How To Use Sedge In A Sentence
Botanical species in this ancient ecosystem included sagebrush, bluegrass, sedges, and herbs.
The six tapestries she planted come alive with interwoven threads of color and texture from golden boxleaf honeysuckle, lavender, hebe, leatherleaf sedge, and Bowles' golden sedge bordered by dwarf boxwood.
Wet meadows between rock outcrops include grasses, sedges, mosses, pitcher plant Saracenia purpurea, sundew Drosera sp. and purple fringed orchid Habenaria psycodes.
Gros Morne National Park, Canada
The birds occupy a range of wetland habitats: lakes, rivers, reedbeds, sedge fens, marsh dykes, ponds, flooded gravel pits and meres.
By 4.30 I was cruising round Seymour swimming pool, parking on the blind side as far as Sedgeley House was concerned.
Kromek , based in Sedgefield, Co Durham, the company has developed a smart scanner, approved for use in airports, which can identify liquids in bottles without the need to open them.
The Guardian World News
The river channel meanders through wide tidal freshwater marshes of cattail and sedges (Carex spp. and Scirpus spp.), with stands of saltmarsh cordgrass along the upper banks.
Others are swamp blue aster, a pink turtlehead, speckled joe-pye weed, great lobelia, Pennsylvania buttercup, and several kinds of sedges.
There were hatches of sedge, mayfly and olives, and the best flies were mayfly patterns, Golden Olive Bumble, and the Green Peter.
The vegetation types of the mid-montane subzone are mixed mid-montane forest, Castanopsis forest, Nothofagus forest, coniferous forest, mid-montane swamp forest, mid-montane sedge-grass swamp, mid-montane Phragmites grass swamps, mid-montane Miscanthus grassland and succession on abandoned gardens.
Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
These pools as well as the deeper water areas of the sedge meadow provide breeding habitat for chorus frogs, spring peepers, and smallmouth salamanders.
A fern-grass-sedge pampa covers the summit areas of the larger islands where moisture is retained in temporary pools and sphagnum moss.
Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
Big and Sedge sat down as the spare crew just as the Air Wing Intelligence Officer came on the closed circuit TV.
This is a diverse community of ferns, sedges, grasses, angiosperms and mosses and is dominated by B. palmiforme, crowberry Empetrum rumbrum, grasses and sedges.
Gough Island Wildlife Reserve, United Kingdom
The extinct mammoths ate mainly grasses, sedges, and other riparian plants, salt bush, prickly pear, and even some needles of blue spruce.
He climbed over the sedge and eely oarweeds and sat on a stool of rock, resting his ashplant in a grike.
Terrestrial annuals represented a diverse group of species, with 60 of them classified as herbs, 18 as sedges and 17 as grasses.
Some areas of prairie occur, with dominant grass species being Calamagrostis canadensis, Deschampsia caespitosa, Poa spp. and Carex spp., and the Peace-Athabasca Delta has flats with marshes of cat-tail Typha latifolia and sedges Carex rostrata, C. atheroides and C. aquatilis.
Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada
Mallards are omnivorous, eating seeds, stems, and roots from a variety of aquatic plants, especially sedges, grasses, pondweeds, and smartweeds.
Grasses, rushes, and sedges all produce flowers that must be pollinated for sexual reproduction to occur.
Much of the area is open marsh covered by phreatophytic grasses, reeds, sedges, and other aquatic herbaceous plants.
Everglades Province (Bailey)
Populations of acid frogs such as Wallum froglet Crinia tinnula, Cooloola sedgefrog Litoria cooloolensis, Wallum rocketfrog L. freycineti and Wallum sedgefrog L. olongburensis occur, as do breeding colonies of loggerhead turtle Caretta Caretta (EN) and green turtle Chelonia mydas (EN).
Fraser Island, Australia
a turf of grass of the varieties known as gramma, buffalo, and mezquite; and sometimes the traveller encounters a region where shallow ponds of different sizes stud the plain -- a few being permanent, and surrounded by sedge.
