How To Use Sectional In A Sentence

  • Words are clear, and the hymns, presented in their entirety, are imaginatively varied in terms of solo, a cappella, sectional and tutti singing.
  • With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time.
  • It has since developed a programme which includes a regular schedule of rehearsals, sectional workshops and concerts.
  • I drew for him a sectional view of the area, indicating the staircase and plaza above.
  • He added that to approach the scheme on a piecemeal sectional basis would be unacceptable and would prolong the uncertainty.
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  • Technically there are three kinds of peony: herbaceous, tree and intersectional. Times, Sunday Times
  • This result is a particular problem for rating scales, which tend to be cross sectional, rather than longitudinal, in character.
  • Bryan also officiates at the Speedo Championship sectional Series as well as the Central Zone Championships.
  • At the sectional meet in November, the top four move on to the national competition.
  • Interest groups, which are associated with sectionalism and the possible exercise of sanctions, appear to be inimical to ideas of reasoned discussion and the general welfare.
  • It was then that we planned to break up the old sectionalizing, localizing, mischief-breeding, contiguous districts, and establish a genuine general superintendence, and general fund system, to pay all the Bishops an equal salary. Sketch of the Early History of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church with Jubilee Souvenir and an Appendix
  • The effects of age on creatinine clearance in men: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Elderly
  • ANC, in the long term, guarantee the best interest of the country as a whole as opposed to the short-term sectional interests devised by the grand Apartheid strategy of the past. Strategy and Tactics of the African National Congress
  • The left is always warning us about the cynical vested interests of the military industrial complex allegedly manipulating public policy for their sectional gain.
  • Yet any half-competent peterman with a sectional jemmy would have ripped it open inside five minutes. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • How can intersectionality help us articulate, listen to, and understand diverse experiences?
  • And there were also economic issues that fueled this sectional animosity to an even greater degree.
  • a cross-sectional slice
  • Water view, gorgeous sectional, dining room, the works.
  • Design - Cross sectional population based survey of familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
  • The conflict thus established, gradually but surely sectionalizing party lines, was as inevitable as it was irrepressible. "Marse Henry" : an autobiography,
  • In fact, it would have a tendency to sectionalize the party by which the change is made. The Facts of Reconstruction
  • The sectional championship program will provide a niche and serve a purpose for a broader range of individuals and teams.
  • With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time.
  • The speaker's sectional interests, as a businessman, are seen to coincide with the wider interests of everybody else.
  • Excessive demands are placed on governments by sectional interest groups beyond their capacity to meet them.
  • Groups representing sectional business interests presently lead the ongoing fuel protests.
  • Finally, a student named Ben was selling a sectional couch in the classifieds section.
  • It is divided into departments that are subdivided into arrondissements, communes, commune sectionals, and habitations.
  • Since then, two major changes have occurred in our treatment model: aggressive use of resectional lung surgery and the introduction of fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
  • Past animosities and sectionalism were laid aside in favor of fellowship and intellectual stimulation.
  • In the 5th and final round of the sectional play-offs in the women's bowling championships in Port Elizabeth today, they beat East London Club by 19 shots to 15.
  • Yet any half-competent peterman with a sectional jemmy would have ripped it open inside five minutes. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • Most composers of Mass settings at this time were in the habit of sectionalizing the long movements, and Manchicourt adheres to this practice, dividing the Gloria into two after the words ‘Filius Patris’. Archive 2009-06-01
  • ALAN D. MURRAY D.nville D.d he really mean "bisectional," or is he just being a cutup? From the WSJ Opinion Archives
  • This article has presented intersectionality as a way of framing the various interactions of race and gender in the context of violence against women of color.
  • Because the data analyzed in Table 2 represent a pooled cross-sectional time series we tested for the presence of autocorrelation.
  • I have been thinking a lot about sectional interests and the way they mesh and clash within our society.
  • A starting field of more than 600 players will be reduced to 160 at the 18-hole sectional tournaments, which also will crown individual section champions.
  • There's the nagging sectionalism, the North-South bitterness that still raged a half-century after the Civil War and beyond.
  • But he fails to acknowledge other cultural and socioeconomic forces at work, including the dramatic effects of industrialism, urbanization, evangelical Christianity, slavery, and sectionalism.
  • Given the growing interest in intersectionality, the absence of comments on how racism intersects with class and gender relations is surprising.
