How To Use Seduction In A Sentence
In the tome, full of glamorous soft-focus pictures of the footballer, he waxes lyrical about the art of seduction, with fish his favourite weapon for luring girlfriends from the dining room to the boudoir.
This led to flirtatious, prolonged seductions and the delicious build-up of anticipation and desire.
Her methods of seduction are subtle.
He turned to me, his eyes glittering with a new seduction.
But if (to borrow language from the mint of Gorgias86), if only the attendants will bedew us with a frequent mizzle87 of small glasses, we shall not be violently driven on by wine to drunkenness, but with sweet seduction reach the goal of sportive levity.

Like the names of restaurant dishes here — "Creole cream-cheese cannoli with pistachios and satsuma sorbet" — the costumed performance feels like a seduction.
New Orleans Done Over, Done Right
It is an old-fashioned, admirably reticent film that succeeds not through daring but by avoiding the seductions of sentimentality and melodrama.
Pizzetti is the artist who has rejected the volatile and ephemeral seductions of fashion and the servitude to others by preferring loyalty to himself.
The seduction of modafinil is that you can feel as peppy after six hours sleep as you would after nine.
Boing Boing: March 2, 2003 - March 8, 2003 Archives
Here and there came a stream of warm light through an open door, and within, the Mongolians were gathered round the gambling-tables, playing fan-tan, or leaving the seductions of their favourite pastime, to glide soft-footed to the many cook-shops, where enticing-looking fowls and turkeys already cooked were awaiting purchasers.
The Mystery of a Hansom Cab
As he babysits the babes, he tries to mould them into prim and proper ladies in this fish-out-of-water caper as they in turn teach Roland the art of seduction.
He probably thought he could turn any woman into one of his doxies with his seductions.
A Hellion in Her Bed
This was also the period in which young women were apprenticed to seamstresses, to prepare their trousseau and be initiated into the skills of seduction.
They have come to this unlikely location for a weekend crash course in the art of seduction.
The Sun
Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption, who continue constant in their love to him, so as not to be corrupted out of it by any baits or seductions whatsoever, and whose love to him is uncorrupted by any opposite lust, or the love of any thing displeasing to him.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
There was so much of glamour, beauty and seduction in that dressing.
A valuable weapon in the armoury of seduction, it covers a multitude of sins, including wrinkles and blemishes.
The US has two choices, choice one: defend the seduction, causing even more ramage to American's international rep**ation, or send the child back to his only pathological and shoving parent (ding ring ring common fence) and thereby kiss off a few rich nationalists in Rio.
It's silly, but she is so adorable, and her seduction is inspired with such grace, that it makes a touching and subtle scene.
That all of us fall prey to the seduction of jargon is too well known just as the analysand enchanted by his own voice talks it out all or the Khayal singer who often happens to be the last person in the auditorium.
Archive 2009-08-01
Promises, like most performatives, are seductions; that's their appeal and their limit.
A slow seduction is not merely the sweetest, it can also be the safest.
Times, Sunday Times
It enables virtual flirtations, seductions, affairs - without the responsibilities that attend their actual physical realisation.
She is hardly knows what to say when she arrives at the home of singer Delysia LaFosse and finds her wearing “the kind of foamy robe, no mere dressing gown, worn by the most famous of stars in seduction scenes in the films.”
2008 November 10 « One-Minute Book Reviews
The four players skilfully acted out very different scenes, playing with universal images of rejection, seduction and romance.
Indeed, the boy known for ‘always thinking ahead’ could never utter the final sentence in the passage-unless he willfully yielded to the seductions of his father's self-indulgent conceits.
You can set up elaborate traps and seductions - leaving pieces out for capture to ensnare your opponent - or you can play cautiously.
With her serene smiles, delicate shimmies, and fluttering fan, she cast a teasing spell of seduction.
It's perfect for a last-ditch attempt at seduction.
Times, Sunday Times
She sees the skin of her hand and pushes Neil out the door, ending the seduction for now.
