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How To Use Segmentation In A Sentence

  • Naupli have a cephalic shield or the beginnings of the dorsal carapace, and no segmentation on the trunk.
  • Aiming at the bad performance of existing retinal blood vessel segmentation methods for small and low contrast vessels, a new segmentation method based on transition region extraction is proposed.
  • Product segmentation of this sort is visible in clothes retailing, and the distribution of fitted kitchens and bedroom furniture.
  • She noted a lack of segmentation in the developing nerve cord.
  • To improve the real-time performance for visual navigation of the mobile robot, a parallel color image segmentation algorithm using peer group filter(PGF) and fuzzy membership is studied.
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  • There have been many approaches to lifestyle segmentation.
  • This suggests an effect on early segmentation.
  • The body of an echiuran lacks annelid-type segmentation, but the distinctive free-swimming trochophore larval stages of echiurans and polychaetes are very similar.
  • In particular, the recognition engine preferably applies a word segmentation model to the ink information it is receiving on-the-fly. Macsimum News
  • Thus, image segmentation algorithm and image visual feature extraction method are briefly introduced at the beginning of this paper.
  • Similarly, onychophorans have been used in developmental studies of the evolution of appendages and of body segmentation.
  • Automated capabilities such as multivariable testing (MVT), segmentation and targeting, product recommendations, and advanced analytics provide advanced functions that increase conversion rates, sales, customer engagement and lifetime value while automating processes to lower costs and increase marketing agility. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The recursively increasing threshold method is first proposed. Then the method of contour integration region labeling and the design of intensity homogeneity segmentation criterion are presented.
  • Some information has been gathered on the expression of transcription factors associated with segmentation and regeneration in oligochaete annelids.
  • The segmentation of gym workouts allows you to sneak in a few stretches at almost any time.
  • At the same time, both genera have well-developed, multiannulate first antennae, whereas modern branchiopods have dwarfed first antennae without much of annulation or segmentation at all.
  • The experimental results show that the image segmentation method based on the biology vision model is effective and efficient.
  • External contour analysis and projection analysis are combined to locate the candidate segmentation lines.
  • Partitioning strategies must support scaling out of the underlying databases, usually by functional segmentation or horizontal partitioning.
  • These days, there's no shortage of segmentation when it comes to parsing the vote.
  • There are two main categories of segmentation criteria.
  • Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the number of times segmentation arose.
  • While several publishers have found success in reaching women through psychographic segmentation, not all shared psychographic attitudes can support a magazine, says Merskin.
  • Its initiative resulted in the early twentieth century in a process of vertical segmentation or pluralism known as pillarization.
  • It comes as no surprise that one of the results of these characteristics is the gender segmentation of labor markets and the predominantly female aspect of production in maquilas and export processing zones.
  • In the mammalian ova the nutritive yolk or deutoplasm is small in amount and uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm; such ova undergo complete division during the process of segmentation, and are therefore termed holoblastic. I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • Geographical segmentation in Asia-Pacific reveals the existence of a wide diversity among consumers within the same country.
  • Human experience and behaviour is characterized by temporal segmentation.
  • Last year he successfully introduced the concept of market segmentation into a major corporate division.
  • Segmentation of the RNA genome is a feature shared by a variety of animal, plant, and bacterial viruses.
  • Most nematodes, also called roundworms, are small, simple worms lacking the segmentation of the more familiar earthworms.
  • The differential salt tectonic deformation is mainly represented by structural differentiation at different levels, and structural zonation and segmentation in transverse and longitudinal sections.
  • It was a triumph of late twentieth-century embryology and genetics to show that insect segmentation and vertebrate segmentation, far from being independent of each other as I was taught, are actually mediated by parallel sets of genes, the so-called hox genes, which are recognizably similar in insects and vertebrates and many other animals, and that the genes are even laid out in the correct serial order in the chromosomes! THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Product segmentation of this sort is visible in clothes retailing, and the distribution of fitted kitchens and bedroom furniture.
  • The superficial dividing lines between the different cells, which come from the repeated segmentation of the ovum, look like deep furrows on the surface, and hence the whole process has been given the name of furcation. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Certainly, elects specialized also to choose segmentations as far as possible, the type of chiasma, the practical specialty.
  • Vehicle license plate locating is of vital importance in license plate recognition system. This paper proposes a new license plate detection and character segmentation method.