  • The question here is why did it spread, why didn't it isolate itself and sectionalize itself just to the local area that was having the problem? CNN Transcript Aug 18, 2003
  • Recent large demonstrations featured coalitions, such as that formed by farmers, hauliers and hunt supporters, that were largely sectional and self-interested in their nature.
  • The North was ready and the 1913 celebration of the Battle of Gettysburg emerged as nothing less than an intersectional, or better still, national lovefest.
  • We forget that slavery existed in northern states as well as southern, that ending slavery was but one of many contributing factors to the war (think tariffs, think sectionalism, think industrial vs. agrarian economies). The Volokh Conspiracy » Virginia “Confederate History Month” Proclamation
  • Slide 40: Theories of the firm and their ethical implications (continued) x Issue Classical liberal economic Pluralist (A and B) Corporatist Critical Role of Portrayed as functionalist, technicist Type A. Managers come into direct The structures of organisations Complex, with competing and managers and value neutral. contact with specific sectional reflect a formal involvement of sometimes / often mutually exclusive interest groups, which should affect employee representatives, non - interests and demands being required decision making. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It was a white and creamy colored room with light plush carpeting and at the far right of it, a sectional couch that surrounded a large sixty-inch television.
  • Nothing did more to sectionalize Northern opinion and fire the Northern heart, and to lash the fury of the rank and file of those who were urged to vote as they had shot and who had hoisted above them the Bloody Shirt for a banner. Marse Henry : an autobiography,
  • The Artis zeego is part of the Artis zee® family of interventional imaging in cardiology, radiology, and surgery. syngo® DynaCT Cardiac, available with all Artis zee systems, uniquely supports cross-sectional 3D images of the beating heart via rotational angiography. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • This does sound very similar to what Brown's close ally Ed Balls in August 2006 described as "short-term sectional gestures on taxation" after Blairite Stephen Byers called for the abolition of inheritance tax. A cross-dressing Darling or goodbye to social democracy
  • I believe the sectional format, which consisted mainly of groups of four, used years ago, should be reintroduced and the competition played at the start of the season.
  • sectionalism" against the Republicans, pretended to see no impropriety in proposing this purely selfish and sectional alliance. Abraham Lincoln, a History — Volume 02
  • This is sectionalism - of which the rebellion was the offspring.
  • The colour palette includes subdued beiges, burgundies and charcoal blues on high-back chairs and sectional wall panels.
  • It has been found in practice, that a water-course thirty feet wide and six feet deep, giving a transverse sectional area of one hundred and eighty square feet, will discharge three hundred cubic yards of water per minute, and will flow at the rate of one mile per hour, with a fall of no more than _six inches per mile_. Farm drainage The Principles, Processes, and Effects of Draining Land with Stones, Wood, Plows, and Open Ditches, and Especially with Tiles
  • I also got into what I later learned was called the intersectionality between women's rights and other social justice issues but saw as an important part of the equality my parents taught me was important: standing up for my friends who were out or who coped, as best they could, with being people of color in a very majority-white and sometimes unfriendly environment. Megan Carpentier: A Feminist's U-Turn: A Torrid Tale of Disappointment and Discovery
  • sectionalism," the identical pretext upon which the South inaugurated its rebellion against his Administration four years afterwards: Abraham Lincoln, a History — Volume 02
  • Consequently, the metal interconnects of VLSI have smaller sectional area and carry increasing power density, which made the electromigration become one of the main latent damage modes.
  • The idea of total war embodies a rare quality among interpretations of the American Civil War: it is without sectional bias.
  • The colour palette includes subdued beiges, burgundies and charcoal blues on high-back chairs and sectional wall panels.
  • I think an administrator would be hard pressed to describe a scenario where the groupings that would be achieved via the blank fields do not represent an inherent sectionalizing of the data. Salesforce IdeaExchange
  • We have found cross sectional age differences which we cautiously, yet venturesomely, interpret in a developmental way.
  • That does not mean that slavery was irrelevant or insignificant, but without an understanding of the sectional power relationships at stake we can be led to overstate its importance.
  • This cross sectional survey was not designed to provide direct evidence of transmission of infectious diseases in prison.
  • The new edition pays closer attention to intersectionality and hybrid identities.
  • Many different languages were spoken, and a multitude of sectional hatreds were combined in troubled cacophony.
