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[ US /sɪˈkɹit/ ]
[ UK /sɪkɹˈiːt/ ]
  1. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids
    release a hormone into the blood stream
    secrete digestive juices
  2. place out of sight; keep secret
    The money was secreted from his children

How To Use secrete In A Sentence

  • Indeed, purified antigen-specific B lymphocytes from HIV-1-infected patients can be activated invitro by HIV-1 antigens to secrete cytokines and immunoglobulins.
  • The helpers provision the couple's fledglings with a steady supply of lerp, sugary casings secreted by plant-sucking insects. Signs of the Times
  • The money had been secreted in a Swiss Bank account.
  • The study assesses the therapeutic effects of colostrum (the first milk secreted at the end of pregnancy - it has less albumin and lactoprotein in it than milk secreted later) on diarrhea.
  • This allowed him to grasp a string attached to the neck of a bottle secreted in a concealed hollow inside the bark. Times, Sunday Times
  • And at the same time, the levels of leptin that would normally be present in the body, which is primarily secreted from the cells that make adipose - which are called adipose sites - leptin decreases. Does Sleep (Or Lack Of It) Affect Weight Loss?
  • A male sex gland about the size of a walnut, the prostate secretes a thick fluid that is a vehicle for semen ejaculated during orgasm.
  • Hypoderm - is: the cellular layer which secretes the chitinous cuticula and in this sense = epidermis: specifically applied to the lining membrane of elytral and hemelytra. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Then there is the newer breed of hotel: the freshly converted castles and monasteries, most of them secreted away in superb countryside. Umbria - the green heart of Italy
  • The highest GOX expression levels (1552 units of secreted protein per gram dry cell weight) were achieved with the strain K. marxianus CBS 6556, using an episomal system in which the INU1 promoter and terminator were used to drive heterologous gene expression, together with the INU1 prepro sequence, which was employed to drive secretion of the enzyme. BioMed Central - Latest articles
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