She paled beneath the onslaught of that commanding seduction, her expression suddenly going slack.
Brush of Darkness
This is no lesson in morality, but an invitation to seduction.
The yo-ho-ho swashbuckling in the film drew comparisons with Errol Flynn, but Bloom's territory is not raffish seduction.
His seduction technique was rudimentary, to say the least.
Times, Sunday Times
Built using a surprising array of materials and techniques, each dress focuses on primal elements of human nature - the soul, memory, seduction, abnegation.
Odd seduction technique unless she's a gerontophile.
Army Rumour Service
Who could resist the seductions of the tropical island?
Along with the word lingerie used in place of undergarments, other terms changed to reflect the emphasis on seduction; the shift was first called a camisole and then simply known as a “slip” by this period, drawers turning into knickers and petticoats into “frillies “.
Edwardians Unbuttoned | Edwardian Promenade
I think it will be hard for the newcomer to avoid the seductions of the center.
The film makes no attempt to explore political or philosophical aspects of lesbianism, opting instead to focus on seduction scenes.
Understandably, we attempt to teach our children to value history over the easy seductions of space.
Her subject was usually 'amatory' fiction, narratives of desire focussing on highly charged sexual episodes, concerned with love and seduction in all their guises.
Eliza Haywood (c.1693-1756)
In something of the same spirit -- but with a hatred to the German philosopher such as men are represented as feeling towards the gloomy enchanter, Zamiel or whomsoever, by whose hateful seductions they have been placed within a circle of malign influences -- did I at times revert to Kant: though for me his power had been of the very opposite kind; not an enchanter's, but the power of a disenchanter -- and a disenchanter the most profound.
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey—Vol. 1 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened
The ballet begins in Egypt with Cleopatra luxuriating in her bath, and swiftly moves on to her quick-witted evasion of an assassination attempt by her brother to her triumphant seduction of Caesar and decampment to Rome.
The book is about power and its seductions and terrors.
All would have been well but for the seductions of a certain ice-cream parlor where candy, apples and cigars were temptingly displayed in a window, draped genteely with a fly-specked lace lambrequin.
Chicken Little Jane
Cast a delicious spell on a room by lighting jack-o'-lanterns with real cinnamon, clove and nutmeg candles made of clean-burning soy wax - you'll enjoy all tire sensory seduction of pumpkin pie without the work.
The slow movement has effortless grace, so gentle in its seduction and courtly in guise that one imagines two dancing figures lovingly expressing endearments.
Augustine did not accept the old notions, popular among gnostic sects of the second century, that the Fall consisted in the serpent's seduction of Eve or that Adam and Eve fell by having sexual union before the proper time.
Can men learn seduction techniques like this?
Times, Sunday Times
How important was the ability to practice the art of seduction for a modern spy?
Their rapid increase is attributable not to any incestuous breeding in-and-in among themselves, but to a violent seduction of the President and the Heads of Department by importunate Congressmen; and you may rest assured that this criminal multiplication fills nobody with half so much righteous indignation and virtuous sorrow as the clerks themselves.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 39, January, 1861
His glance rested on his son Draper, seated opposite him behind a barrier of Georgian silver and orchids; but his words were addressed to his secretary who, stylograph in hand, had turned from the seductions of a mushroom souffle in order to jot down, for the Sunday Investigator, an outline of his employer's views and intentions respecting the newly endowed Orlando G. Spence College for Missionaries.
The Blond Beast
Richard St. Clair created some inspired costumes for Phaedra, including a flesh-colored gown to suggest nudity for her attempted seduction of Hippolyt in Act I; and in Act II, a fabulous draped black number made her look like a ferocious bird of prey as she climbed atop the cowering Hippolyt's cage.
Divided Inside, in Theme and Structure
It gives you a simple style with a touch of feminine seduction.