The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
His loyalty to his party is in stark contrast to the actions of his old colleague Brian Sedgemore, the former MP for Hackney South who chose the middle of the election to defect to the Liberal Democrats.
Insect life is increasing rapidly, encouraging birds such as snipe, curlew, grasshopper warbler, sedge warbler, and whinchat.
With efficient rasplike grinders, they consumed a winter diet of coarse dry grass, plus twigs and bark of birches, willows, and larches with as much ease as they did their summer diet of green grasses, sedges, and herbs.
The Mammoth Hunters
Sedges, bluejoint grass, boneset, and swamp milkweed dominate the community.
They typically nest in sedge meadows, muskeg bogs, or coastal wetlands.
To encourage wildlife, they planted cotoneaster to provide winter fruit for birds, while the pond, edged with bamboos, sedges, grasses, astilbes, hostas and candelabra primulas, attracts both insects and birds.
The immediate river banks were clad with sedge, and the broad leaves of the nymphæa, a plant like the calamus of Asia, but here used only as a toothpick, began to oust the rushy and flaggy growth of the lower bed.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Whether it's a sedge-rimmed Alberta pond or a Georgia slough choked with catbrier, pocket water that has been created by beaver, nature's most impressive engineers, provides intimate, up-close-and-personal duck hunting.
Tips, Tactics, and Gear for Beaver Pond Ducks
Understory species include bearberry, mosses, and sedges.
Northwest Territories taiga
Grass and sedge species tend to dominate in waterlogged depressions, while raised areas and old termitaria support more trees.
Maputaland coastal forest mosaic
Wild sarsaparilla, wild oats, Solomon's seal and a host of understory plants die off; grass-like species such as Pennsylvania sedge take over.
The Real Story of Globalization
The area will be richly planted with trees, shrubs, ferns, sedges and rushes.
In a study on Devon Island, just south of Ellesmere, the hares fed mainly on Arctic willow in winter, supplemented in summer with Arctic avens, grasses and sedges.
Rare plants include a sedge, wooly lip-fern, Parker's pipewort, slender knotweed, spongy arrowhead, saltmarsh bulrush and pigmyweed.
Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New York
Botanical species in this ancient ecosystem included sagebrush, bluegrass, sedges, and herbs.
I am a clumsy beginner and in the hut first a greenfinch escapes from my grip, and then a sedge warbler, both hurtling toward the windows.
A Year on the Wing
The diverse herbaceous flora included three species of calciphilic sedges, Carex albursina, Carex jamesii and Carex laxiculmis, and a fern Diplazium pycnocarpon, which is also a calcicole.
The grass beside the well, buoyantly undisturbed, leads to an analogy with sedge which is growing near the sea on much shakier ground.
Poem of the week: What mystery pervades a well! by Emily Dickinson
The monarch-attracting butterflyweed, verbena, lantana, ornamental grass, dietes, daylilies, black elephant ears and white-topped sedge set a natural stage for the water.
Most upland areas are covered by subclimax pine forest, which has an understory of grasses and sedges called savannas.
Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
There are also some lime-rich areas with woodruff, yellow archangel and pendulous sedge.
A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
The alpine spiraea grows here also and blossoms profusely with potentilla, erigeron, eriogonum, pentstemon, solidago, and an interesting species of onion, and four or five species of grasses and sedges.
The Yosemite
No additional costs were borne by Sedgefield District Council.
Given the apparent uniqueness of the north temperate zone populations of the Sedge Wren, it is important to try to falsify this hypothesis relating breeding-site fidelity and styles of song development.
Insects now enrich the air, frogs pipe cheerily in the shallows, soon followed by the ouzel, which is the first bird to visit a glacier lake, as the sedge is the first of plants.
The Lake of the Sky Lake Tahoe in the High Sierras of California and Nevada, its History, Indians, Discovery by Frémont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Town
I think one of the plants that makes the hummocks might be this plant called tussock sedge carex stricta.
Swamp adventures
Finding a Eulerian path in a directed graph is harder. Consult Sedgewick if you are interested.
