How To Use Seduce In A Sentence
One of the nastiest is the way in which male honour is seen as bound up with female behaviour so that any supposed compromise or scandal in what happens to women, even becoming a rape victim, justifies violence against them as well as against their abusers or seducers; hence the 'honour killings' of young girls that disfigure some societies even today.
Temple Address: "Becoming Trustworthy: Respect and Self-Respect" Church House
She seduces the despondent radical with whispers about the bleakness of mankind.
Cleopatra the witch and seducer is near the foundations of Western literature.
In All Her Infinite Variety
To a soundtrack of cooking tips, paedophilia newsflashes and outtakes from the film Brief Encounter, she tries to seduce a stuffed tiger, intercutting her swaying flamenco with mad, petulant little flounces.
Alonzo King Lines Ballet; Retina dance company, Collisions, Juliet Aster
Though the dissolve has become part of film punctuation it can still shock or seduce the viewer.

After a few months in dreary England, Alfred Tayler went to the Empire Exhibition and was seduced by the thought of farming in Southern Rhodesia.
On Doris Lessing « Tales from the Reading Room
Ge 3: 16, woman's "subjection" is represented as the consequence of her being deceived. being deceived -- The oldest manuscripts read the compound Greek verb for the simple, "Having been seduced by deceit": implying how completely
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The priest and his concubine retire; the guest soon seduces the girl with the promise of the sheepskin in payment.
The bloodhounds, known as the seducer, the libertine, the procurer, are upon her track; she is trembling on the frightful brink of the abyss.
Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
The situations were the predictable ones, showing young boys (but sometimes men) seduced by women in a form of authority - governesses, nursemaids, nurses, schoolteachers, stepmothers.
Lillian Andrews, a scheming sexpot, seduces her married boss, causing divorce and general mayhem in the lives of those around her.
The play tells the story of a fabulously wealthy woman who seeks revenge on her heartless seducer.
Encountering the art of Roxy Paine, we always expect to be dazzled by the technical intricacy and detail of the work, while being seduced by it's beauty to closely approach despite a hint of menace.
Mark Wiener and Linda DiGusta: Magic Mushrooms and a Tree of Steel -- Roxy Paine @ James Cohan Gallery
I especially enjoyed juxtaposing the scientific and the erotic, as when Jennet and Ben Franklin seduce each other while performing an experiment with a rotating sulphur ball.
James Morrow discusses The Last Witchfinder
He did not think of philosophic reason either as a mere handmaid to religion or as a dangerous whore out to seduce the mind into supposing that it could attain its supreme end without God's help and grace.
I wouldn't normally have bought this, but I was seduced by the low price.
Her seducer re-enters her life, marries her, and makes a good husband.
The leader tries to seduce Kirk while Rosie stares daggers, Billie tries to make time with the lunkhead and all of the women avoid the lecherous behaviour of the crusty father.
Is it possible that girls could have a desire, in their heart of hearts, to 'seduce' the father, emotionally at least, because this would mean having more power in the family ...?
Peggy Drexler: The New Father/ Daughter Dance: Changing Lessons in Power
The delicate layers of percussion, viola, double bass, trumpet and flugelhorn soothe and seduce the ears, but it's Williams' tender vocals that lull the listener into submission.
This tenderly passionate seducer set a completely new dimension to this male she'd never, it now seemed, completely known.
“Lady — —,” he began gravely (and I could not but notice that the mere title seduced him to conventional, poetic language), “moves like a lily in water; I always think of her as a lily; just as I used to think of Lily Langtry as a tulip, with a figure like a Greek vase carved in ivory.
Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
How many congenitally unmusical youngsters were seduced into thinking they were congenital geniuses by Peel's enthusiastic, sinusitic, cod-Liverpudlian encouragement?
A priest, and, as he says, a priest who might more appropriately be called a pander, seduced this witch with words of love and carried her off.
