How To Use Sediment In A Sentence
The abrupt facies shift, bioturbation and cemented nature of the surfaces suggests that they represent marine flooding surfaces, formed during a rapid rise in relative sea level and/or a reduction in sediment supply.
Begin by placing the cordial container on a level surface to allow the sediment to settle.
From the sketches in Seilacher's paper, we learned that the black dots visible in our photographs might be holes that led straight down a fraction of an inch to a horizontal network of tubes or runnels just beneath the sediment surface.
Hence, the aim of the analysis of attitudes was to reveal the hidden patterns typically sedimented in particular social and cultural contexts.
It shows fractured blocks of ancient sedimentary rock separated by recent sand dunes.

The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
They occur when a layer of unconsolidated sediment is fluidized and transport of fluid and suspended grains takes place through overlying sediment to the sediment-water interface.
The rocks are asymmetrically folded and overthrust to the west, with chaotic units and abundant evidence for coeval soft-sediment deformation.
Villagers then filtered out the sediment by pouring the water through tightly woven cloth.
This can lead to reduced coral growth, inability to recover from hazards like cyclones, smothering of coral by sediment, fish poisoning and unusually high growth rates for organisms that overgrow coral or support its rivals.
The other extreme involves slow weathering of terrestrial carbonates, their dissolution, river-borne transport, and eventual sedimentation in the ocean, and the element's return to land by geotectonic processes.
Global material cycles
The Brushy Basin sediments contain numerous chalcedony pseudomorph-after-barite concretions that range to more than 30 cm in diameter.
The oil is trapped in minuscule cells of porous subsurface rocks in so-called sedimentary basins.
What Lies Below?
Such long chains of RBC's sediment more readily. This is the mechanism for the sedimentation rate, which increases non-specifically with inflammation and increased "acute phase" serum proteins.
In time, as the Ecca Sea filled with sediment and the deltas prograded basinward, large tracts of river channels and floodplains emerged.
The northern margin of the melange is marked by a thrust contact with both the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and extrusive volcanic sequence.
We had sediments, river mud, pebbles rounded by water action, even the remains of aquatic plants on the site.
The mountainous Mid-Coastal Sedimentary ecoregion lies outside of the coastal fog zone and is typically underlain by massive beds of sandstone and siltstone in contrast to the volcanics of Ecoregion 1d.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
A group of scientists from the University of South Carolina in Columbia says that they've used geological anomalies, as well as clues from rock samples, to identify an ancient crater buried beneath the piedmont sediments of their state.
I picked up an interesting sedimentary rock that was the exact shape of a rhombus.
The Sedimentary Subalpine Zone ecoregion is found southeast of Yellowstone National Park, in the overthrust belt, and in the northwest corner of the Bighorn Mountains in areas underlain by faulted and folded Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (limestone, dolomite, shale, and sandstone).
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
Oolitic ironstones only form at low sedimentation rates, where accommodation greatly exceeds supply.
During the middle to late Tertiary Period, dikes, sills, and small irregular bodies of mafic to silicic igneous material were intruded into the bedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
The rocks are argillaceous, sericitic and chloritic, metamorphosed slates and schists, sedimentary pre Jura-trias slates, and ancient devitrified volcanic rocks.
North Carolina and its Resources.
More specifically, there are Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene, and Miocene marine and Oligocene and Plio-Pleistocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks.
Santa Monica Mountains (Bailey)
Meysman et al. also assign a "revolutionary" position to bioturbation in the grand scheme of evolution: "Benthic fauna had to adapt to the newly emerging bioturbated sediment conditions, thereby fuelling the 'Cambrian explosion'".
Bioturbation all around you
The sediments are finely laminated mudstones, formed in an outer shelf detrital belt, in quiet water environments.
They are smothered by sediment, and choked by algae growing on nutrient rich sewage and fertilizer run-off.
In addition to proteinuria, markers of damage to the kidneys include abnormalities in the urinary sediment and abnormal findings on imaging studies.
