How To Use Sedimentary In A Sentence
It shows fractured blocks of ancient sedimentary rock separated by recent sand dunes.
The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
The oil is trapped in minuscule cells of porous subsurface rocks in so-called sedimentary basins.
What Lies Below?
The northern margin of the melange is marked by a thrust contact with both the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and extrusive volcanic sequence.
The mountainous Mid-Coastal Sedimentary ecoregion lies outside of the coastal fog zone and is typically underlain by massive beds of sandstone and siltstone in contrast to the volcanics of Ecoregion 1d.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
I picked up an interesting sedimentary rock that was the exact shape of a rhombus.
The Sedimentary Subalpine Zone ecoregion is found southeast of Yellowstone National Park, in the overthrust belt, and in the northwest corner of the Bighorn Mountains in areas underlain by faulted and folded Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (limestone, dolomite, shale, and sandstone).
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
During the middle to late Tertiary Period, dikes, sills, and small irregular bodies of mafic to silicic igneous material were intruded into the bedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
The rocks are argillaceous, sericitic and chloritic, metamorphosed slates and schists, sedimentary pre Jura-trias slates, and ancient devitrified volcanic rocks.
North Carolina and its Resources.
More specifically, there are Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene, and Miocene marine and Oligocene and Plio-Pleistocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks.
Santa Monica Mountains (Bailey)
We searched other major valleys sporting outcrops of the same volcanically derived sedimentary rocks, which are exposed across thousands of square kilometers of mountainous terrain.
The composition of terrigenous sedimentary rocks would merely reflect the compositional aggregate of their source areas.
There are various types of primary sedimentary structures and secondary deformational structures in Dakeng Formation.
The massive sulphides are always contained within the Volcano - Sedimentary Complex.
Paleobotany: Sedimentary rocks show pollen in very deep, "Precambrian" strata.
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The minerals are deposited in lakes, deltas and meander further downstream, where they build up and form sedimentary rocks such as calcite, selenite, pyrite and dolomite.
Geologists often talk about the "flexural" link between tectonic loads and sedimentary basins, but they rarely do the math.
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This is the only location where bedded sedimentary rocks were observed to be in direct contact with the pillow basalts.
Deep drilling in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea floor revealed a continental and oceanic substratum covered by upper Miocene and younger sedimentary successions.
Surface exposures of Ncogene sedimentary rocks occur only along the edges of the basin.
Rapid ascent of hydrothermal fluids derived from shallow-metamorphic and deep-burial diagenetic settings is well known from many sedimentary basins.
Older Palaeozoic rocks are represented by greenish grey slates from the sides of the Beardmore glacier and by radiolarian cherts; but the most widespread of the sedimentary rocks occurring in vast beds in the mountain faces is that named by Ferrar the Beacon sandstones, which in the far south Shackleton found to be banded with seams of shale and coal amongst which a fossil occurred which has been identified as coniferous wood and suggests that the place of the formation is Lower Carboniferous or perhaps Upper Devonian.
Perspective of Antarctica in 1911
Wherever the Valle Group is exposed, it has been interpreted as a clastic, marine, sedimentary sequence that includes turbidite, submarine-fan complexes deposited in water depths ranging from outer neritic to bathyal.
This is a sedimentary rock that contains a solid compound called kerogen, which can be refined into a synthetic crude oil.
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The Median Tectonic Zone, which separates the Western and Eastern Provinces, is a narrow belt of Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic plutonic rocks with minor volcanic and metasedimentary units.
In New Jersey, Triassic brownish red, shale, sandstone, and argillite are extensive; these sedimentary rocks are much less resistant to erosion than the metamorphic crystalline rocks that form the core of the adjacent Northeastern Highlands (58).
Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
The classic mode of skarn formation involves high-temperature contact metamorphism wherein a silicate magma is intruded into a carbonate-rich sedimentary rock such as a limestone.
The mountain ranges (sky islands) are a geologic mix of Tertiary volcanic and intrusive granitic rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary layers, and some Precambrian granitic plutonic rocks.
Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
Such abrupt changes of sedimentary environment were caused by coseismic crustal movements," Kim and his team wrote in their study.
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In the Pechenga-Varzuga volcanosedimentary belt, alkali basalts eruptions about 2.2 Ga in age gradually gave way to tholeiite pillow lavas, Fe-picrite flows and Ti-rich basalts with ages around 1.98 Ga.
Paleoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks along with Paleozoic sedimentary rocks make up the basement complex of the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado.
Geologically, this ecozone is primarily horizontally layered sedimentary rock; limestone, shale, and sandstone.
The column is deposited only in sedimentary environments, where conditions favor the accumulation of sediments.
A Confession
They were in his pickup truck, and the undulating countryside was speeding by rapidly, the chalklike hills layered with sedimentary rock where the highway cut through them, the sun a dust-veiled orange wafer by late afternoon.
Rain Gods
sedimentary deposits
The present juxtaposition of the two sedimentary basins may have resulted from two separate events.
Water soluble salts can form sedimentary mineral deposits when they precipitate during evaporation of lake or seawater (evaporite deposits).
AP Environmental Science Chapter 10- Minerals
The lopolith lies with complete discordance upon plutonic and metamorphic rocks of complicated structural and metamorphic history, and is overlain concordantly by rhyodacite tuffs which are intruded by the granophyre and are in turn overlain concordantly by sedimentary rocks.
There are even more examples of very thin units that persist over fantastically large areas in particular sedimentary basins.
Metamorphism could be thought of as an extreme form of diagenesis, but diagenetic processes are generally distinguished from metamorphism and are considered in terms of the sedimentary rocks on which they act.
We are acutely sensitive to sedimentary layering, perhaps because of our origins in prehistory?
The SEPM constitution made it clear that the ‘object of the Society is to promote the science of stratigraphy through research in paleontology and sedimentary petrography, especially as it relates to petroleum geology’.
In the Palaeogene, the strata, sedimentary and structural evolution in North Shandong can be comparable with those in Southwest Shandong.
Coverage ability: in particular conditions bath groove or deep holes in the ability of the sedimentary metal. Also called deep plating capability.
Nielsen, however, found no evidence for major faults and suggested that the igneous rocks had been intruded into and extruded onto the sedimentary units contemporaneously with basin development.
The 2009 drilling program identified widespread gold mineralization associated with mineralized and altered dacite porphyry and adjacent sedimentary and volcanic rocks, drill hole DDH09-014 revealed gold mineralization of 111 meters grading up to 7.28 grams/tonne.
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We need to identify their migration pathways through the dewatering, compacting and deforming sediments to better understand the hydrogeologic and sedimentary processes in sedimentary basins and continental margins.
When scientists hunt for dinosaur tracks they look for areas where ancient layers of sedimentary rock are exposed, such as cliffs, sea coasts, quarries, open-pit mines, desert arroyos, and along the banks of rivers and streams.
It is underlain by sedimentary and metamorphic rock in contrast to the adjoining Cascades which are composed of volcanics.
Ecoregions of the United States-Level III (EPA)
Sedimentary rocks such as mudstones often contain a variety of clay minerals, including swelling clays such as bentonite.
The sedimentary record in the Taranaki Basin indicates that during the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary, the Cape Egmont and Manaia Fault Zones behaved as normal faults downthrowing to the east.
Another strong argument against the mammoth death-in-the-Flood hypothesis is that the Beringian animals are buried in unconsolidated surficial sediments overlying lithified sedimentary rocks.
A disconformity is a boundary between horizontal layers of old sedimentary rock and overlying younger layers deposited on an eroded surface.
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Grant and most of the other southern micros are nonvolcanic, all sedimentary rock.
Perseus Spur
This is the only location where bedded sedimentary rocks were observed to be in direct contact with the pillow basalts.
The ironstones are not sedimentary banded iron formation but formed as a consequence of silicification and sulphide mineralization along shear zones.
These sedimentary rocks contain a high percentage of volcanic ash that provides the barium necessary for barite formation.