The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
But given his looks, I guess he is attempting to seduce with his romantic style at the moment and seems content to go for the emotional heartbreakers rather than the feel-good anthems.
Perhaps many people are seduced by the sheer novelty or comedy of my appearance.
He seduces us easily with the mythology of their marriage, its collaborative fictional invention.
The rhetoric inherited from the Victorian world insists that prostitutes were penniless waifs of the street, servant girls who were seduced and abandoned, or the coarse streetwalkers hardened by city life.
Was she a silly adolescent girl to be so confused and seduced by a handsome face? a beautiful body?
Or an ungodly witness is one that profanely and atheistically witnesses against religion and godliness, whose instructions seduce from the words of knowledge (v. 27); such a one scorns judgment, laughs at the terrors of the Lord, mocks at that fear, Job xv.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
The song that seduced the masses all those months ago is still a zinger.
The play tells of a lady seduced by a villain after being tricked into believing her husband is having an affair.
Ego and self-aggrandizement oft seduce even highly evolved souls, and inevitably leads to downfall.
I've tried every trick in the book to seduce him and still no luck!
It's not fair to say that Democrats aren't seduced by their own archetypal dreamboats.
Almost every visitor to Edinburgh is seduced by its splendid architecture.
Not once but several times has the libertine Neptune scandalously seduced punts and dinghies from the respectable precincts of Brammo Bay, and having philandered with them for a while, cynically abandoned them with a bump on the mainland beach, and only once has he sent a punt in return — a poor, soiled, tar-besmirched, disorderly waif that was reported to the police and reluctantly claimed.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
Advertising folks who do this best have a natural gift for empathizing with the customers they hope to seduce.
It didn't offend me, amuse me, arouse me, repel me, seduce me or astound me.
Comprising five regions - Poitou-Charentes, Western Loire, the Loire Valley, Brittany and Normandy - Western France seduces and delights with the ease of a seasoned boulevardier.
The apostle encourages the disciples (to whom he writes) in these dangerous times, in this hour of seducers; he encourages them in the assurance of their stability in this day of apostasy: But you have an unction from the Holy One, and you know all things.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
In the church, she is seduced by a passionate Latin painter.
This long-desired union completely overshadows the rather questionable marriage of Olivia to her seducer.
Clever advertising would seduce more people into smoking.
He is proud of his reputation as a seducer of young women.
And Mara will of course seduce this one because she has lusted after him forever.
She would never -- I am ready to make affidavit before any authority in the land -- have called her seducer "Sir," when they were living at that hotel in Wales.
The Letters of Charles Dickens Vol. 1 (of 3), 1833-1856
Because of feminism's many successes, women have been seduced into submission once again.
For example, if you like the idea of being playfully seduced by 1890s Parisian floozies, you may want to catch A Night at the Moulin Rouge.
As millenarians they are prone to get seduced quite easily into an ends justifying the means approach which, allied with large doses of cognitive dissonance, lead to some remarkable statements.
I am like a magpie, seduced by all the shininess.
She knows she is innocent of infernal rites or knowledge of Satan, but she also knows that she has seduced and killed with psychological precision.
He sets out to seduce Judy, the most attractive young woman in sight.
But this label prejudices the case in favor of Aquinas's perspective: it assumes that Marston has been seduced by an Islamic misreading of Aristotle, and it closes off the possibility that Augustine and Aristotle might have more in common than is typically allowed.
Divine Illumination
The "chiel" among the agriculturists "taking notes" will be more likely to seduce than to warn; and if the record of his eventual triumphs be received as gospel truth, we must expect a vast emigration of the men of mind from the cities to the country.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
But if New Orleans is to rebound, it must rekindle its carefree spirit and once again seduce the tourists and conventioneers who account for a significant portion of its economy.
Deceivers, in the eighth circle of hell, are put into ten subdivisions, including seducers, flatterers, hypocrites, and false counsellors.