We searched other major valleys sporting outcrops of the same volcanically derived sedimentary rocks, which are exposed across thousands of square kilometers of mountainous terrain.
The burial history of the sediments can be ascertained by the study of their varying thickness; and the petrography of the sediments reveals their diagenetic history and the movement of meteoric and pore waters through the basin.
The composition of terrigenous sedimentary rocks would merely reflect the compositional aggregate of their source areas.
There are various types of primary sedimentary structures and secondary deformational structures in Dakeng Formation.
Fish biologists descend in bathyspheres and submarines to the deepest oceanic canyon, and trawlers scrape up odd saltwater nematodes and mollusks from the bottom sediments.
The wine is cleared of sediment and bottled under pressure, directly from the tank.
Certain corals, for example, build structures with hexagonal symmetry, but not in seafloor sediment.
It turns out that the gradient in oxygen, declining to zero in the sulfurous sediments beneath the surface, is an electric gradient as well, and that the worms use this to advantage in producing metabolic fuel.
Bottom trawling (scraping large nets across the seabed) kills coral, stirs up sediment causing pollutants to migrate into seaweed and other fish feed, and scoops up large amounts of by-catch -- other sealife, like turtles and dolphins unintentionally caught and wasted.
Cathy Erway: The Pescatore's Dilemma
Part of the dissolved aluminum can subsequently settle in the sediments of atmospherically acidified lakes and reservoirs, reducing orthophosphate availability and disrupting the phosphorus cycling in those water bodies.
Inorganic nitrogen pollution in aquatic ecosystems~ causes and consequences
The sediments comprise silts, sand, gravel and, often lenticular, silty clay, comparable with similar sediments in the Petrockstowc basin, where the bulk of the deposits are Eocene.
There was a carry-over of sediment from the clarifiers into the River Nore.
Reflection records over the main plateau reveal smoothly-layered, undistorted sediments overlying a relatively smooth basement surface.
But farinaceous sediments in the urine are bad, and still worse are the leafy; the white and thin are very bad, but the furfuraceous are still worse than these.
The Book Of Prognostics
Bains analysed the concentration of the element barium - a powerful tool for measuring ocean productivity - in sediments deposited across the boundary.
The association of the cherts with carbonaceous sandstones and lacustrine shales in the Rhynie Cherts Unit indicates sinter deposition interrupted alluvial floodplain sedimentation of mud and sand.
The mechanism allows for great variation and complexity in magma chamber sedimentation.
The sediments include lacustrine freshwater limestones, silts, marls, occasional sands and local lignite.
A repeating sequence of fining-upward sediments commonly capped by coaly layers is indicative of fluvial sediments.
In eastern Mongolia late Permian marine sediments with brachiopods, crinoids and Bryozoa and Triassic marine sediments with ammonites occur in the suture zone, indicating that marine conditions existed during these times.
In more distal positions within the ramp, the ‘background’ sediment is a fine- to medium-grained floatstone to rudstone with abundant, small fragments of delicate-branching bryozoans and branching coralline algae.
It and many other old zircons come from metamorphosed sediments deposited in river deltas some 3 billion years ago in what is now southwestern Australia.
The massive sulphides are always contained within the Volcano - Sedimentary Complex.
About the twenty-first, weight generally in the left side, with pain; slight urine thick, muddy, and reddish; when allowed to stand, had no sediment; in other respects felt lighter; fever not gone; fauces painful from the commencement, and red; uvula retracted; defluxion remained acrid, pungent, and saltish throughout.
Of The Epidemics
Quartz is the dominant mineral in veins in siliceous rocks, calcite in limestones, and gypsum in gypsiferous sediments.
Pollen was sedimented by centrifugation at 100 g for 2 min and the excess sucrose drawn off by pipette.
Removal of large amounts of ordinary cave sediment may indicate saltpeter or fertilizer mining, while gypsum, copperas, alum, or Epsom salt are usually indicated by crystalline or powdered white, yellow, or green deposits.
