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How To Use Sedate In A Sentence

  • If it is less traumatic for the patient, these activities are performed after the patient is sedated.
  • This does not reflect well on the sedate, calm and collected gentleman that I hallucinated myself to be.
  • For the more sedate, there was ten pin bowling and splat the rat.
  • Within 10 minutes we were idling towards a pod of six whales making their sedate way through the wide sweep of the sound opposite the lodge.
  • Tabasheer , safflower and calamine can clear away lung heat, expel toxic heat, sedate mind, and calm fright. Savory rhododendron leaf can clear away heat, diminish swelling, and tonify kidney.
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  • Most of the 200 or so runs across the two mountains are far more sedate, and Whistler is even establishing a reputation as a decent place to learn to ski.
  • I would wager that when our defence minister made fun of you, Elsie, he was wearing a boring black or blue suit and a sedate tie.
  • 'Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
  • Those selfsame horses were slow and sedate but got things done in their own good time.
  • Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
  • As nothing else happened and everything quieted down again, the man put away his gun, looking quite embarrassed, but he soon regained his usual sedateness.
  • After the patient is properly sedated perform the orotracheal procedure.
  • a quiet sedate nature
  • Compared with the cricket, they were all rather sedate.
  • She turned the Zodiac and headed at a sedate speed for the invisible piece of flotsam that was Kyle Donovan. JADE ISLAND
  • How Rooney rendered "gimcracks" into Eskimo we are not prepared to say, but the whole description sent Nunaga and her mother into fits of giggling, for those simple-minded creatures of the icy north -- unlike sedate Europeans -- are easily made to laugh. Red Rooney The Last of the Crew
  • Got the ticket and set out on the road again at a very sedate pace and being very careful with my driving.
  • The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
  • The doctor had been and gone, and Luke was once again sedated. COMPULSION
  • Here, Ramirez reined in his horse and they walked forward at a sedate trot.
  • The couple sat by the bedside of their heavily sedated son and explained to him what they were thinking of doing.
  • To ensure that death by this means would be painless as well as quick, the patient requests that she be adequately sedated.
  • Most of the patients are heavily sedated.
  • The old rock-and-lava ball had built up a nice ozone shield under which life could evolve at a properly sedate pace.
  • He was then sedated and ventilated to facilitate further examination and investigation. Activated charcoal with sorbitol was administered by nasogastric tube.
  • I will have to continue to ride sedately until I am clear of the drunks, bus-rushers and blind Blackberry blatherers.
  • In Metropolis, Fritz Lang had the office as an urban dystopia with workers shuffling about in smocks with bowed heads, sedated by repetition.
  • Here a fleet of sedate houseboats lies moored in permanent residence.
  • A doctor painstakingly threads a thin tube deep into his sedated patient's heart.
  • With ears pricked, eyes were focused just two days later for Minstermen watchers of BBC's less sedate They Think It's All Over.
  • ‘He was sedated and the bandages were stapled onto him, all different kinds of dressings over different parts of his body,’ said Mrs Bland.
  • More sedate but nonetheless oozing French bohemian cool are overcoats with ruched hemlines in soft corduroy by Lilith.
  • But how often does one see a youngster moving on a scooterette at a sedate pace, between 42 and 50 kmph?
  • When he engaged in a hunger strike, the authorities committed him to a hospital where he was force fed, involuntarily sedated, handcuffed and sometimes strapped to his bed for long periods.
  • Reia retem sedate Saturday, September 12, 2009 more stats Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Laughing gas is used by doctors and dentists as an anaesthetic or analgesic to numb pain, sedate and allay anxiety.
  • After the baptism of fire that was the Border, Christy found the pace of policing in Westport a little more sedate.
  • The world of biblical interpretation is a calm and sedate world.
  • Braun records a case in which 5 milligrams of diazepam, a tranquilizer, sedated one personality, while 100 milligrams had little or no effect on another.
  • The drugging of prisoners for other than medical purposes - i.e., to sedate them so they would be more tractable in custody - was a breach of international human rights standards.
  • He was still in shock, and heavily sedated .
  • The mash becomes just about worn, and we are delivered into a more sedate restatement of the opening acoustic strum.
  • There are a number of orchestras here which also remind us of those days when everything was calmer and more sedate.
  • We were trolling along rather sedately down one of those country lanes that probably don't exist anymore when we spotted blue helmets bobbing up and down over the hedgerows (which certainly don't exist anymore).
  • Tullow Street may look calm and sedate most mid week days but come the weekends it is an entirely different place.