That, I think, is needed for them (1) to better educate their own children (whom they’ve presumably raised to have at least some respect for Christian leaders), (2) to diminish the chance that their fellow parishioners will be seduced from the righteous path by this Christian leader’s cachet, and (3) to make clearer to the non-Christian world that the Christian mainstream does not endorse this interpretation of Christian scriptures.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Jimmy Swaggart, unclear on the Ten Commandments:
A closet one-worlder at the WSJ used his newspaper's "conservative" clout to seduce American business leaders into sacrificing U.S. sovereignty for trade.
Despite her electoral rout, the masses, seduced by her silken eloquence into believing that Dr Karunanidhi and his men had been witch hunting her, stood solidly behind her.
It is they whom sport attempts to seduce with fashion shows and hot parts and haircuts.
The eldest is engaged to be married but her fiancé is seduced by the youngest sister and the pair are betrayed by the jealous middle sister.
Her newly found manuscript shows that she thought he was a libertine who had set out to seduce her.
Cursing himself and her in equal measure, he followed where she and her seducer had gone.
The liberal class became seduced by the need for popular appeal, forgetting, as MacDonald wrote, that, quote, as in arts and letters, communicability to a large audience is an inverse ratio to the excellence of a political approach.
Hedges Laments The 'Death Of The Liberal Class'
Was she a silly adolescent girl to be so confused and seduced by a handsome face? a beautiful body?
A former book dealer, he remains seduced by the double bind of academic arcana and financial chicanery.
I only know that his seducer was a deeply immoral man, very attractive externally, the youngest son of Islenyev.
Leo Tolstoy: Childhood and Early Manhood
Forgive me, for when I left the city and moved upstate and never called the sorority girl who seduced me, and didn't call the girl I had a one night stand with because I was creeped out by her long, twiggy fingers.
Forgive me, father
Sadly, SoWhat and The Round can't even master the "seduce" part of the equation.
Ain't nobody home (Jack Bog's Blog)
Thus, those having any sense of the wrongness of the activity must be seduced.
The counterculture boasted three potent cultural hydrogen bombs—pot, acid, and sexy hippie chicks of easy virtue—in its bid to seduce squares into grooviness.
My Year of Flops
Under protest, Ellie visits her mother's alma mater, an East Coast women's college which she expects to be just a bunch of snobs -- and finds herself seduced by the idea of hipness and belonging to someplace cool.
Finding Wonderland: The WritingYA Weblog
Particularly notable, Zimbardo said, is that people are seduced into evil by dehumanizing and labeling others.
What he doesn't do is seduce the audience with his nihilistic charm.
Mr. Blackburne observed further to me, some certain notice that he had of the present plot so much talked of; that he was told by Mr. Rushworth, how one Captain Oates, a great discoverer, did employ several to bring and seduce others into a plot, and that one of his agents met with one that would not listen to him, nor conceal what he had offered him, but so detected the trapan.
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
You have been intimidated by their moralising self-righteousness, brow-beaten by their puritanical spartanism, seduced by their appointment-diary ethics.
Nacey's Halloween, where-in cider was consumed, vodka skolled, the Monster Mash danced to and a hobbit seduced... and she's not talking about her fine buxom hairy-footed self...
2nd November '04
So I was seduced into becoming a volunteer on the grand project of building a highway through the interior of the country.
You are still rubbing your eyes with wonderment and disbelief when the plane lands and you are welcomed into an airport emporium where hundreds of shops seduce you with designer bags, watches and one-kilogram bars of solid gold.
The other becomes a witch, an evil enchantress, with amazing powers to seduce the innocent.
The samurai wants to seduce the cute girl but she rejects his advances.
Cocaine is notorious for being a seducer of men and women alike.
I hope I have enough self-knowledge to recognise that mine is the instinctive response of someone trying not to be seduced.
