
Security Council

  1. a permanent council of the United Nations; responsible for preserving world peace

How To Use Security Council In A Sentence

  • Second, if a Palestinian state is recognized along the 1967 lines in point of fact, nothing more than the 1949 armistice lines, this undermines UN Security Council Resolution 242 and 338 and the Camp David Accords, which call for a negotiated outcome and do not predetermine final boundaries. David Harris: Support Peace: Oppose Palestinian UN Gambit
  • Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal.
  • Before military action can lawfully be undertaken against Iraq, the security council must have indicated its clearly expressed assent.
  • Security Council, in its reaction to the September 11 attacks, obliged member states to "criminalize" terrorist attacks - not to declare war on terrorists. Daphne Eviatar: Graham Bill Plays Right Into al Qaeda's Hands
  • So why would the BBC ignore a story about an African government's armed forces bombing a town and killing civilians in contravention of a peace deal and UN Security Council resolutions? Another story that the BBC won't be covering, preferring instead to cover Israel's wickedness
  • I have instructed our foreign secretary to submit before the UN security council and the UN assembly this militarisation, which is a serious risk to to international security". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Also, Mousavi has written a letter (in Farsi) to the Iranian security council saying that personnel from the Ahmadinejad-loyalist Basij militia are doffing their uniforms and attacking innocent people in the streets. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Wednesday June 17)
  • The attack took place under the authority of the UN security council.
  • Germany is on its way to becoming a world power with a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
  • These promises were central to a campaign to win a UN Security Council seat.
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