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How To Use Seemly In A Sentence

  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • How could he simply throw in the towel - not with a bang but a whimper - and in such an unseemly way?
  • Dreadful!" moaned Sister Ann. "Adnah goes about sighing all the day, and looks over-long in the mirror, and takes unseemly pains with her dressing, and does up her hair with flowers, and has feverishly pink cheeks, and likes to sit in a corner and brood, and takes long walks by herself, and especially, _especially_, seems fond of moonlight! The Wit and Humor of America, Volume V. (of X.)
  • Danlo knew well enough what was seemly for a man to do - or so he thought. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The strapping prevented any unseemly bulges, while keeping the smooth line of the tight trousers that were fashionable at the time.
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  • However, to avoid an unseemly political spat, both Kiely and McEllistrim have been selected.
  • Actually, it is rank partisanship of the most unseemly kind.
  • Therefore it would be unseemly for Parliament to vote money for a member of the royal family.
  • Their ill-tempered personalisation of the controversy through sourly self-justificatory sound-bites merely brought broadcasting disputation to an unseemly new low.
  • Because of this, it isn't thought seemly for someone over a certain age to pass judgment on any scene that wasn't created for them.
  • 'If that is true," Danlo said with a smile, `how are we to know which actions are seemly, and which are not? THE BROKEN GOD
  • It would follow, then, that Christ's body was corruptible, which is unseemly. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • In your descriptions of the personality of Moscow, you use the Russian word "naglost," which I believe translates as "an unseemly blend of arrogance and shamelessness. Scenes From Russian Life
  • But it is unseemly to see such a Grand Potentate in such a state of decay: the son of Bajazet Ilderim insolvent; the descendants of the Prophet bullied by Calmucs and English and whipper-snapper Frenchmen; the Fountain of Magnificence done up, and obliged to coin pewter! Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • She smiled to her grandfather nearby and seemly showing off her ability.
  • It has descended into an unseemly squabble. Times, Sunday Times
  • It just seems unseemly that the greatest military power the planet has ever known now has a currency that makes its citizenry globetrot with our tails between our legs. Trey Ellis: Brother Can You Spare a Euro?
  • Also, my tenants have sometimes been trying to push their bikes through the front door and have met old ladies going out the other way, which is viewed as not quite seemly.
  • The show is about voyeurism, but let's keep it seemly.
  • There's something unseemly about declaring yourself great. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least this show isn't tearing through its war with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • He probably lived with his mother for two years more than was seemly.
  • The citizen who fears the ill-smelling drunk, the rowdy teenager, or the importuning beggar is not merely expressing his distaste for unseemly behavior; he is also giving voice to a bit of folk wisdom that happens to be a correct generalization — namely, that serious street crime flourishes in areas in which disorderly behavior goes unchecked. Broken Windows
  • Not at all, not at all," the leader responded politely; "but for luggin 'kites round these quarters an' causin 'all this unseemly disturbance. Chapter IV
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • It means he will not be drawn into unseemly spats with his rivals. The Sun
  • While the chunks of meat in the bhuna gosht, a lamb curry, were wonderfully tender, the thick, tasty gravy carried unseemly puddles of oil. Chicago Reader
  • 'If that is true," Danlo said with a smile, `how are we to know which actions are seemly, and which are not? THE BROKEN GOD
  • On the other hand, civilization, house-building, warm apartments and kitchen fires, well-stored larders, and especially exemption from rude toil, abolish these extreme caricatures; and keeping appetite down to a middling level by the rote of meals, and thus taking away the incentives to ravenous haste, they allow the mind to tutor and variegate the tongue, and to substitute the harmonies and melodies of deliberate gustation for such unseemly bolting. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • The pretence of seamlessness is unseemly. Times, Sunday Times
  • This nation is tired of doubletalk, of deliberate confusion, and of unseemly haste.
