How To Use Security guard In A Sentence

  • We were stopped by two hulking security guards.
  • The gunman was finally overpowered by three security guards.
  • A security guard surprised the burglars in the storeroom.
  • The security guard challenged him outside the building and the youngster gave himself up.
  • They got in before our security guard came on duty, but I am now electrifying the fence and getting 24-hour protection.
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  • Security guards saw him off the premises.
  • A security guard with a dog patrols the building site at night.
  • The father is so unpredictable that the only way the social services can visit is in the company of two burly security guards. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, you must overtake the security guards, disengage the alarm system, and disable the security cameras.
  • Last autumn some one slashed hydraulic hoses on logging equipment inside the ranch, even though private security guards were on patrol there.
  • When he entered he was stopped by a security guard at the entrances checkpoint.
  • The security guards set their dogs on the intruders.
  • The security guards gave me the once-over, but they didn't ask me for any identification.
  • A barrel-chested security guard riding shotgun in Khalilzad's car turns to explain: an errant vehicle in Iraq, he says, can easily be a suicide bomber.
  • A security guard was killed in the bank raid.
  • From the outside - where more than a thousand ticketless Beatle - maniacs loiter hoping for a miracle, or at least a security guard with his back turned - you can almost see Convention Hall vibrating.
  • Coke's chemists still work behind smoked glass surrounded by security guards.
  • The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth.
  • Nearly all the dispensaries have a security guard posted outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • They said a gang called the "Asian Invasion" was behind a campaign of bullying at the school, and demanded security guards to protect pupils. "and that" Patrick said a fight had been arranged after Henry "barged" into a group of Asian boys in a school corridor. Archive 2008-01-01
  • A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.
  • Employees including porters, cleaners, security guards and others voted by 254 to 152 to take industrial action.
  • He was killed by security guards on June 24, after residents attempted to stop an electricity disconnection.
  • She was flanked by security guards as she entered court yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was found slumped in a pool of blood by security guards.
  • Security guards patrol the empty building around the clock. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doing a PHD in social networking (and stints at Yahoo) would make Danah forecast 'social network fatigue', but her dystopian Desperate Housewives meets their always-on kids in the gootube bazaar is so funny it must be true - Class will be split into private mean girls cliques and interspersed with child star bonaduces, security guard gary coleman playing net nanny, and Marcia Cross tubd spankn vignettes. "Forget dirty laundry, we're talking a full inversion of the house."
  • The fact that these men hit the security guard and rammed a police motorbike shows they have no thought whatsoever for people's safety, and it is vital that they are caught before someone is seriously injured.
  • They had licenced security guards at the gates confiscating any alcohol or drugs found upon entry (yes, they searched every car on the way in).
  • As soon as the verdict was announced he leaped up, barged past four security guards and bolted from the dock. The Sun
  • A few steps away from Wanda's window, a short balding man in his seventies stood at the front door of the DMV arguing with the security guard. Waiting for Wanda
  • Drug mules, long agreed by all as the real carriers of weapons of mass destruction, routinely elude the army, security guards and high-tech scanners.
  • The security guard addressed her repeatedly with an annoying ‘You okay, Miss?’
  • In a day's work, I retrieved the building's schematics and was able to gather information on the routines of security guards and cleaning personnel.
  • That was the signal for three burly security guards to surround Ashley. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wanted to be a good security guard and look after her but the situation became unbearable. The Sun
  • Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.
  • Royal Ascot spokesman Nick Smith said the racing event always used walkie-talkies for its staff, including caterers, security guards, pressmen and general managers.
  • Drug mules, long agreed by all as the real carriers of weapons of mass destruction, routinely elude the army, security guards and high-tech scanners.
  • As I entered our magnificently appointed multi-storey office development this morning, I caught sight of a box behind our oddly proportioned security guard.
  • A kindly security guard directs us on our way out.
  • These include: an inherent Pakistani-Muslim tendency toward violence, reactionary 'Islamic fundamentalist' laws in this case, Pakistan's blasphemy law, and just the overall permeation of religious extremism throughout all corners of the country -- including even within the governor's own elite security guards. Junaid S. Ahmad: More To Pakistan Than Blasphemy Law
  • Pakistan's Ambassadorto Afganistan Tariq Aziz-ud-din along with his driver and security guard went missing in khyber agency. Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan went missing in Khyber agency
  • As a private security guard, he had no authority to arrest or detain the pair.
  • A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.
  • ‘Enter through here, please,’ a security guard boomed out from the other end of the cafe.
  • This was just a bad move by some overzealous security guards.
  • The raiders disguised themselves as security guards.