  • The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
  • This drawing shows Mary not as the calm and sedate Theotokos holding the infant, as in Byzantine icons, nor as the serene and radiant young woman holding a plump and settled baby, familiar from early Renaissance paintings.
  • (Old) Boleslav, where Wenceslaus gained his degree of martyrdom, is a sedate little town near the banks of the Labe (known as Elbe in Germany) dozing among orchards and lush meadows and o'ershadowed by tall elm-trees. From a Terrace in Prague
  • Instead of continuing as the conventional sedate ‘providers of knowledge’ they should become go-getters and in the process if they are considered for a nomenclature change from teacher to classroom manager, so be it.
  • He was taken to the Great Western Hospital where he was sedated and treated for head injuries.
  • A quiet, gentle, considerative, sedate frame of spirit is required unto this duty. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The neighborhood was sedate and quiet as all the inhabitants were at work.
  • Counsel Alberto Gonzalez from wangling a signature from the heavily-sedated patient to re-authorize domestic eavesdropping. Scott Atran: The Moral Failure of Our National Intelligence
  • How better to brighten up a sedate outfit, or add a dash of colour to an otherwise dreary day?
  • The anesthesia care provider then further sedates the patient intravenously.
  • We continued our walk at a sedate pace .
  • For those who like a more sedate evening minus the cowboy whoops and lariats, Jockey Club may be the best place to be in.
  • She looked out the front window at the street below them, which appeared deceptively quiet and sedate as a cart rolled by innocently.
  • And so it happened that the American branch of the comics medium, going through a difficult but promising adolescence, was marched straight back to its childhood room, sedated and infantilized. Douglas Wolk: How Comics Became Literature for Adults
  • Unless the cat is already moribund, the veterinarian will need to lightly sedate or anesthetize the patient.
  • I sighed, then clambered to my feet at a more sedate pace and gathered up my stuff.
  • It was an ancient and a sad matron of a sedate look and christian walking, in habit dun beseeming her megrims and wrinkled visage, nor did her hortative want of it effect for incontinently Ulysses
  • The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
  • The worst that befell me on my stag weekend, held in the sedate surrounds of a barge boat, was a hard-boiled egg eating competition.
  • Passing over the ship's holds I look down upon sedate shoals of crescent-tailed bigeyes, their reflective tapetums looking like silver cataracts.
  • Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
  • When I saw him after the accident he was still in shock and was heavily sedated.
  • At such times she was very subdued in gentleness and in observance of Mr. Carlisle's pleasure; subdued to a meekness foreign to her natural mood, and which, generally, to tell the truth, was accompanied by a very unwonted sedateness of spirits also; something very like the sedateness of despair. The Old Helmet
  • Boxing day has also been a relatively sedate affair (so far).
  • The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
  • Lucas followed behind at a more sedate pace, and neither looked happy.
  • A more sedate option is the lovely old steamship TSS Earnslaw.
  • We found that patients receiving continuous infusions were more deeply sedated than were patients managed with boluses or no sedation, as indicated by both lower SAS scores and lower BIS values.
  • He remains in the hospital because he is deconditioned; after so long lying sedated in bed, he is not able to walk. Between Expectations
  • The opening line is humorous, touching,and declamatory at one and the same time, its pentameter rhythm sedate and arresting.
  • We set off again at a more sedate pace.
  • Being a sedate and sombre brunette could get boring eventually.
  • ’Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Mr. Finch is the most sedate young man I have ever seen; -- but his sedateness is temper'd with a _sweetness_ inexpressible; -- a certain mildness in the features; -- _a mildness_ which, in the countenance of that great commander I saw at Brandon Lodge, appears like _mercy_ sent out from the heart to discover the dwelling of _true courage_. Barford Abbey
  • Hence are the various courses of unhumbled sinners in the world, wherein the outrage and excess of some seems to justify others in their more sedate irregularities and less conspicuous provocations. Pneumatologia
  • There he lay, asleep in bed, heavily sedated.
  • The only downside is that driving slowly is difficult and finding a gear to settle into sedate mode is a challenge.
  • Instead, its biggest sellers are PVC trousers with matching tops, bustiers and corsets that can be worn out clubbing as well as underneath more sedate outfits.
  • But from what I’ve heard the leading cause of death with professional horsemen is momentarily forgetting just how dangerous the beasts can be, walking behind a usually sedate Horse, and getting a lethal kick. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - This kid sort of deserved this: Cow 1, Kid 0
  • REINER: He was arousable but, you know, deeply sedated. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2001
  • Periodically, ambulance drivers come with their bright orange stretcher contraptions, bearing sedated patients whose pale faces look tiredly out over white sheets and blankets, a small passel of family members bringing up the rear.