  • However, the lavatory issue had already raised its ugly head when an acclimatisation trip to South America culminated in the infamous Bogotá bidet incident in which England's captain, Bobby Moore, was accused of leaving something unseemly in the "footbath" at the Hotel Tequendama. All cisterns must be go for England's team at Euro 2012 | Harry Pearson
  • I thought it more seemly to respect the decorum of the moment even if he did not. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • It matters that Morgan was dismissed with unseemly haste by corporate interests clearly waiting for the opportunity.
  • It was a strangely subdued build-up to a fixture that has not been short of controversy, unseemly spats and acrimony in recent seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • And why this unseemly obsession with the Reformatories, when the Reformatories were peripheral to this story?
  • It was an unseemly episode, the prosecutor forcing clerks to interrupt court business because he wanted space for his staff.
  • Other common objects also had their names changed to make them more seemly: haycock turned into haystack, weathercock into weathervane, and apricock into apricot.
  • unseemly to use profanity
  • Science masquerading as religion is as unseemly as religion masquerading as science. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems important to clarify the position, lest there be an unseemly rush towards the circuit bench. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the death of the dictator there was an unseemly scramble for power among the generals.
  • This resulted in an unseemly scramble from the same prisoners all claiming to be guilty (usually of petty misdemeanours). Times, Sunday Times
  • Could you know that your letter with its catalogue of advantages and arrangements must offend me as much as if, belies (let us hope) you and the woman of your love, I would pardon the affront of it upon us all, and ascribe the unseemly want of warmth to reserve or to the sadness which grips the heart when joy is too palpitant. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • To some, this indicated a fickleness, a shallowness, an inverted snobbery, an unseemly arrested development.
  • The unseemly scramble in the Midi to get American vines into the ground had proved an expensive catastrophe. PHYLLOXERA: How Wine was Saved for the World
  • We know of Jonson's unseemly bodily figure, his 'ambling' gait, which rendered him unfit for the stage. Shakspere and Montaigne
  • No current Dem leader would threaten such a thing because under Washington rules, only manly Republicans are allowed to play hardball — for Democrats to play anything but softball is unseemly. Matthew Yglesias » Late Lunch Open Thread
  • My departure was seemly enough, but I must admit it wasn't well thought out.
  • It is unusual, unseemly and unfair that any boss publishes in the press the performance report of a member of his staff.
  • And now all he, Cadwaladr, had to do was go to the meeting, behave himself seemly before other eyes, as he knew well how to do with grace, and in private surrender not one whit of his demands, and he would regain all, every yardland that had been taken from him, every man of his former following. His Disposition
  • Neither should we fear that the unsaved will be driven away by what may appear to be unseemly behaviour.
  • Called on to answer for the unseemly fact of its existence in the midst of these modern centuries, when the world boasts of human freedom and progression, it began by blushing for its hideous aspect and uttering feeble and deprecative apologies. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 6, December 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Under the old policy, it was quite common for unseemly Registrars to abuse their position and prevent outgoing customers from transferring to a different service provider.
  • Forcing the player to release the ball more quickly would lessen the opportunity for the unseemly scrums that can gather around a player in possession, but that's for another day.
  • Now, Miss Ramsey Hayle, ef dey is tell it, aw ef dey hain't -- to yo 'ma -- dat's all right an' beseemly. Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • They've won accolades for their educational booklets, and produced a video and pamphlets for clients as well, guiding them through safe and seemly behaviour.
  • The three of us tried to act as peacemakers in an unseemly mob and for our troubles we got blackballed from every pub and club in the city centre.
  • They grappled on the floor in an unseemly wrestling match. Times, Sunday Times
  • One needs a spouse to keep accomplishments like these from assuming unseemly proportions.
  • Uninterested, I thumbed through the seemly ancient pages until a title procured my attention. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Despite their sometimes unseemly reputation, car salesmen and saleswomen know how to sell.
  • In other words, didn't our notions of professional loyalty suggest a seemly bit of time between service to a president and exposure of his flaws?
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Danlo knew well enough what was seemly for a man to do - or so he thought. THE BROKEN GOD
  • When I first learned a few months ago that garbage trucks were backing up the driveway between these two buildings at unseemly hours, it was curious but could maybe be explained by PMUA worker assiduousness. Does the PMUA have a problem?