  • It is therefore very interesting to find that in the other crustacean before mentioned, the squilla, the segmentation of the body is more completely preserved, and even the first three segments, which go to compose the head, remain permanently distinct. On the Genesis of Species
  • The strategy of market segmentation can help to cultivate customer loyalty and achieve benefit maximization.
  • Last year he successfully introduced the concept of market segmentation into a major corporate division.
  • Pair rule, polarity, and gap genes are present, but they seem to have little or no role in segmentation.
  • The small central particle of nuclein which is formed from this combination of the nuclei is the stem-nucleus, or the first segmentation nucleus; the new-formed cell, the product of the impregnation, is our stem-cell, or "first segmentation sphere" (Figure The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • The experimental results show that this method has good robustness and adaptability which can settle the over-segmentation problem effectively.
  • That is, these memorised chunks are available as raw material for subsequent segmentation into, and storage as, smaller units, from which regular syntactic rules are then generalisable. L is for (Michael) Lewis « An A-Z of ELT
  • Direct against this kind of situation, the paper presents a method to estimate average size of closely packed particles based on edge density without explicit segmentation.
  • The most obvious feature of a Drosophila larva is the regular segmentation of the larval cuticle along the antero-posterior axis, each segment carrying cuticular structures that define it as, for example, thorax or abdomen.
  • Thus, if the bisection is not made as early as between the two cells after the first segmentation but later, even at the blastula stage, or at that of the very young gastrula, you can still get twins. Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
  • Does it give 'Segmentation fault..core dump?'. How to handle this situation.
  • Nauplius-like form, inasmuch as the plump, oval, astomatous body bears two pairs of simple rowing feet, and behind these, as traces of the third pair, two inflations furnished each with a long seta, but that beneath this Nauplius-skin a very different larva lies ready prepared, which in a few hours bursts its clumsy envelope and then makes its appearance in a form "which agrees in the segmentation of the body and in the development of the extremities with the first Cyclops-stage Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • Mr. Schultz has said that he sees "segmentation" -- carving out new segments of the business that appeal to different clientele -- as a way of combating the sales slowdown and appealing to both affluent and penny-pinching customers. Starbucks Is Scalded by Slower U.S. Sales
  • Saachi & Saachi introduced the scorecard to try to create better segmentation in the way their branch offices were approaching the market.
  • That being said, segmentation is a blunt instrument. For Online Recommendations, One Size Doesn’t Fit All
  • For example, he has chapters on spiderwebs, sea shells and segmentation.
  • Furthermore, the absence of engrailed expression in the onychophoran ectoderm makes more sense in the context of a skeleton bounding function rather than a general segmentation program.
  • Having established this primary principle, Semper has little difficulty in showing that the main organs of the body lie to one another in the same relative positions in Annelida, Arthropoda, and Vertebrata; and this, together with the metameric segmentation common to them all, constitutes his first great argument in favour of their genetic relationship. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Two algorithms, graph cut and random walk based on graph theory, were applied to motion segmentation.
  • It's important to create what Dr. Jay Mulki calls "segmentation" when you work at home. Morra Aarons-Mele: Starbucks And Makeup: The Daily Ritual Of The Telecommuter
  • His attentional impairment arises after normal segmentation of the image into figures and background has taken place.
  • Many trilobites also possessed an extended frontal area anterior of the glabella, but expression of segmentation within this region was also unclear.
  • To get Mandarin speech recognition to work, we had to learn a lot about this fascinating language — the differences between traditional and simplified Chinese, its tonal characteristics, automatic segmentation of text into words, pinyin representations of Chinese characters, sandhi rules, the different accents and languages in China, unicode representations of Chinese character sets...the list goes on and on. Google Search by voice travels the world, finds Nokia, learns Chinese
  • Chinese auto - segmentation is the foundation of NLP and also is a crucial issue in NLP.
  • A first cleavage of the stem-cell (cytula), B division of same into four segmentation-cells (only two visible), C the germinal disk divides into the blastoderm (b) and the periblast (p). d nutritive yelk, f fat-globule, c ovolemma, z space between the ovolemma and the ovum, filled with a clear fluid.) The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Rather federalism and local government constitute an efficient division of political labour, which permits a functional segmentation of the state.
  • As a result segmentation of the signal into the constituent units of speech is difficult and requires knowledge of the language.
  • External contour analysis and projection analysis are combined to locate the candidate segmentation lines.
  • Concentrating power in the hands of an elite is further augmenting social segmentation.