The minerals are deposited in lakes, deltas and meander further downstream, where they build up and form sedimentary rocks such as calcite, selenite, pyrite and dolomite.
The sedimentary record from the North Atlantic also shows a number of ice-sheet surge episodes.
Grogan Fault, along which much of the main channel of Redwood Creek flows, is a major structural feature within the park, separating well foliated meta-sedimentary schists and meta-basalts on the south-west of Redwood Creek from the unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Franciscan to the north-east.
Redwood National Park, United States
It therefore follows that all sedimentary bodies, other than deep sea oozes and volcanic ash deposits, are likely to be diachronous.
A craton includes a crystalline basement of commonly Precambrian rock called a shield, and a platform in which flat-lying or nearly flat-lying sediments or sedimentary rock surround the shield.
Most of the tectonic ironstones in Zimbabwe have previously been interpreted as sedimentary rocks.
This subsection contains mainly Mesozoic granitic and mafic plutonic rocks, Jura-Triassic volcanic rocks, Pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks, and Eocene and Oligocene marine and nonmarine and Miocene marine sedimentary rocks.
Coastal Hills (Bailey)
Slate is a more dense and crystalline rock, produced usually by the anamorphism of clay or shale under pressure, and characterized by a fine cleavage which is usually inclined to the sedimentary bedding.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The finding broadens the known geographic reach of archaea during this time period, adding proof that the ancient organisms existed both in sedimentary environments and in subsurface hydrothermal settings.
August 20th, 2007
During the middle to late Tertiary Period, dikes, sills, and small irregular bodies of mafic to silicic igneous material were intruded into the bedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
Forming in brackish seawater, layer after layer of mats have left behind clusters of small, sedimentary columns.
A coarse screen fitted to the ball mill holds back the pebbles while the clay slip is poured out and led to a blunger through wooden troughs. blunger: In the blunger (mixing ark) plastic sedimentary clay
Chapter 7
This suggests derivation from a sedimentary precursor in which zircons would reflect recycling and abrasion during sedimentary processes.
In the argillaceous fraction of a sedimentary series of petroliferous sandstones from the Sahara two successive diagenetic changes are considered.
At the base of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains, shallow soils derived from sedimentary rocks support a particular community known as piedmont scrub.
Tamaulipan matorral
The native-copper deposits can be further divided into fissure veins, and blanket-type lode deposits that occur in amygdaloidal lava flow tops and sedimentary conglomerate beds.
The sedimentary rocks were originally reposited in the water.
For instance, when hurricane Bebe hit Tuvalu in 1972 it deposited 140 hectares of sedimentary debris onto the eastern reef, increasing the area of the main island by 10 per cent.
This subsection contains mainly Mesozoic granitic and mafic plutonic rocks, Jura-Triassic volcanic rocks, Pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks, and Eocene and Oligocene marine and nonmarine and Miocene marine sedimentary rocks.
Coastal Hills (Bailey)
Why then was there so little accumulation of sedimentary rock and debris on the ocean floor?
Quaternary sedimentary fill testifies to recent subsidence of the basin.
The Tertiary sedimentary rocks are Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene.
Santa Cruz Mountains (Bailey)
Mafic and ultramafic rocks predominate, although a few examples of metasedimentary rocks are known, including aluminous lithologies.
Major crustal rifting has also played a part in the evolution of large bodies of Proterozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks.
Previously, it was thought that any asteroid or comet collision would leave strong evidence of the element iridium, the signal found in the sedimentary layer from the time of the dinosaur extinction.
Above these sedimentary rocks is a sequence of interbedded alluvial floodplain deposits and palaeosols.
The rocks are argillaceous, sericitic and chloritic, metamorphosed slates and schists, sedimentary pre Jura-trias slates, and ancient devitrified volcanic rocks.
North Carolina and its Resources.
Unfortunately, subaerial erosion has made the continental sedimentary record very incomplete and discontinuous.
