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How To Use Secular In A Sentence

  • Although Jameson is clear-eyed about the corrosive effects of modernity, his methodology nevertheless seemed to require his allegiance to secularization and to convergence theories of modernization; moreover, the acuity and insight of the readings produced by this methodology served to justify that faith a posteriori. Introduction
  • The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate the effects of high frequency components on the determination of secular trend of relative sea level(RSL).
  • Much African art still seems religiously alive and therefore not entirely at home in a secular environment.
  • And it is no longer the province of secularists and the left, but is increasingly fanned by religionists and the right.
  • The problem of religion secularization rose to an agenda as the growing of human self - awareness.
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  • Such classifications are required and are secular more than religious.
  • Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • His closest friends had no time for biblical Christianity, his church attendance lapsed, and his work became increasingly secular, including writing for the theatre.
  • The Pythagorean doctrine that one soul can not only transmigrate from man to man, from man to beast, but also indifferently to plants, serves as the basis for the soul's secular progress.
  • Secular, it opposed deification of any kind, including of a leader like Mao Zedong.
  • Secular remains of Gothic architecture in Czechoslovakia are fewer.
  • A focus on texts and their position in all kinds of Italian secular vocal music of the time leads to a rather wordy book not very easy to follow in its layout, especially when a music example precedes its reference.
  • The aquamanile eventually evolved for secular use during the renaissance and these items found their way onto the dinner tables of the rich.
  • Doctoral dissertation: " Secularisation and Christianity in Contemporary Britain".
  • The Book of Lights traces the spiritual quest of two rabbis, Gershon Loran and Arthur Leiden, through their seminary studies and separate paths in the secular world.
  • Although it is often used in a religious context, it is entirely appropriate to apply it to secular experiences.
  • Willis also skips over the secular and leftist politics that led Catholic ethnics and working-class voters to take their distance from liberalism and the Democratic Party in 1972.
  • There are various classes of Secular Abbots; some have both jurisdiction and the right to use the pontifical insignia; others have only the abbatical dignity without either jurisdiction or the right to pontificalia; while yet another class holds in certain cathedral churches the first dignity and the privilege of precedence in choir and in assemblies, by reason of some suppressed or destroyed conventual church now become the cathedral. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • In another setting, a firehouse was ordered to take down its largely secular holiday decorations, because neighbors were offended by it.
  • Twentieth-century fundamentalism has acted as a drag on secularizing tendencies.
  • Marx may be described as a humanist, and in this century humanism has been given expression, in both secular and religious forms, in the philosophy of existentialism.
  • There was a mounting enthusiasm for change, fanned by effective use of secular and religious press.
  • The school is based on the ideals of Torah U'madda , a tenant of modern Orthodox Judaism that recognizes the values of both religious and secular knowledge. Essay Sparks Campus Uproar
  • They teach students to make sense of history as contemporary secular historians make sense of it.
  • By the time of Hasni's death, rai music was a major front in the confrontation between Algerian Islamism and the secular forces it sought to overcome.
  • It is a massive secular cathedral, glittering with the best retail opportunities money can buy and here nothing comes cheap, certainly not a top-end restaurant.
  • We live in a largely secular society.
  • Whenever we come together in celebration - sacred or secular - we bring into focus a vortex of energy that renews both us and the place.
  • Originally, chamber music meant secular music, or that of the court as distinct from that of the Church.
  • In the 19th century, the church denounced this secularisation of moral values as the perversity of liberalism, which it condemned and against which it fought.
  • The long conservative debate with liberals and secularists gave the movement more than a tinge of rationalism and empiricism.
  • It is true that people who say they've had a born-again experience are about as likely to divorce as people who are completely secular. Christianity Today
  • The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system.
  • Chaining communities to their places of ritual and worship does not create secular institutions.
