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How To Use Seditious In A Sentence

  • Web sites have taken on the historical roles and research value of samizdat, avant-garde magazines, seditious literature, fringe political manifesti, etc.
  • Individuals are being arrested and detained for lengthy periods, often without trial, for disseminating information judged to be seditious via the Internet.
  • John had reached the age, however, at which he began to question authority - not in the treasonous, seditious way Aaron and Andrew once had, but in a more innocent, juvenile way.
  • Massive constitutional reform is mandatory especially the word seditious is quite an opponent to wholesome democracy. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • His spooky elfin protagonists are seditious and superb at each alternate glance.
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  • The authorities clamped down on seditious behaviour.
  • For this I am called seditious, among other things, by some of the very people who've condemned this society? Liberals and the Violence Card
  • Sometimes the humble person who has helped a disguised king fears the worst when the latter's identity is revealed - has he behaved disrespectfully, or said anything seditious or incriminating?
  • In the name of press freedom and nationalism we deliberately wrote seditious and criminally libellous articles against colonial governments.
  • The speaker worked his way through plunder, ravishment and seditious behavior.
  • This was, without question, what the managers wanted, and so his trouble began: for, on the 30th of July following, "the lords of council order letters to be directed, to charge William Gordon of Earlstoun to compear before them -- to answer for his seditious and factious carriage:" that was, his refusing to comply with prelacy, and hear the curates, and for his favouring and hearing the outed ministers. Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
  • Most of the members of that organization, now declared seditious and outlawed, left the state as fast as they could.
  • The Interior Ministry blamed what it described as "seditious" residents, saying they attacked security forces with guns and firebombs and had the backing of a foreign enemy - an apparent reference to rival power Iran. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Thailand is ramping up its reliance on a recently introduced Computer Crimes Act to restrict criticism of its royal family and limit the spread of what the government calls seditious material. Web Censoring Widens Across Southeast Asia
  • After suffering each variety of insult and torture, his head was severed from his body, the mangled trunk was cast into the flames, and the same treatment was inflicted on the statues of the vain usurper, and the seditious banner of the green faction. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • There he was charged with this act of saving Mr. Bourne, which was called seditious, and they also objected against him for preaching. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • Found guilty of seditious conspiracy and possession of illegal weapons, they are serving prison terms ranging from 35 to 105 years.
  • Many a head of a warrior or chief became trophies with the hope to deter the so-called seditious intentions of natives. "Two Wings of a Great Movement"
  • It is more likely that the articles embodied the intent of serving as parameters against seditious speech aimed at inciting action to illegally overthrow a government.
  • In the name of press freedom and nationalism we deliberately wrote seditious and criminally libellous articles against colonial governments.
  • Unless I'm much mistaken, it won't be long before he and Somarus begin exchanging seditious messages on the wind. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Appear promptly at the palace at ten o'clock to answer to the followin 'charges, to wit: breach of the peace; seditious and treasonable utterance; violent assault on the chief magistrate with intent to cut, wound, maim, an' bruise; breach of quarantine; violation of harbour regulations; and gross breakage of custom house rules. THE FEATHERS OF THE SUN
  • What action soever of thine therefore that either immediately or afar off, hath not reference to the common good, that is an exorbitant and disorderly action; yea it is seditious; as one among the people who from such and such a consent and unity, should factiously divide and separate himself. Meditations
  • These varied from the trials and subsequent execution of radicals for treason, to trials for sedition and seditious libel.
  • I. iii.l14 (22,2) My answer must be made] I shall be called to account, and must _answer_ as for seditious words. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • The Interior Ministry previously blamed what it described as "seditious" residents, saying they attacked security forces with guns and firebombs with the backing of a foreign enemy - an apparent reference to Shiite power Iran. The Seattle Times
  • For example, the crime of ‘possession of seditious publications’ was deleted, but ‘dealing with seditious publications’ would still be a crime.
  • He was also accused of having supported the Levellers' Agreement of the People and of preaching ‘most seditious and treasonable speeches against the monarchy itself.’
  • And if the matter published is contained in a written or printed document the publisher is guilty of publishing a seditious libel.
  • His accusers declared that “this book may justly be called libellous, scandalous and seditious.” The Dragon’s Trail
  • The question in pluralist systems is whether or not potentially seditious individuals can be taken under surveillance or arrested without violating civil liberties and undermining the rule of law.
  • All nineteen of the company's editorial computers were taken by police following a complaint from the youth wing of the ruling political party that a letter published by the news service was seditious and could incite racial hatred.
  • The left is an -- the left is an idea-generating organism, but they are very peculiar ideas, very seditious, which is obviously what the left always wants, but half the time not quite comprehensible. Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea
  • She was arrested after making a speech that the government considered to be seditious.