The dirt was packed up as shiny as a government road in a poor county; bitterweed and sedge clogged the ditch.
The precise detail in illustrations of flowers and seeds of sedges and rushes are a valuable aid with their identification.
There's the blue and white of bluebells and wood anemones, celandines and sedges, orchids, and especially good ferns.
This plant is also known as sweet root, sweet rush, sweet cane, sweet flag, gladdon, sweet myrtle, myrtle grass, myrtle sedge, and cinnamon sedge.
Dry grasses and some sedges cover the meadow during the dry season (March-July) when I conducted this study.
The flora is suggestive in places of old oak woodland with goldilocks, buttercup, moschatel, bugle and wood sedge.
The natural diet of loch trout is more varied than most care to admit and be prepared for trout taking midge, stonefly, sedge, beetles, nymphs, olives and mayfly.
The alpine vegetation is typically tundra, and includes discontinuous patches of low-growing heather (Ericaceae), sedge (Carex spp.), and mountain avens (Dryas hookeriana).
Northern transitional alpine forests
There are birds in the garden that are rarely seen in London, such as the common sandpiper, sedge warbler and lesser whitethroat, with smew and goosander on the lake in winter.
Preliminary studies demonstrated that broomsedge is a highly mycotrophic species.
The alpine spiraea grows here also and blossoms profusely with potentilla, erigeron, eriogonum, pentstemon, solidago, and an interesting species of onion, and four or five species of grasses and sedges.
The Yosemite
For example, at Magela Creek, northern Australia, hydrophilic palms and mangroves proximal to the waterhole give way to fire-prone sedges, grasses and paperbark on the dry floodbasin.
Sedge warblers advertise their presence by a chattering and varied song, but are often invisible due to the dense herbage they haunt.
Strong variation in slopeaspect at Sedgewick suggests that local microclimates should also differ significantly over small spatial scales as a result of topography.
Then the path ran through a sedge field, white with the tall silvered panicled-leaves of the life-everlasting.
The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
Sedgefield District Council's development committee have approved the plan.
The whole of the different fields were covered with either the stalks of weeds, corn-stalks, or what is called sedge -- something like spear-grass upon the poor limestone in England; and the steward told me nothing would eat it, which is true.
George Washington: Farmer
Battle continues: A lengthy battle between a scrap car dealer and Sedgefield District Council remains unresolved.
We arrived at Sedgefield Parish Hall, standing room only, just as his adoption meeting finished.
[Subtaiga forested sedge-hypnum mezotrophic and eutrophic swamps.
West Siberian broadleaf and mixed forests
Food is mainly roots, leaves, stems and shoots of grasses, reeds and sedges.
Plants that were once common - mainly, grasses and sedges - had become even more common.
A fern-grass-sedge pampa covers the summit areas of the larger islands where moisture is retained in temporary pools and sphagnum moss.
Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
The perfect insects haunt sunny sedges and tree-stems -- whence the one is often called the sedge, the other the alder-fly -- and from thence drop into the trouts 'mouths; and within six inches of the bank will the good angler work, all the more sedulously and even hopefully if he sees no fish rising.
Prose Idylls, New and Old
The dirt was packed up as shiny as a government road in a poor county; bitterweed and sedge clogged the ditch.
Some of the smaller plants that grow here are fire snag, wild rose, Labrador tea, bearberry, sedges, eriacaceous shrubs, cottongrass, moss, sphagnum moss, feathermoss, bog cranberry, and blueberry.
Among these are some kinds of sedges, chickweeds, and catchflies.
Seed Dispersal
Among the sedges by the river we found the KYLLINGA MONOCEPHALA; and, on the rich black clayed soil near it, a species of bindweed out of flower, with large sagittate leaves: in the scrubs back from the river, grew a small bush, about four feet high, which has been considered either a variety of
Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
This cavalry was quickly dispersed at the Battle of Sedgemoor, contemporaries claimed on account of Grey's own cowardice and ineptitude.
