security force

  1. a privately employed group hired to protect the security of a business or industry
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How To Use security force In A Sentence

  • There were heavily armed security forces on every street corner and there was a great deal of distrust and suspicion.
  • Mandela was convinced of security force "connivance", at least in the form of standing back and allowing violence that they could stop. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It documents dozens of cases where security forces opened fire on peaceful protests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Islamabad: security forces killed 35 militants, on Tuesday in a military assault at tehsil lakarho and tehsil pindalai - mohmand agency, north-western tribal region of Pakistan, adjacent to Afghanistan. 35 militants killed in north-western Pakistan
  • The security forces have had to recruit and naturalise foreign Sunni Muslims – some of whom are decried as mercenaries – to make up the numbers. Bahrain: No conflict. Plenty of interest | Editorial
  • Despite divisions in Afrikanerdom and splits in the government over strategy, the security forces, including the black police, had remained loyal.
  • Angry townspeople protested in the streets following the explosion, shouting anti-government chants and tossing rocks at security forces.
  • During the 1976-83 period, operations included the assassination of police informers and perceived quislings, bank robberies and attacks on the security forces and police stations.
  • The Romanian government yesterday unveiled a new, scaled-down security force.
  • Increase Iraqi security force capacity – both size and effectiveness – from 10 to 13 Army divisions, 36 to 41 Army Brigades, and 112 to 132 Army Battalions.
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