  • They plan to sedate the giant mammal with a tranquilizer.
  • It's happiest cruising at sedate velocities and is particularly enjoyable topless, when the V-8's dual-exhaust burble can be best appreciated.
  • She took them to visit her sedate, elderly cousins.
  • Her father was his normal, sedated self, perhaps mildly drunk, looking around the room as if he were in a dream, his pale, washed-out features expressionless.
  • A more sedate game is maknim, in which the large seeds of the mucuna vine are set up in rows.
  • The wedding was rather a sedate occasion.
  • He pulled sedately out of the short driveway.
  • You can also choose to stay conscious during the operation, or be mildly sedated so that you aren't fully aware of what is happening.
  • The wedding was rather a sedate occasion.
  • Eight cops and wildlife officers sedated the moose before lugging her outside. The Sun
  • She said her mother was heavily sedated as part of her treatment and needed to be tied into her chair to stop her falling.
  • While I myself cannot get wildly enthusiastic about the possibility of visiting the moon, I do find it a source of constant wonder to be able to cross the Atlantic in sedate luxury, and in 5 hours; 15 years ago, the Atlantic air-crossing was still something of a protracted and uncomfortable adventure. Fifteen Years at the World Bank
  • When twitched, the horse appears sedated and his heart rate slows.
  • Sedate motorway driving in my comfortable car is making me soft and flabby, but I've seen the future.
  • Malati, a sedate old female, was a placid soul, unflappable even in a crisis.
  • Her husband, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, was detained in hospital and sedated pending geriatric assessment.
  • Plastic surgeon Michael Kelly is masked and gowned, his male patient sedated.
  • The person is sedated and should not eat or drink for a few hours before the procedure.
  • But all this makes it rather quieter, and more sedate, and a perfect place for stage two.
  • For example, Christians generally believe that you will live in sedate glory alongside the Lord Almighty and his holy entourage in heaven.
  • I was treated very well in hospital, I was sedated that first night, and we basically went from there.
  • For not having won a title since 1917, the celebration was relatively sedate.
  • The town could be described as "sedate", and McFallow was in the business of sedation. The Quiet Room by Doug Holder
  • I'm a bit sedate, perhaps staid in the eyes of others.
  • We spent a sedate evening at home.
  • What some frenetical persons, in their distempers or under their delusions, have boasted of, no sober or wise man esteems worthy of any sedate consideration. Pneumatologia
  • I'd intended to be mature and sedate and demure and just wistfully watch the young guests from afar.
  • Here, there was an air of sedate prosperity, speaking of a prim propriety that made Petra's Berliner soul feel stifled. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • He was then sedated and ventilated to facilitate further examination and investigation.
  • happened and everything quieted down again, the man put away his gun, looking quite embarrassed, but he soon regained his usual sedateness.
  • January 4, George Wiltsie and Duane Lindenaur, secobarbital sedated, mutilated and killed. The Big Nowhere
  • Henry Harlow and his colleagues made the discovery after analysing muscle biopsies from sedated bears at the start and end of hibernation.
  • Friday morning's ride was sedate after the thrills of the previous day starting with a relaxed ride on bitumen from Combienbar to Club terrace and a stop at the local hall for tea and cakes.
  • The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
  • I was travelling slowly in a convoy, sedately chipping away at my underseal, when a white van driver decided he would create a bow wave of rocks and a wake of expletives by overtaking the line of traffic at about 60 mph.
  • The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
  • We spent a sedate evening at home.
  • I glanced down the gorgeous but sedate dress, past slim ankles to her shoes. NO BODY
  • As she drew near the room, Morgan slowed her pace to a much more sedate walk.
  • Musically it unfolds far too sedately, with vocal declamation over smoothly contoured orchestral ostinatos, pitched somewhere between recent Philip Glass and the John Adams of The Death of Klinghoffer, as the default musical idiom. Two Boys - review
  • The company has gone for a rather sedate slate grey casing leaving brash corporate silver behind.
  • There had been a few attempts to sedate enmity in advance.
  • And the azalea, rare rhododendrons, oak, holly, birch and sycamore have altered only in the context of nature's sedate march.
  • He was a tall, sedate man who was sometimes lucky, sometimes unlucky. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • But, what was intended as an evening of educating the public seemed to result in a call for mobilisation rather than sedate acceptance of situation.
  • Village cricket isn't the dull, sedate affair for which I had dismissed it.
  • Thus, after just a handful of bars of ritornello, delivered at a breakneck speed, the soloist enters at, and insists upon, a much more sedate and measured tempo.