  • The court's reasoning was that the posting of the commandments in the Kentucky courthouses constituted an expression of monotheistic religion but not so in Texas, where the commandments were seen as having more of a secular "educational" purpose. Commandments removed from Va. school system
  • It is interesting and significant that the American Mullahs consistently identify "secular humanism" as the chief corruption of modern society.
  • To the ACLU's secular Jewish policy-makers, Christianity is a tool of majority opression of "victimized minorities" which has to be warred on along with other high agenda bugaboos like firearms ownership, bigots who won't let courts impose gay marriage, and "heteronormative" institutions like the Boy Scouts. Protesting minarets.
  • It began as a religious organization, but these days it is purely secular.
  • For liberals, such obstructionism proved yet again that the Catholic tradition could never truly be reconciled with secular democracy.
  • Those seeking state funding should have to pledge themselves not to teach intolerance or disrespect for secular law.
  • Primary education, having become universal and largely public, became overwhelmingly secular.
  • A linear time series approach was used to see if changes in these dimensions represented secular trends.
  • The respect in which the synedrial president was held rapidly increased; like Christian patriarchs under Mahometan rule, he was also recognised by the imperial government as the municipal head of the Jews of Palestine, and bore the secular title of the old high priests (nasi, ethnarch, patriarch). Prolegomena
  • The non-intellectual wing of the Christian Right Community has committed a sacrilege and blasphemy, (to say nothing of the secular crime of high treason), because they have accepted the fiction of a cynical team of writers, who depict the god they describe as a homicidal, Demonic, maniac, and touted these despicable properties as "holiness," and used that as an excuse to support and urge the slaughter of their chosen Muslim fantasy enemies. THE SHAMELESS END-DAYS FICTIONAL REPLACEMENT FOR REVELATION.
  • Individuals were chosen from different orders and secular clergy, but primarily they came from the Dominican Order.
  • His resolutely secular wife, Asma, fits photogenically into the picture of a modern republican dynasty and works to promote civil society organisations. Syria is yet to play its cards
  • Today with the battle lines between the red and blue states, the Christians and versus the secular, there is this constant drumbeat from the right wing that "the liberals hate us and we welcome their hatred because it energizes us. April 2005
  • Mirjam Tuominen's last secular 'signposts' were Rilke and Hölderlin. Mirjam Tuominen - 10
  • Now the fight appears headed to the courts as residents of Giles County, along Virginia's rugged, pious southwestern spine, fight what they call mounting pressure from Washington and Richmond to secularize their public institutions. Ten Commandments in school stirs fight in Va. district
  • ‘It is not for a secular newspaper to comment on the doctrinal disputes of any religious faith’.
  • This is not an age of secular ideologies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Representatives from the Knights of Pythias secular fraternity were not able to offer insight into the disproportionate number of Jewish names on the plague. Laura Silver: On Veterans, Crosses And Shields
  • The literal meaning of apocalypse is an "unveiling" or "revelation," and this definition of the word holds true whether we consider St. John's narrative in the book of Revelation or secular chronologies that fit the events of history into a larger cosmic design. The Enduring Appeal of the Apocalypse
  • Now if you wish to annex, and make the Palestinians citizens, this would cease to be a Jewish nation-state and you’d be offering Israel’s enemies the hallowed “one-state-of-Palestine-secular-and-democratic” that is: another Arab state like many others; if you wish to annex but to withhold citizenship from the Palestinians, you’d be making true the antisemitic lie of “zionist apartheid”; either way annexion is *not-gonna-happen*. Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship | Jewschool
  • Even saints can be sinners, and as many studies have shown, divorce, premarital sex, and so forth are not significantly lower among religious Americans than among secular Americans.30 Rather, our interpretation is that religious Americans are readier to condemn all violations of conventional morality, including civic morality. American Grace
  • The difficulty is that, just as the religious right believes wholeheartedly that it is the one true way, secularists are adamant about their beliefs and intolerant of those who do not share them.
  • Although Berlin has the fastest growing Jewish population in the world, the community is ethnically diverse and spans a range of traditions from orthodox to secular.
