai is not the horrible nightmare that has been so often exploited by YELLOW writers. Chapter 7
  • Genetic analysis indicated that the API gene was genetically delivered to the progeny and non-segregation lines began to appear in T4.
  • The former Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) leader who a newspaper columnist once said "impaled" her with his "blowtorch eyes", has swopped his dramatically delivered pro-racial segregation speeches and is now earning a living dispensing hints on how not to be negative. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • King, a minister from Atlanta, Georgia, led hundreds of thousands of African Americans in a cause to end legalized racial segregation in the southern United States.
  • More recently, as the Prime Minister noted, Australians have responded to this call by moving away from segregation and isolation, to a more inclusive society.
  • I couldn't speak to housing patterns and other forms of segregation.
  • Any bias in the segregation of one or the other of a pair of homologous chromosomes or chromatids between the oocyte and the polar body can have a dramatic effect on the genetic makeup of a population.
  • No regions of the genome exhibited nonrandom segregation of any markers in the unaffected females tested.
  • Snyder has done this while lording over a franchise with the most racist name in sports, a name that harkens back to team founder George Preston Marshall's segregationist and proudly racist politics. Dave Zirin: Washington Football Owner Dan Snyder Offends Everybody
  • It ensures proper chromosome segregation by forming a physical link between homologs during meiosis.
  • Ending segregation will take a concerted effort by us all. The Sun
  • All Jazz at the Philharmonic contracts contained ironclad antisegregation clauses, and Granz would cancel a show whenever those clauses were violated, no matter what it cost him at the box office. The Forgotten Man of Jazz
  • Viewing the evolution of civil rights through the lens of legal history, Tsesis considers laws that have restricted civil rights (such as Jim Crow regulations and prohibitions against intermarriage) and laws that have expanded rights (including antisegregation legislation and other legal advances of the civil rights era). Tsesis on the History of Civil Rights
  • The 1970 musical Purlie wickedly lampooned a southern segregationist.
  • The historic nature of Mr. Obama's rise to the nation's highest elective office is not lost on African-American Melba Clarke of Mississippi, who experienced racial segregation in her youth.
  • The few ore bodies known have been formed as the result of unusual segregation of the nickel in highly magnesian igneous rock of the norite or gabbro type, at the time of its solidification or soon after; and in some cases, in order to produce the nickel ore, still further concentration by the agency of weathering has been necessary. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • South Africa, self-governing after 1910, adopted the racial segregation system known as apartheid which severely limited the civil rights of non-Europeans; only in 1994 were the first non-racial elections held in South Africa.
  • Meiosis is the component of gametogenesis responsible for the segregation of homologous chromosomes into haploid gametes.
  • The ring was even seeking Carey Act segregations on land where timber grew.
  • The 1964 act went farther than anyone would have deemed possible a few months earlier, banning employment discrimination and ending segregation. Times, Sunday Times
  • We oppose segregation on religious grounds.
  • His activist parents, an interracial couple who married in 1944, trained their children in nonviolent resistance and brought them to demonstrations against segregation in Chicago's parks.
  • They might discuss urban planning and regeneration, ethnic segregation and migration, or issues of environmental management. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alternative procedure, spore segregation, is impractical for hyperyellow mycelia that sporulate very poorly or not at all.
  • This meant that states - especially in the South - would no longer be able to justify laws which enforced segregation along racial lines.
  • These are situated in the basal portions of a great norite intrusive, and are ascribed to segregation of the sulphides as the rock solidified. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • A new report from the Civil Rights Project at UCLA, “Choice Without Equity: Charter School Segregation and the Need for Civil Rights Standards,” found that charter schools stratify students by race, class, and possibly language, and are more racially isolated than traditional public schools in virtually every state and large metropolitan area in the country. Matthew Yglesias » Obama is Succeeding
  • He says he has urged his followers to oppose segregation currently reigning in the city.