  • The school has already had to put up a palisade fence inside the school grounds to protect the quadrangle and has been employing a security guard to patrol when the school buildings are hired out.
  • He has security guards and bulletproof cars. The Sun
  • Two security guards were trying to restrain her - one tall guy and one wee blonde sylph one-eighth the size of the offender.
  • The security guards soon overpowered the man.
  • In the ensuing struggle she bit the security guard, breaking the skin and causing reddening and abrasions, the court heard.
  • Merchant shipping firms have generally avoided arming crew or security guards for reasons of safety, liability and conformity with the laws of the countries where they dock.
  • They were both stopped by a security guard as they were trying to leave the shopping precinct.
  • A host of smaller steelmakers and industries went too, some hiring former metalworkers as minimum-wage sweepers or security guards until the demolition crews arrived.
  • Five security guards and two attackers died in the gun battle. The Sun
  • He was being held by two security guards, his head bowed in shame.
  • There were two security guards on duty outside the building.
  • He revealed that security guards operating the machine since it was installed three weeks ago have found penknives, darts, syringes and large screwdrivers on people coming into the court.
  • Two mall security guards loomed outside a wide glass sliding door. IN FORKBEARD'S WAKE: Coasting Round Scandinavia
  • The theft seems to have been an internal job involving a security guard, but no prosecution followed and the thefts went unpublicised.
  • There were also masses of security guards outside the venue. The Sun
  • She roars with laughter, recalling the reaction of her security guards when they were first asked to pour cases of bubbly into her bath. Times, Sunday Times
  • The court heard he had a previous conviction for wounding, and eight years ago was cautioned for pointing a toy police gun at a security guard.
  • Then, while all of the security guards are busy restraining the ruffians, walk straight backstage and wait for an opportunity to talk to whomever you want.
  • The gunman was finally overpowered by three security guards.
  • The only other passengers in the first-class compartment were two security guards and a dozen paintings on loan from the Louvre. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were beginning to make a scene, and Kayleigh saw some uncertain security guards approaching.
  • We do not back security guards and metal detectors, aside from in the most troubled inner-city schools. The Sun
  • The security guards checked each individual into the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was being held by two security guards, his head bowed in shame.
  • Paul Eves can do no wrong in his portrayal of a security guard that always poses the wrong question at the wrong time.
  • Hence, there are now two uniformed security guards at the gate to Treasure Island at all times, Florin said.
  • Pogo found that at six nuclear facilities the security guards were paid anywhere from $1 to $4 less per hour than custodians and janitors working at the same plant.
  • They were summarily ejected by the security guard.
  • The security guards stared at that crazy fan menacingly.
  • There were just a few doleful looking people sitting in chairs who were outnumbered by the armed security guards protecting the X-Ray machine and metal detector while striving to provide quality service to their customers.
  • The gang tied up a security guard.
  • Zimbabwean teachers, forced out by hunger and repression, work as security guards and shop assistants.
  • The security guard made them empty their pockets.
  • Khan was flanked by three security guards and spoke only to confirm his name and give his date of birth and address.
  • The security guards set their dogs on the intruders.
  • We have security guards now and there is a continual presence of the Metro Police.
  • Eight security guards prowl the corridors making sure that people do not misbehave. Times, Sunday Times
  • Going to the nearest person in sight, which happens to be a porky security guard, Annette asked him if all the taxis in America had disappeared.
  • Kaori presented her ID and watched the security guard pick up the phone. The Impossible Man - Ep.4: The Chupacabra is Out There
  • He was a security guard before he was made up to reception manager.
  • The security guard standing outside the door gave him an once-over, then took a good look in his eyes and reconsidered.
  • The security guard made them empty their pockets.
  • ‘They're all egoists, they only care about themselves,’ said Guy, a security guard who wouldn't give his surname.
  • Security guards carried out a cursory check but left after finding no sign of a disturbance. The Sun
  • Their ordeal ended when a bank security guard spotted something suspicious on a television monitor and raised the alarm.
  • Potenza was a retired New York policeman and Las Vegas casino security guard whom Kimmel invited to Los Angeles to join the late-night talk show. VIDEO: Jimmy Kimmel Pays a Teary Tribute to Uncle Frank
  • Not one of the security guards below had seen us. Times, Sunday Times
  • A security guard - like all the others, a large neckless guy in a pinstriped suit - comes to the gate and yells that he has an announcement.
  • Outside the hotel where the auction took place Tuesday, several protesters scuffled with security guards when they tried to push into the ballroom to block the sales.
  • Masked raiders tied up a security guard and stole thousands of pounds' worth of computer equipment from Motorola, a court heard.
  • A person attempted to rob a man with an "edged weapon" like a knife, but ran from the scene after being confronted by a security guard.
