How To Use Sectioned In A Sentence

  • She has been sectioned twice, held in hospital for psychiatric care and prescribed antipsychotic medication.
  • He was taken from his home in Brentwood and sectioned under the mental health act.
  • Curtains separated the room into three, and one third was sectioned off and occupied.
  • The specimens were cross-sectioned at a thickness of 5 [mu] m for staining with hematoxylin and eosin.
  • I am reminded of the vast sectioned farmland of the Great Plains as seen from the window of an airplane.
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  • The kitchen is sectioned off from the rest of the room by a half wall.
  • Eight roots were sectioned longitudinally and another eight roots were sectioned transversely.
  • Small areas are sectioned off where people are sleeping on mattresses on pallets.
  • Isis could see that each area was sectioned off into little green or brown squares according to the owner's preference.
  • I appreciate that this may be my last email before I'm sectioned.
  • Their mental condition is so bad that they should be sectioned and sent to secure psychiatric beds.
  • They've already sectioned the house into a rich and poor side, they've sent a contestant to South Africa, they've made the house ‘evil’.
  • Leaves were sectioned on a sliding microtome and stained with safranin and Alcian Blue before being dehydrated through an alcohol series, taken through Histoclear and mounted onto microscope slides in Euparal.
  • The piece, as it is with many of Rossini's finales, is multi-sectioned, moving steadily from the simplest forms to the vigorous stretta. - Articles related to Thailand's King Sees Influence Fade as Crisis Intensifies
  • At autopsy, the heart was longitudinally sectioned through the left atrium and left ventricle.
  • The brush is sectioned so that the bristles appear at regular intervals around the barrel.
  • The kitchen is sectioned off from the rest of the room by a half wall.
  • Methods A model for resection of sciatic nerve was used. L4-6 spinal cord was taken, and sectioned (paraffin embectling) and stained in brilliant cresyl violet.
  • The cartilage was sectioned into 2-mm full-thickness slices.
  • Because of their predominantly vertical orientation, the basilar segmental bronchi of the right lower lobe are routinely sectioned transversely on CT.
  • The specimens were cross-sectioned at a thickness of 5 [mu] m for staining with hematoxylin and eosin.
  • The vegetable plots were sectioned off by a low wall.
  • Westminster coroner's court heard he had taken an overdose in 2006 and been sectioned twice. The Sun
  • The common room was a large circular room, with three-quarters of the walls being sectioned into small little box-shaped cubby holes where university students got their usual circulars, mail, etc. etc.
  • The pistons inclined towards each other in pairs, like mechanical suitors, each pair supporting a huge, T-sectioned metal spindle. ANTI-ICE
  • A businesswoman was sectioned by rivals intent on seizing her financial interests.
  • Small areas are sectioned off where people are sleeping on mattresses on pallets.
  • The kitchen is sectioned off from the rest of the room by a half wall.
  • After an explosion, the site was resurveyed and sectioned by deep trenches so that the geometry of various structures and ground movement that resulted could be accurately established.
  • The brain of each rat was sectioned in the coronals plane into 2 mm thickness pieces using a plastic model of the rat brain.
  • Just then, she heard the loud blaring sound of an ambulance siren as it screamed by her vehicle, hurrying up the road in the one empty lane that had been sectioned off by orange cones.
  • Small areas are sectioned off where people are sleeping on mattresses on pallets.
  • Pin the center back seam (or the remaining seam of the sectioned slipcover) and check the fit on the lampshade.
  • Amongst the scree of unshelved books, I sectioned off a little pile of unreturned library books on post-natal depression. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • The skins and zest were peeled and the clementines were sectioned.
  • The car's sectioned panels can be removed single-handed to assist with oil checks, a feature unique for this class of car.
  • Examples used to illustrate the theme included photographic film and a sectioned catalytic converter.
  • Under the island there's room for a rolling, sectioned hamper.
  • She was sectioned to a mental hospital in Marrakesh.
  • Part of the castle is sectioned off for re-pointing to be carried out.
  • In the present study, transversely fractured and thin-sectioned images indicate that the pigment granule membrane is invaginated.
  • The piece is a rounded skull shape with tan, skin-like canvas stitched onto its sectioned metal armature.
  • The skins and zest were peeled and the clementines were sectioned.
