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seed weevil

  1. a small beetle that infests the seeds of legumes

How To Use seed weevil In A Sentence

  • Most biologists use the term parasitoid to refer only to insects with this type of life history, but some argue the term should be used more embrasively to include parasitic nematodes, seed weevils, and certain bacteria and viruses (e.g., bacteriophages), all of which obligately destroy their host. Les Jones
  • After harvest, pods should be stored at 0° C to prevent fermentation of the pods and. if bruchid seed weevils (Amblycerus robiniae) are present in the pods, it will prevent them from spreading within the pods. Chapter 34
  • Most biologists use the term parasitoid to refer only to insects with this type of life history, but some argue the term should be used more embrasively to include parasitic nematodes, seed weevils, and certain bacteria and viruses (e.g., bacteriophages), all of which obligately destroy their host. Les Jones
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