  • Such qualities stood to challenge the kind of collective participation and sectional approach traditional engraving often required.
  • It was the opprobrium of the Republican party in the Presidential campaign of 1860, that the Southern States were not, in any but a limited degree, represented in its ranks; and so it was called a sectional party. The Continental Monthly, Vol 6, No 5, November 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • There was a brief lull in sectional excitement after the Compromise Measures of 1850, but the overwhelming defeat of the Whigs in 1852 and the dominancy of Mr. Jefferson Davis in the cabinet of Marse Henry : an autobiography,
  • In particular, the scientists measured a feature called flexural rigidity - a combination of high bone density and large cross-sectional area that allows a bone to resist bending. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Logcp and loc2 can also be used to sectionalize a one-sided resistive fault. Phrack Issue #18 (Crimson Death's Issue)
  • The election campaign has highlighted the fracturing of Fijian politics and government institutions along racial, regional and sectional lines.
  • Both authors make some effort to be intersectional in their approach. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is my belief, as a trans person and intersectional anarchafeminist, that it is in our best interests to make our voices heard directly. Call for submissions for enTRANS’d, a trans-queer feminist ‘zine
  • The chances of carrying a sectional final diversion or a play diversion upon ch fourteen for us cablevision people is slim to none. Archive 2009-11-01
  • a sectional view
  • I think a much more telling stat is to compare cross-sectional differences in spending. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » If We Just Spent More Money On Education…
  • A sectionalized removable cover on a lined channel would permit clearing of such a channel, but this procedure is not applicable with a pipe. Chapter 9
  • If the Green leadership were not so inward-looking, so sectional and party-minded, a coalition could have made a much more dramatic impact on the elections.
  • It was this organized effort to undermine slavery… that put such a strain on intersectional relations and sent antagonists and protagonists of slavery scurrying headlong into the 1850s determined to have their uncompromising way.
  • The cross-sectional shape of the wing, from a side-view, is referred to as the airfoil section. LearnHub Activities
  • On 14-over par, she was a few too many to make the cut, but it was still a remarkable performance by the youngster who was only 12 when she led a sectional qualifier last month.
  • In both cases, what is going on is a display of pinstriped muscle – an attempt to wheedle, lobby and finally intimidate government from making whatever decisions it feels are necessary in the national rather than sectional interest. North Sea oil: Trading blows with Mr Osborne | Editorial
  • Sagittal and coronal cross-sectional images afford the best views and will be used throughout the MRI portion of pelvic anatomy.
  • The cross-sectional test took the form of the following equation:.
  • This was a blown - up photocopy of the relevant portion of a sectional drawing of the relevant part of the HTV appliance.
  • Ultimately, however, Bryan's attempt to overcome sectionalism by restraining public recollection of the war was no match for the tactics of his opponent.
  • Equality 101 has provided a new space where teachers can specifically address intersectional issues of race, gender, class, and sexuality. Introducing…Equality 101, a group blog for teachers focused on diversity in every sense of the word « Gender Across Borders
  • Perhaps the opposed parties will lay aside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge.
  • Attempts to carry into effect the law of 1850 aroused much bitterness and probably had as much to do with inciting sectional hostility as did the controversy over slavery in the territories.
  • On the base of these theory, we workout the horizontal well sectionalized hydraulic fractured software including the convection affect.
  • Metalwork and sword fittings are also displayed alongside examples of inro, which is a sectional case or box worn suspended from the obi by a cord on which the netsuke serves as a toggle.
  • Most of the top times came from California, which held several sectional championships.
  • The buildings have one thing in common - they are sectional title buildings.
  • Here men-and women, too-were packing up a camp, breaking down building units, sectionalizing power sources, carting supplies. Behold the Stars
  • By focusing on urban papers, Ratner and Teeter have not accounted for the creation of sectionalism in the majority of the nation.
  • Even casual readers may benefit from the sectional summaries or recapitulations in the book.
  • It is divided into departments that are subdivided into arrondissements, communes, commune sectionals, and habitations.
  • There also have been suggestions that the Hall of Fame become sectionalized, with separate wings for players, coaches and contributors. - List of who didn't make Hall of Fame's final cut is startling
  • Power requires a wider appeal than that to mere sectional interest.
  • Nine measurement points were used after the introduction of triage to allow multiple cross sectional comparisons of data during the sequential inclusion of the sites into the study.