Thus: -- Animals and plants began their existence together, not long after the commencement of the deposition of the sedimentary rocks; and then succeeded one another, in such a manner, that totally distinct faunae and florae occupied the whole surface of the earth, one after the other, and during distinct epochs of time.
Lectures and Essays
Two facies of regionally metamorphosed rocks that may be of either original sedimentary or igneous derivation are characterized by epidote.
Deep drilling in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea floor revealed a continental and oceanic substratum covered by upper Miocene and younger sedimentary successions.
Cenozoic marine and nonmarine sedimentary rocks and alluvial deposits, and Mesozoic granitic and ultramafic rocks.
Central California Coast (Bailey)
In the picture, a large, cylindrical structure cuts vertically across the bedding of the sedimentary rock.
The Mid-Elevation Sedimentary Mountains ecoregion includes sections of the Teton and Wyoming ranges, and areas in the overthrust belt underlain by faulted and folded Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (limestone, dolomite, shale, and sandstone).
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
Scattered throughout the Mojave Desert, outcrops of Proterozoic sedimentary rock make up parts of the mountain ranges that divide this region into basins.
Over several million years these large blocks of land were upthrusted, dissected by erosion, and then inundated by the sea; during this period, sedimentary layers formed of varying thicknesses.
An intrusive complex of dacite with sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of Palaeozoic age comprise the predominant rock forms.
Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Australia
No volcanic or clastic sedimentary rocks were obtained from Cavalli Seamount.
With its Mediterranean microclimate and its soil full of "shist" sedimentary rock, the Douro has ideal conditions for wine, Saraiva said. - Home Page
Gravels are common in rivers, they cover old river terraces, and they infill buried channels beneath many river valleys in ancient fluvial sedimentary sequences.
These have left volcanoclastic deposits and andesitic lavas found together with intercalated turbidic marine sediments corresponding to tertiary sedimentary formations.
Western Ecuador moist forests
The bulk of organic matter in sedimentary rocks is in the form of kerogen: complex polymeric material that is insoluble in inorganic solvents, and difficult to analyse chemically.
Coal is a sedimentary rock composed principally of organic carbonaceous macerals and inorganic minerals.
The sedimentary lenses are composed of limestone, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, shale, chert and well-bedded calci-turbidite.
The sedimentary environment was a broad, flat floodplain with meandering streams and numerous shallow lakes or playas that could have become alkaline or saline during drier times.
Quaternary sedimentary fill testifies to recent subsidence of the basin.
The late Albian marine fossil record from eastern Australia derives from the sedimentary succession of the Great Artesian Basin deposited in a vast epicontinental sea which then covered much of the continent.
One may reasonably assume that fluid circulation inside unconsolidated sediments must play an active role in settling sedimentary structures.
Successful application requires context. accurate reconstruction of sedimentary and Dates for the earliest MSA in East Africa diagenetic processes, ground water action, converge on the interval 240-280 ka.
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It is generally agreed that the autochthonous sedimentary sequences were deposited in the northern margin of Gondwana.
Miocene basalt, andesite, pyroclastic, and marine sedimentary rocks predominate in this subsection.
Northern Channel Islands (Bailey)
The research work is based on the study of samples obtained in sedimentary bowls from the south of Spain to Turkey.
The Penguin and Daniel Webster
The foothills of the Pyrenees are composed of sedimentary Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones which favour the creation of natural cave systems.
This paper, in terms of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary dynamics dynamic evolution of Xichang Compound Basin.
Confirmation of the sill-sediment-complex nature of the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex highlights the need to reassess the physical volcanology of this volcanic unit to provide a basis for the ore-deposit modelling.
The tonalite is gneissic, banded on a decimetre scale, and loaded with discrete mafic enclaves, metasedimentary xenoliths and garnet, feldspar and rutile xenocrysts, such that the body has a migmatitic appearance.
For instance, when hurricane Bebe hit Tuvalu in 1972 it deposited 140 hectares of sedimentary debris onto the eastern reef, increasing the area of the main island by 10 per cent.