  • It would be more seemly to tell her after the funeral.
  • Several elements contribute to making this meal such a seemly expression of affection.
  • Hale, merry fellows they were -- a little more red of face and loud of talk than was quite seemly in a stranger's eyes, but industrious and "forehanded," and kind of heart to parents, wives and babies. The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
  • When not stopping to bellow a song, they wander into all sorts of unseemly situations.
  • Atli said, “Ill it beseemed to thee to do this, though somewhat of wrong was between us; for thou wert wedded to me by the rede of thy kin, and dower paid I for thee; yea, thirty goodly knights, and seemly maidens, and many men besides; and yet wert thou not content, but if thou should rule over the lands King Budli owned: and thy mother-inlaw full oft thou lettest sit a-weeping.” The Story of the Volsungs
  • Page 28 church without a bishop, that many of the early preachers realized the importance that an episcopacy which is free from any display of arrogance or unseemly assumption of power, is capable of the best possible results. Sketch of the Early History of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church with Jubilee Souvenir and an Appendix
  • There's something unseemly about declaring yourself great. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naturally most of the more established churches were embarrassed and angered by the unseemly goings on.
  • This is a genuinely and proudly democratic country, and the people want to see their rulers behaving responsibly and in a seemly fashion.
  • As we know to our cost, there is nothing more stressful than an unseemly scramble for desperately needed points in the dying weeks of the season.
  • Seems ferly fair to all admiring orbs * You seemly body wi 'the slender throat. Arabian nights. English
  • It seems important to clarify the position, lest there be an unseemly rush towards the circuit bench. Times, Sunday Times
  • Science masquerading as religion is as unseemly as religion masquerading as science. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some editors have recoiled from the idea, finding it a bit unseemly.
  • Mrs Cuffe offered Whaler's shed and Mrs Hooper wondered whether it was seemly with him only just buried. THE MAIN CAGES
  • It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts.
  • When a batting collapse was followed by an unseemly rush to the espresso pods, I resorted to the stick rather than the carrot. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was once considered unseemly to listen to the phonograph alone.
  • Ann thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in public.
  • She didn't let them get away with much and would even send them home to change if they showed up in shorts that were too short to her eye or tops that revealed a bit more than was seemly.
  • seemly and forbearing...yet strong enough to resist aggression
  • Jacob had two unornamental twin brothers then, and two unseemly parents.
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • They carry the train of the Virgin, assist the Apostles, act as ushers, occasionally pass the poorbox, make wreaths and crowns -- but, I am sorry to say, sometimes get into unseemly scuffles for first place. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 06 Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists
  • To this the dean assented, but alleged that contests on such a subject would be unseemly; to which rejoined a meagre little doctor, one of the cathedral prebendaries, that the contest must be all on the side of Mr. Slope if every prebendary were always there ready to take his own place in the pulpit. Barchester Towers
  • Yes, it would expose the unseemly work of legislative horse-trading without which successful coalition and law-making may not be possible.
  • A showbiz veteran who witnessed her antics said: 'It went beyond flirtatious fun to something quite unseemly. The Sun
  • At least this show isn't tearing through its war with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mrs Cuffe offered Whaler's shed and Mrs Hooper wondered whether it was seemly with him only just buried. THE MAIN CAGES
  • But because he started the whole thing it is seemly to give his exit an intercalary page of attention. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • At least this show isn't tearing through its war with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • It means he will not be drawn into unseemly spats with his rivals. The Sun
  • There is something awkward and unseemly about a comedian getting too close to power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is this an unseemly rush to change? Times, Sunday Times
  • In time perhaps I'll learn to hide such unseemly sentiments. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • In the later scenes, it grows more formulaic, galloping towards a happy ending with unseemly haste, burdening the actors with unconvincing old age make-up and testing the audience with corny platitudes.
  • There has been an unseemly behind-the-scenes squabble within the public sector over tourism's fate.