  • A gravely sedate demeanour would have seemed the more fitting facial expression for his age and the generally accepted nature of his calling, -- a kind of deprecatory toleration of the sunshine as part of the universal 'vanity' of mundane things, -- or a condescending consciousness of the bursting apple-blossoms within his reach as a kind of inferior earthy circumstance which could neither be altered nor avoided. God's Good Man
  • Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
  • 'Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
  • I'm a member of the House of Lords, which is very much more sedate and dignified than the House of Commons.
  • Others prefer a quieter, more sedate setting in Burras Lane or Birdcage Walk.
  • If you'd prefer a quiet drink and a paperback, you might want to consider a more sedate ship.
  • And from the form taken by such slanders as are circulated in our own sedate and moderate epoch may be conceived what might be said by political opponents in a fierce age that knew no pudency and no restraint. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • My hoarse croak was in complete odds with her, happy, sedated voice.
  • Lived and loved," said a dreamy tone from the hundred leaves of a spotless La Marque rose; and the steady, "unhasting, unresting" soul of Thekla looked out from that centreless flower, in true German guise of brown braided tresses, deep blue eyes like forget-me-nots, sedate lips, and a straight nose. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • I'd intended to be mature and sedate and demure and just wistfully watch the young guests from afar.
  • (_sedately_) I thank you, sir, for affording me this opportunity, of making him my messenger to my parents, so that he may carry to my father a full account of me and my situation here, and what I wish him to see to. nunc ita convenit inter me atque hunc, Tyndare. ut te aestumatum in Alidem mittam ad patrem, si non rebitas huc, ut viginti minas 380 dem pro te. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Two or three grave sedate-looking persons shook their heads, and left the inn, hinting, that if Gile Gosling wished to continue to thrive, he should turn his thriftless godless nephew adrift again.
  • She was restrained, sedated with IV sodium amobarbital, and hospitalized. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The colour balance of the look is tasteful and sedate, so grey, brown, fawn or navy tailoring works best.
  • And when we had been served with our simple viands, she sat composedly before us with her hands in her lap, and her eyes turned on us with an appearance of sedate scrutiny no whit the less perplexing because we knew her orbs were but fair clean window-panes shuttered and hasped within. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • So while a Hilfiger presentation can sometimes transform into an unruly party, a Nautica show remains sedate and serious.
  • Barnsley batted first and looked composed, if a little sedate, in reaching 25 off 14 tidy overs from Duncan Snell and Rob Flack.
  • These dystopias of capitalism are squeezing out communities' hope as they sedate them with the best salaries around.
  • Pick items that are sedate rather than fleet-footed prestos and floated pieces at mezza voce rather than full-throttle.
  • Madeira may have a sedate image but it does have dramatic scenery and spectacular blooms.
  • someone sedated with scopolamine has difficulty lying
  • They were supposed to quietly live out their lives in sedate seclusion. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Thus far into the interview the pace has been sedate, almost jovial.
  • Once it catches your attention, television sedates you like a drug.
  • Grace was asleep, lightly sedated.
  • A sedate scattering of planters, wicker chairs and Balinese chests evokes mansions of old.
  • Lively called brighter and missish called sedate and easy, makeup is charming and no makeup is water lotus.
  • Laughing gas is used by doctors and dentists as an anaesthetic or analgesic to numb pain, sedate and allay anxiety.
  • We continued our walk at a sedate pace .
  • The equipment can also be used to sedate nervous and claustrophobic adults.
  • He was then sedated and ventilated to facilitate further examination and investigation. Activated charcoal with sorbitol was administered by nasogastric tube.
  • Grace was asleep, lightly sedated.
  • A more sedate option is the lovely old steamship TSS Earnslaw.
  • But in looking at these methodically arranged and sedately framed photo works, it is easy to forget that he started out as an aficionado of truly transgressive imagery.
  • In the midst of the dinners and lunches, the luaus (Hawaiian feasts) and poi-suppers, and swims and dances in aloha (love) to both of them, his time and inclination were claimed by the crowd of lively youngsters of old Kohala days who had come to know that they possessed digestions and various other internal functions, and who had settled down to somewhat of sedateness, who roistered less, and who played bridge much, and went to baseball often. THE KANAKA SURF
  • An anaesthetic that was used in Vietnam to sedate wounded troops, ketamine is still used to anaesthetise children. Teenage ketamine problems rising, drug charities warn
  • Replacing exuberant floral country chintz and contrasting piping, the sedate slipcovers produced instant calm - a comfort zone for Bob.