This study reports on a mesoscale normal fault zone, intraformational in Oligocene argillaceous sediments from the Boom Formation, containing several metre-scale normal fault strands.
The bulk of the sediments on the outer margin are of Eocene to Oligocene age with thin units of younger sediments on top.
Paleobotany: Sedimentary rocks show pollen in very deep, "Precambrian" strata.
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Sediment had covered them to such a depth that retrieval was impossible.
The supernatant was collected and the sediment suspended in a double volume of water, acidified and centrifuged.
The mussel reef that once thrived in Okahu Bay is being replenished to filter the waters from high sedimentation and metal contamination, and to restore the mauri (life force) of the bay.
The soft, milky, aquamarine colour comes from the blue-green algae that thrives in the lagoon and white Silica mud, which carpets the bottom with a light natural sediment.
The degree of flocculation, and hence randomness of particle orientations on sedimentation, generally increases with the concentration and valency of the cations in the solution.
The minerals are deposited in lakes, deltas and meander further downstream, where they build up and form sedimentary rocks such as calcite, selenite, pyrite and dolomite.
Walls of local ashlar to the left and a flush stone dado to the right augment this feeling of sedimentation, of Baldeweg's building being literally of the earth.
Irrespective of the mechanism initiating basin formation the amount of subsidence will be amplified by the weight of sediments which accumulate.
In the central and eastern parts of the range, the northern margin is also sharply defined, but separates bedrock from glacial and alluvial sediments or bedrock inliers.
Early models assumed that all magnetotactic bacteria are microaerophiles and indigenous in sediments.
Surface water containing high turbidity may require sedimentation prior to chemical treatment.
Geologists often talk about the "flexural" link between tectonic loads and sedimentary basins, but they rarely do the math.
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However, there is a general correlation between grain size and terrace height in medium- and coarse-grained sediments.
This is the only location where bedded sedimentary rocks were observed to be in direct contact with the pillow basalts.
Evidence for the various hypotheses comes from deep-sea drilling cores, bathymetry, sediment comparisons, paleomagnetic data.
The Song of The Dodo
By that time the sediment in olio nuovo will have begun to oxidize in a dark pool at the bottom of the bottle, and the oil will become rancid.
Domestic Reserves
These resemble the foot of some specialized bivalves (Solemya or Lucina) used to penetrate putrid sediment to release H 2 S consumed by symbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria.
The thickness of this package of sediments is impossible to measure because of the subsequent folding and overthrusting that have taken place.
Where nutrients are plentiful, productivity is high, production far outstrips decomposition, and organic sediments accumulate on the lake beds.
Other trackways start or stop abruptly, with no sign that the animals’ missing tracks were covered by some disturbance such as shifting sediments.
This subsection consists mostly of folded, faulted, and generally metamorphosed sediments and volcanics of the Franciscan Complex and less extensive Cretaceous sediments of the Great Valley Sequence.
Leeward Hills (Bailey)
Comparisons with the potential source rocks of these sediments suggest little alteration during sediment transport and diagenesis.
These ‘units' form aggregates / crystallites that precipitate in association with decaying organic matter in sediments.
Deep drilling in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea floor revealed a continental and oceanic substratum covered by upper Miocene and younger sedimentary successions.
Surface exposures of Ncogene sedimentary rocks occur only along the edges of the basin.
The sputa are concocted when they resemble pus, and the urine when it has reddish sediments like tares.
On Regimen In Acute Diseases
Another method was to allow the powder to sediment out of a viscous solution of gum arabic, leaving only the very finest particles in suspension.
The Amazon estuary is a dynamic lowland consisting of Holocene (less than 10,000 years old) sediments surrounded by slightly older Tertiary deposits.
Marajó varzea
The glittering threads of rivers twisted their way to the sea and Hayes could just make out the lighter wash where they discharged sediment.