  • He criticized the selfish attitude of certain sectional interests.
  • The GER was calculated as the percentage change in the antral cross-sectional area 15 and 90 minutes after ingestion of 300 g rice pudding and 200 ml water (GER1), or 300 g rice pudding and 200 ml water with 30 ml apple cider vinegar (GER2). Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes
  • I claim for employment in connection with a loom for weaving with palm leaf or similar weft a mechanism substantially as set forth which automatically presents in succession the entering ends of single pieces of weft in such position with relation to the cross sectional form of each that each piece will be carried into the shed or web flatwise. Scientific American, Volume 17, No. 26 December 28, 1867 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • His sectional verse anthems incorporate solos, duets, trios, and passages for organ alone.
  • In addition the heavy bullet has a lot of sectional density and should penetrate deeply compared to a standard 30 or 40-grain slug.
  • Also, you can sectionalize a fault in or out of the co by testing "in" or "out" using MDF. Phrack Issue #18 (Crimson Death's Issue)
  • Earlier cross-sectional studies found that childhood overweight and maternal distress were coexisting, and explained by stressful family interactions such as mealtime difficulties in families with overweight children or adolescents PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The nuances of intersectionality are important ways to make our scholarship more inclusive and focused.
  • So, since their sectional interest excites no passions amongst the populace, some are attracted by more radical measures.
  • The teacher should follow scientific and objective principle when teaching a local curriculum, and so can avoid sectionalism.
  • The patients had an elevated number of less efficient type II muscle fibers, whereas muscle fiber cross-sectional areas, capillarity, and mitochondrial volume density were not different between the groups.
  • It also make Sectionalize teaching materials by nonlinear edit system and use it as an audio-visual Materials of network broadcast, It reflect the superiority of digitized teaching materials.
  • a sectional sofa
  • The electrical conductivity of a material is defined as the ratio of the current per unit cross - sectional area to the electric field producing the current.
  • Mr. Fillmore took strong ground against what he called a sectional ticket presenting both candidates from the free states, with the avowed purpose of one part of the Union ruling over the whole United Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • He was interested in the picture showing drivers receiving instruction on a sectional model of an Austin chassis.
  • The colour palette includes subdued beiges, burgundies and charcoal blues on high-back chairs and sectional wall panels.
  • Manson part of the Cawese group is using sectional studies 31n to 78 n 01 hpa to 10 hpa measuring airglow and stratospheric warming. IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
  • The charge of "sectionalism" came with a bad grace from a State whose newspapers boasted that none but the Breckinridge ticket was tolerated within her borders, and whose elsewhere obsolete "institution" of choosing Presidential electors by the Legislature instead of by the people, combined with such a dwarfed and crippled public sentiment, made it practically impossible for a single vote to be cast for either Abraham Lincoln, a History — Volume 02
  • A lossless transmission line can be regarded as a multiple-section low-pass filter with sectional inductance and capacitance and respectively.
  • May 1st, 2006 at 4:06 am feminist of color bloggers have responded: Feministing: Intersectionality and the politics of white feminism Good post, but the discussion was marred by a racist jerk who called Nubian a “token.” Responses to the Reactions to Blac(k)ademic’s “Gender Does NOT Trump Race”
  • The collection here includes some superb Adam elevations and sectional drawings.
  • At the same times, the relationships of the head coefficient with the number of the blade, the throat area and the sectional area of the collector were analyzed.
  • A cross-sectional survey study was conducted with bilingual education teachers.
  • Metalwork and sword fittings are also displayed alongside examples of inro, which is a sectional case or box worn suspended from the obi by a cord on which the netsuke serves as a toggle.
  • With winner-take-all rules, this kind of sectionalism could lead to fractured results and a nominee who cannot unite the party behind his candidacy. Steven Hill: Why Tuesday Won't Be So Super
  • It might be argued that these reflections are somewhat risky, because the data from which the authors derive their findings are cross-sectional in research design terms rather than longitudinal.
  • Marx, writing as a journalist observing the American civil war, analyses it flatly as a sectional conflict between Northern industrialism and Southern slave oligarchy.
  • FIGS. 19 and 20 are trimetric illustrative and cross-sectional views, respectively, of other means by which this invention can hold a gimbaled rod-butt end against twisting.