  • The filly was lightly sedated to permit the administration of her immediate lifesaving cocktails: diazepam for the seizures, mannitol and dimethyl-sulfoxide for brain swelling, vitamin C as an antioxidant, Naxcel antibiotic for secondary infection, and lactated ringer's/dextrose solution for hydration. Liz O'Connell: You Can Bet on Little Larky
  • She turned the Zodiac and headed at a sedate speed for the invisible piece of flotsam that was Kyle Donovan. JADE ISLAND
  • There are few experiences in the world as wonderful as floating on a scintillating blue sea gazing down at orange-and white striped clownfish sailing sedately over a bed of purple sea urchins.
  • Everything is loud, flashy and lacking depth in the city, more sedate and interesting in the countryside.
  • Police and a vet were called, but the distressed cow bolted across greens and fairways and out of reach of pursuers trying to corner it in order to sedate it.
  • We followed the youngsters at a more sedate pace.
  • It was a celebratory, sedate, courtly dance: exultant outstretched jumps, falling, turning and an eloquent reflection on the crucifixion.
  • They seldom laughed or twinkled and the nose that kept them company was equally sedate, being purely aquiline, but a mouth with dimpled corners upset the scheme entirely, while ripples of golden brown hair completed the picture of a healthy, happy youngster -- not radiantly beautiful but what people like to call "winsome," which is after all as good a word as most. Across the Mesa
  • The speed limit in many areas is a sedate 55 mph.
  • Many parents like to be with their children in the anaesthetic room, although evidence from a recent trial suggests that it makes little difference to a child who is already sedated with premedication.
  • Coy admissions of a relationship between the parties lent a breath of intrigue to the otherwise sedate election campaign.
  • There would be other years, Dorothy Bullard thought as she sat in a mildly sedated haze beside her living room window. EVERVILLE
  • Billi walked sedately and by themselves; grooms of the kennels led greyhounds on the leash; behind them, almost bursting with importance, came a Persian deftly carrying the cadge, which is a kind of padded stand upon which, hooded and fastened by leashes, the favourite birds are carried to and fro. The Hawk of Egypt
  • SHA'ATH: Well, we know that he was subjected to a lot of sedation in order to conduct investigations, like colonoscopy and gastroscopy and so on, and these required that he be sedated. CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2004
  • Grace was asleep, lightly sedated.
  • The wedding was rather a sedate occasion.
  • Now, by this reading I understand that which is staid, sedate, considerative, with respect unto the end aimed at; reading attended with a due consideration of the things read, inquiry into them, meditation on them, with a regard unto the design and scope of the place, with all other advantages for the due investigation of the truth. Pneumatologia
  • Maybe my pulse is obstropulous, an 'ought to be sedated down. Moriah's Mourning and Other Half-Hour Sketches
  • A marvellous fopling he will make in the sedate circles of owls and buzzards! Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.
  • Organizer Richard MacKinnon admits that the crowd is still fairly sedate and lacks diversity.
  • Bougienage was defined as advancement of a bougie dilator from the mouth to the stomach in an upright, nonsedated patient.
  • But the more sedate pace of this Scandinavian player has also ensured that it sized up the competition and added its own features: like full Web browsing including Flash content; a touch technology that is truly 'haptic' - that means the keys seem to kick back at your fingers - a GPS receiver and a 3.2 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics. Top Stories - Google News
  • You may easily guess from this letter that Bayard's school life was very sedate and Quakerish. Four Famous American Writers: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor A Book for Young Americans
  • The eyes are blue, the cheeks pink, the complexion clear, and the expression sedate; rings are in the ears; beard and moustache are at an incipient stage, and are of the same, bright auburn hue as the hair in a picture of A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
  • The servant was a grave and sedate looking Englishman, between 50 and 60 years of age, and informed me that he had known Colonel Tarleton from his earliest youth, having lived for many years in the family of his father, a worthy clergyman, at whose particular request he had followed the Colonel to this country, with the view that, if overtaken by disease and suffering in his headlong career, he might have some one near him who had known him ere the pranksome mischief of the boy had hardened into the sterner vices of the man. The Yankee Tea-party Or, Boston in 1773
  • The patient must be sedated before the operation
  • Smith's case had brought unusual drama to the normally sedate high court.
  • His lawyers also claimed that he was heavily sedated with antipsychotic drugs during his trial.
  • But her wannest greeting was for the skinny yet attractive young women who stood sedately in the rear. Hawaii
  • Perth's suburbs and streets have English names and gardens full of pruned roses, and retirees in starched white play sedate games of lawn bowls in quiet suburbs.

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