  • The rise in seditious speech is a forboding indicator. Expressions of political anger are protected, Napolitano says
  • The citizenry are dispersed, with communication and transport limited, and idle and seditious thoughts banished from the head by a cocktail of the compulsory staging of musicals, tea dances, and the minimum of one hobby. Jasper Fforde discusses Shades of Grey, the first in a trilogy set in a future world recognizable as our own - but only just
  • The laws of libel needed no reinforcement and proceedings for seditious or criminal libel should be used sparingly.
  • The long title is ‘An act for the safety and preservation of his Majesty's person and government against treasonable and seditious practices and attempts’.
  • Whereupon they prayed that the Romans would have compassion upon the [poor] remains of Judea, and not expose what was left of them to such as barbarously tore them to pieces, and that they would join their country to Syria, and administer the government by their own commanders, whereby it would [soon] be demonstrated that those who are now under the calumny of seditious persons, and lovers of war, know how to bear governors that are set over them, if they be but tolerable ones. The Wars of the Jews; or the history of the destruction of Jerusalem
  • These are exciting, radical, almost seditious ideas in this conservative country.
  • They just like to hear themselves talk, and really, really enjoy the civilizationally seditious expansions on a theme. Biology Enters 'The Matrix'
  • In times of war and similar threats we are acutely sensitive of anything that is faintly seditious.
  • About the same hour, the Department of Paris presented an Address to the Convention, congratulating it on the steps it had taken for unmasking plots and traitors, and for once more saving the country from the brink of destruction; and it assured the Convention of its full co-operation in annihilating all seditious men. News Report
  • ‘They're thinking of using the treason laws against seditious clerics,’ I said over breakfast last Monday, catching up with the news.
  • Punishment for seditious libel also varied greatly in severity, from a few months imprisonment, probationary security, and fines, to transportation and banishment from the realm -- the lattermost punishment being an innovation of the Six Acts of 1820. The Discourse of Treason, Sedition, and Blasphemy in British Political Trials, 1794-1820
  • He described Thomas Paine as a traitor to his country, a wicked, malicious, seditious and ill-disposed individual, who had actively supported both the American and the French Revolutions.
  • European emigres, who notoriously used to repair to the British Museum to write seditious pamphlets
  • He said the so-called seditious materials allegedly obtained from some of the detainees, were not illegal, and were merely ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Any of your seditious complainings, and we were ready with the military on the shortest notice. Miscellaneous Papers
  • Printers had to settle for prosecutions if they printed seditious libel, so they either played it safe or adopted pseudonyms and fake addresses.
  • He described Thomas Paine as a traitor to his country, a wicked, malicious, seditious and ill-disposed individual, who had actively supported both the American and the French Revolutions.
  • This poor fellow occasionally let slipinconsiderate remarks, which the law then stigmatized as seditious speeches.
  • He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets.
  • He played the song incessantly, ignoring my pleas for mercy and grannyish objections to its author's seditious intent.
  • Printers and publishers of the elusive 'Junius' are tried for seditious libel. A Bloomfield Chronology
  • Synopsis: An Elizabethan-era censor is visited by a man from the future looking to preserve a seditious play lost to time. REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #24 edited by Gardner Dozois
  • Twelve leaders were framed in 1916 on a charge of seditious conspiracy as a result of their campaign of direct action against the war effort.
  • However his continuing recusancy could only have increased the tense relationship with authority which his seemingly seditious plays had instigated.
  • Being assured that he would resist the decree relative to the nonjuring and seditious priesthood, they sent it to him for the purpose of provoking his resistance, that the citizens might see his lack of cordiality towards the revolution. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • This collocation of precocious poetic essence, stupefying lyricism and seditious brilliance sets up Rimbaud as the Romantic-Modern poet par excellence.
  • In times of war and similar threats we are acutely sensitive of anything that is faintly seditious.
  • The seditious spirit of the colonies owes its birth to the factions in this House.
  • In the name of press freedom and nationalism we deliberately wrote seditious and criminally libellous articles against colonial governments.
  • At one extreme governments brought in new laws to curb what they saw as seditious journalism.
  • Speculation usually as a heat transfer medium oil, which has the speculation, speculation seditious , starch, milk distinction.
  • These were seen by authorities as very partial, untrue, seditious, and savouring too much of dangerous and traitorous conceits.
  • This collocation of precocious poetic essence, stupefying lyricism and seditious brilliance sets up Rimbaud as the Romantic-Modern poet par excellence.
  • During the 1790s Pitt frequently resorted to seditious libel as a blunt instrument against the reform movement.
  • The Lombards were called avaricious, vicious and cowardly; the Romans, seditious, turbulent and slanderous; the Sicilians, tyrannical and cruel; the inhabitants of The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
  • Can denunciations of the cosmopolitans who corrupt our youth with seditious ideas be far behind?
  • The legislation declares that publications will only be considered seditious when there is ‘an intention to incite others’ to commit treason, subversion or secession.

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