  • The present invention maintains a thermal separation between an emitter and a collector through a fractional surface contact of decreasing cross-sectional area towards the point of contact.
  • How can that even compare to Ze Frank? that has the way i see it even less that the estimated 10% by baron if you put it in real worldwide numbers and not just sectionalized north american (that includes mexico) numbers. there are various other way baron must be meassuring Rocketboom impact. reply Rocketboom: Almost 10X Ze Frank’s Downloads
  • The utility model can regulate and optimize the sectional areas of the suction pipes and the bypass pipe, thereby ensuring good suction efficiency and noise reduction effect.
  • With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time.
  • And that's odd, really, since a sectional jemmy would have opened it up as easy as you like. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • The media as a torchbearer of the nation should be devoid of negative tribalism and sectionalism.
  • Each one recognises sectional interests within the profession but has little or no regard to the public at large or the potential client.
  • The data from independent firms over different time periods were combined in a cross-sectional analysis, and would not be expected to exhibit autocorrelation commonly associated with time series data.
  • If sectionalism and secession are freely allowed, on the other hand, the social structure of a minority group will collapse into atomism.
  • His essays on sectionalism, published as The Significance of Sections in American History, won the Pulitizer Prize posthumously in 1933.
  • The initial assumption of this relationship was one of sectionalism although the convenor noted that all of the shop stewards worked together,
  • With existing cameras, he explained, he could make only a series of sectional views and piece them together.
  • Carotid cross sectional compliance, volume distensibility and stiffness indexes were used to reflect large arterial buffering function.
  • On the macroscopic scale, the ability to carry current, called conductance, varies linearly as a function of the length and cross-sectional area of the wire. Undefined
  • Helpful in this regard are the intersectional approaches to identity taken by much work in the fields of race and ethnicity studies, postcolonialism, and globalization studies.
  • There will be working models and sectional views to explain how important it is to conserve and tap rainwater.
  • We do work with an intersectional analysis and are committed to allied struggles for liberation throughout various movements. Coya White Hat-Artichoker: Indigenous, Queer, and Organizing
  • sectional tensions arose over slavery
  • The menus for this release uses the same style as the back cover to nice effect as the white and blue sectionalizing works really well. Mania News Feed
  • What I resent is that they do want to impose their views on the rest of us, using the government (our common government) for this sectional purpose.
  • I feel like a token, like I’m being used so that the company can say that they are ‘cool’ and ‘intersectional’ and ‘feminist’ and ‘inclusive’.
  • Intersectionality may be accommodated through a structural analysis of gender.
  • A sectional drawing by Tatham shows the rather graceless inner facade to the courtyard of the new wing, which contained an entrance archway and porter's lodge on the ground floor, and picture gallery above.
  • All modern SCM -- and that includes Mercurial, which we are using now -- support bisectional bug-hunting. Sun Bloggers
  • (The people responsible for my being able to articulate this statement are far too numerous to mention, but in particular at this moment, I want to thank Ricky Sherover-Marcuse who invented "intersectionality" as an activism tool before it was taken over by the academy; the revolutionary poetic voice of Judy Grahn; and the writing of Denise Thompson and her choice to define feminism.) Morning Manifesto
  • The colour palette includes subdued beiges, burgundies and charcoal blues on high-back chairs and sectional wall panels.
  • Lincoln had been the girls sectional champion for as long as Amie could remember.
  • Design - Cross sectional population based survey of familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Lismore's Kane Webber shot a 68 in the first round of sectional qualifying for the US Open at the Buffalo Run Golf Club on May 12.
  • I don't know whether it was doing it for them or be sectionalized to move out and take it someplace. Oral History Interview with Floyd Adams, August 16, 2002. Interview R-0168. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Lightweight technology is applied to commands such as dimensioning, mating, components insertion, interference detection, and sectional views.
  • The Navy-Notre Dame rivalry is the longest continuous intersectional rivalry in college football with the two schools having met every year since 1927. Dublin's Aviva Stadium will host Navy-Notre Dame football game
  • Most data are derived from cross-sectional studies, with their inherent methodological limitations.
  • Northern capitalist repudiated the idea of sectionalism, it does not follow that he set up any other in its place. Abraham Lincoln and the Union; a chronicle of the embattled North
  • Perhaps the opposed parties will lay aside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge.