  • Should I teach them secular values or conservative religious ones?
  • Ciller and the other secular party leaders are negotiating to form a coalition without Refah.
  • Janus-faced nature of Romanticism's engagement with secularism and cosmopolitanism. About This Volume
  • By 1926, however, the secular beauty had become distinctly secondary.
  • He was a fine essayist; an educationist who founded a university; an opponent of the terrorism that then plagued Bengal; a secularist amid religious divisions; an agricultural improver and ecologist; a critical nationalist. Rabindranath Tagore was a global phenomenon, so why is he so neglected? | Ian Jack
  • Fourth, the original understanding of the Constitution by the public and the men who voted to ratify is clear that Constitution was to be secular, promote tolerance, and granted no powers in matters of religion. The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Judge Strikes Down Statute Providing for National Day of Prayer
  • Wherefore, such opinions and persuasions are gradually insinuated into the mind, and are admitted insensibly without opposition or reluctancy, being never accompanied at their first admission with any secular disadvantage; -- but these divine convictions by the word befall men, some when they think of nothing less and desire nothing less; some when they design other things, as the pleasing of their ears or the entertainment of their company; and some that go on purpose to deride and scoff at what should be spoken unto them from it. Pneumatologia
  • The pastorale was another form which flourished from the twelfth to the sixteenth century, sometimes having religious texts and then again voicing secular sentiments. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Fundamentalists reject a larger portion of secular society, maintain strong commitments to strict literalism, premillennial dispensationalism, and moral traditionalism.
  • This, and not the subventions of hegemonic states, is what will ultimately defeat both the secular tyrannies and the religious sectarians.
  • The essence of secular humanism is that man is the measure of all things. Is Secular Humanism(left wing liberalism) ruining the Western world?? I say yes. Any other thoughts? « Children Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • Protestants and other Christians have made wide use of secular sources for their hymn tunes and religious music.
  • I think the debate is - and should be - between two different forms of dualism: secular dualism and religious dualism.
  • They have joined the great army of moderns who view the land above the sacred / secular divide with scepticism.
  • Figures 13.11 and 13.12 display the trends in support for the civil liberties of antireligious and pro-gay advocates between 1972 and 2008 by religious and secular Americans. American Grace
  • Dunkeld; for this fact illustrates one of the great evils under which the Scottish Church was at this time labouring, namely the usurpation of abbeys and benefices by great secular chieftains, an abuse existing side by side, and closely connected with, the scandal of concubinage among the clergy, with its inevitable consequence, the hereditary succession to benefices, and wholesale secularization of the property of the Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Made dogma in the Christian doctrine of the ‘odor of sanctity,’ that moral interpretation of corrupt and incorruptible flesh permeated secular culture as well.
  • Lord Help" is a secular hymn taken from Mississippi country blueswoman Jessie Mae Hemphill. Tom Jones
  • Shaftesbury's formulation of sentimentality as either a manifestation of latitudinarianism or deism, both vaguely secularized systems of advancing self-sufficient virtue as the means by which manners dominated and controlled behavior in the public realm. Talking About Virtue: Paisiello's 'Nina,' Paër's 'Agnese,' and the Sentimental Ethos
  • The religious zealots see rai music as the apotheosis of a secular culture they consider lewd and impious.
  • I agree that education should be essentially secular.
  • His book is not exactly a history of secularism; he is a philosopher, not a historian.
  • And just as the democrat will not admit of a secular constitution which the people could not destroy and which would prevent him from making bad laws; just as the democrat will not submit -- if we may adopt the terminology of Aristotle -- to being governed by _laws_, to be governed that is by an ancient body of law which would check the people and obstruct it in its daily fabrication of _decrees_; so just in the same spirit the democrat does not admit of a God Who has issued His commandments, Who has issued His body of laws, anterior and superior to all the laws and all the decrees of men, and Who sets His limit on the legislative eccentricities of the people, on its capricious omnipotence, in a word, on the sovereignty of the people. The Cult of Incompetence
  • The Church has no part in what secular arm may see fit to do.