  • I have also continued to be interested in segmentation genes, as well as genes affecting segmental identity. Eric F. Wieschaus - Autobiography
  • It gives the priority value of product a new calculation rules and presents a policyholder-oriented catalog segmentation model, makes it more suitable for marketing life insurance companies.
  • Market segmentation is especially important in consumer markets, where the numbers of potential buyers can be measured in millions.
  • The identification and analysis of the maternal genes affecting the segmentation pattern revealed that the anteroposterior axis is controlled by three groups of genes, each independently determining a subset of the pattern, the segmented anterior or posterior, or the unsegmented terminal regions of the embryo (35-37). Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
  • Overlapping ambiguity is a major type of ambiguity in Chinese word segmentation.
  • Because the segmentation is connected with matching, Dynamic Time Warping matching algorithm is introduced importantly.
  • Age alone is not usually a good basis for market segmentation.
  • These were carried out for the annotation of anaphor types and their antecedents, and for the segmentation of the dialogues into dialogue acts.
  • The purpose of segmentation is to identify groups of buyers who respond in a similar way to any given marketing stimuli.
  • Alteration of the segmentation varies from strong gap fusion to weaker abdominal fusion.
  • Nüsslein-Volhard and Eric F. Wieschaus decided to find out how segmentation is controlled by genes in the newly fertilized egg of the Drosophila fruit fly. Hunting for the Genes Behind Pattern Formation...
  • Thus, in Fishes, the first changes consist in the segmentation of the vitellus and the formation of a germ, processes which are common to all classes of animals. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • Chinese auto - segmentation is the foundation of NLP and also is a crucial issue in NLP.
  • This segmentation algorithm that has promising results (the segmentation correct rate reach to 86.3%) and is then incorporated into a complete bank check character recognition system.
  • This and other inanimate thematic stems exhibit interesting effects such as the curious disappearance of *m in the locative case e.g. *yugóm "a yoke" but *yugó-i "among a yoke" which leads many to assume that this was a functional ending rather than the product of misanalysis and missegmentation by early Indo-European speakers. Inanimate thematics that failed to be converted in Pre-IE?
  • Segmentation fault exe@hpc: ~$ xterm exe@hpc: ~$ xterm Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog
  • Also, to Twags point below, segmentation is really important -- especially with a limited marketing budget, it's also a tough exercise sometimes but totally worth it. Women Grow Business » Do’s and Don’ts for Your Marketing Dollars
  • The relaxation detecting of effective feature segmentation is studied before matching capability of Scene Matching Algorithm of fuzzy entropy similarity metric can be improved.
  • Significant revenues from other categories may eventually return to newspapers, magazines and broadcast entities, when new media segmentation is better understood. Journalism, Blogging, and Truth, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The chapter begins by explaining the importance of market segmentation within the study of marketing.
  • Figs 4 . 3 and 4 . 4 show examples of segmentation by texture or context.
  • a globular cluster of similar segmentation-cells, which we call the mulberry-formation or morula. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • The trend is to more segmentation and offerings to special audiences.
  • By the time segmentation is complete, strong mxp expression is detected in both ectoderm and mesoderm of the maxillary and labial limb buds.
  • The role of branch junctions as a feature which enhances segmentation could also depend on the vulnerability to cavitation within the junction, but the present authors are unaware of any studies that have investigated this directly.
  • Before adopting a fuzzy entropy similarity metric, edge detection, image segmentation and segmentation description are accomplished.
  • In reality, however, this "furcation," which was formerly regarded as a very mysterious process, is nothing but the familiar, repeated cell-segmentation. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • So he sends an e-mail to both his customer marketing manager and his category management analyst requesting information from their recent consumer segmentation research about marketing to moms and gatekeepers.
  • At the same time, both genera have well-developed, multiannulate first antennae, whereas modern branchiopods have dwarfed first antennae without much of annulation or segmentation at all.
  • The inner and outer tube surfaces are very smooth, without any indication of segmentation, annulation, or collaring.
  • These genetic techniques will clarify the evolutionary and phylogenetic importance of segmentation in metazoan evolution.
  • Infraoptic course of anterior cerebral arteries associated with abnormal gyral segmentation.
  • By using threshold segmentation, edge recognition, pixel labeling and center of gravity method, the accurate sites of every model can be acquired from the image.
  • The cuticles show different alterations of segmentation with a stronger effect on late-stage embryos.
  • This paper discusses the data parallel algorithm and its implementation on region growing image segmentation, the correctness is proved, and the performance is also analyzed.
  • Segmentation affects both external and internal structure.