  • Tolerating no unseemly sights, lank, limp, succulent vegetation sprang up as if by magic on the mullock heaps, as did grey fluffy fungus on damp boots and dripping tucker-bags. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • It can allow one person to contribute a larger share of the ideas than would be seemly in conversation.
  • The widow's small thickset neighbours, gathered in the plain, seemly room, are doggedly attentive as the priest, comically, explains the afterlife to a ghost.
  • It must be conducted in a seemly way and, so far as I am concerned, it has been.
  • It is expected that the bishop examine the priest-offender closely to determine whether he has been flagrantly neglectful of his life of prayer and living an unseemly life in areas other than that of the molestation charge.
  • Don't be like the guest of a guest at one of my cocktail parties a number of years ago who dropped a lit cigarette on my white wool broadloom and thought it more seemly to stub the cigarette out than to pick it up.
  • In my view, it would be unseemly, undignified and unedifying to have a legal tussle over these royal remains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, since God decided to give humans “free will,” He has been nothing but surprised by the unseemly and His Word stupid way people have used this license to veer from divine sensibilities. What Would Betty Do?
  • It's a seemly confrontation of the inquisitive impatience of the young, and the stately acceptance of the old.
  • A flunkey in mufti is as unseemly an object as a soldier on furlough, with his jacket unbuttoned and his neat stock replaced by a coloured neckerchief. Echoes of the Week
  • If he had been the true commander here, he would have put a stop to all of these unseemly festivities, ordered a halt for prayer five times a day, had the camp swept free of the women of ill repute and the nautch girls. Shadow Princess
  • Right next to the Cahokia park, just behind where I took these photographs, is the most unseemly of sites, a garbage dump.
  • I thought it more seemly to respect the decorum of the moment even if he did not. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • They're worried that it might be a little bit unseemly for the candidate himself to be doing this.
  • In the foregoing narrative, the mildest view has been adopted of his remorseless cruelty: of his gross and revolting indulgences, of his daily demeanour, which is said to have outraged everything that is seemly, everything that is holy, in private life, little has been written. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume II.
  • While the former boldly exposed the unseemly behind the scene activities of some DMK/pro DMK elements, before the CM himself, publicly, Mr Rajni was seen clapping in the meeting but later disowned the contents of Ajith's charge .. then met the CM to 'dispell' any misgivings .. what is all this? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • God's gifts, and often make them occasions of sin; but this outcry of the beam against the mote, which is so grievously prevalent in the religious world, is very unseemly. Personal Recollections Abridged, Chiefly in Parts Pertaining to Political and Other Controversies Prevalent at the Time in Great Britain
  • Here a high degree of competitiveness is regarded as distasteful or unseemly.
  • The Columbine is pleasing to the eye, as well in respect of the seemly (and not vulgar) shape as in regard of the azury colour thereof, and is holden to be very medicinable for the dissolving of imposthumations or swellings in the throat. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • Despite their sometimes unseemly reputation, car salesmen and saleswomen know how to sell.
  • ‘The unseemly incident had to be split up by an abbot and a bishop,’ The Sun recalled.
  • Delight is not seemly a fool; much less a servant to have rule over princes.
  • Much was the debate between the ladies and the young men; but ultimately they all took the king's counsel for useful and seemly and determined to do as he proposed; whereupon, calling the seneschal, he bespoke him of the manner which he should hold on the ensuing morning and after, having dismissed the company until supper-time, he rose to his feet. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • Those who are constantly ‘nice’, seemly and decorous, suppress their natural instincts.
  • But the unseemly scenes provided an entertaining spectacle for those drinking in the evening sun outside the pub.
  • He apparently felt it was unseemly for a writer to fight for money, which might explain why he so rarely had any.
  • So that thou daine in seemly sort this wanton booke to view, The Golden Asse
  • Which makes the unseemly squabbles of his family as he lies seriously ill all the more painful. The Sun
  • The name, as now written, is unseemly, but is not so bad in the original Erse, which is MOUACH, signifying the Sows’ Island. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts.
  • What a pity then that its arrival has precipitated an unseemly row and laid the foundation for more serious problems down the road for the game of golf.