A gentleman can hardly come from that country, with a servant or two, either to this place or Philadelphia, but what there are persons trying to seduce his servants to leave him; and, when they have done this, the poor wretches are obliged to rob their master in order to obtain a subsistence; all those, therefore, who are concerned in this seduction, are accessaries to the robbery.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Control over others, through processes of possession, domination, and seduction, are the main mechanisms at work here.
The study of medicine, combined with the ardor of youthful revolt and the seductions of a new bohemian life, had so sensualized the mind of Schiller that, for a brief period in his career, he found pleasure in exploiting the indecent.
The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
Who could resist the seductions of the tropical island?
Cash on the barrelhead might still be the ultimate seduction for a girl from the lowlands of Louisiana, no matter how wealthy and sophisticated she had become.
Georgia Jeffries: Performance Art
The question of identity, the tenuous nature of self-understanding, and the seductions of self-delusion, are among her work's main themes.
The temptress and tempters have described their seduction technique.
He must also have looked into the mirror when he considered the great roué, whose smooth approach and good looks make him a master of seduction.
He is an honest man despite the considerable seductions of his vocation.
We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; we are determined to make amends for the manifold offenses against Christian modesty in unbecoming dress and behavior, for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violations of Sundays and holy days, and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy saints.
Feast of the Sacred Heart
A magazine editor who has lived in Hollywood for many years, he has witnessed first-hand how corrupting seduction can be.
As with every seduction, however, the excitement of the chase soon is replaced by discontent and even misery.
But, to complete the sensible and well - digested plan, in which so many wise heads were concerned, it was determined for me to make the tour of Europe previous to my marriage, in order to perfectionate my matrimonial qualifications; and the lovely idea of the fair maid I left behind was presented to me, as possessing a talismanic power to preserve me from seduction.
Letters of the Late Lord Littelton
Nay, but they say that the precious metals foster all manner of vice, such as the seduction of women, adultery, and unchastity, in short, crimes of violence against the person.
Thus the monstrous seizer of antiquity was appropriated as a Christian image of seduction and then of penitence and remorse.
The only time seduction doesn't involve warmth and feeling, says Greene, is when it is performed by a coquette.
It's a mission which looks dangerously like seduction as she hangs around gazing calf-like at the older man, who reacts with a panicky cold sweat.
Offered to the gods, these objects were a token of renewal and strengthened the seduction of their owner, which the texts describe as “mistress of the sistrum,” “lady of the menat” and “whose pure hands hold the sistrum to charm her father Amon with her voice ….”
Archive 2008-08-01
Now, on the whole, this sort of vivid reference to rotting flesh and the worm-eaten body is not a very good argument for seduction.
When it comes to the front page, newspapers favor plain language, in part to protect the readers from the seductions of rhetoric, of art.
Built using a surprising array of materials and techniques, each dress focuses on primal elements of human nature - the soul, memory, seduction, abnegation.
Lights are sparkling in the background of the painting, displaying a huge sense of humour and seduction in the application of the paint.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet despite the seductions of his oratorical style, he frets about losing his audience.
Just looking at the lotions and potions on sale makes you realise there is more to this French seduction lark than a pair of suspenders.
Times, Sunday Times
In Seduction and Betrayal, for example, she located Virginia Woolf's special and claustral narrowness, her aggravated femininity, less in her situation as a woman than in the aestheticism and androgyny of Bloomsbury.
On Elizabeth Hardwick (1916–2007)
Totally understandably, they wield their own youth and beauty as weapons of mass seduction on the way up, when it suits them.
The Sun
The crowning moment of any royal seduction, when the princess became a woman like any other, subject to him and his skill.
Later we have his incestuous seduction by his half-sister Morgan Le Fay, and the love triangle among Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere.
(Author Robert Greene coined this seduction technique "shadowing" - that is, walk away from someone and he will chase after you, much like your shadow.)
Zondra Hughes: Let Me Downgrade Ya'
Let's get away from the topic of seduction and unthought of possibilities.
