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How To Use Security measure In A Sentence

  • Please be assured that eHarmony uses robust security measures, including password hashing and data encryption, to protect our members' personal information. Top Stories
  • A huge team of people will ensure that the necessary security measures are in place.
  • The new building would be designed with high security measures in a bid to discourage damage.
  • Bio-security measures were in place at the weekend in the area of the Marley showground housing the cloven-hoofed animals.
  • We need to introduce more stringent security measures such as identity cards.
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  • Both exports and imports fell in part because of tighter security measures.
  • Gardaí have repeatedly raised concerns at the poor security measures taken by many legal gun owners and the extent to which these firearms end up in the criminal underworld, to be used in shootings and murders.
  • Tight security measures were enforced outside the court yesterday, in a hilly area overlooking Amman. Times, Sunday Times
  • While most IT decision makers are aware security concerns exist, they often misunderstand the nuances of wireless security and consequently misemploy security measures in their wireless networks.
  • Its legacy: changes in employment policies, more security measures and more money from the legislature for improvements.
  • They have tightened security measures to control the influence of extreme political sects among the uprooted multitudes.
  • Strict security measures are in force in the capital.
  • New security measures require all visitors to sign in at reception and wear a visitor's badge.
  • Additionally, an external threat may vary in motivation, which could also indicate different security measures.
  • Increasingly surreal security measures have seen protesters being warned to keep their voices down and not to use microphones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strict security measures are in force in the capital.
  • Added a security measure to prevent an occasional bug where your SMAW rocket continuously fires.
  • Meanwhile, the right-wing daily Le Figaro concentrates on the security measures implemented in France.
  • This second door is an extra security measure and can be locked in position during the day.
  • It is because of the presence of this rebel group in the area that the night patrols have been intensified as a security measure.
  • Curious about this rather odd term, I checked out Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, which tracks the first use of the word dongle to 1981, defining it as "a small device that plugs into a computer and serves as an adapter or as a security measure to enable the use of certain software. Tech Talk: Dongle
  • He remarked on the difference in security measures at the two airports.
  • More rush on the tracks would of course entail more security measures.
  • Nod gives them from time to time, " Cilia said. "It usually has to do with some new alert about the Annihilator that requires stricter security measures. Now we know what a fake that is.
  • PARIS—Électricité de France SA said Thursday it is putting in place a series of pre-emptive security measures at its nuclear plants, as the world's biggest nuclear-energy company looks to calm fears about nuclear power ahead of Europe-wide safety stress tests. EDF Steps Up Safety Plan
  • All of the implementations of these security measures construct the security platform fore - government system.
  • It found that 65 per cent of large European companies used the same security measures for wired and wireless networks. Computing
  • A large number of homes lack adequate security measures .
  • The placing of federal marshals on many planes and additional security measures should help boost travel further.
  • But both the centre-left and centre-right coalitions proposed heightened security measures and clampdowns on illegal immigration.
  • Ramirez sat down, and typed in his personal code, overriding the General's fail-safes and security measures as he retook control of the automated defence systems.
  • Even worse, the new security measures are more likely to cause alarm than to allay passengers' fears.
  • At first, coming from Houston, I assumed the closeness was a security measure designed to prevent me from shoplifting and I was basically insulted. Mexican Manners
  • Many came out and criticize what they described as lax security measures for this rally, but the government pointed out that this incident happened outside the rally, in a perimeter set up by police, Richard. CNN Transcript Jul 6, 2008
  • Producers of leading wines are adopting security measures similar to those used on banknotes to stop criminals counterfeiting their products, writes John Follain.
  • This generates a security measure whereby all information posted by all content managers has to be cleared by the authorising officer before it is available online.
  • The tighter security measures/precautions include video cameras in the city centre.
  • The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off.
  • Ireland has advised its citizens against non-essential travel to Saudi Arabia, and the embassy has urged Irish residents to take security measures because of recent attacks.
  • I unclasped my seat belt and locked all the doors, my utmost security measure in case of imminent fright, while I stared outside looking for a sign of life.
  • The new building would be designed with high security measures in a bid to discourage damage.
  • Ramirez sat down, and typed in his personal code, overriding the General's fail-safes and security measures as he retook control of the automated defence systems.
  • Such security measures may well be overkill.
  • Hopefully you had no problems going through the checking procedure with the tightening security measures.
  • Still smarting from the terrible interruption to their plans by those cunning security measures in airports - what wily geniuses the enemy are to have thought of making the check-in staff ask such questions!
  • Mr Turner said there were plans to rededicate the garden in the next few months providing security measures were put in place to protect it from more attacks.
  • Rather, you have to take active steps to review and keep under review the security measures put in place by your processor. Computing
  • Elea then set up a series of security measures to ensure that sure an occurrence could never happen again.
  • It seems someone bigly ignored some basic security measures.