Thin layering in sedimentary rocks, preferred orientation of crystals or the presence of fractures in subsurface rocks cause anisotropic wave propagation in rock layers.
This phenomenon has been utilized for dating sedimentary deposits of quartz grains.
Low-strain deformation of many natural rocks, both unlithified sediments and lithified sedimentary rocks, occurs by strain localization in dilatant joints or in shear bands that can dilate or compact.
Another strong argument against the mammoth death-in-the-Flood hypothesis is that the Beringian animals are buried in unconsolidated surficial sediments overlying lithified sedimentary rocks.
The soils are formed from materials weathered from arkosic sedimentary rock, gravelly alluvium, and redbed shales and sandstone.
Ecoregions of Colorado (EPA)
All eruptive rocks penetrate, as ramifying veins either into the sedimentary strata, or into other equally endogenous masses; but there is a special importance to be attached to the difference manifested between 'Plutonic' rocks* (granite, porphyry, and serpentine) and those termed 'volcanic' in the strict sense of the word (as trachyte, basalt, and lava).
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
These have left volcanoclastic deposits and andesitic lavas found together with intercalated turbidic marine sediments corresponding to tertiary sedimentary formations.
Western Ecuador moist forests
More recent studies suggest an epigenetic origin, indicating that sulphide-rich iron formation is a replacement type rather than a primary sedimentary facies.
The Haluut Bulag melange is dominantly sedimentary with lenses of bedded limestone, sandstone, siltstone, and locally vesicular basalt, enclosed in a matrix of pelitic schist.
Palaeontological studies only relate to the very small areas of sedimentary cover over certain parts of the crystalline basement in this region.
Inorganic sedimentary structures such as gas-evasion marks, load and dewatering structures, are common in the Twitya Formation.
Sedimentary layering is manifested as alignment of grains and carbonaceous material.
On shore, 5 m sand dunes and alluvial sands and gravels overlie relatively recent sedimentary, Tertiary clastic and PreCambrian crystalline rocks.
Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California, Mexico
The Dutch sedimentary petrologist and marine geologist Philip Kuenen is best known for his research on turbidity currents and their deposits.
West of the Alpine Fault, the rocks of South Westland consist of a basement of Ordovician greywacke with some high temperature metamorphic rocks and granites, and minor areas of younger Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary rocks along the coast.
Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
The granitoids and the steeply bedded sedimentary rocks that they intruded are cut by steep or vertical regional cleavage.
In the process of being buried under other sediments, these ooids can fuse into a solid mass of sedimentary rock called oolite.
ONGC's onshore exploration areas are located in India's major sedimentary basins including the Cambay basin and Jaisalmer basin in the west, and the Assam and Assam-Arakan basin, Krishna-Godavari basin and Cauvery basin in the east.
ONGC Plans to Buy Onshore Drilling Rigs
The lower, evaporitic part of each cycle contains halite, anhydrite (secondary after sedimentary gypsum), and high salts (sylvite and polyhalite).
Intrusion of diabase at Mt. Butters has resulted in low-grade contact metamorphism of the pre-existing sedimentary strata.
The northern margin of the fold-thrust belt is composed of sedimentary sequences of Middle to Upper Devonian and Carboniferous rocks.
The compositions of the magnetic minerals deposited within a sedimentary environment depend primarily on the compositions of the rocks in the headwaters of the streams and rivers entering the sedimentary basin.
More specifically, there are Cretaceous, Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene marine and Oligocene and Plio-Pleistocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks.
Simi Valley - Santa Susana Mountains (Bailey)
The data from trench and core disclose the sedimentary characteristic and evolutional process.
Type I corresponds to the less deformed limestone, which contains cataclasite bands, veins and, at times, preserved sedimentary fabrics.
The "shale" is a sedimentary rock known as mudstone, and the "oil" is a waxy solid called kerogen.
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In this transect, the contact between the Carboniferous strata and the volcanic sequence appears to be an unconformable sedimentary contact.
Much fieldwork remains to be done on Earth's ancient glacial climates using well-tried uniformitarian principles embodied in sedimentary basin analysis.