  • Hey Dmansmartman.- if you're going to assume bigotry perhaps you could at the very least learn how to spell the word segregation properly. News -
  • Culinary critic Jonathan Meades said the term "favors segregation over inspiration," while Hardeep Singh Kohli, the comedian and food writer, retorted "Food defines who we are. Does 'Ethnic' Food Exist?
  • You can follow the thread through to Nixon’s opposition to busing and scatter-site housing as mechanisms for reversing segregation and his “New Federalism,” or Republican opposition to “activist judges” and “racial quotas” since the 70s, or Reagan’s famous embrace of “states rights” in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Matthew Yglesias » Conservative Magazines Not For Liberty
  • The court ruling struck a blow at the old segregation laws
  • I was then transferred to what they call the hole, which is not exactly segregation. CNN Transcript Jun 6, 2003
  • The Massachusetts legislature outlawed racial segregation in 1855, but the battle to desegregate schools remained a daunting one for Blacks in many parts of the country, particularly the South.
  • At a microscopic scale, at the surface of the deposit, coarse particles roll on a deposit of fine particles as a result of particle segregation.
  • Over time, however, diploidization of the genome occurs and disomic segregation becomes prevalent.
  • Sadly, our current system doesn't - while desegregation is law, most schools are in fact segregated, and worse, our policies and philanthropy are intent on perpetuating this segregation! Creativity
  • Mortality, incarceration and unemployment -- compounded by the statistically rare but symbolically damning greater tendency for Black men than women to marry Whites - leave not enough "marriageable" Black men, especially in urban areas where segregation further limits cross-racial social interaction. Philip N. Cohen: What Ails Black Women, Part 3: Discrimination And Repercussions
  • Some consist of pear-shaped segregation vesicles with amygdales at their upper margin.
  • The idea was to reduce social segregation by stopping wealthy enclaves growing around good schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • Must open original trash hole and country rock segregation.
  • Thus, real estate owners can benefit from both the gain deferral under section 1031 for real estate exchanges and the enhanced cost recovery deductions of the cost segregation study.
  • You are correct Democrats in the South we antisegregation. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • Segregation on the basis of race is a denial of equal protection in violation of the Constitution. 38a.
  • A child can not comprehend the subtle difference between illegal segregation in the South and racial imbalance in the North.
  • He applied to graduate school, and because segregation laws prevented him from attending a school in Georgia, the state paid for him to matriculate at Columbia University's Teachers College in New York.
  • Segregation vesicles are therefore distinguished from amygdales because they are infilled with chilled magma, whereas amygdales represent the infilling of vesicles from post-emplacement fluids.
  • This kind of segregation may be self-imposed - but it is also the result of decades and centuries of injustice.
  • The last person he spoke to was a British Asian guy who had come to the conclusion that segregation was preferable to integration.
  • The genotypes of the inviable spores were inferred by the segregation pattern of the viable spores, when possible.
  • It was baffling, he suggested, that a country so stained by a history of slavery and brutal segregation should dare think itself a model of purity.
  • Horizontal segregation: This is the separation of women into different occupations from men.
  • That spurred thousands of people to demonstrate against the segregation of women on Tuesday, Dec. 27; a counterprotest two days later ignited clashes in Jerusalem and in Beit Shemesh. From Back of the Bus, Israeli Women Fight Segregation
  • On the other hand, if they are prepared from alloy powders, their properties and corrosion resistance are better, especially if the rapid cooling or atomizing is exploited to supersaturate the aluminum, and no segregation is present.
  • This ‘soft’ segregation, he says, suggests that Britain is moving towards being a segregated, ghettoised society.
  • The degree of segregation depends on particle size distribution, density, and possibly angularity of heterogeneous sand mixtures.
  • As segregation and violence became commonplace, the national government expressed no willingness to enforce a new racial order.
  • We need to make workplaces more family-friendly, reduce sex segregation in education and in the workplace, and combat discrimination in the workplace.