  • The big question for us was when it would be seemly to be out again.
  • It is unseemly for the spiritual leader of Tibet to spy on people.
  • Would it be seemly to have a moment of silence for the Iraqi corpses?
  • Exclusively heterosexual, his imagery shows no sign of fetishism or sadomasochism, no unseemly interest in children.
  • At least this show isn't tearing through its war with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everyone was shocked by his unseemly conduct.
  • Gratia is aware, however, that her ambitions and methods are unseemly, so when she is first confronted by her sons, she at first denies her participation: That had been monstrous. Final drafting stuff:
  • For unseemly noise, especially at meals, and at time of prayers, the ordinary penalty is a quart of ordinary wine ( "vini mediocris"). Life in the Medieval University
  • And what happens midway though weekly therapy if the seemingly wholesome client reveals an unseemly fetish, distasteful action, or insalubrious thought? Wayne Besen: The Religious Right's Shadow Nation
  • It was a strangely subdued build-up to a fixture that has not been short of controversy, unseemly spats and acrimony in recent seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • It can allow one person to contribute a larger share of the ideas than would be seemly in conversation.
  • The poor voyageurs, too, continually irritated his spleen by their "lubberly" and unseemly habits, so abhorrent to one accustomed to the cleanliness of a man-of-war. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains
  • Self-assertion was not thought seemly in a woman.
  • At least this show isn't tearing through its war with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • These would require to be very different in character from the Garter, the Bath and suchlike English honours with almost unseemly domestic titles.
  • On the other hand, this site says 'Blouse' has for 300 years or more been English slang for a very unseemly woman, from 'blowze', which was slang for a slovenly woman, prostitute or 'beggars wench' as the OED quaintly puts it. Pen-Elayne on the Web
  • But I still believe it is unseemly for him to disgrace the day with such a paranoid rant.
  • Is it a good and seemly thing for them to be having this debate on religion in the committee?
  • An unseemly ruck developed for his services, before he eventually chose European champions Northampton ahead of English champs Leicester.
  • They argue that unseemly haggling with Congress will allow the momentum of the referendum victory to seep away.
  • She knew her behavior was unseemly, but at the moment she couldn't bring herself to care.
  • It didn't attract any Christian protests although there were sometimes unseemly tussles in the stalls over opera glasses.
  • For a Wednesday, the beach was crowded, but Cora made good time heading past the unseemly hordes of casual visitors. THE CRASH OF HENNINGTON
  • And lo, it did pass that the Allblogger's day job didst task him mightily, and yea, his labours didst take him to most unseemly climes where e'en Frost Giants dost fear to venture, let alone broadband signals. Archive 2009-03-01
  • And lo, it did pass that the Allblogger's day job didst task him mightily, and yea, his labours didst take him to most unseemly climes where e'en Frost Giants dost fear to venture, let alone broadband signals. Archive 2009-03-01
  • And he was among a breed of CEOs who understood that it is unseemly to fract the company's coffers for personal riches, thus sowing resentment down on the line. The Full Feed from
  • One can imagine the cursing at other houses - and then the unseemly rush to come up with something similarly provocative. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a batting collapse was followed by an unseemly rush to the espresso pods, I resorted to the stick rather than the carrot. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Paul has already made them see the unfitness of the unveiled head for woman, its immodesty and unwomanliness, and now, with that impression on their minds, he asks if it is proper to pray to God in such unseemly fashion’.
  • Thoroughly unseemly," and those adjectives, so well-worn by an earlier generation of clergymen, added an air of bathos to. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Occasionally, I'm assigned "Bri-ing me a-nother platter," which is ordered up as a faint cry from the deck where hopefully someone else is keeping "the barbecuer" company as I sort of regard "the grill" as a place of sparks and smoke and other unseemly stuff. Amy Ephron: Serious Barbecue
  • When Paula vindictively sets up a date for her mother with a kindly old dullard, the film resorts to caricature and grotesque camera effects to persuade us of how unseemly the older gent's needs and desires are.
  • He was said to have killed more than one of his own men out-of-hand for lax or unseemly behaviour.