In this subzone, herbaceous dicots, grasses, rushes, and cryptogams are dominant, and woody plants and sedges are absent.
When we speak of nutsedges, umbrella-sedges or galingales, we're referring to species in the genus Cyperus.
She kept to its southern edge, and took a whole night to traverse it, as it endlessly lapped in black oily silk waves, into sedge and swamp.
The grass beside the well, buoyantly undisturbed, leads to an analogy with sedge which is growing near the sea on much shakier ground.
Poem of the week: What mystery pervades a well! by Emily Dickinson
The nest is usually located on top of a low mound or small island, under a small shrub or in a sedge tussock.
Or climate warming could be accelerating the rate at which marsh plants such as cattails, bulrushes, and sedges invade ponds and convert them to meadows.
Wet meadows have abundant grasses, sedges, and rushes, while low-growing shrubs include black crowberry, mountain cranberry, shrubby cinquefoil, and three dwarf willows.
Sedges behave in much the same way as grasses, having their stripes neatly arranged along the leaf.
White mountain-avens may cover entire ridges in the Alaska Range, associated with moss campion, black oxytrope, arctic sandwort, lichens, grasses, and sedges.
Alaska Range Humid Tayga - Tundra - Meadow (Bailey)
They typically nest in sedge meadows, muskeg bogs, or coastal wetlands.
The "katipo," found in sedges on the beach of New Zealand, is dreaded by the Maoris, who traditionally refuse to sleep nearer than half a stone's throw from the water, that being the extent of range of the spider.
The Poison Bugaboo
Many of the ‘gap’ species are also typically found in open to very open wetland habitats such as fens, alder thickets, wet prairies, sedge meadows, and shrub carrs.
It denotes some kind of sedge or reed which grows in marshy places.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Earlier, three canoeists wended along the quiet millstream on the outgoing tide – passing marsh marigolds and partially submerged trunks of silvery willows towards reed beds, with spears of new growth and the scratchy song of returned sedge warblers.
Country Diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
The 2,000-year-old treasure is part of a gold torc, a type of Iron Age necklet, and was found by archaeologists in a field in Sedgeford.
Nonwoody plants in or near the water include arrow arum, bulltongue arrowhead, foxtail club moss, golden club, Jamaica swamp saw grass, pipewort, royal fern, tall pinebarren milkwort, and several kinds of sedges and rushes.
We're surrounded by tussock sedge, alder, jewelweed, skunk cabbage and swamp rose.
Near the water's edge, mingling with sedges, flags, marsh-mallows, bur-reed, and alisma, were the golden flowers of the shrubby lysimachia in dense multitudes, while from the canal itself rose many a spike of water-stachys, with here and there blossoming butomus, near the fringe of the banks.
Two Summers in Guyenne
There are birds in the garden that are rarely seen in London, such as the common sandpiper, sedge warbler and lesser whitethroat, with smew and goosander on the lake in winter.
These areas are dominated by sedges and grasses such as Cyperus giganteus, Eleocharis geniculata, Rhynchospora trispicata, Hymenachne spp.,
Beni savanna
Vascular plants found in Mt. Assiniboine park include American alpine smelowskia Smelowskia calycina, Raynold's sedge Carex raynoldsii, Cusick's Indian paintbrush Castilleja cusickii, stalked-pod locoweed Oxytropis podocarpa, sub-alpine grassland Saussurea nuda and apetalous campion Silene uralensis attenuata.
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
In the coalfields of the Appalachian Mountains, broomsedge dominates abandoned surface strip-mined areas, even after significant periods of time have elapsed since mining.
The sedge meadow community graded into bluejoint-muhly grass wet prairie along its drier boundaries and prairie pothole marsh where water was deeper.
The expansive lodge he built on the premises was a prefabricated building, one of the first of its kind, and was delivered to Sedgefields by train.
People on the one to two-hour guided walks may also hear warblers such as the blackcap, the garden warbler, the reed warbler, the sedge warbler and the chiffchaff.