  • It pays to read the signs before leaving your car in a carpark or other private land in England: security guards can impose enormous instant fines, and enforce them by immobilizing your car with a wheel clamp.
  • But as stunning as some pieces were (more than one gallerygoer asked Duane Hanson's "Security Guard" for directions to the men's room), the ultrarealistic sculpture of a couple of artistic generations ago was always a little esthetically unsatisfying. Arts Extra: Less Is Mueck
  • Seemingly unconcerned by his lack of recognition, Mr Rotten took security guards to task over the expulsion order, before declaring the whole thing was ‘boring anyway’ and sloping off.
  • She was flanked by security guards as she entered court yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has security guards and bulletproof cars. The Sun
  • I mean, the security guard who actually finally spotted her, heard what he called a pathetic little whimper. CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2003
  • Because in the free and open parts of the globalised world, the only other option for us all will be to erect our barbed-wire fences and hire our personal security guards, and wait in fear for the bestial truth to come for us, too.
  • ‘People think us security guards are just stupid, unfeeling corporate toadies, but that's not true,’ he said.
  • A small bearded man in a dark suit and sunglasses seemed to be his security guard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The three security guards were quite at home in this off-centre environment and took most of the surreal happenings in their stride.
  • “My dear,” he said, waving over the security guard. Brush of Darkness
  • Security guards patrol the empty building around the clock. Times, Sunday Times
  • She immediately reported her finding to a supermarket security guard.
  • Security guards patrol the empty building around the clock. Times, Sunday Times
  • A number of youngsters approached the car and asked for autographs, but were turned away by a security guard.
  • In the other incident, officials say a security guard shot and killed the Frenchman inside a compound of Austrian oil and gas company OMV near Sana'a.
  • The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run.
  • They had sat through some horrific details, hearing how the brave security guard was bound, gagged and beaten to death.
  • Inside the building, escalators snake skywards but normal progress is blocked by a swarm of burly security guards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run.
  • The new security guard is a burglar — that'll put the cat among the pigeons.
  • The raiders disguised themselves as security guards.
  • To the outsider they would be mistaken for smartly uniformed security guards rather than the trained storm-troopers they were.
  • A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.
  • In the southern port city of Mersin, a train hits a 19-wheeler, cutting it in half, and, incredibly, a security guard and the driver escaped with no serious injuries. CNN Transcript Mar 4, 2009
  • The man gave Mr. Love one huge slug in the face just as Tommy and Joe, the security guards, hurried up the stairs, Tommy huffing frantically.
  • Then he filed a lawsuit against Stores Protective Association and Robinsons-May, where the shoplifter was apprehended by security guards.
  • A security guard was battered to death in a row with a gang of Kosovan teenagers, a court heard.
  • I remembered all the good times I had there as a kid, watching cricket, jumping over fences and evading security guards.
  • The dumpers were parked in the company's godown, which is manned by security guards. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • Security guards, at this point, refused entry to the public, saying they had just heard that there was an emergency in the court.
  • The security guard came up and Jack either heard him or sensed him, but he slitted his eyes and glared at the uniformed man.
  • The gang tied up a security guard.
  • Also patron of accountants, bankers, customs agents, security guards, and tax collectors.
  • If a smoker refuses to stub their cigarette out security guards will ultimately enforce the ban.
  • The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run.
  • And the countryside is also extremely big, so it's unlikely you will be woken by a burly security guard and told to move on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly after this a man was marched back into the store and put into a small staff only room, guarded by a security guard and one of the beefier shop boys.
  • Two boys ran past with a security guard in pursuit.
  • Guards People were wandering past with their luggage, security guards were on patrol.
  • When security guards came to stop him, he did not resist.
  • As soon as the verdict was announced he leaped up, barged past four security guards and bolted from the dock. The Sun
  • She had money in her pocket, but security guards at this sprauncy venue plainly did not like the look of her.
  • Eddie is an innocent, naïve and wide-eyed security guard inadvertently caught up in Gary and Frank's plans.
  • As I entered our magnificently appointed multi-storey office development this morning, I caught sight of a box behind our oddly proportioned security guard.
  • Certain police-style powers will also be given to accredited private security guards and community wardens under the proposals.
  • He was a security guard before he was made up to reception manager.
  • A village school is looking to employ private security guards in a bid to crack down on vandalism.
  • They find that shelter in a mall, but the mall comes with a group of security guards who are bent on keeping strict order in the most militaristic manner possible.