Because the individual himself is at stake during the seduction, he cannot risk a flat refusal from the potential partner.
With this accusation of the misuse of borrowed funds, we recognize the strange and, I think in this context, rather ill-fitting subtext behind Comus' seduction.
The seduction hilariously unfolds over a bombastic bass track laced with suggestive whinnies.
Neither love, this, nor abduction; deathly beauty -- harsh seduction -- gem-hard, frozen firecrest adorns the queen of winter's breast and from some cigarette in bed her heat will dance, and wail, and spread
Courted: a dirge (funded!)
Seduction Cinema serves this dark tale of supernatural seduction on a silver platter.
They have come to this unlikely location for a weekend crash course in the art of seduction.
The Sun
Seduction continues to appear to all orthodoxies as malefice and artifice, a black magic for the deviation of all truths, an exaltation of the malicious use of signs, a conspiracy of signs.
Shakespeare's _Venus and Adonis_, in like manner, is so written as to force the reader to feel with Venus the seduction of Adonis.]
Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
The seduction scene in the last episode?
Times, Sunday Times
The seductions of life in a warm climate have led many Britons to live abroad, especially in Spain.
This is no lesson in morality, but an invitation to seduction.
That is, Moore's metaphors and images attempt a certain seduction of the readerthey claim to invite the reader to lift the veil covering the stereotyped mysterious East, and simultaneously use the veil to cover Moore's "homefelt" inspiration in writing the tales, his desire for Catholic emancipation.
Irish Odalisques and Other Seductive Figures: Thomas Moore
Secondly, the thesis analyzes it from the modern financial corporation institution seduction of its surrounding system, property right system, corporate governance and business system.
Divine Seduction" features 21 paintings from India's Pahari region, illustrating the Sanskrit poem Gita Govinda.
Time Off
The film depicts Charlotte's seduction by her boss.
Immune to the seductions of fashion, Brookner's preoccupations have nonetheless begun to parallel contemporary anxieties.
Protestant ascendency means nothing less than an influence obtained by virtue, by love, or even by artifice and seduction, -- full as little an influence derived from the means by which ministers have obtained an influence which might be called, without straining, an _ascendency_, in public assemblies in England, that is, by a liberal distribution of places and pensions, and other graces of government.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12)
Few image-makers have portrayed the texture and seduction of our overlit technological landscape with such scintillating imaginative power.
There is a difference between lechery and seduction.
Who could resist the seductions of the tropical island?
From my earliest youth, I resisted the helpful attempts of family and friends to introduce me to the seductions of opera.
Nearly everywhere he looks, it seems, a Republican governor or legislature is finding the seductions of tax hikes too powerful to resist in the face of reduced federal support and soaring education and health-care costs.
It can also feel a bit mean or irrelevant to expose a subject's clumsy attempts at seduction.
Times, Sunday Times
The seduction of the mind by the senses is symbolized by the fetters grasping the necks and legs of the prisoners in the cave, whom Plato describes as being invested in the false belief that the projected images they witness are real objects.
Secondly, the thesis analyzes it from the modern financial corporation institution seduction of its surrounding system, property right system, corporate governance and business system.
It was the curtain and her husband's fears and warnings which alerted her to the presence of a possible source of seduction.
Mr. Hellman screens "The Road to Nowhere," a movie-within-a-movie, wrapped in a mystery, that evokes the backlot noir of David Lynch's "Mullholland Dr." and the deja-vu seductions of "Last Year at Marienbad.
Imported and Homegrown
Thomas Jefferson is a particularly interesting example of someone who partially resisted its seductions.
The Swiss Guard of about a thousand men were all trustworthy; and there was also a small body of heavy cavalry of the gendarmery who had proved true enough to resist all the seductions of the conspirators.
The Life of Marie Antoinette
What goes beyond the cataloguing of the hidden structures, the invisible powers, seductions, and numerous offenses we have been preoccupied with for so long?