  • It was the fateful divorce between the sacred and the secular.
  • The group of them got into a happy conversation, and like a pot set vigorously aboil, the waiting room was soon splattered by the frolicsome four: "radical secular left," "cultural relativism run amok," "post-modern world," "the mushy middle," etc. Archive 2008-03-01
  • They instituted compulsory polygamy and banned all secular books. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think it is not, because a FC cannot reconcile having a life that's separate from and uninfluenced by his Faith, and I do believe a secular political leader should set Faith aside in all governmental matters.
  • In secular society, vanity is most readily identified with the sin of pride in bodily appearance, manifesting in luxurious garb and flamboyant ornamentation.
  • Poverty, injustice and other secular problems are, therefore, seen as being the result of exploitation by world capitalist powers.
  • A few weeks ago, I opined that the market probably had reverted to the primary secular trend.
  • The position presented may look like a quest for spirituality shaped by a mixture of scientific secularism, Buddhist contentedness, and American Puritan self-control and self-leadership.
  • The majority of Obrecht's masses are constructed round either plainchant melodies or secular songs.
  • It is a secular impulse for a secular society and it is, frankly, boring.
  • That is why the secular trend in China-India relations is positive.
  • The families did not always look favorably upon their daughter’s activities in a mixed organization that was secular from the outset, in which training exercises were held on the Sabbath and holidays, and basic religious strictures such as kashrut and modesty of dress were not observed (the girls wore trousers or shorts). Haganah.
  • He curbed the tribal chiefs and imposed a secular legal code.
  • It provided a clear theological position with which to resist secular interference in matters of faith.
  • While the threat of wholesale destruction failed to materialize, the cathedrals were turned over to a variety of secular uses.
  • The Istanbul Antiphonal is a large, secular Hungarian antiphonary of 303 folios in choirbook format, written in the diocese of Esztergom around 1360.
  • Not recognising the deeper motives of those commitments, pinning it all on wonder, is dangerous because it disinclines one to recognise those mechanisms at play in secular - isms like totalitarian ideologies or — most perilously of all, to my mind — scientistic rationalism. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Whether he ever contemplated replacing the monks by secular canons, we do not know.
  • It is also asked whether we are to believe that certain monstrous races of men, spoken of in secular history, have sprung from Noah's sons, or rather, I should say, from that one man from whom they themselves were descended. September 2nd, 2009
  • Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Mr. Sembiring claims legal authority for his various crusades from sweeping antipornography legislation passed in 2008, a law that has become a powerful tool for advancing Islamic values in a religiously diverse but secular, majority Muslim state. RIM on the Ropes
  • The bottom line is that she believes in a secular government and she is backed and advised by a group of secular intellectuals.
  • This holds that France is a secular society free from religious shackles and underpinned by universal values. Times, Sunday Times
  • The response of secular political parties to the movement so far has been lukewarm.
  • Does the shared identity for bonding differ between secular and faith-based programs?
  • I asked him how these Christian images arose in what was, after all, secular writing for a general audience.
  • Three days before Mr. Mubarak left office, al Qaeda in Iraq, an affiliate group, released a statement that highlighted the gulf between the protesters in Tahrir Square and the jihadis on the sidelines: "Beware of the tricks of un-Islamic ideologies, such as filthy and evil secularism, infidelic democracy, and putrid idolic patriotism and nationalism," it said. Uprisings Put al Qaeda on Sidelines
  • Yet this handful of churchmen is habituated to a life of devotion, worship, and communal living that gives them a depth of character that is lacking in their secular counterparts, most of whom live in a solitary sufficiency.