  • Two mall security guards loomed outside a wide glass sliding door. IN FORKBEARD'S WAKE: Coasting Round Scandinavia
  • The security guards would remove them before you could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Times, Sunday Times
  • A team of hard-faced security guards with tightly furled umbrellas and sinister earpieces did not kneel and scan the jubilant crowd while he celebrated the shot. 'I'm Glad Tiger's Not Here'
  • College managers are insisting that students and staff wear photographic identity cards on colour coded ribbons visible at all times to security guards.
  • He was upgraded to security guard.
  • We were asked to show some identification before the security guards would let us in.
  • They were summarily ejected by the security guard.
  • The gang tied up a security guard.
  • The requirement of hiring private security guards heralds a bonanza for downtown business.
  • One security guard was seriously hurt and another injured. Times, Sunday Times
  • Filled with enthusiasm, the parliamentary chairman used to explain in the first days of the parliamentary sessions that he does not want security guards and a Mercedes.
  • Two mall security guards loomed outside a wide glass sliding door. IN FORKBEARD'S WAKE: Coasting Round Scandinavia
  • The firm's management refused to talk to the press, and journalists were kept away by security guards.
  • The car had been chased by a number of people, including security guards from a number of shops.
  • Her security guard had encouraged her to change cars in the convoy at the last minute. Times, Sunday Times
  • And to think two years ago I was giving his security guards my demo after a show. The Sun
  • The only other passengers in the first-class compartment were two security guards and a dozen paintings on loan from the Louvre. Times, Sunday Times
  • Security guards patrolled the entrance to the five-star hotel throughout the weekend and the public was denied access as the glitterati partied into the early hours of the morning.
  • The bank has its own armed security guards-each a professional marksman-and electronic surveillance systems.
  • Concealed by a forbidding row of security guards, the pop-star left the building.
  • The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth.
  • Then he filed a lawsuit against Stores Protective Association and Robinsons-May, where the shoplifter was apprehended by security guards.
  • Is it a degree of erraticism to just fire your defense team, fire your security guards, then new security guards were hired, then they were fired, then a new team brought in.
  • Local people took matters into their own hands and hired their own security guards.
  • Her security guard had encouraged her to change cars in the convoy at the last minute. Times, Sunday Times
  • The security guard relented and let them through.
  • The workers continued to picket the offices on December 8 despite the presence of dozens of armed police and security guards.
  • Behind the screen was an X-ray machine, a table and three security guards - two male, one female - in dark green uniforms.
  • The committee is looking at posting a security guard close to the houses. The Sun
  • The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth.
  • He could not return to his casual post-retirement job as a security guard as a result, and his loss of income had a considerable impact on his family's finances.
  • While Police Commissioner Ray Kelly mingled with a star-studded cast of entertainers and rich New Yorkers -- including Chevy Chase, Ron Perelman, Charlie Rose, Michael Douglas and Jimmy Buffet -- in the Waldorf's ballroom, a tough-guy security guard was harassing and threatening a young female reporter for the New York Times. Len Levitt: The Police Foundation: Making Enemies and Alienating Reporters
  • He once worked night shift as a security guard, then went straight to a day shift in a car salesroom and sold scrap metal on the side.
  • Security guards carried out a cursory check but left after finding no sign of a disturbance. The Sun
  • security guards restrained the reporter from throwing another shoe
  • Security guards patrol the empty building around the clock. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard.
  • She was unbending and ordered a couple of security guards to hustle me out.
  • The family was escorted away by a team of burly female security guards. The Sun
  • However, on most days the audience consists of only a handful of shoppers and city centre security guards.
  • Nicky Loh/Reuters TO ERR IS HUMAN: A security guard looked at the "We are all errorist" art piece from the Spanish group Internacional Errorista at a Taiwan museum Friday. Today's Photos: Sept. 19
  • One man, believed to be a security guard, was airlifted from the scene and taken to Ipswich Hospital with smoke inhalation but no one else was on the Second World War gun emplacement. Boing Boing
  • He was working as a part-time security guard. Times, Sunday Times
  • He got into the stadium masquerading as a security guard.
  • And you've seen barefoot children being shooed out of a shopping mall by security guards.
  • Eddie is an innocent, naïve and wide-eyed security guard inadvertently caught up in Gary and Frank's plans.
  • Residents of the David Murray John Tower fumed at being left out in the cold for an hour after a second 30-year-old lift failed and security guards said they could not allow them to use the stairs.
  • The only other passengers in the first-class compartment were two security guards and a dozen paintings on loan from the Louvre. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once a mere security guard, now he is moonlighting as a management consultant.
  • Two shots rang out , and security guards rushed over, guns drawn.
  • The meeting reached a deadlock when Williams challenged Halley to have him removed by municipal security guards.
  • Security guards patrolling the area informed police, who in turn notified the Bomb Disposal Unit, who defused the explosive device.

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