Restaurant review: the Kingham Plough
(On catching sight of us, they attempted to seduce us with paederastic wantonness, and one wretch, with his clothes girded up, assaulted Ascyltos, and, having thrown him down upon a couch, attempted to gore him from above.
The Satyricon — Volume 01: Introduction
Worst Husband Moment: When Charlotte tries to seduce Humbert, the only way he can fulfill his husbandly duties is by staring at a framed picture of Lolita.
Top 10 Worst Movie Husbands » Scene-Stealers
Arrived there, his numbers were increased by one hundred men of the Tobacco customs, (brought him by Señor — —, who, with a rich Spanish banker went out to meet him,) forty horsemen seduced from the escort of Codallos, and a company of watchmen!
Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
However, in Davenant's masque, the effect is to make men effete, replicating the behaviour of the women they are trying to seduce.
This doesn’t surprise, since Lubitch’s stamp of forced gaiety is all over this gilded fabergé egg of a film chronicling Catherine the Great (Tallulah Bankhead) as she seduces a young army officer (William Eythe).
2009 June :
The girl who has had an illegitimate child is thought very little the worse of by her friends and her own class, especially if her seducer is a man who can afford to pay for it -- that is the grand point.
The Toilers of the Field
Even pet lovers may be seduced by the possibilities of cloning.
This essay will examine how sentimentality and its valorization of virtue spread through one particular intersection of opera and literature; that is, the seduced maiden narrative is enacted in these operas, once as a comedy of sorts, once as a tragedy.
Talking About Virtue: Paisiello's 'Nina,' Paër's 'Agnese,' and the Sentimental Ethos
Coquetry is as fascinating to those who practise it, as to those whom it seduces; and she found herself, shortly, more happy by a conquest effected by wiles and by art, than by any devotion paid straight forward, and uncourted.
Some of you are "old disciples;" have a great abhorrency of sin; you think it impossible you should ever be seduced so and so; but, "Let him (whoever he be) that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
Of Temptation
Their 25-year marriage suffers when James is seduced by his wife's man-eating young friend, a photographer.
These labels tempt children with free gifts and seduce them to be loyal consumers of a particular product.
Trans Fats
So many were seduced by the Arian heresy that St Athanasius, who championed the Creed at Nicea, famously said, ‘The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.’
Her life was not unclouded, however, for in 1788 her husband, Perez Morton, had seduced her sister, Frances, who then killed herself.
Sting has quite clearly taken the third path and seduced a host of new fans through remixes, cover versions and car commercials.
Youth is not the age to seduce, it's the age to be seduced. Colette
This is pursued undoubtedly in accordance with the old idea that the punishment should be commensurate with the sin and bear a sym - bolic relationship to it; those succumbing to vanity and sensuous lust, and with them their seducers, the min - strels, are punished with the instruments of their sins.
A gentleman can hardly come from that country, with a servant or two, either to this place or Philadelphia, but what there are persons trying to seduce his servants to leave him; and, when they have done this, the poor wretches are obliged to rob their master in order to obtain a subsistence; all those, therefore, who are concerned in this seduction, are accessaries to the robbery.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
He is a closer—a seducer of clients with his soft voice and good looks.
The earl is pursuing him now, not only as his daughter's seducer, but as a swindler and a thief.
John Halifax, Gentleman
Young women who seduce or attract older men are 'jailbait' or
TrinidadExpress Today's News
He is proud of his reputation as a seducer of young women.
Lady ----," he began gravely (and I could not but notice that the mere title seduced him to conventional, poetic language), "moves like a lily in water; I always think of her as a lily; just as I used to think of
Oscar Wilde, Volume 2 (of 2) His Life and Confessions
Perhaps she would completely seduce him in the next week.
In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda.
Was the anonymous father conceivably the same man, a seducer of young women whose very namelessness left endless room for speculation.
Like a medieval codex, the book seems laced with charms and spells, to seduce the innocent and repel the hostile.
