
How To Use Seductive In A Sentence

  • They were batting their eyelashes a million times a second and showing off their best seductive smiles… yuk!
  • They both tried to talk of ordinary things for the few moments before that meal was announced, and then some kind of devilment seemed to come into Amaryllis -- nothing could have been more seductive or alluring than her manner, while keeping to strict convention. The Price of Things
  • She greeted me at the door wearing only her bra and knickers, and a seductive smile.
  • A gamine ingenue to her sophisticated divorcee, she plays this streetwise waif with the same knowing naivety that made the 12-year-old such a disturbingly seductive assassin's helpmate in her first film, Leon.
  • While he radiated innocence and virginity, Siterra radiated seductiveness, wildness, and deadliness.
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  • But the noose and lifeline metaphors dramatize the in-culture ‘factness’ of much writing, its consequentiality, rather than the seductive pleasures of its speculative realm.
  • The legend of Mata Hari is, for sure, the most enduring image of the female spy - the vamp who wheedles state secrets out of men by her seductive charms.
  • With her volleys of coloratura and seductive (yet false) warmth, she is a stunner.
  • Smoothly steering between R&B and Eurodance, she's breathily seductive on Motivation – by contrast, guest Lil Wayne is positively anaemic – while I'm Dat Chick updates the jumpy minimalism of Destiny's Child's No, No, No. Kelly Rowland: Here I Am – review
  • At least Bardem acknowledges that he has a certain seductive intensity. People Magazine Proves What I Knew In My Heart To Be True: Javier Bardem is Hot! | Best Week Ever
  • It deals with the tensions of the 21st century city in the context of these pervading, seductive, Old World instincts.
  • Yokes and sleeves are obvious choices for a peek-a-boo look, and for evening or vacation wear, consider a midriff inset in a seductive sheer or demure lace.
  • The lights were dimmed making way for a seductive flicker of the unscented thick candles.
  • Why is the sheer practicality of plastic so seductive?
  • While his work, in its seductiveness, might appeal to unsophisticated tastes, there is nothing unsophisticated about the paintings themselves.
  • The marital tragi-comedy stars the director's actress wife Emmanuelle Seigner as a free-spirited temptress wed to an invalid Peter Coyote, engaged in seductive cruise-ship shenanigans with Hugh Grant and Kristin Scott-Thomas. Start September With Superior Cinema
  • They do not possess the seductive allure of other parts of the female anatomy.
  • Well, I'd had just enough to drink that I pulled her in close and began a slow seductive lambada - ‘the forbidden dance.’
  • In places it is punctured by bollards and peeled back to form benches, revealing glazed voids packed with multi-coloured fluorescent tubes that scintillate seductively with kaleidoscopic light.
  • What is wrong is the inability to resist the temptation of delivering a moralistic little homily when someone does take out one of your seductively promoted loans.
  • Incidentally, I've become accustomed to being regarded with withering nonplussitude, so the seductive smile of the woman with the "celebutard" sunglasses and the giant soda was a pleasant surprise: Grappling With Change: A Farewell to Summer and a Return to Arms
  • Messiah, his seductive arts and successes, the mass hysteria around him, his fall and the breaking up of illusions in destitution and new illusion, or in penance and purity. Isaac Bashevis Singer - Biography
  • Delicious, oaky red whose seductive chocolatey fruit makes a great winter warmer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hard-shell lobster is seductively aromatic, accompanied by taro, edamame, and Riesling.
  • The premise of wireless headphones is a seductive one. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the second act, Colker's sleek, scantily-clad dancers writhe seductively in and out of a clear plastic tank.
  • The former work is rather seductive, thanks in part to the coos of the vocalists and also because of the exotic tones of the marimbas, glockenspiels, and metallophone.
  • There's no doubt that our fantasy world can be very juicy and seductive.
  • Female students were censured for eating apples ‘too seductively’ in public.
  • Little rounds of rich, seductive salmon enclose lightly whipped herb cream cheese.
  • The cover prominently features the naked backside of a seductively posed, appropriately bronzed woman standing on a beach.
  • That was clear from the soft, seductive accent.
  • This ravishing city, seductively perfumed with orange blossom, is every bit as alluring as Spain's most infamous femme fatale.
  • Open the French doors and there's a massive four poster bed with a seductive canopy of netting.
