How To Use Seed money In A Sentence

  • Shell already has its own internal think tank - called the "game-changer team" - which gives seed money to innovative ideas from both inside and outside the company. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • This gold will be the seed money for my empire.
  • Seed Money School-to-work initiatives can not get started without an initial infusion of flexible seed money.
  • When I helped to start the Ms. Foundation for Women in 1973, we were doing something new: giving seed money to help women kick-start organizations to help other women. Marlo Thomas: Who Will Carry The Torch For A New Generation Of Girls?
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs will be given $50,000 each in seed money to launch their dream business.
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  • I'm one of the guys who bitched about the $500 jeans, but I don't so much mind the $150k cars, even if the seed money comes out of my taxes. A fast food morning with the Tesla Roadster Sport - Boing Boing

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