  • It is unlikely that anyone will care whether you start screaming and crying, unless they decide to have you sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
  • Frozen brains were sectioned coronally (50 µm) on a cryostat microtome, starting from the caudal pole of the cortex and continuing rostrally throughout the entire extent of the hippocampal formation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Top with sliced strawberries, halved grapes, or sectioned oranges.
  • Ambulance control say they will not take him against his will unless he has been sectioned, and they want the police present.
  • Seven molars were also virtually sectioned through the mesial cusps and two-dimensional enamel thickness and dentine horn height measurements were recorded. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The space was simply sectioned with a seating area to one end and a bespoke stainless-steel kitchen to the other.
  • Seven molars were also virtually sectioned through the mesial cusps and two-dimensional enamel thickness and dentine horn height measurements were recorded. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The tubular corollas of male parent plants were first sectioned longitudinally, then sections with adnate stamens and corolla portions were removed with a forceps.
  • In 2003, he was sectioned under the mental health act and diagnosed as suffering from manic depression.
  • Three trained observers reviewed each stallion's histology slides by quantifying the number of spermatids within 25 cross-sectioned round seminiferous tubules.
  • The specimen was serially sectioned and submitted entirely.
  • I should remind you that I was being admitted voluntarily, there was never any suggestion that I needed to be 'sectioned' but you would have thought that I had stolen the Crown Jewels and then run amok slaying the Royal Family to judge by the manner of the nurse admitting me. Mental Nurse
  • The single crystal is sectioned and then sliced and subsliced with a diamond.
  • Figure 1 is a sectioned isometric view showing a homopolar generator.
  • To prevent copying, DVDs are sectioned into blocks that are each encrypted using a content scrambling system.
  • Zircons separated from the rock samples were mounted in epoxy resin, sectioned, imaged by cathodoluminescence, and dated using the SHRIMP-II ion microprobe at the Isotope Science Research Centre, Curtin University, Perth.
  • There's been many reports recently in the UK of people being 'sectioned'/jailed for life supposedly for killing non physical entities/pig yobs because they have 'mental health' problems. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • All over the image the terrain has been sectioned off.
  • These areas have been sectioned off because they are unsafe!
  • He was sectioned to Green Lane Hospital in 2002 although he escaped regularly and went home.
  • I had read about and heard evidence of his increasingly strange behaviour as he lost his grip on reality in the months leading to his being sectioned.
  • The pistons inclined towards each other in pairs, like mechanical suitors, each pair supporting a huge, T-sectioned metal spindle. ANTI-ICE
  • Although the hospital takes ‘sectioned’ as well as voluntary patients, it is not a secure hospital and none of the wards is locked.
  • She was sectioned three times, once after seeking an exorcism. The Sun
  • The vegetable plots were sectioned off by a low wall.
  • Six, seven, and eighth dans wear a sectioned red-and-white belt, while ninth and tenth grades wear a solid red belt.
  • It is a story I sectioned out form a book which I read lately.
  • Small specimens were sectioned in an epoxy resin matrix.
  • The roots were sectioned longitudinally and axially in two parts and the sections were placed for 3 h in the dark at room temperature in 0.22 M rhodamine-phalloidin (Molecular Probes, Inc).
  • Frozen brains were sectioned coronally (50 µm) on a cryostat microtome, starting from the caudal pole of the cortex and continuing rostrally throughout the entire extent of the hippocampal formation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The skins and zest were peeled and the clementines were sectioned.
  • sectioned" patients were 15 times more likely to be in an NHS facility than a private facility in 1996-7 but only five times more likely by 2006. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Full capacity is at 800 but the hall can be sectioned off for 300.
  • Were old trees being purloined, appropriated wrongfully, when they were sectioned by scientists?
  • As well as sheadings, the island was sectioned into 17 parishes, each having a patron saint from which it got its name.
  • The surgery, in which the uvula and soft palate are resectioned, requires a two-day hospital stay and two weeks of recovery time.
  • The paraffin-embedded specimen was serially sectioned until the full cross-sectional area of the specimen was believed to be exposed.
  • Brains from wild type (normal phenotype), and SP hyh and RP hyh mice from the same litter (70 day old) were fixed with Bouin solution by vascular perfusion and coronally sectioned at the level of the optic chiasm. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He had been reported missing from a hospital after being sectioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Curl each individual one-inch strand of sectioned hair.