  • They tend to be emotionally demonstrative and seductive, and use their appearance to attract the attention of others.
  • It's that first sly whiff of tobacco on the air, the steel-blue smoke slinking seductively across a shaft of light, the embers glowing brightly as a smoker draws in.
  • She smiled seductively when she saw him, and walked over, swinging her hips in a slow grind.
  • She has a strong, clear and strangely seductive voice. Times, Sunday Times
  • On that boulevard of the bagnios, she bought a small parlour house from Mattie Silks and began recruiting the most seductive brides of the multitudes.
  • He led me upstairs, into a seductive little bedroom lit with candles and fragrant with more incense. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is something seductive about Ireland's loquacious inhabitants.
  • An inspired pairing with Gerald Levert on the seductive ‘A Rose by Any Other Name,’ is one of many standouts.
  • The vanguard reported which a partial of has shown fervent seductiveness in assisting to horde a annual Apr cooking during a unequivocally tasteful as good as available site. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Jim remarks on Lena's sleepy eyes, her attractive features and figure, and her seductive charms.
  • She was looking seductively over her shoulder.
  • There was something seductive about the way he smiled at her.
  • He sometimes has the hip-shake, but never that lovely, slinky, catlike sexual menace we see here, that seductive creep.
  • For example, MGM brazenly touted its club – “Tabu” – byway of sexually-implicit adsthat featured ayoung stud offering up a cherry to a sexy lady-of-the-night who posed in a seductive reclining position. CineVegas Film Festival…George Michael in Concert. Busted in Vegas? Not! « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • Her music may be deep-rooted in the teen market but her image crosses over into the adult market where she is often shown on adult magazine covers posing seductively while still maintaining an ‘innocence’.
  • The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander n abysses of solitude.
  • And they glanced around so seductively in their humiliation in search of a buyer!
  • She used all of her seductive charm to try and persuade him.
  • She was quite demanding and extremely seductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can gaze seductively into a camera lens and give you that look of pure lust and desire.
  • Can we drop the alibi of ignorance - the endless insistence that we did not know - and resist the seductive lures of solipsism, of denial, of dissociation?
  • He moved towards the seductive warmth of the fire.
  • Since she flirted with everyone and undoubtedly had a seductive personality, he was probably attracted to her.
  • Next time you hear the ominous music, you see the calculatedly irritating grainy video, you are embraced by the seductive, syrupy voice (a voice actor I met called this the "pukey" voice), try to picture the person at that microphone. Davis Sweet: One Voter's Meat is the Same Voter's Poison
  • She used all of her seductive charm to try and persuade him.
  • Between the two, there's a warm goat cheese croquette with beet tartare, oysters Rockefeller, and other seductive offerings.
  • The seductive illusion of virtuous circle was transposed to the ugly reality of vicious financial death spiral.
  • Pressing his lips to hers, the two shared a steamy and passionate moment, minds becoming drunk with the seductive taste of each other.
  • At once existential and literal, Mosquera's vignettes are visually seductive, successfully engaging both our need to belong and our sense of self.
  • This is bedroom hair; Medusa hair: snaky, sultry, seductive.
  • As the medium extends the integrity of the pigment, he manipulates it to achieve substrata and surfaces that range from a glazed appearance or deepening craquelure to the look of pollen, each seductive in its own right.
  • Under the ministrations of western novelists, he pupated into the seductive, cape-wearing aristocrat of modern myth. Religion news roundup: Scientology, religion trends, Islam, Gwen Shamblin, and more
  • His next task: Hone his unique vibe, which he characterizes as sensuous and seductive - with additional influences from popular music, rhythm-and-blues and alternative rock. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • A short choppy shag that drapes seductively across your forehead and cheeks would be another Libran hairstyle winner.
  • At almost 5,000 ft, it is surrounded by rarefied air, seductive silence and dreamy peaks.
  • And thus does the major theme emerge: the seductive lure and dangerous irresponsibility of suppression.
  • The spectral shimmer of Terra Incognita is eerier still, especially when Cox beckons "Will you join me?" in a voice as seductive as it is chilling. Atlas Sound: Parallax – review
  • And so tons of little girls think (or believe subconsciously) that growing up means learning how to seductively dance, nearly naked, in heels so high you need a ladder to access them. Kate Fridkis: Growing up: Girls, Look Sexy Like Miley
  • It has a seductive scent and leaves limbs looking dewy and youthful. Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes a measure of artistic fortitude to lovingly depict the ordinary, and ample skill to finesse it into quietly seductive works of art.