Their secret priests therefore served the lust of the senses and practiced magic with all their might, employ conjurations and spells, concoct love potions and methods of seduction, and engage in dream-interpretation and dark prestidigitator's arts.
The latter used to be called seduction - but seduction is now seen as a crime that we had simply failed to recognise.
But their damage is what we notice and what he shews us, the seduction and bribery of fervent desire meshed with sheepish sorrow.
Snakes are an important symbol of power and seduction.
Nonetheless, the distinction between the masculine and feminine constitutes a significant aspect that informs the operation of seduction.
His glance rested on his son Draper, seated opposite him behind a barrier of Georgian silver and orchids; but his words were addressed to his secretary who, stylograph in hand, had turned from the seductions of a mushroom _souffle_ in order to jot down, for the
Tales of Men and Ghosts
Beneath the heavy fabric of her redingote, she clearly had a body made for seduction, too, with lush hips and lusher breasts.
How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
On that sun-drenched summer day, every bend commanded out-of-the-world views and we surrendered to the seductions of the idyllic setting, knowing that life couldn't get better than this!
HUSTLER HONEY, EUROTRASH newsgroup: author: “jlaix”
Get Laid or Die Trying
That iconoclastic culture rejects the seductions of the representational.
Still a teenager, Lou became infatuated with her newfound benefactor and yielded to his seductions.
Every seduction has two players: the worldly temptress and the willing target.
We know the alluring seduction of temptation.
Christianity Today
It can also feel a bit mean or irrelevant to expose a subject's clumsy attempts at seduction.
Times, Sunday Times
I too, much to my chagrin, fell prey to the seductions of the city.
Afterward, demonstrators exulted, equating their seduction of the cameras with victory.
In hard-edged artificial light, the dancers enact feverish beach parties, orgies, murders, and seductions.
Drawn from the Greek tropein, to turn, the trope is a perversion, a breaking of rules, a seduction of language from its proper course.
'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
I now have an apparently sure-fire seduction technique.
The Sun
Yet in such circumstances the woman who has been left in the lurch is supposed to suffer, quite apart from the damage to her affection, a sort of moral damage and disgrace from the heartlessness or fickleness of another person – the man to whom she has been engaged; and this moral damage is, I believe, taken into account in actions for breach of promise of marriage (where there is no question of seduction).
Marriage as a Trade
We assumed that he could see right through the fairly transparent seduction attempts that people were laying in front of him practically every five minutes.
calling his seduction of the girl a `score' was a typical example of male slang
The country had resisted the seductions of mass tourism.
His seduction technique is unvaryingly frivolous, not to say unconvincing.
Who better to turn to than history's most renowned expert in the etiquette of seduction.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Timberlake unamusingly compares romance to fast food in "Carry Out," while Ms. Furtado strives for seduction in "Morning After Dark.
NYT > Home Page
Sacrificing plot clarity for wisecracking dialogue and smouldering seduction the producers removed a big chunk of explanation in favour of more Bogart-Bacall smooch time, the definitive Chandler detective movie is still wildly enjoyable.
This week's new films
Wine has also had a long association with the art of seduction.
Among the many wiles exposed are big pharma's use of contract research organisations to exert undue influence over clinical research and its insidious seduction of doctors.
The exhibit looks at animalism and concepts of femininity, sexual fetishes, seduction, excess, coquetry and class standing.
It's a mission which looks dangerously like seduction as she hangs around gazing calf-like at the older man, who reacts with a panicky cold sweat.
It is a tale of courtship, passion and seduction.
No to spectacle no to virtuosity no to transformations and magic and make believe no to glamour and transcendency of the star image no to the heroic no to the anti-heroic no to trash imagery no to involvement of performer or spectator no to style no to camp no to seduction of spectator by the wiles of the performer no to eccentricity no to moving or being moved.
Step-by-step guide to dance: Yvonne Rainer
How does one contain power that flows not from coercion but seduction?