  • As chief counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Mr. Marshall was the field general of the litigation portion of the civil rights revolution of the mid-Twentieth Century, directing a series of legal victories against de jure segregation, culminating in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. The Volokh Conspiracy » Miguel Estrada Writes in Support of Elena Kagan’s Confirmation
  • The courts struck down local segregation laws because they violated the federal constitution.
  • These concentrations of ethnic groups can be explained partly by residential segregation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Desegregation may be harder to enforce in rural areas.
  • The Old America had been one of black and white forcibly kept apart by segregation, economics, and prejudice.
  • There is no real segregation - people are not snooty in Ripon. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1956 King began an oratorical marathon that lasted over twelve years, attacking segregation in approximately two thousand speeches and sermons as he hopscotched the nation.
  • Of how the obvious justice of Brown vs. The Board of Education, eliminating de jure segregation, led to the judicial activism of de facto remedies and federal judges, not parents or teachers, as overseers of public education. Michael Jones: Waiting for "Superman"
  • There is no real segregation - people are not snooty in Ripon. Times, Sunday Times
  • In hybrids the two chimpanzee chromosomes can be expected to undergo independent segregation.
  • And nobody was … actually practiced nonsegregation any more than Howard Odum. Oral History Interview with Katharine Du Pre Lumpkin, August 4, 1974. Interview G-0034. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • While this segregation did not align perfectly with response to soil drying, most of the tolerant lines had low leaf ureide concentration.
  • Blacks in Montgomery, Alabama refused to ride the city's buses in a protest that eventually led to a landmark defeat for segregation.
  • Wherever he went, he sowed the dragon's teeth by preaching racial segregation.
  • Worse than physical segregation is the segregation in some people 's minds. The Sun
  • Yet, despite decades of attempted desegregation initiatives, an overwhelming number of classrooms remain segregated.
  • If gametic and/or zygotic selection occurs whereby certain gametes or zygotic combinations have a reduced chance of survival, progeny distributions are skewed and are said to exhibit segregation distortion.
  • Century Foundation research has found that economic segregation in the nation's largest 100 metro areas is increasing.
  • The relationship between racial residential segregation and nondisclosure varies by loan purpose.
  • The most dramatic social change in the United States during the 20th century was the racial desegregation of public facilities.
  • The affirmative action approach directly attacks the phenomenon of job segregation. Human Resource Management in Government
  • For instance, nickel and chromium, when present together in steel, can cause a greater segregation of antimony than might be expected from simple summation of their separate effects.
  • Segregation short-changes the students by denying them exposure to one half of their society.
  • But a dangerous paradox arose between segregation as a comprehensive state policy of social engineering and its likely executors in the local setting.
  • But, on the other hand, the phenomenon I would call segregation, in its proper meaning of isolation or immobility, is very pervasive. Distribution of Income in Canada
  • That's all they have done with this arrangement, removed the word 'segregation' while in actuality we remain segregated and subjected to literally the same policy that seeks to strip us of our faith, or dignity and our will to resist tyrants acting as public servants," said Roberto Chavez, one of the inmates who chose to return to segregation rather than comply with the program. The Seattle Times
  • He wanted the Army to make "eventual nonsegregation" its goal. Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965
  • Even in federal jobs and office buildings in Washington where black employees had once worked freely with whites, segregation was reestablished.
  • The segregation of the young elite, according to Murray, might not be so bad, except that so many of them have been ensconced in affluent suburbs from birth and have never been outside the bubble of privilege. Peter M. Shane: The Magical Misdirection of Charles Murray: The Elite is Patriotic, But Not "Of America"
  • But the power of men like Allen ebbed quickly after segregationist Democrats regained command of the Legislature in 1872.
  • Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s.
  • The dichotomic segregation of AOB glomeruli has been described in opossums, rodents and rabbits, while Primates and Laurasiatheres present the Gαi2-pathway only, or none at all (such as apes, some bats and aquatic species). ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • But he rejected the definition of multiculturalism as a society in which there was more segregation and people led parallel lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • In many large suburban districts, rapid racial change and spreading segregation are occurring.