  • At the same time, Hals's celebration of the materiality of his medium is so seductive that sheer painterliness often overrides all other concerns, including the fact that his subjects are often blunt-featured, fleshy, self-satisfied types whose company you might not seek. Picture-Perfect Rogues' Gallery
  • Rice, followed-up by Stephanie Meyer, “… modernized and domesticated the vampire, ripping away the traditional narrative from the black-caped, thickly Euro-accented, terror guy you run from, to the handsome, seductive bad-boy next door you want to sleep with,” says Thompson. VAMPIRES- WHY HERE, WHY NOW? | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Either way, the car's immense yet smooth power is seductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Promises will be made, seductive asides will be whispered into shell-like ears, egos will be stroked.
  • That it was a rare glimpse into the shadowy world of international espionage makes it all the more seductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strange, though, exerts a pull, it draws you in to a place you've never been and may not understand, but which takes on a palpable and seductive existence.
  • Yokes and sleeves are obvious choices for a peek-a-boo look, and for evening or vacation wear, consider a midriff inset in a seductive sheer or demure lace.
  • She laughed easily and sauntered away slowly, her hips swaying seductively as she moved.
  • Googlewhacking is a dangerously seductive anticyclonic mixolydian way to waste time at work. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Anthropomorphic nipperkin
  • The resident jackrabbits rolled their eyes seductively at Gerald and lay on their backs like cats. Bird Cloud
  • The idea of superiority is the most seductive notion ever visited upon the human life.
  • His honeyed tones - made for golf commentary - are truly seductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • My favourite sex writing is the writing that like Lisa Moore’s Open or Degrees of Nakedness is real sex in seductive portions (the sensuous particulars Richard and Russell describe); Moore offers details and they read like morsels of a slow, blindfolded meal. Discussion: On Sex in Fiction
  • You have only to read the early American and British paeans to the successes of fascism in forcefully rebuilding and lifting Italy and Germany out of the Depression to realize how broadly seductive were the themes of a benevolent dictatorship of the intellectual and cultural elite. The Volokh Conspiracy » The William F. Buckley Clause of the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780
  • Stretched out seductively on her cushion at Wolf's right elbow, she resembled an asp in greenery.
  • Some designers have gone further by experimenting with sheer fabrics to add a seductive appeal.
  • Little rounds of rich, seductive salmon enclose lightly whipped herb cream cheese.
  • They are the dirty secrets under the squeaky-clean surface, the seductive sadomasochistic dream behind absolute power.
  • The mucus inside the male elephant's trunk helps deliver a concentrated whiff of the seductive scent.
  • The tale: A business traveler meets a seductive woman in a hotel bar.
  • She used all of her seductive charm to try and persuade him.
  • Clafoutis is one of the most seductive puddings. Times, Sunday Times
  • My bed is not just calling seductively to me, it's exerting some strange force of similar qualities to a high level tractor beam.
  • She was grown more notorious than a way-mark,285 for her seductive genius, and outdid the fair both in theory and practice, and she was noted for her swimming gait, flexile and delicate, albeit she was full five feet in height and by all the boons of fortune deckt and dight, with strait arched brows twain, as they were the crescent moon of The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The eyes are the focal point for a seductive dark look so define them with a generous slick of an eye pencil. The Sun
  • At one point Kassir veers off what one might expect from a dispassionate history by describing the city as having a 'unique and incomparably seductive quality'. James Denselow: From Beirut With Love
  • Teeming with the rich period details that make historical fiction so rewarding, Gulland’s dynamic and nuanced portrait of Louis’ notorious reign thrums with page-turning expediency and deliciously seductive machinations. Mistress of the Sun by Sandra Gulland: Book summary
  • But it was Paul Weller's seductively hooky tune that propelled the record to the summit, and it was only when you listened carefully to the lyrics that you realised this was in fact a supremely angry protest song.
  • She was beautiful: a sultry brunette with a seductive voice and she oozed femininity.
  • A crisp edit would usefully emphasise their greatest asset, namely Cedric Gasaida's honeyed falsetto vocals: they're enticingly seductive on Into the Night, while Reckless With Your Love gives the delicious impression that he spent some fruitful time in his youth pretending to be Grace Jones. Azari & III: Azari & III – review
  • Amber turned to me, her eyes glittering seductively as they met mine.
