

  1. make secular and draw away from a religious orientation
    Ataturk secularized Turkey
  2. transfer from ecclesiastical to civil possession, use, or control

How To Use secularize In A Sentence

  • They have been further homogenized, and secularized, in the postwar years of relative affluence by American-style middle-class consumerism.
  • He claims that Western secularized society makes it difficult to live as a Christian.
  • However, many Christian leaders condemn the fact that it is being increasingly secularized and commercialized.
  • Now that Italian society has become increasingly secularised, and the power of the church has ostensibly decreased, contemporary pasquinades do not, in general, lampoon the Vatican.
  • Because of its concern with imminent change, millenarianism appealed to radical reformers and could be secularized into utopianism.
  • His foreign policy was, as Richelieu's had often been, indifferent to the interests of Catholicism: the Peace of Westphalia gave its solemn sanction to the legal existence of Calvinism in Germany, and, while the nuncio vainly protested, Protestant princes were rewarded with secularized bishoprics and abbacies for their political opposition to The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • This includes all those who wish to make the Church of Jesus Christ into a purely humanitarian society, to rob her of her supernatural character, to secularize and desacralize her. Bizarre
  • In 1525 Albrecht of Hohenzollern, Grand Master of the Order, accepted Lutheranism, secularized the state, and created a duchy as a fief of Poland.
  • The Roman alphabet replaced Arabic writing, the state became exclusively secular, monogamous marriages were introduced, and education was secularized.
  • But just a hair above a majority of his votes came from a secularized portion of society.
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