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  1. relating to or resembling a sector
    a sectorial box

How To Use sectorial In A Sentence

  • Alongside the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, now in its 48th edition, together with the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition this year will be Euroluce, the eagerly-awaited International Lighting Exhibition that sets the sectorial benchmark with its wide range and broad spectrum of goods that go to make up a unique lighting sector scenario – from light sources to domestic lighting, from technical illumination to urban illumination – embracing both technological and formal innovation. Jason Sahler | Inhabitat
  • The vast majority of these immigrants were brought to Europe or allowed to come because of sectorial labor shortages in Europe.
  • While the integrated MBA remains the institution's flagship, our faculty has created 17 Master of Science and 2 sectorial MBA programs that are directly related to their research areas.
  • Haaretz newspaper defined this Knesset as a "bad" one: "In both words and actions the MKs are undermining democracy's fundamental values, making cynical, cheap use of parliamentary tools, dragging Israeli society to sectorial disputes and separatism, and isolating Israel from the world. Avraham Burg: American Jews, You Are Next
  • In Informe de la reunión de la comisión técnica sectorial binacional de recursos naturales, Proyecto Binacional de Manejo y Conservación de la Reserva de la Biósfera La Amistad Costa Rica-Panamá. Talamancan montane forests
  • In particular this is true for sectorial corporatism Lehmbruch 1984:61–62, while forms of corporatist concertation also include integrative features. Rediscovering Institutions
  • Teeth of Onychomys from Deer Park B have a general pattern of relatively sectorial and slender cusps.
  • To them Mizrahi feminists seemed sectorial, their strategy influenced by clannish values rather than by a liberal “universalist” value system. Mizrahi Feminism in Israel.
  • Two meetings of the sectorial Military Coordination Commission took place in March in undisputed territory, the UN said.
  • High levels of inequality in income contribute to sectorial imbalances, regional disparities and asset bubble inflation. We can't afford the costs of bosses' crazy unearned pay | Deborah Hargreaves
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