Along with a heavy ground cover of soft mosses are horsetails and such wildflowers as Ross's avens, bluebells, sweet coltsfoot, a grass-of-Parnassus, a fleabane, and various sedges.
Pendulous sedges crowded the footpath, fungi sprouted in brown, black, orange and white.
He clears out the silt and mud that are clogging the rivers and dykes, and cuts and scythes the reeds and sedge that threaten to reclaim the broads, selling them for thatch.
Having missed two easier chances he blasted Sedge into the lead with a scissor kick from the corner of the area.
The alpine spiraea grows here also and blossoms profusely with potentilla, erigeron, eriogonum, pentstemon, solidago, and an interesting species of onion, and four or five species of grasses and sedges.
The Yosemite
These ecosystems include the páramo, a dense alpine vegetation growing on a thick mat of sponge-like, highly absorbent mosses and grasses in the cold, humid reaches of the northern Andes, and the drier puna, characterized by alpine bunchgrass species surrounded by herbs, grasses, sedges, lichens, mosses and ferns in the cold but dry southern Tropical Andes.
Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
Several sedges and rushes from the marsh grow entangled beneath the shrubs.
Also present are bog asphodel, deer grass and sedges such as slender sedge and bog sedge.
Spider lilies grow among sedges and rushes in the coastal prairie land of Texas' Brazos Bend State Park.
No additional costs were borne by Sedgefield District Council.
A stream runs along the western edge of the reserve, providing habitat for a different community of plants including sedges, yellow iris and amphibious bistort.
Sedge meadow was distinguished from wet prairie by having more than half its dominants as sedge family species.
It is a rich mosaic of savanna grassland, thickets and woodlands; grasslands: low-lying, hygrophilous and floodplain; sedge swamps, freshwater reed and papyrus swamps; riverine woodlands, swamp forests and forested dunes; the lake with its uniquely variable salinity regime;, underwater macrophyte beds, saline reed swamps, salt marshes and mangroves; rocky and sandy shores, coral reefs and submarine canyons.
Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
White mountain-avens may cover entire ridges in the Alaska Range, associated with moss campion, black oxytrope, arctic sandwort, lichens, grasses, and sedges.
Alaska Range Humid Tayga - Tundra - Meadow (Bailey)
There are about 1,700 kinds of plants in the arctic and subarctic, and these include: low shrubs, sedges, reindeer mosses, liverworts, and grasses, 400 varieties of flowering plants, crustose and foliose lichen.
Tundra biome
Having missed two easier chances he blasted Sedge into the lead with a scissor kick from the corner of the area.
Vascular plants found in Mt. Assiniboine park include American alpine smelowskia Smelowskia calycina, Raynold's sedge Carex raynoldsii, Cusick's Indian paintbrush Castilleja cusickii, stalked-pod locoweed Oxytropis podocarpa, sub-alpine grassland Saussurea nuda and apetalous campion Silene uralensis attenuata.
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
The diverse flora of the bog can be seen including mosses, lichens, heathers, sedges and insect-eating sundews, and in early summer the bog is a carpet of colour from flowering milkworts, tormentils, orchids, bog cotton and other plants.
Chinese Water Chestnut and Tiger Nut The Chinese water chestnut and the tiger nut, or chufa, are both members of the sedge family, a group of water grasses that includes papyrus.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Cows and herdsmen alike shun the warm sand of a track bordered with withered sedge, to hide in the shade of an oakwood on a nearby knoll.
As a rillet among the sedge are thy hands upon me; 20
Dance Figure
Some believe it derives from a hunting cry; the Duke of Monmouth used 'soho' as a rallying call for his men at the Battle of Sedgemoor in 1685.
Evening Standard - Home
In injury time, Sedge debutant Jonny Haig fouled an attacker in the box but Shelley's spot-kick thudded against the post.
In the woody ravines Panax curcasifolia was common, in these I noticed Cerastium scandens, Elaeagnus, Clematis, Tetrantheroidea habitu, Sedgewickiae!