The chapter is intense reading but is packed with information that when digested certainly satiates the appetite for knowledge of the current status of sedimentary geochemistry.
The ore-forming materials are mainly originated from the upper mantle, could not be provided by mobilization during albitization of diorite and surrounding sedimentary rocks of Trissic age.
On Earth, the deposit of sedimentary rock at the bottom of the ocean is part of larger geological cycles.
Most of the sedimentary fill of the Chiang Mai basin lies beneath a blanket of Quaternary floodplain deposits.
In both areas, the volcanic rocks are intercalated with sedimentary units and the onset of basin development is marked by deposition of elastic sediments.
The sedimentary rocks were originally reposited in the water.
Sedimentary variability and deformation within the ridge suggests that the ice was advancing into its own outwash at a time of high relative sea level.
The sedimentary structure would have been destroyed within weeks or months due to bioturbation, before hardening to rock.
Tetrapods are older than we thought! - The Panda's Thumb
Low-grade volcanic and sedimentary rocks are widely exposed within this elongate anticlinal window.
Grain size in the intrusion remains coarse right up to the contact with metasedimentary host rocks.
Sedimentary masses and concepts about tectonic processes at underthrust ocean margins:
Clastic Detritus
However, variations of CCsurf in our cores could also reflect changes in microcharcoal input linked to changes of fluvial sedimentary input or dilution processes due to increase in terrigenous material.
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Following, or partly during, their amalgamation, the terranes of the Arabian shield were covered by younger Neoproterozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks and intruded by relatively undeformed granitoid and subordinate gabbroid rocks.
Sedimentary deposits in lotic systems are often poorly preserved compared to lentic systems, owing to the relatively greater reworking of most riverine deposits.
Historical changes in freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
The associated magmatism resulted in intrusion of volcanic rocks into the sedimentary basins, magmatic underplating at the base of the crust, and large amounts of extrusive material.
Commercial deposits mainly distribute in a specific sedimentary facies of secondary drainage systems.
At this location, a succession of chloritized volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks are over-thrust by a massive undeformed quartz diorite.
The changes in tectonic - sedimentary framework record the transition process.
Above these sedimentary rocks is a sequence of interbedded alluvial floodplain deposits and palaeosols.
The contact between the Tertiary sedimentary sequence and the Samail ophiolite on the Batinah coastal plain is in many places a WNW-striking normal fault, downthrown toward the Gulf of Oman.
Subaerial volcanic rocks mainly comprise lavas, clastic lava, pyroclastic rocks and sedimentary pyroclastic rocks.
They are generally common microfossils in Phanerozoic marine sedimentary rocks, at least from the early Middle Ordovician onward.
In response to burial in sedimentary basins, clay minerals in mudrock lithologies, including mudstone, shale and slate, undergo diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic reactions.
The Dezful embayment was a sedimentary basin with pronounced subsidence where thick late Eocene-Recent deposits were formed.
Sea water and sedimentary brines are volumetrically more important that fresh waters, but are unfit for human consumption.
Thick Permian to Cretaceous continental rise deposits merge southward into a continuous Ordovician to Eocene shelf sedimentary succession of marine carbonate, sandstone, siltstone and shale.
Climatic and geological changes over time would be expected to change areas back and forth between sedimentary and erosional environments.
A Confession
The stone that makes up the cliff face is known as limy sandstone, a sedimentary rock.
Nineteenth-century geologists, basing their estimate on sedimentary rock strata, gauged Earth's age to be hundreds of millions of years.
An exception may be its type locality in Colombia, where it occurs in veinlets and pockets in carbonaceous sedimentary units apparently distant from igneous rocks.
Williams, include oceanic crust and mantle rock exposed by the obduction process of plate tectonics, as well as sedimentary rock formed during the Ordovician, Precambrian granite and - Business News
Tectonic denudation and subaerial erosion thinned and locally eliminated the hanging-wall blocks, whose detritus was incorporated into the Tectono-Sedimentary Unit basin.