Rapid ascent of hydrothermal fluids derived from shallow-metamorphic and deep-burial diagenetic settings is well known from many sedimentary basins.
Older Palaeozoic rocks are represented by greenish grey slates from the sides of the Beardmore glacier and by radiolarian cherts; but the most widespread of the sedimentary rocks occurring in vast beds in the mountain faces is that named by Ferrar the Beacon sandstones, which in the far south Shackleton found to be banded with seams of shale and coal amongst which a fossil occurred which has been identified as coniferous wood and suggests that the place of the formation is Lower Carboniferous or perhaps Upper Devonian.
Perspective of Antarctica in 1911
Serious restaurants will use crystal stemware of sufficient size to allow swirling and sniffing, and decanters should also be available for young wines in need of oxidation or old wines with sediment.
Wherever the Valle Group is exposed, it has been interpreted as a clastic, marine, sedimentary sequence that includes turbidite, submarine-fan complexes deposited in water depths ranging from outer neritic to bathyal.
This is a sedimentary rock that contains a solid compound called kerogen, which can be refined into a synthetic crude oil.
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Sedimenting particles in the horizontal-head centrifuge must travel the entire length of the liquid in the tube.
They not only provide evidence for ancient vegetation and ecosystems, but also contain signals of palaeoclimates that are independent of evidence from other associated sediments and fossils.
The river water, heavily laden with sediments and thus called whitewater, floods the surrounding forest under 6 to 7 m for periods up to ten months each year, affecting a swath of land up to 20 kilometers (km) wide.
Iquitos varzea
This in turn surrounds less common remnants of Proterozoic sediments.
Australian Fossil Mammal Sites, Australia
Then something strange happened: The loess in the terraces wasn’t on top of crushed rock anymore — it was on top of very finely laminated clay-rich sediments.
The sediment matrix of the specimen consists of crudely bedded very fine sandstone with Ophiomorpha burrows.
The faecal casts retained their original coiled form on the sediment surface for several days but then gradually collapsed into a featureless mound on the sediment surface.
The early Permian rifting in the North Atlantic involved siliciclastic sedimentation in extensional basins and widespread extrusive and intrusive magmatic activity.
And seagrasses are especially sensitive to sediment since they need light for photosynthesis suspended sediments make the water less clear, reducing light penetrance.
John F. Bruno: Impacts of the Japanese Tsunami on Ocean Life
The erosion - transport - deposit of weathering sediment is one of the important process of geomorphology development.
One important clue comes from estimating the rate at which sediments were deposited.
Rivers carry their greatest sediment loads during the few days or weeks when stream flow and turbulence are greatest.
The Median Tectonic Zone, which separates the Western and Eastern Provinces, is a narrow belt of Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic plutonic rocks with minor volcanic and metasedimentary units.
The sediments include lacustrine freshwater limestones, silts, marls, occasional sands and local lignite.
The brew is very full bodied and satisfying, though some find the small amount of sediment and oils off-putting.
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The researchers used microscopic analysis of particles from the Pleistocene-Holocene sediments collected from the California Channel Islands and compared them with modern soil samples that had been subjected to wildfires, as well as balls of stringy fungal material, called sclerotia, some of which were also subjected to a range of temperatures in a laboratory.
In this case the surrounding sediment matrix is dominated by detrital quartz and illite along with various other clay minerals.
In New Jersey, Triassic brownish red, shale, sandstone, and argillite are extensive; these sedimentary rocks are much less resistant to erosion than the metamorphic crystalline rocks that form the core of the adjacent Northeastern Highlands (58).
Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
Finally, resuspension rate of contaminated bottom sediment on the action of jet flow was calculated quantitatively.
The classic mode of skarn formation involves high-temperature contact metamorphism wherein a silicate magma is intruded into a carbonate-rich sedimentary rock such as a limestone.
The mountain ranges (sky islands) are a geologic mix of Tertiary volcanic and intrusive granitic rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary layers, and some Precambrian granitic plutonic rocks.
Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
Such abrupt changes of sedimentary environment were caused by coseismic crustal movements," Kim and his team wrote in their study.
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Sediment supply from the eastern margin and from intrabasinal highs was locally important.
The content of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB)of the 35 sediment samples was determined by using MPN technique in the survey areas of Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea.
In the Pechenga-Varzuga volcanosedimentary belt, alkali basalts eruptions about 2.2 Ga in age gradually gave way to tholeiite pillow lavas, Fe-picrite flows and Ti-rich basalts with ages around 1.98 Ga.
The sediment and heavy substance accumulating in the bottom of the sewers, impervious to flushing, is removed by process of windlassing at the manholes and transporting to the dumps.
Bathymetric maps from 1958 to 2005 and hydrographic and sediment data are used to analyze the form and revolution of Ruifengsha Spit.
Paleoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks along with Paleozoic sedimentary rocks make up the basement complex of the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado.
Silicate minerals constitute most alluvial sediment on Earth.
Common forms of evidence include areas of discoloration on the walls of the cave, which demonstrate previous floor or sediment levels, and partially excavated deposits which preserve mattock or other metal tool marks.
The results of this week's coring campaign can be summarized as follows: thick (11 m) accumulations of fine sediments, all derived from the ophiolitic mélange, occur in the valley bottom upstream from Alexanders 'Hill.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Survey Report 10: Geomorphological
There is strong sedimentological evidence that the evaporites were precipitated in sabkhas or desert salt lakes.
An employee of Madame (Veuve) Cliquot devised the system of pupitres to assist in the remuage process, which we know as riddling, that removes the sediment after the prise de mousse (development of the sparkle).
At My Table
John further suggests that we begin with the localized and sedimented character of the beauty business in India.
Geologically, this ecozone is primarily horizontally layered sedimentary rock; limestone, shale, and sandstone.
Motile species crawl across the substrate and use tentacles to capture sediment and organic detritus.
The column is deposited only in sedimentary environments, where conditions favor the accumulation of sediments.
A Confession
It retreated in subsequent periods of prolonged dryness, leaving deposits of sediments.
According to Tinka Resources Ltd., press release dated January 24, 2007, mapping and prospecting has outlined a 1,000 by 800 metre area hosted by granodiorite and quartz monzonite of the Coastal Batholith which intruded Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments and volcanic.
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They were in his pickup truck, and the undulating countryside was speeding by rapidly, the chalklike hills layered with sedimentary rock where the highway cut through them, the sun a dust-veiled orange wafer by late afternoon.
Rain Gods
Sandstone is indurated sand, composed of silicilastic grains bound together by chemically precipitated cement or a recrystallized matrix of fine sediment.
Over 150 million years ago, marine plants blanketed the sea floor and sedimentation created sufficient pressure to convert the unoxidized carbon into oil.
Robert Zevin: Addiction
It egests distinct fecal pellets that are long rods and are placed, by the worm, in a pile on the sediment surface.
Higher vapour pressures would be generated in sediments of low permeability, such as mudstones, which would account for sills being more commonly found in shale and greywacke.
sedimentary deposits
Denitrification only occurs at low oxygen levels, and hence is typically restricted to sediments, although it also occurs in the deoxygenated hypolimnia of some lakes.
Chemical properties of lakes
More specific questions might relate to taphonomic conditions, identification and temporal assessment of disconformities, or the nature of specific anthropogenic sediments.
It is a widespread phenomenon that takes place at different scales: the large mass of soil brought up among the exposed roots of a wind-toppled oak tree and the few-millimeter thick sediment layer disturbed along the trail of a tiny aquatic snail are both examples of bioturbation.
Archive 2007-01-01
The present juxtaposition of the two sedimentary basins may have resulted from two separate events.
They are not very much different from the sediments we can observe in the currently active foreland basin associated with the Andes.