  • There will also be security measures installed in the public chamber but I can't reveal exactly what those will be.
  • The council is now renewing its security measures and thinking of placing metal bars across all windows, replacing the alarm system and upgrading its CCTV.
  • The security measures sanctioned by the state serve only to widen the chasm between the powerful and powerless.
  • Rather, you have to take active steps to review and keep under review the security measures put in place by your processor. Computing
  • Even big corporations attach great importance to security measures to prevent leaks of commercial secrets.
  • For the more demoniac drivers, who offer taxi services, the new highway code has triggered great pain, since most run without legal documentation and without normal security measures, such as excess passengers. Global Voices in English » Angola: New highway code in action
  • Policemen are frisking ticket holders at the gates as a security measure in the wake of threats to disrupt the first screenings of the film in the city.
  • The lack of security measures provides an open invitation to crime.
  • So he can fight it again as a protest against the Government's security measures aimed at stopping people blowing us to kingdom come. The Sun
  • The trans-local and trans-national terrorists should be dealt with through collaborative security measures.
  • In ROME, Italy ruled out resuming relief flights to Bosnia unless the United Nations introduced security measures to prevent a repetition of last week's presumed shooting-down of an Italian plane. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Security measures for local flights border on the absurd.
  • The Turkish president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures.
  • Tight security measures were enforced outside the court yesterday, in a hilly area overlooking Amman. Times, Sunday Times
  • At Stansted, armed guards lined the access road to the terminal which was closed for five hours amid heightened security measures.
  • This second door is an extra security measure and can be locked in position during the day.
  • A council will look at ways to fund extra security measures at cemeteries after 14 headstones were kicked over.
  • Some even include biometric security measures such as fingerprint readers.
  • It's also a distraction from implementation of more-effective security measures.
  • Despite impressive security measures, fear is mounting, and not just among tenants.
  • TOM THORNTON, PRESIDENT, KANSAS BIOSCIENCE AUTHORITY: The safety and security measures that go into this kind of research have advanced dramatically, such that this kind of biocontainment research takes place safely and securely on the mainland in cities like Atlanta, Georgia, at the Centers for Disease Control every single day. CNN Transcript Jul 27, 2009
  • Following a Government cash boost, residents can now benefit from a range of new security measures, including the fitting of deadlocks to doors, window locks and grilles.
  • He also said that the security measures in the court buildings would be tightened.
  • Living in today's world we need safeguards and security measures in place to protect your company records and files.
  • New security measures require all visitors to sign in at reception and wear a visitor's badge.
  • It found that 65 per cent of large European companies used the same security measures for wired and wireless networks. Computing
  • Such security measures have always been associated with autocrats who are profoundly aware of the depth of the popular hatred they arouse.
  • It is somewhat troubling how convenient these security measures are in terms of keeping pesky reporters at bay.
  • By big margins they backed profiling and the carrying of identity cards, tighter security measures and shakedowns at airports, and were more willing than in the past to enlist and serve in the armed forces.
  • He encouraged owners to take measures to "fortify" their businesses with security measures, such as alarms. KOMO - News - Top Stories
  • The president's car is equipped with a homing device as a security measure.
  • Today, as the massive clear-up operation got under way traders called for extra security measures including the installation of cameras.
  • The placing of federal marshals on many planes and additional security measures should help boost travel further.
  • I always travel with a couple of oatcakes and energy bars, which certainly came in handy last year when airport security measures kept me out of reach of food for almost ten hours.
  • However, concern has also been expressed that existing security measures are fallible.
  • New security measures, including video surveillance cameras, come into force on the city's bus fleet this week.
  • The bombing has forced Olympic officials to step up security measures throughout Olympic venues and surrounding facilities.
  • Plant hunters were bringing exotic new species from distant shores and their finds prompted extreme security measures such as man-traps.
  • As a result many farmers and rural homeowners are re-siting diesel tanks and improving security measures such as floodlighting and alarms in their farmyards and gardens NFU Mutual oil tank security checklist NFU Mutual advice on fuel tank security following attack on Warwickshire farmer
  • Other ways of getting the premium down include garaging and additional security measures.
  • The rituals date back nearly a thousand years, but Vatican officials are taking very modern security measures to prevent any leaks from the conclave.
  • New security measures require all visitors to sign in at reception and wear a visitor's badge.
  • Now, Captain, you must call the commodore, or whoever else you feel you must consult about this matter, and see to it that whatever ‘security measures’ are required are put swiftly in place—for I will not linger here another two days while that slander on my crew lies smarting in my mind, and those who committed it sit about congratulating themselves. Rihannsu: The Bloodwing Voyages
  • In fact, security measures promoted by risk aversion tend to be ineffective.
  • Its legacy: changes in employment policies, more security measures and more money from the legislature for improvements.
  • Another way to ensure that security measures are adopted across the organization is to make sure that the technology is more than just a bolt-on, that it is tightly integrated with existing desktop systems.
