
How To Use Seedbed In A Sentence

  • We began to rake over the seedbed while they were selecting the seeds.
  • The church is the seedbed of gospel preachers, and we must value and nurture what God plants among us.
  • Weed control is an equally high-tech combination of stale seedbeds, flaming and mechanical weeding.
  • The sand was dotted with saucer - sized jellyfish, rocks and pools are squidgy with jelly buttons encrusted with limpets, barnacles and winkles and are seedbeds for mussels.
  • When seeding into a tilled seedbed, band seeders with press wheels are an excellent choice.
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  • As we've seen abroad, various social networking media are the seedbed of movements such as Americans Elect and Smart Congress, which are slowly re-energizing individuals and helping them to mobilize rather than wait passively for elites who are more interested in maintaining the status quo than changing to come to their rescue. Christopher Holshek: Change or Be Changed
  • Some may argue that it is a waste of money because a good seedbed needs to be created for good germination.
  • That's why we recommend you plant in anticipation of rainfall in your area, and if rains don't come, water to keep your seedbed moist until your seedlings are established.
  • The sand was dotted with saucer - sized jellyfish, rocks and pools are squidgy with jelly buttons encrusted with limpets, barnacles and winkles and are seedbeds for mussels.
  • Rake and level tilled soil, then roll to make a firm seedbed.
  • (using hand broadcasting or hand-held spreaders such as the "pepperpot") had been used for spot sowing onto prepared seedbeds, normally following a hot burn of the slash left after logging the site. 4 Australian Experience
  • The truth to be unveiled is that mental life is impermanent, lacks lasting substance and is the seedbed of dissatisfaction.
  • I think we've got to recognize that the seminaries are the seedbed of the ideas of the church, and in some ways are the seedbed for ideas of value in the community. Oral History Interview with J. Randolph Taylor, May 23, 1985. Interview C-0021. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Remember to prepare the seedbed well, and water the lawn thoroughly.
  • The seedbed roll is blue, it says, because that colour repels pests. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Jonathan Evans, the head of the British Security Service MI5, was quoted as saying that "Al-Shabaab, an Islamist militia in Somalia, is closely aligned with al-Qaida, and Somalia shows many of the characteristics that made Afghanistan so dangerous a seedbed for terrorism in the period before the fall of the Taliban. Azeem Ibrahim: The Biggest Argument Against Staying in Afghanistan: Somalia
  • The sand was dotted with saucer - sized jellyfish, rocks and pools are squidgy with jelly buttons encrusted with limpets, barnacles and winkles and are seedbeds for mussels.
  • Conventional alfalfa plantings involve several tillage operations to prepare a seedbed, followed by drilling the alfalfa seed.
  • The hardiest of brassicas, plants are best raised in the early summer (around May) by sowing into a seedbed outside, or in pots.
  • Born in Brooklyn, that seedbed of gifted American Jews, Bernard Malamud has made his living as a teacher and writer.
  • Witte offers the essential scholarly caveats—Calvinism was not the only source of ideas of political freedom; when Calvinists were in power they did not always extend the benefits of freedom to others—but fundamentally, he presents the claim that Reformed Protestantism was the "seedbed" of American constitutionalism: "American religious, ecclesiastical, associational, and political liberty were grounded in fundamental Puritan ideas of conscience, confession, community, and commonwealth. New reviews: books on the history of state secrets, Calvinism at the American founding, Lincoln & Darwin
  • Weed control is an equally high-tech combination of stale seedbeds, flaming and mechanical weeding.
  • This suggests that if newly germinated seedlings in seedbeds were exposed to low water potentials which were later relieved by rain or irrigation, then emergence could be delayed without necessarily increasing seedling losses.
  • Seeding with a disc drill in a loose seedbed almost guarantees disaster and should probably be delayed until there is moisture.
  • For example, if crows eat your seeds, lay chicken wire on top of the newly planted seedbed.
  • Seedlings are usually raised from seed in nursery seedbeds.
  • Although in the past fire was sometimes an immediate enemy to specific stands of lodgepole, fire also opened the serotinous cones and prepared a nutrient-rich seedbed for the next generation. Bird Cloud
  • The point is that Lost is to its most avid fans what Beatles albums were to the band's most avid fans in the late '60s; a seedbed for endlessly perfervid speculation. William Bradley: Lost In Lost
  • Other field work includes spraying for weeds in wheat, disking wheat stubble for summer fallow, preparing seedbed for spring seeded crops like proso millet and planting irrigated corn.
  • Minimize tire track effects by creating a firm seedbed, avoid operation when soil is too wet and use tractor tire or track configurations that allow low pressure, high flotation.