  • seemly behavior
  • Is this an unseemly rush to change? Times, Sunday Times
  • Pundits predict some unseemly scrambling within Likud in the days ahead for the jobs still remaining.
  • It has descended into an unseemly squabble. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was an epidemic when I was at university and as I think about it, the young folk still seem to indulge more than is seemly if you ask me.
  • In my view, it would be unseemly, undignified and unedifying to have a legal tussle over these royal remains. Times, Sunday Times
  • A showbiz veteran who witnessed her antics said: 'It went beyond flirtatious fun to something quite unseemly. The Sun
  • And while she was selling me that little bit of lace there was an unseemly sound, a big shell coming in whizzed through the air, and we all listened-it is a habit out there. My Experiences at the Front
  • This is better and more seemly as regards the consequences.
  • It is why early suggestions were made that the matter should have been resolved before it reached this unseemly point.
  • Two appeared to carry unseemly loads across their backs, dangling under large opossum-skin cloaks, and it was evident that these were mummied bodies. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • There is something awkward and unseemly about a comedian getting too close to power. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found, then, that the discreet bearing, the seemly dress, which had distinguished her in the days of her union with the illustrious demesman of Paeania [Footnote: Demosthenes.], were now thrown aside: Works of Lucian of Samosata — Volume 03
  • And th 'end was the larboard halyards broke, an' the mare gybed, an 'to Torrington I went before the wind, wi' an unseemly bloody nose. The Splendid Spur
  • This resulted in an unseemly scramble from the same prisoners all claiming to be guilty (usually of petty misdemeanours). Times, Sunday Times
  • Other unseemly behaviour exposed as part of the case involved a description of Mr Izzo as a "manwhore" with the nickname "greasy", and the exchange by lawyers of "lurid details" of "a gay porn star called Marcus Day", with copies sent to Mr Izzo. | Top Stories
  • Which makes the unseemly squabbles of his family as he lies seriously ill all the more painful. The Sun
  • I think one of the reasons we omnivores light into vegetarians with such unseemly gusto is that we realize, deep down, that we’re on shakier ground than we’d care to admit. With Enemies Like These…
  • At least this show isn't tearing through its war with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • The name, as now written, is unseemly, but it is not so bad in the original Erse, which is Mouach, signifying the Sows 'Island. Life of Johnson
  • The Marriage Act of 1995 extended the range of places which could be licensed for the conduct of marriage to any location which was appropriately seemly and dignified.
  • The unseemly scramble in the Midi to get American vines into the ground had proved an expensive catastrophe. PHYLLOXERA: How Wine was Saved for the World
  • Street containing many seventeenth-century houses, its old inns, and its balconied Guildhall -- the scene of so many unseemly wrangles among the robed and cocked-hatted borough councillors who are, _par excellence_, outstanding illustrations of the provincial petty jealousies of bumbledom -- Mrs. Bond was welcomed by the trades-people who vied with each other to "serve her. Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo
  • One can imagine the cursing at other houses - and then the unseemly rush to come up with something similarly provocative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other Chinamen pulled them from the vat and thrust them under a thing like a chaff-cutter, which, descending, hewed them into unseemly red gobbets fit for the can. American Notes
  • Some parades allow them, most don't - and the ensuing bunfight is as unseemly as the values that brought it about in the first place.
  • She heard herself intoning the ritual excuses for an unseemly escape from a boring evening. COMPULSION
  • It's quite another matter if someone has done you wrong, or is presuming on your friendship in some unseemly fashion.
  • Since I was a girl, it was more seemly to carry the swords on my back, and I was only happy to comply.
  • It involves an unseemly scramble amongst the legislature so that it is seen to be doing ‘something’.
  • Already I hear it, while guardian angels, attendant on humanity, their task achieved, hasten away, and their departure is announced by melancholy strains; faces all unseemly with weeping, forced open my lids; faster and faster many groups of these woe-begone countenances thronged around, exhibiting every variety of wretchedness -- well known faces mingled with the distorted creations of fancy. II.6

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