  • Ironic and distanced at first as the proper mimeticist should be, but of course, once you start playing with diegesis, story is so seductive. War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No…
  • Baconopolis, by any other name would you ... could you possibly smell and taste so seductively sweet, salty, sizzlingly savory and sensually sensational! Current News - Top Stories
  • Flowing style signals the return of authentic, seductive daytime lingerie, with camisoles and teddies.
  • But we will be the first to admit that things are going to look seductively encouraging as long as liquidity remains so cheap and over-abundant.
  • She was quite demanding and extremely seductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The girl wearing a daring short skirt and low cut top stands on the ring apron and seductively calls him over with her index finger and a warm smile.
  • Everywhere you look, something strange, seductive, supranatural. Times, Sunday Times
  • This year the little town was especially seductive, what with cloudless skies by day, a bedazzlement of stars by night and, at an altitude of almost two miles, mountain air as fragrant as it was thin. Thin Air, Rich Fare
  • The dahabiyeh -- her very name, the _Loulia_, has a gentle, seductive, cooing sound -- drifts broadside to the current with furled sails, or glides smoothly on before an amiable north wind with sails unfurled. The Spell of Egypt
  • They reflect popular music tastes of the time, most notably an interest in the seductive rhythms of the tango.
  • But instead she goes for the cheaper, more seductive, thrill of suggesting that ungainly, weak female bodies are the most attractive to men, that teenage gawkiness could be made into an appealing vulnerability that brings all the supernatural boys to the yard. Sarah Seltzer: "Twilight": Sexual Longing in an Abstinence-Only World
  • Everywhere you look, something strange, seductive, supranatural. Times, Sunday Times
  • - one of the sweet pea buds is just showing a seductive glimpse of silky amber petal ... June 17th, 2006
  • Although momentarily tempted by the seductively rich chocolate dessert Sabrina's willpower held firm and she gave it to Graham.
  • They are relics of an earlier, darkly seductive era.
  • It spans musical emotions from the jagged shrieking solos of the sorceress to the seductive siren songs of the maidens.
  • The castanets of Spain have clicked seductively through many a French score, and Debussy can manage them as deftly as anyone.
  • Though as a shark she glided through the tank like a needle and her manta ray was as graceful and sly as a ruffle of fox, when she was an angelfish she strutted her stuff, bright stripes flashing, her big eyes aware, and lips seductively puckered. Enjoy It Now
  • Their indefatigable references to women and eroticism, couched in vigorous and seductive language, speak to an awareness that references to women and sexuality enable homosocial bonds between male writers and readers.
  • He has a seductively tumbling, pigeon-toed gait and a dinky, prompting, short-passing range. Why we must savour the rare English delicacy that is Jack Wilshere
  • He wrote to a friend, the author of "Edge Hill," in Richmond, that he had quite overcome "the seductive and dangerous besetment" by which he had so often been prostrated, and to another friend that, incredible as it might seem, he had become a "model of temperance," and of "other virtues," which it had sometimes been difficult for him to practice. International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
  • Beautiful to the world is its prosperity, which is like a kind of ingratiating sweetness, false and seductive. - Photown News
  • The Weirs' book contains scores of seductive recipes, many of which, I smugly think, would have been wasted on my younger self in any case – Campari and orange, Earl Grey, tamarind – but, as the principle of the sorbet is the important thing, here I've decided to stick with the undisputed classic of the genre. How to make perfect lemon sorbet
  • As others have pointed out, affirmation of the consequent is a seductive and insidious error. Daniel Dennett: Intelligent design? Show me the science - The Panda's Thumb
  • There is nothing more seductive than vanilla which evokes in most people cosy feelings of home-baked cakes, warmth and security.
  • Your sculpted physique and mastery of seductive poetry is simply overwhelming.
  • Lysander leaned against the desk and began twining a piece of hair around his finger, looking up at the student council president in that seductive manner that brought so many people to his bed.