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
A few are standing at an elevation of nearly three thousand feet; at twenty-five hundred feet, pyrola, veratrum, vaccinium, fine grasses, sedges, willows, mountain-ash, buttercups, and acres of the most luxuriant cassiope are in bloom.
Travels in Alaska
Clonal diversity and allozyme variation in populations of the arctic sedge Carex bigelowii (Cyperaceae).
Genetic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
Sedges, helleborine and marsh orchids and two threatened species of dandelion are among the plants included.
Times, Sunday Times
Inland is a barren coastal savanna with, in wetter areas, sedge prairie Rhynchospora spp.,
Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
Among the vegetation in the northern sector of the marsh lie tall herbs including meadow-sweet, wild angelica and figwort, while strands of yellow iris, greater tussock sedge and alder carr can also be seen.
These pools as well as the deeper water areas of the sedge meadow provide breeding habitat for chorus frogs, spring peepers, and smallmouth.
A fern-grass-sedge pampa covers the summit areas of the larger islands where moisture is retained in temporary pools and sphagnum moss.
Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
Soras eat seeds from smartweeds, sedges, and grasses.
Then a length idyllic by the river where mimulus flowered yellow and orange in a spring, scented woods were lush with sedge and ferns, and pastures heavy with scree are wrestled into order by extravagant dry stone walls.
Coastal prairies are often dominated by sawgrass Cladium jamaicensis, a type of sedge, muhley grass Muhlenbergia filipes, or cordgrass Spartina spp. in coastal areas.
Everglades National Park, United States
At Magela Creek, northern Australia, hydrophilic palms and mangroves proximal to the waterhole give way to fire-prone sedges, grasses and paperbark on the dry floodbasin.
White mountain-avens may cover entire ridges in the Alaska Range, associated with moss campion, black oxytrope, arctic sandwort, lichens, grasses, and sedges.
Alaska Range Humid Tayga - Tundra - Meadow (Bailey)
There are birds in the garden that are rarely seen in London, such as the common sandpiper, sedge warbler and lesser whitethroat, with smew and goosander on the lake in winter.
Then they ran further tests to see why people did not have double vision from picking out individual letters and found that the brain fuses the two signals that come in from the different eyes into one clear image, Liversedge said.
Eyes Lock on Different Letters When Reading | Impact Lab
Marsh fern, water horehound, spotted touch-me-not, great water dock, and lake sedge live on the soupy mudflats.
I've planted cannas, water lettuce, nymphaeas, sedges, and waterlilies in my water gardens.
The precise detail in illustrations of flowers and seeds of sedges and rushes are a valuable aid with their identification.
Very precious are two populations of marsh violets: the creeping violet and the fen violet, as well as a whole group of peatbog plants with the mud sedge, round leaf and long leaf sundew, arrowgrass, Buxbaum sundew, and crested wood fern.
A high-level two kilometre ridge walk traverses huge swathes of green mosses and sedge, a breeding ground for dotterel.
Among the vegetation in the northern sector of the marsh lie tall herbs including meadow-sweet, wild angelica and figwort, while strands of yellow iris, greater tussock sedge and alder carr can also be seen.
Marsh fern, water horehound, spotted touch-me-not, great water dock, and lake sedge live on the soupy mudflats.
For example, poorly drained areas are often dominated by sedges with an understory of mosses and liverworts, but lack fruticose lichens [11].
Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
The cover of ferns, woody plants, and sedges was excluded from our analysis because their average covers were extremely low and most plot values were zero.
Sedge volunteered his services and I want to say how grateful I am for his endeavours.
The nest was located at the edge of a small open pool surrounded by cattails adjacent to a sedge and sphagnum-dominated lakeside fen.
The mammoth was tearing out swaths of grass, herbs, and sedge with his trunk and stuffing the tough, dry fodder into his mouth to break it down with efficient rasplike grinders.
The Clan of the Cave Bear
Marsh vegetation consists mainly of cattail and sedges (Scirpus americana and Carex sp.), with salt marsh cordgrass occurring along creek banks.