  • The final method, metric based segmentation uses Both methods utilize the concept of the "cepstrum" based estimated "differences" in adjacent audio frames in order on successive fourier transforms and a log transform to discover speaker change points. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Comparisons with the reading-age control group indicated that, while the dyslexic children were poorer in the morphemic segmentation tasks, they performed normally for their reading level in the sentence completion tasks.
  • From a metalinguistic framework, a first distinction may be proposed between tasks that involve morphological derivation in sentence completion and tasks that place a heavier load on explicit segmentation.
  • We also see in various organs of the rabbit, and especially in the case of the limbs and vertebral column, what is called metameric segmentation, that is, a repetition of parts, one behind the other, along the axis of the body. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The experimenters pronounced the affixes and bases in the blending part and the complex words in the segmentation part.
  • Local newspapers offer a much greater degree of geographical segmentation than is possible with national titles.
  • Combining the two essential characteristics of the image, the gradient and the gray level, a threshold segmentation approach using maximum entropy with the gradient boundary control was proposed.
  • In the later experiment according to the problem of karyon segmentation, a photon propagation model is established, and segmentation works have been done on both artifact and real cell image.
  • As adults they lack appendages, segmentation, and all internal organs except gonads and the remains of the nervous system.
  • WHOLE cell; hence Remak called it TOTAL segmentation, and the ova in question holoblastic, or "whole-cleaving. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • No two oak leaves, for instance, in a million will be found actually alike, although taken from the same tree, or trees of the same variety; and the same may be said of the segmentation and branching of their limbs, as well as the striatures of their corticated covering, Life: Its True Genesis
  • Until recently it was regarded as a general rule that, by the partial segmentation of the vitellus a germinal disc was formed, and in this, corresponding to the ventral surface of the embryo, a primitive band. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • Segmentation means dividing memory into several segments and accessing memory by both segment pointer and offset.
  • Segmentation is fundamental to pricing in a competitive market.
  • It was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that Bashford Dean made the important discovery in Japan that one of the oldest living fishes of the shark type (Cestracion japonicus) has the same total unequal segmentation as the amphiblastic plated fishes (ganoides). The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Its relation to the Coelom theory lies in the fact that Sedgwick regarded the segmentation of the body as moulded upon the segmentation of the mesoblast, which in its turn, as Kowalevsky and Hatschek had shown, was a consequence of its mode of origin as a series of pouches of the archenteron. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • This segmentation of the muscles was the momentous historical process with which vertebration, and the development of the vertebrate stem, began. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • The pupae of the Cirripedia (Figure 57), which are likewise astomatous, agree completely in all these parts with those of the Rhizocephala, even to the minutest details of the segmentation and bristling of the natatory feet; * they are especially distinguished from them by the possession of a pair of composite eyes. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • Recent studies on how developmental mechanisms have evolved provide new ways to examine segmentation.
  • This has helped to preserve the pre-eminence of national interests in the policy process on agricultural matters, with its characteristic segmentation.
  • It's important to create what Dr. Jay Mulki calls "segmentation" when you work at home. Morra Aarons-Mele: Starbucks And Makeup: The Daily Ritual Of The Telecommuter
  • In the mammalian ova the nutritive yolk or deutoplasm is small in amount and uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm; such ova undergo complete division during the process of segmentation, and are therefore termed holoblastic. I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • Finally complete the final segmentation by using domain merging algorithm and introducing dominative image.
  • This method not only enhances the accuracy of segmentation, but also solves the bounder gap problem well, which is quite a puzzle for single level set algorithm.
  • Although involved in segmentation, it seems to be a secondary messenger.
  • If the ancestor of protostomes displayed a segmentation comparable to annelids and arthropods, this necessarily means that segmentation was lost independently in different protostome lineages.
  • Figs 4 . 3 and 4 . 4 show examples of segmentation by texture or context.
  • A functional realization of asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) switch segmentation and reassembly ( SAR ) is studied.
  • Although distinct segmentation is absent, the head possesses four pairs of appendages including the antennules, antennae, mandibles and maxillae, while the thorax has 3 pairs of legs. Crustacea
  • But I do wonder if extending the segmentation is appropriate. Inkblurt · Simulation: the catalyst for IA & IxD?
  • The recursively increasing threshold method is first proposed. Then the method of contour integration region labeling and the design of intensity homogeneity segmentation criterion are presented.
  • Pair rule, polarity and gap genes are present, but seem to have little or no role in segmentation.

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