In fact, explains Greene, the best way to seduce someone is to fall in love with them.
The picture centered on a rake's efforts to seduce an innocent but very candid young woman.
Not knowing a pesade from a pirouette or a courbette from a capriole, I was seduced by the riders' dashing livery of black boots, white tights, brown dress coat and gilded bicorn hat, and the ambiance of aristocratic Vienna.
Consumers were easily seduced into buying more for less.
In the church, she is seduced by a passionate Latin painter.
But she, in externally Christianizing the world, permits herself to be seduced by the world; thus her universality or catholicity is not that of the
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The play tells the story of a fabulously wealthy woman who seeks revenge on her heartless seducer.
In silence, she sipped her wine and seduced the big yellow moon with her naked body until her sadness was beginning to inebriate itself away.
The Punany Experience
But the wolf is not just the male seducer, he also represents all the asocial, animalistic tendencies within ourselves.
As well as being a self-described cadger, he was - if not a cad, a seducer.
The Times Literary Supplement
If one is looking for music to wash over, to entertain, to titillate, ‘tickle and seduce’ (to use the parlance of one radio presenter) in whatever manner, I'd say forget it.
It seduces the men of the world with the sweet temptation of wealth and power that binds them to a fate of devilry, torture, and death.
Ray Porter played by Steve Martin is suave, rich and a consummate seducer.
And though American males have long been associated with guns, we in Britain tend to forget that women in America are equally seduced by cold steel and cordite.
Beautiful angel temptation and charm of the vixen to seduce the devil, who won?
In general, the successful seducers paid more attention to and were more nuanced in modulating the prosodic aspects of their voices than were the unsuccessful seducers.
Her mother's lover tries to molest her, her cousin tries to seduce her, and she briefly marries an older man who virtually imprisons her out of jealousy.
He is especially surprised by the fact that the scullion, who was the instigator of this crime, is not punished, in contrast to the harsh punishment suffered by the woman he seduced.
He had given the world an intoxicating insight into cooperation that would seduce and beguile generations of biologists: if genes were the key entities vying to get to the next generation, then it made sense for individuals to incur a cost if at the same time they conferred a benefit on relatives who carried the same genes.
Self-love has indeed many powers of seducement; but it surely ought not to exalt any individual to equality with the collective body of mankind, or persuade him that a benefit conferred on him is equivalent to every other virtue.
The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 03 The Rambler, Volume II
He was a flirter, a charmer, a seducer and a loyal friend.
Sandra is briefly seduced by superficial glitz before rediscovering friendship, real values and the need to take down some bad guys.
The judges liked this new take on a traditional material and were seduced by the tactility, colour and robustness of the felt panels.
Film noir often involves an innocent hero who gets seduced or betrayed into a web of crime and deceit, usually led on by a ‘femme fatale’ character with a shady past.
He is the seducer on behalf of the life of crime—fast money, creature comforts, control.
Seduced and lied to by the Guild, these outlanders were corrupted with greed and promises of false hope and peace.
Her chance came in this 15 th-century tragicomedy by Fernando de Rojas about a madam at a brothel who agrees to help a nobleman seduce a young virgin.
Its lure to one's vanity and bank account can seduce even the most parsimonious print personality.
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
Why did you, a fifty-six-year-old professor, seduce a student barely past the age of consent?
The McGarrigle Sisters how you seduced me stereophonically the laugh the nose ankle nature repartee the knee
The stories about her render her variously as victim, betrayer, seducer, and translator.
But together they present a sordid picture of a man who used his status as a minor celebrity to seduce a bevy of women, often in unsavoury circumstances.
His newly discovered letters to a friend reveal he thought her a forward hussy who was determined to seduce him.
Eventually, the trucker is seduced into turning up at a motel with a bottle of pink champagne, expecting to find the sexy chick from the CB.
She inveigles herself into their lives and seduces or enraptures each of them before vanishing.