  • Old walls remained useful, though, as a security measure against brigandage, piracy and civil unrest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our law enforcing agencies and especially the intelligence wings can study the situation around the Parliament House in Delhi and plan security measures without inconveniencing the public.
  • Police introduced an overnight curfew on Thursday in Colombo and have tightened security measures throughout city.
  • The president's car is equipped with a homing device as a security measure.
  • They will want to know if the Gaza blockade, a policy they see as a security measure and that much of the world sees as collective punishment, is about to be undone by what Klein calls a rush to confrontation with a boatful of activists. Activist's Account Of Raid Differs From Israeli Version
  • He said the FBI told him the information was "nonspecific," adding that his organization has already implemented the kinds of enhanced security measures that the FBI advised. What's Behind Latest 'Orange Alert'
  • Security measures had been dramatically stepped up at Heathrow airport with extra police officers being drafted in from surrounding areas and forces.
  • A security measure brought in to stop ballot fraud saw voters having the tips of their fingers dipped in indelible ink. The Sun
  • When the new security measures were imposed, the valet bags service facility had to be withdrawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • They blackballed all DVD proposals that didn't include robust security measures, and threatened to do anything in their power to kill formats that didn't adequately protect content.
  • This includes keeping up-to-date security mechanisms such as antimalware, eradicating vulnerabilities in your applications, and employing data security measures such as encryption to guard against threats to your data within the cloud. Reseller News
  • Well, that's what we're trying to prevent here’ said the emcee, explaining the need for security measures at a recent preview screening of Johnny English.
  • The government, meanwhile, said it put in place what it called adequate security measures for the protests, the state Herald newspaper reported Tuesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • New security measures were implemented to prevent further violence.
  • When the new security measures were imposed, the valet bags service facility had to be withdrawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The installation problem is likely caused by User Account Control security measure.
  • Use professional literature and state and federal laws to ensure that any outsourcer is providing appropriate security measures to safeguard against theft or improper sharing of personal employee data.
  • On May 4, the government promulgated draconian security measures to cope with the crisis.
  • When we first entered the property Mr. Dotcom was not overly co-operative and in fact fled into what can best be described as a safe house, or a safe room and it took us some time to get through the security measures that were in place and he was subsequently found in that safe room with a loaded shot gun resembling a sawn off shotgun. New Zealand Police Arrest MegaUpload Founder
  • TOM THORNTON, PRESIDENT, KANSAS BIOSCIENCE AUTHORITY: The safety and security measures that go into this kind of research have advanced dramatically, in such that this kind of biocontainment research takes place safely and securely on the mainland in cities like Atlanta, Georgia, at the Centers for Disease Control every single day. CNN Transcript Jul 28, 2009
  • New security measures, including video surveillance cameras, come into force on the city's bus fleet this week.
  • Strict security measures are in force in the capital.
  • The Arizonan has been a Republican leader on the immigration issue, pushing for strict border-security measures. -- Top News
  • This second door is an extra security measure and can be locked in position during the day.
  • Those familiar squiggly letters are Captchas, an upgraded security measure used by many Web sites to distinguish humans from spambots.
  • Last month we looked at services that degauss and shred hard drives as the ultimate data security measure. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • As a result, additional IT security measures were put in place and the attack was repelled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Security measures to prevent nuclear attacks must be continued, but we cannot rely on efforts to block terrorists from detonating nuclear devices.
  • The president's car is equipped with a homing device as a security measure.
  • Rather, you have to take active steps to review and keep under review the security measures put in place by your processor. Computing
  • Rather, you have to take active steps to review and keep under review the security measures put in place by your processor. Computing
  • Therefore, LAN security measures should be given for different omni-directionally to threats and vulnerability to ensure the confidentiality of the information network, integrity, and availability.
  • The Turkish president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures.
  • Additional security measures, such as garaging the car, can also bring down premiums.
  • We need to introduce more stringent security measures such as identity cards.
  • She added that she took security measures seriously anyway, and always made sure security locks on doors and windows were in operation.
  • They are among many terrorist groups using the Internet to extend their reach to radicalize disaffected youth into forming their own terror cells to bypass improved security measures.
  • The tighter security measures/precautions include video cameras in the city centre.
  • I generally agree with your observations about the apparent ineffectiveness of many of the new airport security measures.
  • We shall "hypothesize" that all the immigrants would be peaceful; if they weren't then crime and/or security measures would destroy the rich country. How Markets Value the Welfare of the Poor: Follow-up to A Non-Socratic Dialogue, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • When the voices that advocate for usability are absent or weak, security measures become needlessly restrictive.
  • The majority of alleys in Leigh are classed as public highways and residents who wish to have alley gates installed have to go to court to have the alleys classed as unadopted roads - which allows them to install the security measure.
  • Yes, Even though there has security measure, But may not avoid some terrorist sabotage.

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