Castle Rock - South Table Mountain - The Panda's Thumb
Water soluble salts can form sedimentary mineral deposits when they precipitate during evaporation of lake or seawater (evaporite deposits).
AP Environmental Science Chapter 10- Minerals
The lopolith lies with complete discordance upon plutonic and metamorphic rocks of complicated structural and metamorphic history, and is overlain concordantly by rhyodacite tuffs which are intruded by the granophyre and are in turn overlain concordantly by sedimentary rocks.
There are even more examples of very thin units that persist over fantastically large areas in particular sedimentary basins.
The accuracy of the measuring bridge for loading detecting instruments on the lake basin in lake sedimentation simulation lab is analyzed.
Dr. Hubbard stated ‘While recovering sediment cores at night we attracted an enormous school of baitfish, likely candlefish, with our ship's deck lights.’
As for the sediments themselves, they are pretty much what we would expect to see in a terrestrial foreland basin.
Castle Rock - South Table Mountain - The Panda's Thumb
Higher vapour pressures would be generated in sediments of low permeability, such as mudstones, which would account for sills being more commonly found in shale and greywacke.
The soft, milky, aquamarine colour comes from the blue-green algae that thrives in the lagoon and white Silica mud, which carpets the bottom with a light natural sediment.
Microplastics have been discovered widely distributed across the bottom of the St. Lawrence River, the first time such pollutants have been found in freshwater sediments.
Metamorphism could be thought of as an extreme form of diagenesis, but diagenetic processes are generally distinguished from metamorphism and are considered in terms of the sedimentary rocks on which they act.
The period from 1150 BC to AD 150 witnessed active erosion and sedimentation on floodplains and in channels.
To widen the valleys, however, it is necessary to invoke sediment transport processes that can remove the material from the valley floors, to redeposit it in adjacent lowlands.
We are acutely sensitive to sedimentary layering, perhaps because of our origins in prehistory?
In this case the folds found within the Miocene sediments have been interpreted as extensional folding in the form of the ramp anticlines and drag folds.
Sediments were pulverized, sieved through a 2mm mesh brass sieve and stored in brown paper bags in preparation for extraction.
Estuarine sediments present a particularly challenging problem for anyone attempting to predict the consequences of human modifications to the structure of an estuary.
Experimental plots had assumed an appearance identical to that of the surrounding sediment within one week of their creation.
It is difficult to conceive in what manner ten or twenty strata of either limestone or flint, of different shades of white and black, could be laid quite regularly over each other from sediments or precipitations from the sea; it appears to me much easier to comprehend, by supposing with Dr. Hutton, that both the solid rocks of marble and the flint had been fused by great heat, (or by heat and water,) under immense pressure; by its cooling or congealing the colouring matter might be detruded, and form parallel or curvilinean strata, as above explained.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
We have obtained and analyzed cores of varved sediments from Cheakamus, Green, and Glacier lakes.
The SEPM constitution made it clear that the ‘object of the Society is to promote the science of stratigraphy through research in paleontology and sedimentary petrography, especially as it relates to petroleum geology’.
The calcite is an insoluble mineral, which upon death of the organisms sinks to the floor of the body of water and accumulates in the sediment.
Any particular location may have collected sediment for part of the time, but suffered erosion the rest of the time.
In the Palaeogene, the strata, sedimentary and structural evolution in North Shandong can be comparable with those in Southwest Shandong.
The reductions in sediment discharge, as a consequence of damming, have caused a major retreat of the (formerly prograding) distributary mouths at Damietta and Rosetta where coastal defences have been installed in an attempt to arrest the retreat.
Northern Africa and coastal and marine environments
Coverage ability: in particular conditions bath groove or deep holes in the ability of the sedimentary metal. Also called deep plating capability.
We conducted two mesocosm experiments to determine the effects of sediment feeding by gizzard shad and fish size on nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics.
The hypophyseal fossa is filled with sediment.
The life of the dam is estimated to be not more than 30 years because of heavy sedimentation.