And what dessert seduction would be complete without a demitasse of espresso?
That said, Shall We Dance possesses enough charm about it to side-step the majority of its failings, emerging as a suitably cute date movie for those who seek nothing more than a little sugar-coated seduction.
But after years of warning worshipers to avoid the seduction of material success, pastors are now sermonizing on the predicaments of sudden economic misfortune.
The thing is, "Sensual Seduction" doesn't use the talkbox, nor does it use a vocoder, which is a completely different instrument that often gets credit for the talkbox's outbut.
The Death of Analog, AutoTune Edition - Anil Dash
Because people like it, and there are still sufficient numbers of people who resist the seductions of so-called tastemakers to make a viable market for it.
This was also the period in which young women were apprenticed to seamstresses, to prepare their trousseau and be initiated into the skills of seduction.
The king is the cause of his own jealousy because he is a voyeur, at once aroused and made jealous by watching the object of his desire perform an act of seduction at his bidding.
The exhibit looks at animalism and concepts of femininity, sexual fetishes, seduction, excess, coquetry and class standing.
Diaghilev celebrates the pure, youthful love of a shepherd and shepherdess that triumphs over the wickedness of pirates who kidnap Chloe and the seduction of Daphnis by worldly older woman, Lykanion.
It requires no complicated theories of a preference for authoritarians or personal seduction.
Whereas Kant had a calming influence on the young mind troubled by the aporia of infinite versus finite time, Nietzsche's doctrine of ‘the eternal recurrence of the same’ constituted a powerful negative seduction.
The seductions of life in a warm climate have led many Britons to live abroad, especially in Spain.
It's shorthand for creativity/idleness, relaxation/nervousness, seduction / post-coital bliss, and a host of other contradictory cinematic moods.
Others would regard seduction as the supreme exercise of power.
Times, Sunday Times
Coleman deliberately eschews the emotional seduction natural to the film medium.
French humanists eloquently cautioned us about the seductions of technologism.
Johannes the seducer is a reflective aesthete, who gains sensuous delight not so much from the act of seduction but from engineering the possibility of seduction.
Søren Kierkegaard
The torch relay was indeed conceived as a tool of mass seduction.
Times, Sunday Times
The country had resisted the seductions of mass tourism.
Whether it was Halloween or Christmas, she always had a bright, toothy smile on her face and the look of sheer seduction in her eyes.
Here, she turns her microscope on a male lover hopelessly addicted to serial seduction and romantic self-absorption.
Published and unpublished adulteries, seductions, rapes, elopements, embezzlements, homosexual entanglements, bigamies, financial turpitudes, are far more numerous than they should be in proportion to the clerical population.
The Necessity of Atheism
That said, Shall We Dance possesses enough charm about it to side-step the majority of its failings, emerging as a suitably cute date movie for those who seek nothing more than a little sugar-coated seduction.
Elsewhere on the video, she silently mimes emotional states that range from fear and sadness to seduction.
New York City is especially susceptible to this seduction, because many New Yorkers can't imagine how conventioneers or tourists could prefer any other city.
A common communication key is to use verisimilar seduction stories and characters.
The more precise statistics of the causes of prostitution seldom assign seduction as the main determining factor in more than about twenty per cent. of cases, though this is obviously one of the most easily avowable motives (see _ante_, p. 256).
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
Guitar and bass driven repetitions have the hypnotic seduction of Stereolab at their best.
Secondly, the thesis analyzes it from the modern financial corporation institution seduction of its surrounding system, property right system, corporate governance and business system.
It's the gloaming twilight of it, the soft seduction of lost hopes, the valiant wit, the heroic jig.
The Seduction of Place provides a history of the ever more totalizing solutions which have been proposed to ameliorate the problems of the modern city.
The film depicts Charlotte's seduction by her boss.
I think an economy should be based on thrift, on taking care of things, not on theft, usury, seduction, waste, and ruin.
When he resists her attempts at seduction, he is condemned to death.