Fossils preserved in sedimentary rocks will display that era's primary forms, reflective of that era's ecology and life's adaptations to best exploit it.
Beckwith on ID
Above these sedimentary rocks is a sequence of interbedded alluvial floodplain deposits and palaeosols.
In distal areas, a layered sedimentary unit appears under the chaotic unit.
Oil, gas, and coal, composed of organic carbon compounds, are found as economic deposits in sedimentary rocks.
Sedimentary facies have been grouped into three depositional environments or facies belts that strike in a NW-SE direction parallel to the original palaeo-coastline: sabkha, peritidal flat and open ramp.
However, the fossil graveyard is a sedimentary basin where fossils would be concentrated.
The triphibian chipping-rock sedimentary formation in Early Cenozoic in Adatan basin in western segment of east Kunlun Mt. was formerly considered to belong to "Low Tertiary".
Study of sedimentary sequences capping the guyots, comprised of a shallow water carbonate buildup,
When cutting rocks is that most sedimentary rock will cut easier when you follow the grain in the rock.
Kevin Pickering, a geologist at University College London who specializes in sedimentary rocks, said, "The photos appear to show iron-stained sedimentary rocks, probably thin beds of silicified sandstones and shales, which were most likely laid down in a marine environment a long time ago.
Raiders of the Faux Ark
This subsection contains mostly Miocene volcanic rocks, Tertiary subvolcanic (hypabyssal) rocks, and, on San Clemente Island, marine sedimentary rocks of the Franciscan Complex.
Southern Channel Islands (Bailey)
The salt continued moving along lines of least resistance and began to push upward, bowing up the overlying sedimentary rocks to form the classic elongated anticlinal structure.
Small fossil trees in growth position are described from micro-tidal deposits, a sedimentary association inferred to have formed on the margins of a brackish epicontinental sea.
However, since they were mounting the massive original fossils (essentially, the original bones cast in sedimentary rock) rather than the lightweight polyester and fiberglass castings they use nowadays, the completed skeleton was too heavy to be supported in it's correct horizontal stance by the relatively flimsy iron armature it was mounted on.
Other Simulated Worlds
Although the sedimentary rocks of the LeMay Group are generally regarded as having been accreted, this has only been demonstrated at a few localities.
The Cape Floristic Region overlies the Cape Supergroup, a Devonian-Ordovician series of sedimentary strata, where alternating quartzitic sandstones such as Table Mountain and the Witteberg Groups alternate with fine-grained shales, as seen in the Bokkeveld Group.
Montane fynbos and renosterveld
In the process of being buried under other sediments, these ooids can fuse into a solid mass of sedimentary rock called oolite.
Palaeontological studies only relate to the very small areas of sedimentary cover over certain parts of the crystalline basement in this region.
This magmatism is typically of gabbroic to granitic composition and also shows evidence of mixed sedimentary and mantle-like sources.
The lenses are separated by locally discordant horizons of ferruginous, silicic or graphitic, strongly schistose sedimentary to volcanic rocks.
Lord Howe Island has sedimentary deposits of Pleistocene and Holocene (Recent) age, including cross-bedded calcarenite with intercalated soil horizons, lagoonal deposits, a single sand dune, and alluvium.
Lord Howe Island Group, Australia
A craton includes a crystalline basement of commonly Precambrian rock called a shield, and a platform in which flat-lying or nearly flat-lying sediments or sedimentary rock surround the shield.
Coal is a sedimentary rock composed principally of carbonaceous macerals and inorganic minerals.
Carbon dioxide released by volcanoes enters the lower lithosphere when carbon-rich sediments and sedimentary rocks are subducted and partially melted beneath tectonic boundary zones.
Carbon cycle
The Holocene sedimentary infill of proglacial Mud Lake, British Columbia, Canada, was investigated using 3.5 kHz acoustic sub-bottom profiling and sediment samples.
Loso: Varves in Alaska « Climate Audit
Two facies of regionally metamorphosed rocks that may be of either original sedimentary or igneous derivation are characterized by epidote.