  • In his strictly secular pieces Calderon has succeeded rather by virtue of his lyrism, which is undoubtedly of transcedent quality, than because of any considerable dramatic ingenuity of his own. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Although many of the words and phrases of the Prologue are found in numerous secular Greek literary prologues, two have a ‘Christian’ nuance.
  • Further, it addressed other secular matters relating specifically to the political situation following the fall of Brunhild.
  • They also gave renewed impetus to the production of deluxe illustrated manuscripts of secular texts.
  • The evangelical revival made sabbatarianism fashionable, so that on a Victorian Sunday there was no sport or pleasure, not even reading of serious secular literature.
  • Some critics regard the didactic second part as an appendage to an earlier secular poem; others see the whole as an allegorical representation of human exile from God on the sea of life.
  • The idea of theocracy of 'Power of King from God 'endowed the secular power with sanctitude and simultaneously the bondage which had never been given.
  • I suggest that it is humanism - both religious and secular - that is the dominant philosophical adversary.
  • The one thing that isn't mentioned by the secular world, as they condemn Christian (but not non-Christian) mention of hellfire: is this --- is hell possible? Vanish by Tom Pawlik: a Hellfire Comparison
  • Initially, there existed not only Catholic, but also strong secular and socialistic tendencies in the Solidarity movement.
  • This has sometimes led to disputes between religious and secular clergy, between orders and bishops.
  • Ironically, therefore, institutional religion is a product of secularization.
  • He was a secularist dictator, not a fundamentalist.
  • The most remarkable alteration in secularist thinking over the past century has been its abandonment of natural law in favor of dismissing “reason” as a human construct. Lenten Weblog
  • A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.
  • These secular conditions, Bushman suggests, can be understood in two ways: for nonbelievers they help to explain Mormonism's "origins," a word Bushman eschews for the more neutral "beginnings"; for Mormons they can be studied as divinely contrived preparations for the dawning of a new era. Secrets of the Mormons
  • The status of the golf pro was elevated from serfdom to secular divinity in 20 years.
  • Within a generation, the spiritual authority was subjugated to the secular authority.
  • I suggest that it is humanism - both religious and secular - that is the dominant philosophical adversary.
  • A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.
  • The new favored term is ‘the pro-family movement,’ but that's so overtly propagandistic - secularists are anti-family?
  • Animal welfare and secular campaigners have no objection to halal meat as long as the animals have been stunned before killing, as usually happens in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although it had some religious overtones, Carnival has become a purely secular event.
  • His parents tolerate the sudden plunge into secularism with helpless concern.
  • Secular humanism is the belief that man lives in a closed universe. Is Secular Humanism(left wing liberalism) ruining the Western world?? I say yes. Any other thoughts? « Children Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • A potted summary might go as follows: she was a brilliant young French woman, born in Paris in 1909 in a fully assimilated, secular Jewish family.
  • Extremism and fanaticism - religious or secular - are the fountain of injustice and immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He is a bridge between the secular and religious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if the demand for accountants or computer programmers is rising on a secular trend, there will be failing firms that fire accountants and programmers.
  • But any moderate secularist, including many Catholics, can only look with dismay at the ultraconservative bent of the Spanish Church and its political allies on the right.
  • Religion in the former sense is a cement for communal harmony, and not otherwise as some modernists and secularists believe.
  • The Standards of Skeletal Maturity of Hand and Wrist for Chinese-China 05. III. The Secular Trend of Skeletal Development in Chinese Children.
  • The people around us are increasingly secular, and our evangelistic efforts are on a downward trend. Christianity Today
  • I can't help but think we are still looking to secular models to pattern our thinking rather than to revelation.
  • The faith of secularists is hidden behind you put your God in gaps (false for the reasons given) and I put materialism into my gaps. A Materialist Red Herring
  • High-minded though it may be to demand of the majority community to alone bear the burden of secularism, the minorities must do some heart-searching on their own to ask whether their expectations are fair and equitable.
  • The values that nurtured it were hierarchical, not popular; the authority on which it relied was sacral, not secular.