  • The kitchen is sectioned off from the rest of the room by a half wall.
  • sectioned" under the Mental Health Act increased by a fifth between 1996 and 2006. Signs of the Times
  • He was sectioned for 28 days at the clinic in Essex.
  • The stage was sectioned off with mirrored panels that swiveled to allow the entrances and exits of dancers and actors.
  • Hydrated leaves were sectioned and viewed in deionized water.
  • They are ill and should be 'sectioned' - lifted from the streets and confined in the care of the mental health system, behind bars if necessary. Waging the war against liberalism... from Donaghcloney
  • The restrictions will apply when the pool is sectioned into lanes.
  • But the Dears are far more than pasticheurs: they layer their constructions intricately, adding soul, funk, strings, brass and even hints of prog to their sprawling, multisectioned songs, with mesmerising results.
  • Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks. Gaffs Mint | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Configuration of the vocal tract of an infant (a) and an adult (b), sectioned along the midsagittal plane From birth to 4 months, the infant's oral tract resembles that of apes. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • A board member of one of the world's largest insurance firms has been sectioned after his two-year-old daughter was left fighting for her life with head injuries.
  • The preprocessed food packages were sectioned trays covered in a foil sealant.
  • If we could not find a unique single motor unit potential on the same side, the ipsilateral hypoglossal nerve was sectioned, and that half of the muscle became silent.
  • On a drafting table against one wall lay a pile of ships' blueprints: cross-sectioned schooners, submarines, slave galleys.
  • I sectioned the long whiskey barrel staves with the chainsaw.
  • To my left was a 60s building playing resigned host to the department of philosophy and every exasperating quibble and inconsequentiality it expostulated, and up further along the rawboned green breast was a business school erected in crisp glass and cleanly sectioned stone with marble facades. Excerpt from De Imitatio Calembouri
  • If these are carefully sectioned there may usually be found at the center the remains of certain cestode larvæ whose presence in the oyster caused it to deposit the nacreous layers that make up the pearl. Insects and Diseases A Popular Account of the Way in Which Insects may Spread or Cause some of our Common Diseases
  • We were in the beer garden outside a pub on the Thames, and there was a private function in a sectioned off part of the ‘garden’.
  • At Eulrich, he excavated four test units, two of which cross-sectioned apparent sets of ridges and furrows.
  • He had been reported missing from a hospital after being sectioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main dining area is sectioned off with opaque glass windows and sheer curtains that give a sense of intimacy matched by the gracious service.
  • It is therefore highly unlikely that he will be abstinent from alcohol unless he was sectioned and in a locked environment.
  • Mix books and objects in sectioned shelves.
  • A person can be sectioned and compulsorily taken to hospital if two doctors and an approved social worker agree that his or her health or safety is at risk.
  • Midsomer Murders, saying he would have been "sectioned" by shareholders if he had tried to. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He should have been deemed (or 'sectioned' as they now euphemistically call it). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • This sectioned tissue is usually viewed under an electron microscope to determine which cells within it are labelled.
  • Lori crossed the room in a few quick paces and hopped up on a stool at the island that sectioned off the kitchen from the dinning room.
  • Seven molars were also virtually sectioned through the mesial cusps and two-dimensional enamel thickness and dentine horn height measurements were recorded. Archive 2009-02-01
  • sectioned plates
  • If these foci are sectioned perfectly, diagnosis is not difficult because the parallel arrangement of the prongs is obvious.
  • Examples used to illustrate the theme included photographic film and a sectioned catalytic converter.
  • The vastus medialis muscle, which completely surrounds the patella in the pig, was sectioned to expose the articular capsule.
  • The area is bathed in sunlight all day, but a sectioned retractable canopy allows all or part of the seating to be shaded should customers desire it.
  • A friend of mine asked his invert prof. one that works int he Paleozoic what it might be and he thinks it is a nautiloid cephalopod irregularly sectioned, similar to Gonioceras occidentale. Any ideas?
  • A study is sectioned off to one side and a large, curved pod on the other contains a utility room and cloakroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is therefore highly unlikely that he will be abstinent from alcohol unless he was sectioned and in a locked environment.
  • The vegetable plots were sectioned off by a low wall.
  • The corms of these selected plants were sectioned and the diameter of the corm and central cylinder determined.

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