  • The siltstones are intensely rippled, with bedding planes showing original bedforms with straight crests, and symmetrical and trochoidal cross-sectional geometries; features typical of wave generated ripples.
  • Intimai proliferation and adventitial thickening may further reduce the cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vascular bed.
  • This aspect would be as bad if the sectional opinion the bishops happened to hold was in perfect agreement with mine.
  • The sectional maps, airport facility guides, operating handbooks, etc. are still printed for a reason - safety.
  • Antibacterial prescribing and antibacterial resistance in English general practice: cross sectional study
  • Cross-sectional area of iron tube = 192 cm³ / 8 cm = 24 cm² Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • A cross sectional survey was performed in a chromium contaminated area and in an uncontaminated control area about 10 km away.
  • The project saw the aging clubhouse replaced by a sectional timber building.
  • Well, I wonder if Lincon had that problem with the so called sectional violence of the times? Think Progress » Fox News ‘Unwilling To Fall Into…Tender Trap’ Of Calling Iraq A Civil War
  • Even casual readers may benefit from the sectional summaries or recapitulations in the book.
  • Assuming the conduits as elliptic pipes arranged in parallel, it is possible to calculate the conductivity of the xylem conduit lumina in a stem segment from their cross-sectional dimensions.
  • FabricPath is intended to scale this bisectional bandwidth and create a non-blocking architecture to enable more predictable performance. Cisco's TRILL drill: FabricPath beats IETF standard to market
  • This flagellate is surrounded by fungal hyphae (thin arrows), which appear in different sectional planes each as a bright central core with surrounding halo.
  • Having sung in a local church choir for years and my "closet" coming-out accepted by the entire congregation, I wonder if he would welcome me into his fold knowing that I am bisectional. From the WSJ Opinion Archives
  • Yet any half-competent peterman with a sectional jemmy would have ripped it open inside five minutes. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • The paraffin-embedded specimen was serially sectioned until the full cross-sectional area of the specimen was believed to be exposed.
  • A public corporation managing a monopoly might do so in a sectional interest.
  • Also Friedan-related are the discussions about so-called intersectionality - how to address gender imparity at the same time that we consider racial, ethnic, sexual and class injustices. NYT > Home Page
  • Those identifying an ethnic basis for sectional strife had greater affinity with a second intellectual trend of the mid-nineteenth century: the romantic racialism ascendant on both sides of the Atlantic.
  • Here in Korea, bias can be a big factor since there is sectional bias.
  • Is it just me (and my inadequate knowledge of economics), or does anyone else see a similarity between the priniciple of comparative advantage playing out in globalized, international free trade and sectional trade in the U.S.? Matthew Yglesias » The Southern Way
  • Earlier, he coached the girl's basketball team to three titles and two sectional championships, and also served as assistant coach for boys' basketball and football.
  • This situation increased costs, increased the frantic search for jobs, and above all developed what we could call a sectional attitude. CUTCH EXECUTIVE BOARD
  • The strobila consists of linearly arranged sectional segments called proglottids. Platyhelminthes
  • The sectional drawing speaks for itself: floating over the harbour, the entire volume is hooked to the cliff by the bridge.
  • Growing up where I did also means that I have not a lot of patience for creative interpretation of terms that Black women feminists and womanists developed, like 'intersectionality', that ignore how even people in the communities where these terms came from had massive disagreements on theory, practice, activism, and how to actually create social change. Bluenefertiti
  • Openings are made having concavo-concave profiles which can provide a wider conducting cross-sectional area.
  • Pair them in a corner to create an L-shaped sectional.
  • It overturns the national balance of parties, perpetuates a pernicious sectionalism, and deprives the South of that bipartizan rivalry which keeps open the currents of political life. The Boss and the Machine; a chronicle of the politicians and party organization
  • The Las Vegas sectional didn't go all the way to Southern California. FALLOUT
  • The three-dimensional model is formed by tomographically creating a portion of the individual, processing the plurality of two-dimensional cross-sectional images to form data representative of the three-dimensional model, and compressing the data.
  • Only a prince could be captain and stand apart from the competing interests of sectionalism, race, caste, creed and customs.
  • If we assume that POPC has a cross-sectional area of 65 [Angstrom] 2, the surface area of a toroidal pore equals that of 105 lipids.
  • The core of work in higher education cannot be sacrificed for individual or sectional interests.

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