  • Thus papal absolutism and Spanish absolutism, secular and ecclesiastical power, grew ever more complementary and interdependent.
  • For some time after its foundation, Manly was the only seminary in Australia preparing students for the secular priesthood.
  • Although a landed gentleman and a locally venerated "pir," or Sufi saint (an inherited mantle), Fahim is a totally secular, moderate, pragmatic social democrat as well as a mystic poet. Pakistan’s New Prime Minister?
  • We are dealing with secular humanists, and while we are on earth, what is expedient, and convenient, will pass for truth and morality.
  • Ataturk secularized Turkey
  • A further complication is the possibility of secular drift, i.e. prevalence changing with the passage of historical time.
  • Nevertheless, real estate developers passionately promoted moving to Los Angeles as the secular equivalent of being born again.
  • That was where I now stood: at the borderland between sacred ground and secular; between Barbarossian territory and the rest of the world. GALILEE
  • Harline begins and ends his book [Sunday: A History of the First Day from Babylonia to the Super Bowl] with Super Bowl Sunday, an event that in its rituals, prayer breakfasts, helmeted heads bowed during the invocation, represents the sacralization of the secular. Mjh's blog — 2007 — June
  • The young Pi has to survive ridicule at school and his father's secular rationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surveys secular-legal, religious, and organizational attempts to solve the problem of the aguna, a woman who wants to be divorced, but whose husband refuses to transmit a letter of divorce (get), leaving her unable to remarry according to Jewish law. Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America.
  • The technocracy's acquisition of power via the state and the progression of exaggerated secularization have combined to give rise to a number of social phenomena which have themselves become social determinants.
  • As for a multi-community secular state in Palestine, can you give me any examples of such countries in the Arab world where the minorities have been well-treated? The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • Nontheistic religions such as secular humanism, atheism, agnosticism and scientism are quite happy with science that seeks to remove any "supernatural" influence from its explanations.
  • The whole effect was massive, mediaeval, architectural, a celebration of jubilant ecclesiology and secular decoration. GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • Over the last few months, he has compounded his sins by falling out with the All Black captain Richie McCaw, a secular saint here; only last month, he found himself on the wrong end of some friendly fire from the former Wallaby scrum-half and World Cup-winning captain Nick Farr-Jones, who described him as a "boofhead" for going out of his way to wind up the great flanker. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • And the current president of the United States, whom it might not be altogether inaccurate to describe as the Galahad of the SNL and Stewart generations, has made exactly one speech about Muslim garb — defining the wearing of the hijab as a human right and indirectly attacking those French secularists who have their misgivings about it. Cheap Laughs
  • NAND is a great growth industry this year, and it's also a secular growth market in memory.
  • But of course, "liberal" isn't imprecation enough for his outrage: the Democrats are "committed," rather, "to a secular-socialist ideology that is alien to America's history and traditions. A Newt Gingrich Time Warp
  • Secularism does not end up healing wounds; it only applies an illusory balm.
  • Contrary to the expectations of the prophets of secularism, the Christian religion continues to flourish in western societies at the end of the twentieth century.
  • It also remained overweight on information technology, a sector it said provides investors with "reasonable valuations, cyclical recovery benefits and some powerful secular forces," said Kedwell.
  • Princes in their capitals concentrated secular and spiritual power and conducted rites for their principalities, and they warred for subjects, booty and land, and control of the sea trade.
  • The Pope had no great sympathy for the secularized West.
  • He regretted that if such irresponsible, poisonous and aggressive speeches were not stopped, they would cause irreparable loss to the country's secular warp and woof.
  • We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence on our daily lives.
  • This newsgroup is a place for members of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites to read and share information and ideas about the vocation to Carmel and our service in the Church.
  • The nightmare of Gujarat still haunts the secular psyche of this country, but we still have no definite proof about how the incident took place.