New inventions, new vegetable peelers, a car cleaner, and many more items were displayed to seduce the visitor to purchase.
This leads to him hiring Brad (Dustin Milligan) to seduce his wife as he plans on selling out his business for the big payday, but with Step threatening a class action lawsuit, that future is put in jeopardy.
EXTRACT Blu-ray Review –
The two peasant girls whom the hero simultaneously seduces here become hotel chambermaids.
I can't imagine any lady in real life being so easily seduced by so superficial a character.
Suvorov claims Stalin wanted to start WWII to Sovietize Europe and he essentially seduced Hitler into attacking Poland and starting thewar.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Neglect of Communist Crimes Matters
Would the clone's cellular memory reveal what Zor had been thinking when he seduced her, when he returned to Optera for the seedlings, backed by an army of warrior giants?
She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor
The origin of the word comes from the name of a young boy seduced by Zeus to be his cup-bearer and lover.
Almost every visitor to Edinburgh is seduced by its splendid architecture.
You can be touched by its spirituality, transported by its energy, and moved by its overproportioned dimensions; you can be fascinated by its rhythmical life; you can be seduced by the colours and harmonies which lead you to the borders of timbre; you can be absorbed by the multiplicity of inspiration, whether local to different parts of the planet or historical, ranging from ancient music to recent.
What Pierre-Laurent said last
Thus she thinks that there is a close correlation between the men she can seduce and the men she might marry.
Worse than all that, though, is having to seduce women when he's dying inside for a man.
We left them in the clutches of the celebrated Turkish guide, "FAR-AWAY MOSES," who will seduce them into buying a ship-load of ottar of roses, splendid Turkish vestments, and all manner of curious things they can never have any use for.
It Never Changes
These people form political groupings, accept positions in the Government or candidacies in the parties - both conceded in order to seduce us - and they hector us to take part in elections.
They were seduced into buying the washing machine by the offer of a free flight to the United States.
Coleridge wrote remorsefully acknowledging 'a certain tipsiness '-- not that he felt any' unpleasant titubancy '-- whereby he had been seduced into defending a momentary idea as if it had been an old and firmly established principle; which (we may add) has been the way of other talkers since Coleridge.
Studies in Literature and History
The least interest could make him abandon his honor; the smallest pleasure could seduce him from his interest; the most frivolous caprice was sufficient to counterbalance his pleasure* [** missing period]
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part F. From Charles II. to James II.
What must increase the poignancy of his feelings upon the occasion remains to be stated -- that the seducer was his intimate friend, a young man, whom he had raised into notice in public life, and whom he had, with all that warmth and confidence of heart for which he is remarkable, introduced into his house, and trusted with his beloved wife.
Tales and Novels — Volume 05
Never mind Ulrika or Faria, the entire nation was initially seduced by the bespectacled, multi-lingual charmer whose ice-cool, unflustered demeanour we took to signify a master tactician at work.
It was the Biblical apple with which man was seduced to forswear his innocence in order to gain knowledge and sexuality.
I let myself be seduced into buying a new car.
In the past three seasons of Friday Night Lights, Riggins has seduced the town sweetheart, dallied with a single mom, and encountered innumerous “rally girls.”
TV: Culture and Celebrity
How can one tell the dancer from the dance, the seducer from the seduced?
The remake of Casino Royale, the first Bond novel, will concentrate instead on the character of the spy, painted by Ian Fleming in the book as a suave, coldly aggressive seducer.
The depiction of her as temptress echoes the clerical trope of woman as Eve, the seducer of men.
“She seduced Dreyer aka Duffy in one of the cabins.
A Grave Denied
In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda.
Although personally antipathetic to his modernist pioneering spirit, I have been seduced time and again by the ravishing sounds that he produces.
The first aim of the Bolshevist seducer and sly talker is to make you doubt God.
A yesteryear heroine could seduce not just the hero but the entire audience with just a flip of her hair or a mere glance.