  • She was grown more notorious than a way-mark,285 for her seductive genius, and outdid the fair both in theory and practice, and she was noted for her swimming gait, flexile and delicate, albeit she was full five feet in height and by all the boons of fortune deckt and dight, with strait arched brows twain, as they were the crescent moon of The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The premise of wireless headphones is a seductive one. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Nishimura will be joined by actress Eihi Shiina, who plays an evil zombie queen in the movie but is best-known as the seductive, menacing Asami in Takashi Miike's cult classic "Audition. Asia Fantasias and Other Tales
  • This line of argument is comforting and seductive, but not convincing.
  • Her long, black hair was layered and strewn seductively over her shoulders and back.
  • I don't know a more seductive syncopated rhythm than that of the Sapphic stanza with its three long lines and one short one.
  • The results are seductive and powerful and all the more dangerous as a consequence.
  • The linguine with clams and tomatoes is perfect for that first dinner candlelight, a bottle of wine, seductive music and beautiful, silky linguine.
  • She declares that women, with a bracing sense of self, may develop a sexuality that is open and nonseductive and a form of mothering that is adult and unresentful.
  • As Leigh did with 2008's "Happy-Go-Lucky," he and cinematographer Dick Pope have chosen a lush palette and expansive widescreen canvas to draw the audience into Tom and Gerri's lambent world, made all the more seductive by Gary Yershon's lyrical chamber score. Somewhere between settled and unsettling
  • He moved towards the seductive warmth of the fire.
  • These monochromes were seductive, their surfaces smooth and shimmering.
  • Who could be anything but enchanted by the magnetised base, the smartphone-app control system, the seductive petiteness of the thing? Times, Sunday Times
  • Green's presence is arresting, to be sure, although her chief contribution comes in the form of seductive, baleful, or haunted glaring, which makes her a perfect complement for Bloom's Balian.
  • The narrator claims that restraint is an all-or-nothing proposition for her: once she has forsaken that ‘simple rule of renunciation,’ she is under the sway of ‘the seductive guidance of illimitable wants’.
  • I can gaze seductively into a camera lens and give you that look of pure lust and desire.
  • But it was Paul Weller's seductively hooky tune that propelled the record to the summit, and it was only when you listened carefully to the lyrics that you realised this was in fact a supremely angry protest song.
  • His sentiment has become philosophical, as we are not cowed by caustic warnings but entreated with seductive and satisfying draftsmanship.
  • It was a seductive argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • A businesswoman was told by her male boss that she looked like a seductive dancer from Indian mythology, an employment tribunal heard yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • In tough times that argument could prove seductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his subscription newsletter, Gilman observed two stylistic camps among the top reds, one epitomized by Lafite that is suave and seductive from the get-go, and another, more structured style requiring bottle aging, embodied by Latour and Petrus. 2010 April | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • This smashing red will not hang around for long either, so if you fancy a gamey, rustic, plummy wine with a seductive, spicy, perfumed finish, move fast.
  • It has oodles of seductive, silky, plum, cherry and damson fruit on the palate and a fine curranty finish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet there is something seductive about doing it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He saw it in her lovely eyes, the delicious downcast look she gave, so languorous, so seductive. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Mr. Rockwell, 40, who has become a beloved, chameleonic character actor thanks to his roles in movies like Safe Men, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and Frost/Nixon (not to mention his weirdly seductive turn in Charlie’s Angels), grew up the son of two actors in what The New York Times once described as a footloose childhood. The Man Who Fell to Moon
  • Boty's seductively subversive multimedia poet, risqué dancer, radio show host, actress expression exuded the spirit of the androgynous Aquarian archetype that continues to infiltrate the collective consciousness via the antics of tabloid celebrities, even as the authentic rebellion driving this zeitgeist has been institutionally repressed by the art world system. Lisa Paul Streitfeld: Feminist (R)evolution in Brooklyn: Reclaiming Women for Pop
  • And while sophisticated, clever and highly seductive, today's inflationism is a more dangerous scourge than ever.
  • Consider the ‘tell’ of poker players, the anxious movements that betray an unaccomplished liar, and the seductive mannerisms of someone you know is interested in you before they speak.
  • The female voice purred seductively in his ear.
  • Even the word radical was a seductive conceptual trap. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Still, he's a flawed guy, and the Philistines capitalize on this by sending in top-secret operative Delilah, the seductive hottie charged with sapping Samson of his strength (no, not that way).
  • The turquoise lagoon and ragged peaks of Bora Bora are a seductive interplay of land and sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • I went for the main course of harissa lamb shank with gremolata because I adore that seductive Italian last-minute seasoning of flat parsley, lemon zest and garlic, but it seemed to have vanished.