  • I can actually agree with affirmative action when the affirmance is justified – right after the segregation ended. The Volokh Conspiracy » Affirmative Action and Racial Profiling Revisited
  • Several spoke about the need for more and better publicised youth facilities, an end to segregation in schools, and the problem of drug dealers in their communities.
  • They became known as ‘renunciants’ and were interned at Tule Lake Segregation Center in northeastern California.
  • In other words, he favored continuing discrimination and racial segregation.
  • For example, although Mendel's law of segregation (M) (which states that in sexually reproducing organisms each of the two alternative forms (alleles) of a gene specifying a trait at a locus in a given organism has 0.5 probability of ending up in a gamete) is widely used in models in evolutionary biology, it has a number of exceptions, such as meiotic drive. Scientific Explanation
  • The cells showed defects in chromosome segregation leading to the cutting of unsegregated chromosomes by the division septum.
  • As those who could afford to left, racial segregation in the area worsened.
  • Horizontal segregation exists when women and men work in different types of occupation.
  • Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s.
  • There were laws that forbade social interaction between the races, including the segregation of all educational and religious institutions.
  • The Tamils, who appeared to take no joy in choosing between two men who have killed tens of thousands of their neighbours, surprised many observers by turning strongly to Gen. Fonseka in what some describe as a concerted act of revenge for the abuse and segregation meted out by the government after the war. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Gee, a whole 46 years of mandated equality; that 350 years of slavery and segregation is all better. The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
  • This is the world Elphie encounters as she moves from a life at Shiz University to one of unforgiving and unrelenting segregation.
  • Like so many institutionalized evils, segregation ultimately depended on public accommodation.
  • Mark Field: Gee, a whole 46 years of mandated equality; that 350 years of slavery and segregation is all better. The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
  • Rehearsal time for a Con-Artistes show can run anywhere from three to nine months; when a prisoner is transferred or paroled or sent to "seg" (segregation) or hauled back into court, they don't ask if he's busy with a lead role in a play. Chicago Reader
  • The commonly held meaning of apartheid is a regime of government that enshrines racial segregation in law.
  • Double positive thymocytes and natural killer cell systems have recently been reported that also only exhibit segregation.
  • This follow-up case resulted in a court-ordered desegregation plan and a multimillion-dollar bond issue to build three new schools.
  • Since Milliken, there have been only a few successful efforts at court-imposed interdistrict remedies for school segregation. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • This interaction is thought to be necessary for the proper pairing and segregation of homologous chromosomes during the first meiotic division.
  • Under federal law, states were prohibited from imposing segregation in interstate travel.
  • In 1948 Thurmond, then still a Democrat, ran for president on an independent ticket to protest Democratic support for the first moves to end official racial segregation in the US.
  • Pedestrian overbridges and subways provide total segregation of pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
  • This kind of hierarchical directory structure enhances mutual monitoring, segregation of duties can effectively and efficiently contribute ample benefits to the project management.
  • Such segregation is a denial of the equal protection of the laws.
  • Additional concerns, which often compound the trauma of a sexual assault, include placement in long-term segregation or "protective custody"; inadequate medical care; and, in the case of transgender detainees, being housed with detainees of a gender with which they do not identify. End ICE Abuse: Trauma Compounded: The Plight of LGBT Immigration Detainees
  • But while the desegregation of the American South was the political -- what Dr. King called the externalized political goal of the civil rights movement, the broader goal, as he and she so often said, was the establishment of the beloved community. CNN Transcript Feb 7, 2006
  • As segregation intensified, so did black political power, formed in the very institutions that exemplified the racist ideology built into 20th-century urbanism.
  • The absence of chiasmata can readily account for the observed defect in meiotic chromosome segregation.