  • More than anything, the prolifically seeding cottonwood needs flooding to prepare a fertile seedbed.
  • Before planting your alfalfa or grass this spring, take time to evaluate your seedbed.
  • I rationalize that the extra effort of watering is balanced by it being easier to transplant from a flat than from a garden seedbed.
  • Cover the seeds with 1/4 inch of soil, and keep the seedbed moist but not soggy.
  • They raked the soil smooth for a seedbed.
  • South African farmers will now have a five year grace period to find replacement products for methyl bromide, which is presently used for soil fumigation in nurseries, flower and vegetable production, replanting of apple and other orchards and tobacco seedbeds. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It had been raked too, from shore to dune, like a neat seedbed. COASTLINERS
  • Conventional alfalfa plantings involve several tillage operations to prepare a seedbed, followed by drilling the alfalfa seed.
  • First, small firms form the seedbed for many, if not most, important innovations, in part because large firms are generally unreceptive to new ideas.
  • All these become institutional seedbed of fuzzy accounting information.
  • Some of the seedbeds are very ugly with fields being levelled out with large clods both 'puggy' and hard. FWi - All News
  • Director Josie O'Rourke's day job is artistic director of London's Bush Theatre, which sees itself as a "seedbed," a bit like the Unity. 'Men Should Weep' marvels
  • Wheel tracks are quite visible where they have firmed the soil in a stand of winter what planted in a poor, loose seedbed.
  • The seedlings were grown in a sand: vermiculite seedbed until transplanting and inoculation.
  • In his exhaustive examination of human history, Giovanni Battista Vico (1668-1744), Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Naples, concluded that marriage between a man and a woman is an essential characteristic of civilization, and as such is the 'seedbed' of society. 05/26/2004
  • If the seedbed is loose and the seed would be placed in loose soil, consider delaying seeding until there is enough moisture to firm the seedbed.
  • The stony soils and the coarse, cloddy seedbed preparation with the fuador render the use of further animal-drawn implements more difficult, especially for seeding. 1. Overview
  • They fenced the seedbeds from the north wind.
  • A secure environment is the seedbed of emotional growth.
  • The freezing and thawing action on clay, silty clay, and silty clay loam soils tilled in the fall or winter to produce stale seedbeds usually have excellent seedbeds for early no-till spring planting.
  • A daybook, or journal, can be a seedbed for ideas.
  • So I suppose it's no surprise that a May 7 press release from the the World Congress of Families (WCF), an extremely conservative group that "seeks to restore the natural family as the fundamental social unit and the 'seedbed' of civil society," accused CCF of wanting to '' de-institutionalize marriage "and of celebrating the fact" that an increasing number of women are choosing not to marry and have children. Stephanie Coontz: Unconventional Wisdom on Families
  • Deeper drilling and finer seedbeds, rolled where we could, should help minimize slugs.
  • Water the seedbed thoroughly with a fine spray.
  • They raked the soil smooth for a seedbed.
  • Special cultivators and weed brushes developed for use in narrow-row spaced crops can be used in seedbeds that are grown in rows.
  • Specially designed planters are capable of planting precisely in the resulting seedbed, and such systems are suitable for many Ohio farms.
  • Growers who planted early also had difficulty firming the seedbed because of dry soil conditions.
  • Among the countries that have overthrown leaders, Tunisia presents the most fertile seedbed for democracy, say analysts: It has a relatively large and educated middle class. Tunisia Vote Stands as Test for the Region
  • France holly cuttings, scaffolding shade requirements to reduce transpiration and direct sunlight seedbed.
  • · To control weeds (an ideal seedbed is completely weedfree at planting time) · To incorporate (mix into the soil) liming materials and fertilizers (chemical or organic) · To shape the kind of seedbed most suited to the particular soil, climate, and crop (i.e., raised beds, ridges, flat seedbeds). Chapter 8
  • A secure environment is the seedbed of emotional growth.
  • The conventional methods of tillage and seedbed preparation are followed when growing sunflower.
  • Harsh, high-elevation burn areas provide excellent seedbeds for this species.
  • Spray the seedbed very lightly with water, then keep the soil evenly moist during growth.
  • The church is the seedbed of gospel preachers, and we must value and nurture what God plants among us.
  • Roll with a heavy, water-filled lawn roller to make a firm seedbed.
  • On conventionally prepared seedbeds, brassica seed can be broadcast and incorporated with cultipacking.
  • It seems that no matter how well-prepared the seedbed is, when it comes time to cover a direct-seeded row, there are too many clods or lumps of soil.

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