  • Utterly seductive: medium-full, with fresh, sweet cherry and plum fruit, delicate oak and a satin-smooth texture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sak's site mentions "fiery chilies, seductive incense and soothing guaiac wood" notes being in there. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Between the two, there's a warm goat cheese croquette with beet tartare, oysters Rockefeller, and other seductive offerings.
  • She combined an impetuous, coltish physicality with high glamour and a flirtatious, seductive allure.
  • You know the word suavity exists, and you plan to use it in every sentence you speak for the rest of your life - even if it's just whispering it seductively at the end of them like Cracked: All Posts
  • In this fresco, a pile of martial armor offers a pillow for the reclining figure of Peace, who in seductive repose turns a receptive ear and extends an olive branch to the viewer. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Power is seductive, for civil servants as much as for politicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the epoch of the salons, of the philosophers and encyclopaedists, of a brilliant society whose decadence was hidden in a garb of seductive gaiety, its egotism and materialism in a magnificent apparelling of wit and learning. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • Then she must speed back to Blue Triad City, compose her confused thoughts and frustrated hopes, far away from the insidious and seductive atmosphere of coelura ... and sadly, from Murell whom she must also forget. The Coelura
  • He sometimes has the hip-shake, but never that lovely, slinky, catlike sexual menace we see here, that seductive creep.
  • Eli broke out in a lumberman's "chanty" that he had picked up while in camp -- Cuthbert joined in the chorus, and unable to withstand the seductive strains, Owen found himself also lifting his voice and adding volume to the merry sound. Canoe Mates in Canada Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan
  • After all, Scully is one of those uncompromising painters who long ago hit on an aesthetic riff: there's the bold arrangements of vertical and horizontal bars, the earthy, muted and melancholic colours, and the soft-edged and seductive brushwork. This week's new exhibitions
  • Some designers have gone further by experimenting with sheer fabrics to add a seductive appeal.
  • Footwear is in a seductive and strangely combative mood this season.
  • Both knew that flowers could work as seductive metaphors for other things. The Times Literary Supplement
  • ‘My God, Marlon,’ purrs Sadie King as she slides her hand seductively along the vicar's leg while reaching for her pint of mild.
  • It's that combination of availability, advertising and seductive taste that makes modern food so addictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have a beauty all their own, a seductive, sexy, sinuous swiftness that puts everything else in the sea to shame.
  • There is a seductive quality here, because the joy of being loved, cared for, adulated, enjoyed as an attractive being, sexually and spiritually, is prepossessing for people the world over. Mitchell J. Rabin: The Ways of Love
  • Spliced with a dash of crisp white linen or lawn cotton, though, it becomes sharp, chic and seductive.
  • The patterns and images he adapts are seductive in their familiarity and kitschness, but also in how they have become suddenly, shimmeringly strange.
  • Perhaps Dr Nunn will tell us some day if quantum memories are like the human ones that suffuse this room – memories of 30-year-old kisses and of bedtime stories read by one of the RSC's most seductive voices, all locked, perhaps subatomically, in these very walls. The Saturday interview: Janet Suzman
  • The tale: A business traveler meets a seductive woman in a hotel bar.
  • The rooms have shapes and contours that seem determined to disorientate, although the overall effect is striking and seductive.
  • Jacques sighed, his anger melting away as her voice came across the line in honeyed tones, seductive and dark as velvet.
  • Oshun is the most beautiful one, the flirtacious owner of the river, wearer of beautiful clothes and jewellery, the sensual one, the bringer of children to the wombs of the barren, the seductive dancer who lured out Ogun the creator when he had withdrawn from the world. Archive 2005-04-01
  • And we lap it up, unable to resist the seductive allure of... maths. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Wagner's music casts a spell infinitely more seductive than those wielded by his motley collection of wizards and sorcerers.
  • She was beautiful, alluring, and seductive. Christianity Today
  • His voice dropped to a seductive whisper and Dawn felt it all the way to her toes.
  • Think totally seductive dresses, and you have the last word in after-dark glam.
  • The elusive but seductive goal of this intellectual ascesis is to turn us into anthropologists of our own culture and historians of our own present. 'That Obscure Object of Historical Desire'
  • Its seductive power - its enchanting spell - is the key to understanding corporate globalism.

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