Nielsen, however, found no evidence for major faults and suggested that the igneous rocks had been intruded into and extruded onto the sedimentary units contemporaneously with basin development.
Higher, steeper slopes of the Vosges have thin topsoil, with subsoils of weathered gneiss, granite, sandstone, schist, and volcanic sediments.
In this instance a greater pressure differential is established, higher flow rates ensue, and a larger volume of sediment can be fluidized.
The Molopo River was sampled by first removing the duricrust and then sampling the underlying sediments.
A chemical named mirex was used in some of their products and contaminated the soil and sediment along the two creeks.
Salem News
On the back label was a hand-printed date of when the wine was "disgorged," when the sediment in the neck of a bottle of bubbly was removed and the temporary cap replaced by a real cork.
How to Read a Wine Label
The evolution of Lake Bafa Western Turkey – Sedimentological, microfaunal and palynological results.
Archive 2006-02-01
We have obtained and analyzed cores of varved sediments from Cheakamus, Green, and Glacier lakes.
Sediments from the Oliva host contained coarse sand and microscopic shell fragments but no complete microfossils.
Some support for this is seen in entombed trunks where individual trees have been partially buried and the trunk forms an expanded bole at the top of the new sediment surface.
Collect ascitic, pleuritic, or hydrocele fluid in sterile flasks and allow to stand in the ice-chest for twelve hours to sediment.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
Over a low to moderate heat this will take a good 25 minutes, during which time a savoury golden sediment will attach itself to the pan.
The 2009 drilling program identified widespread gold mineralization associated with mineralized and altered dacite porphyry and adjacent sedimentary and volcanic rocks, drill hole DDH09-014 revealed gold mineralization of 111 meters grading up to 7.28 grams/tonne.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
The result is a clear, gluggable, star-bright jug of wine - and the contents of the glass can be swigged too, once the sediment has settled.
This sprawling site bears the marks of geological metamorphosis, when sediments have compacted into layers of shale and now preserve the delicate details of these organisms as fossils.
The stream has now become nothing more than a sediment sluice with rock pools filled-in with sand and gravel, and former riffle reaches submerged in sediment.
We need to identify their migration pathways through the dewatering, compacting and deforming sediments to better understand the hydrogeologic and sedimentary processes in sedimentary basins and continental margins.
Sedimentological investigations indicate a lacustrine depositional setting proximal to the coast, an interpretation also supported by the pulmonate molluscs and ostracods.
With its stepped projections and striations of garbage and wood, this baroque construction evoked a geological formation of layered rock and sediment.
Quartz is the dominant mineral in veins in siliceous rocks, calcite in limestones, and gypsum in gypsiferous sediments.
George believed that the Grand Canyon had a soul, that it wasn't merely rocks, strata, and accumulated layers of lava and sediments.
When scientists hunt for dinosaur tracks they look for areas where ancient layers of sedimentary rock are exposed, such as cliffs, sea coasts, quarries, open-pit mines, desert arroyos, and along the banks of rivers and streams.
It is underlain by sedimentary and metamorphic rock in contrast to the adjoining Cascades which are composed of volcanics.
Ecoregions of the United States-Level III (EPA)
The rocks Macdonald and his colleagues analyzed in Canada's Yukon Territory showed glacial deposits and other signs of glaciation, such as striated clasts, ice rafted debris, and deformation of soft sediments. - latest science and technology news stories
Sedimentary rocks such as mudstones often contain a variety of clay minerals, including swelling clays such as bentonite.
Second, reconstruction of some of the sediments as deposited by fluviatile action suggests that fluvial transport affected the assemblages.
The first results on varved lake sediments in Finland were available already in 2000 or possibly earlier.
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Dendritic patterns are typical of adjusted systems on erodable sediments and uniformly dipping bedrock.
Drainage basin
The sedimentary record in the Taranaki Basin indicates that during the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary, the Cape Egmont and Manaia Fault Zones behaved as normal faults downthrowing to the east.