He made a very free and full acknowledgment of his error and seducement, and that with much detestation of his sin.
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
Next to make them expert in the usefulest points of grammar, and withal to season23 them, and win them early to the love of virtue and true labor, ere any flattering seducement, or vain principle seize them wandering, some easy and delightful book of education would be read to them; whereof the Greeks have store, as Cebes, 24 Plutarch, 25 and other Socratic discourses.
Of Education
She appreciates its particular qualities without allowing herself to be seduced by its insidious charms.
I wouldn't normally have bought this, but I was seduced by the low price.
The view of lake and plunging cliffs seduces visitors.
Mr. Moncton laughed at what he termed my affectation of moral integrity, and tried by every art to seduce me to join in amusements, and visit scenes, from which my mind revolted; and his own example served to strengthen my disgust.
The Monctons: A Novel, Volume I
GRACE: The so-called superhighway is just that, it's just a pit stop for predators to gather, to share their stories, share their illegal photos and pass on tips to each other, and they do, to how better meet, seduce, have sex with and sometimes kidnap our children.
CNN Transcript May 03, 2006
The work's extreme manoeuvres seem designed to seduce its dancers into displays of gymnastic narcissism.
What she and others who are seduced by these false ads eventually learn is the so-called gratis Apple device is in fact an online coupon scam.
Kelly E. Carter: The Rise of Coupon Scams Online
The inference I took is that they got called on exploiting Chelsea in an act of desperation to try to "seduce" superdelegates and celebs.
Hillary To NBC: Fire David Shuster
This memoir resembles a bedroom farce with the cheerful seducer rushing from tryst to tryst.
Certainly it is a thing may touch a man with a religious wonder, to see how the footsteps of seducement are the very same in divine and human truth; for, as in divine truth man cannot endure to become as a child, so in human, they reputed the attending the inductions (whereof we speak), as if it were a second infancy or childhood.
The Advancement of Learning
When drugs are easy to obtain, more people are tempted and seduced.
They are so easily seduced into the great house of Babylon known as the palace.
Six Nations, seduced from the English interest after the destruction of the forts at Oswego, i.
Washington and the American Republic, Vol. 3.
Bloom will play Paris, the man who seduces Helen, the beautiful wife of a Spartan king, a snog which sparks off the bloody 10-year conflict in the first place.
This herd has turned with much greater zest to the science of language: here in this wide expanse of virgin soil, where even the most mediocre gifts can be turned to account, and where a kind of insipidity and dullness is even looked upon as decided talent, with the novelty and uncertainty of methods and the constant danger of making fantastic mistakes -- here, where dull regimental routine and discipline are desiderata -- here the newcomer is no longer frightened by the majestic and warning voice that rises from the ruins of antiquity: here every one is welcomed with open arms, including even him who never arrived at any uncommon impression or noteworthy thought after a perusal of Sophocles and Aristophanes, with the result that they end in an etymological tangle, or are seduced into collecting the fragments of out-of-the-way dialects -- and their time is spent in associating and dissociating, collecting and scattering, and running hither and thither consulting books.
On the Future of our Educational Institutions
He does not know that Harry is the would-be seducer of his seamstress daughter.
So this is how it was done, she reflected, and the word seducer flashed across her mind.
The Scandal of the Season
Sociologists have been seduced by Marxist ideas about the perfectibility of mankind.
She's made a career of refusing to be seduced by the big-shouldered speculators selling California sensuality.
Yea, in case of such seducement from God, though by nearest allies, severe punishment was to be inflicted upon the seducer, Deut. xiii.
The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
Sorry Alice but none of your arguments hold any water ... perhaps you've been too seduced by the overly "aggrandized" wines of France and Italy to understand that nuance, art and romance in winemaking do indeed reside in the New World.
I Guess Alice Feiring Doesn't Like Long Island Wine...Or Hasn't Tasted Much of It