  • Answer: It's only short-lived, used to blind the eyes of the secular, there is nothing more beautiful than a pure loving heart, I give it to every woman, but some ones' dust-covered.
  • And if you would allow wearing of crosses, but ban burkas … Or, maybe support the banning of both (as is the inclination (if not the legal situation …?) in secularist France …? Anglican Diocese of Montreal supports the burka « Anglican Samizdat
  • Belief - secular or religious - could deceive you if your are not careful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The term ‘conjugal rights’ has long characterized ways of speaking about marriage both in the canonistic tradition and in the secular legal systems of the West.
  • Recently I have had a few e-mails from sales representatives in regional brokerage offices who say they are the only one in their large offices who understand this secular bear market.
  • Practitioners included healers from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Native American, and shamanic traditions as well as graduates of secular schools of bioenergetic and meditative healing.
  • Now he treats standing up on stage and saying exactly what he wants to an appreciative British audience with a secular awe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Marked by the thickened release of "good" from "growing," what we find inscribed from within narrative time is both a phrase for cumulative social improvement and an asymptote of its visionary teleology as well, Tennyson secularized: the immediate "growing betterment" (participial adjective plus noun) as well as, hard on its heels, the "growing [ultimately] good Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The analysis of mathematics and mechanism show that this low pass digital filter is very important and effective for determining the secular trend of RSL, and eliminate high frequency impacts.
  • The masons, a highly secretive society which traces its roots back to medieval craft associations, are active in this predominantly Muslim but secular country.'
  • The idea of secular power in itself meant little before the propagandists of the eleventh-century papal reform mounted their assault on it.
  • The fact that secular considerations also favoured this course of action is, of course, beside the point.
  • While the threat of wholesale destruction failed to materialize, the cathedrals were turned over to a variety of secular uses.
  • Capitalism, democracy, individualism, gender equality, and secularism are Western notions that have been adopted in Asia.
  • A champion of the people, he died a secular saint, but a deeply troubled one. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the purest form, realism holds that ideology has little impact on state behaviour but is rather a cloak to disguise the pursuit of real interests in the cant of religious or secular philosophy or rhetoric.
  • These features are also shared with marginal sculptures of predominantly secular subject matter, such as several quatrefoils from the west portals of Amiens Cathedral and figural corbels from Noyon.
  • One might, for instance, have considered the changing popularity of biblical (as opposed to hagiographical or even secular) imagery in general, assessed diachronistic patterns in the relative popularity of individual subjects, and examined the iconographic evolution of particularly important ones.
  • In front of spiritual homeland, your any thread of falter, could let you lose precious inwardness, and place yourself in the temptation of the secular world.
  • On entering the diplomatic service of the Holy See he was appointed by Gregory XVI successively secular prelate (1830), referendary of the superior law court, assessor of the criminal tribunal, delegate to Orvieto, Viterbo, and Macerata, canon of St. Peter's (made deacon, 1840). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • India has always existed for humanity and not for herself", Aurobindo contended at Uttarpara, "and it is for humanity and not for herself that she must be great".26 The inversion of the humanistic aspiration in Hinduism and Islam alike to a parody called communalism is the signal achievement of our secularist historians, not of Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo carried this message of the spirit from Bombay to Bengal, from Baruipur to Kishoreganj
  • Nonetheless, The Secular City was popular in modernist Christian circles, until they moved on to the next demi-prophet The President’s Theologian
  • Thanks to famous Indian secularism, this Buddhist tradition, in all its ceremonial pomp, continues to this day.
  • The choir's repertoire includes sacred and secular music ranging from the 16th century to the present day and in a wide range of musical styles and languages.
  • The Panama hat came to signify secular Turkish citizenship and functions as a metonym for the transformation of the Oriental Ottoman to the Western Turk.
  • First references to secular music indicate little more than clerical disapproval, but the Pemyslid court of the 11th to early 14th centuries encouraged the performances of the jongleurs and later Minnesinger.

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