  • At the end of his speech, Mr Cameron made an ambitious leap from bemoaning social segregation to blaming government intervention per se. Multiculturalism: Mr Cameron's crude caricature solves no problems | Observer editorial
  • In 1959, impatient with the United Party's tolerance of racial segregation, she became a founder of the liberal Progressive Party, later known as the Progressive Federal Party, which favored a more inclusive, nonracial franchise that would lead to black majority rule. BEAUTIFUL, ALSO, ARE THE SOULS OF MY BLACK SISTERS
  • Just a list of key chapter headings and topics - desegregation, finance, structural reform, school choice, inclusion - reveals the book's ambitious scope.
  • His segregation was also unlawful as unsanctioned by s7 to Penal Institutions Act.
  • But the post I was responding to implicitly comparted this to the fight against racial segregation in U.S. schools in the 1950s. The Volokh Conspiracy » California High School Sends Kids Home for Wearing American Flag on Cinco de Mayo
  • The segregation of voters into ghettoes is required by one of the Democrats’ favorite laws: the Voting Rights Act. They well and truly hosed themselves here. Ah, gerrymandering. | RedState
  • under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains
  • The structure of the prohibitory examples above is similar to the structure of the famous "liar's paradox," and they generally submit to the same kind of resolution that Lacan brought to the statement "I am lying": a separation of the subject of enunciation from the subject of the statement, a segregation of frames. _Alastor_, Apostasy, and the Ecology of Criticism
  • Desegregation becomes busing, which becomes integration, which becomes diversity.
  • They felt that African Americans, by going to desegregated schools would face segregation within those schools and suffer accordingly.
  • Some antidraft incidents in Chicago and other cities stemmed from protest by African-Americans against discrimination and segregation in the armed forces. Archive 2004-07-01
  • They have lobbied hard for complete segregation on tunnel trains, similar to the operation of cross-Channel ferries.
  • They experience an extreme degree of occupational segregation.
  • And in response to the Ouseley report which highlights segregation in schools, Mr Blunkett also criticised bussing children across cities to ensure a mixed education saying it had been tried before in Bradford.
  • After the war the southern establishment propped up segregation.
  • The Harvard study also identifies the importance of the relationship between racial segregation and poverty.
  • Adlai Stevenson was not an explicit segregationist. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
  • This segregation is a sharp contrast to other jurisdictions. The Canada Pension Promise: Maintaining Trust with Canadians
  • Strict gender segregation is sanctioned by the state and society.
  • When you grow up nontarget in segregation, you are damaged in your ability to relate to others. HATE CRIMES AND THE WAR ON TERROR
  • The division of a cell into a pair of genetically identical daughters depends on accurate chromosome duplication and segregation.
  • They refused to sanction segregation.
  • As to segregation of replicated daughter molecules, to be discussed later, topoisomerase II is thought to locate DNA crossovers such as those present in catenated molecules.
  • Attacking school segregation in court was the only effort that appeared to be worth the trouble.
  • When segregation was legal, black colleges were responsible for almost all black collegians. Black Colleges Need a New Mission
  • Though not a new practice, the term recently emerged as a way for society to address discrimination and segregation among blacks in the United States, where people claim lighter-skinned blacks gain better economic opportunities and more social advantages than darker-skinned blacks. - Home Page
  • And it is long past time that all segregation was ended, not just for those of us I am calling queer, not just for the gays and lesbians, the trans and bisexual, the intersexed and asexual, not just for all those of whatever sexual orientation or gender identity, but for people of colour, for people of disability, for any and all whose absence from our screens is due to their abjection. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Segregation phenomenon of some Al element in liquation cracking has been taken to analyze by EDS.
  • Clearly the struggle for civil rights continues and desegregated schools are an important achievement that must be preserved, but school desegregation is not a panacea.
  • And it's worth noting that the term strict constructionism got a new lease on life from segregationists who opposed judicial intervention on behalf of the rights of African-Americans. Undefined
  • Foxworthy was also preaching to the newly minted white middle class, those who had ditched the pickup for an Audi and their ancestral segregation for affirmative action.

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