The whole of the different fields were covered with either the stalks of weeds, corn-stalks, or what is called sedge ” something like spear-grass upon the poor limestone in England; and the steward told me nothing would eat it, which is true.
George Washington Farmer
Their typical breeding habitat is rocky talus and snowfields near sedge and grassy areas.
These ecosystems include the páramo, a dense alpine vegetation growing on a thick mat of sponge-like, highly absorbent mosses and grasses in the cold, humid reaches of the northern Andes, and the drier puna, characterized by alpine bunchgrass species surrounded by herbs, grasses, sedges, lichens, mosses and ferns in the cold but dry southern Tropical Andes.
Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
Northeast, Northridge, Piedmont, Ranson, Sedgefield, Southwest and South Charlotte combined with JM Alexander to collect 1,270 bags for a total of 6,352 pounds of recyclables, which is over three tons of recyclables!
Nachrichten Ticker -
Deer browsed selectively on prairie forbs but not on prairie grasses or sedges.
As the reeds and sedges have softened the banks, so water weeds, mostly starwort and ranunculus, have softened the bed.
Times, Sunday Times
Botanical species in this ancient ecosystem included sagebrush, bluegrass, sedges, and herbs.
Early in his learning curve with conservation tillage, Johnson tried to control annual grasses, nutsedge, and morning glories by strip-tilling peanuts into mowed rye.
The walls were made thick, rough, and strong; the interstices were matted and daubed with clay from the bed of the rivulet; the thatch was a sedge obtained from the lake; and the floor of earth was strewed with the leaves of the sweet-smelling rhododendron.
The Plant Hunters Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains
River water-crowfoot, water starworts, water cress and lesser and greater pond sedge.
Battle continues: A lengthy battle between a scrap car dealer and Sedgefield District Council remains unresolved.
Grasses, sedges and bamboos are grown mostly for their foliage and anything that enhances that effect is worth having.
Other plants that fit with the same disjunct pattern are clustered lady's slipper, white shooting-star, broadleaf starflower, evergreen violet, Henderson's sedge, and crinkle-awn fescue.
The alpine spiraea grows here also and blossoms profusely with potentilla, erigeron, eriogonum, pentstemon, solidago, and an interesting species of onion, and four or five species of grasses and sedges.
The Yosemite
Many of the ‘gap’ species are also typically found in open to very open wetland habitats such as fens, alder thickets, wet prairies, sedge meadows, and shrub carrs.
It was a sea of pastel colours—the delicate green hues of the grasses, sedges and other plants harmonised with the pink of the boronias and grevilleas and the white of Epacris and Conospermum—a vista extending over several hectares flanked by the pines.
But once established, they can be next to impossible to get rid of, as anyone who has battled Bermuda grass or yellow nutsedge in flower beds will attest.
For dry shade, also try Douglas iris, any of the alum roots, hummingbird sage, sword fern, and foothill sedge.
Some of the smaller plants that grow here are fire snag, wild rose, Labrador tea, bearberry, sedges, eriacaceous shrubs, cottongrass, moss, sphagnum moss, feathermoss, bog cranberry, and blueberry.
Seven major grassland types have been identified, which consitute about 20% of the park's area: Themeda villosa forms a tall grass cover in clearings in the sal forest; Saccharum-Narenga associations grow as mixed and pure stands of tall grass (Saccharum spontaneum is one of the first species to colonize newly created sandbanks); Arundo-Phragmites associations form dense tall stands along stream beds on the floodplain and around lakes; Imperata cylindrica grows prolificallyin areas within the park which were occupied by villages prior to their evacuation in 1964; various short grasses and herbs grown on exposed sandbanks during the dry months and become much more prolific with the outset of rain in May (e.g. Polygonum plebeium, Persicaria spp. and sedges such as Cyperus, Kyllinga and Mariscus spp.); Cynodon dactylon and Chrysopogon aciculatus and other short grasses grow in highest areas near riverine forest all the year round; and low-lying stands of Saccharum spontaneum, which are destroyed by repeated flooding early in the monsoon.
Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Coun Ord, a member of Sedgefield District Council, has called for a concerted campaign to get the proportional representation across.
The herbaceous vegetation would have been rich and diverse, including, for example, cattail, buttonbush, numerous sedges, grasses and rushes, and bushy willows and alder.
Marl prairie is a relatively diverse floristic association dominated by grasses, sedges, and rushes growing on thin limestone soils that are seasonally flooded.
Wild thyme, birdsfoot sedge and a host of other herbs grow among the grasses, alongside common spotted orchid, rock rose and fragrant orchids.
Coun Ord, a member of Sedgefield District Council, has called for a concerted campaign to get the proportional representation across.
The six tapestries she planted come alive with interwoven threads of color and texture from golden boxleaf honeysuckle, lavender, hebe, leatherleaf sedge, and Bowles' golden sedge bordered by dwarf boxwood.
They fell to discussing Sedgemore's multitudinous achievements, his thunderous oratory, the life-changing bills he piloted through the Commons.
Perhaps the most famous habitat of the Everglades is the sawgrass (in reality a member of the sedge family rather than a true grass, Cladium jamaicense) that dominates marshes in terms of abundance and biomass.
Cypress, blackgum, and bay forests are common, with scattered areas of prairie, which are comprised of grasses, sedges, and various aquatic plants.
Ecoregions of Alabama and Georgia (EPA)
Sedgefield District Council development sub-committee approved the plan which includes felling and replacing old and dangerous trees on the site.
Digging deeper, he would have found long-dormant seeds of marsh sedges and the sleeping rhizomes of tules and cattails.
Sedgefield District Council development sub-committee approved the plan which includes felling and replacing old and dangerous trees on the site.
The fourth lakelet had no rush-or sedge-beds and no reeds, and was almost covered with a luxuriant growth of the floating _camalote, _ a plant which at a distance resembles the wild musk or mimulus in its masses of bright green leaves and brilliant yellow blossoms.
Far Away and Long Ago
Grasses, sedges and bamboos are grown mostly for their foliage and anything that enhances that effect is worth having.
Its name notwithstanding, this species is not a rush but a type of sedge.
Adaptable ornamental species such as blue oat grass, boxleaf euonymus, and New Zealand sedge, were also planted because these species are low-maintenance and fit very well in the neighborhood context.
Hyperlocalizing Hydrology in the Post-Industrial Urban Landscape
Earlier, three canoeists wended along the quiet millstream on the outgoing tide – passing marsh marigolds and partially submerged trunks of silvery willows towards reed beds, with spears of new growth and the scratchy song of returned sedge warblers.
Country Diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
Insects now enrich the air, frogs pipe cheerily in the shallows, soon followed by the ouzel, which is the first bird to visit a glacier lake, as the sedge is the first of plants.
The Lake of the Sky Lake Tahoe in the High Sierras of California and Nevada, its History, Indians, Discovery by Frémont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Town
The Glumiflorae are the grasses, sedges, rushes, and cattails, and are easily recognized by their ‘grassy’ appearance.
The reaches of the river were spangled with white ranunculus, the marshy places were starred with lady's-smock and lit with marsh-mallow wherever the regiments of the sedges lowered their swords, and the northward-moving hippopotami, shiny black monsters, sporting clumsily, came floundering and blundering through it all, rejoicing dimly and possessed with one clear idea, to splash the river muddy.
Tales of Space and Time
The wetland is a large sedge- and sphagnum-dominated lakeside fen and cattail marsh that supports one of the most diverse wetland bird communities in the state.
I have read that they especially like the seeds of vervain, smart weed and sedges.
The herb layer is most often dominated by buckbean and occasionally by prairie sedge. Water sedge, shore sedge and slender sedge are almost always present as secondary species.
It will provide control of major weeds including purple and yellow nutsedge, kyllinga, oxalis and Poa annua.
On bail: A man accused of killing his 21-year-old girlfriend has been released on conditional bail by Sedgefield magistrates.