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How To Use Secretary In A Sentence

  • In meetings Thursday with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, the country's army chief and others, Gates called the antiterror operations a success so far, "and he acknowledged to all of them that we realize that has come with a great deal of sacrifice for the military," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said following the sessions. Stars and Stripes
  • He is then heard of as plotting with Garibaldi in Italy, as secretary of a legation in Japan, and in other parts of the world.
  • It seems that the foreign secretary is a fast learner. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the report recognised that Health Secretary has made some moves to decentralise the running of health care in England, experts claim the Scottish Executive is refusing to loosen its grip on the NHS.
  • From the association's secretary each member received a package of more or less gorgeous blanks, printed like a billhead, on handsome paper, properly ruled in columns; a bill-head worded something like this -- Life on the Mississippi
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  • Details of how British electronic components have been found in roadside bombs were given to David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, when he visited British troops at their military compound at Lashkagar, in Helmand province, earlier this week. Religion News Roundup — Islam: Music, Chess, and Sin
  • Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage is on the lineup, as is outgoing Pentagon undersecretary for policy Eric Edelman and proliferation official Bob Joseph (he of the Sixteen Words). We Look To The Horizon | ATTACKERMAN
  • The darkest side of our adventurism is our global network of military prisons (authorized by the Secretary of Defense and Pentagon) where physical and mental torture are practiced even though it's known no useful information comes from it. A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis - The Last Days of the American Republic
  • It would be difficult to find a man to take the place of the secretary.
  • The next stop was the Dominican Republic, where Mays’s All-Stars were met by so many at the airport in Ciudad Trujillo, the team’s traveling secretary said, “They must have declared a holiday.” WILLIE MAYS
  • Petit de la Croix, a Paris, 1710, in 12mo.; a work of ten years’ labor, chiefly drawn from the Persian writers, among whom Nisavi, the secretary of Sultan Gelaleddin, has the merit and prejudices of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The problem is that at the time Roosevelt was only Assistant Secretary of the Navy, albeit a particularly pushy occupant of that office.
  • The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense
  • My job is somewhere between a secretary and a personal assistant.
  • Their statutory purpose was as part of the armoury available to the Home Secretary for the enforcement of immigration control. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wrote to the Secretary of State, but he has not even begun to justify the Government's action.
  • She's a personal assistant as distinct from a secretary.
  • Is the Secretary of State required by law to adopt the judicial view of the tariff?
  • Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
  • The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.
  • The general secretary opened the congress on global warming.
  • The foreign secretary is reported as saying that force will have to be used if diplomacy fails.
  • It isn't fair that you're only a secretary at Hoggatt's because no-one bothered to educate you for anything else.
  • The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation.
  • Oh, and I am a chairborne ranger, and as my husband likes to say ‘secretary’.
  • He can't do without a secretary.
  • As financial secretary in 2007, he handed out income tax rebates and property-rate waivers, earning him the nickname of "tong tong," a term for sweets, from the local press. -- Top News
  • the first Commerce Secretary was William C. Redfield who was appointed by Wilson
  • Samuel Otis, the first Secretary of the Senate, began the ledger in 1791.
  • However, when James Naughtie pressedMiliband on whether the Government are opposing a popular vote on thereferendum becauseit's one they'dlose, the Foreign Secretary dropped in this (quoting as accurately as scrambing around for a pen and paper will allow): It's so unfair!
  • The justice secretary is blaming her predecessors for the crisis in prisons and says that there are too few officers to run them properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the gathering, Secretary General Kofi Annan listened quietly to three and a half hours of bluntly worded counsel from a group united in its personal regard for him and support for the United Nations.
  • By Gerry Baldo 08/18/2009 Sensing the public outrage that hasn't subsided over what has been described as the ostentatious and luxurious lifestyles of President Arroyo and her entourage displayed during her New York has sent a memorandum to the Office of the Press Secretary, saying the New York Post report on the pricey dinner of President Gloria - Articles related to Developing Economies Like Egypt Can Lead the World Out of Recession
  • Hilary Clinton's status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine the traditional trump card of a secretary of state.
  • The supposedly cocksure and unshakeable defence secretary has come under pressure to resign over the photo scandal.
  • I have instructed our foreign secretary to submit before the UN security council and the UN assembly this militarisation, which is a serious risk to to international security". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • She spent the morning dictating letters to her secretary.
  • The Secretary of State mentioned in his statement the disappointment that others might feel.
  • The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary
  • The code officer served as secretary and the commissar as prosecutor.
  • At present, the Secretary of State grants asylum to all such claimants.
  • He's the undersecretary for border and transportation security.
  • Discussions are taking place in the Pentagon over how to "loosen" the restrictions imposed by the disastrous "don't ask, don't tell" policy, according to Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Feminist blogs in english » 2009 » June
  • Walsingham assigns assistant secretary and chief intelligencer John Shakespeare to investigate the scheme and quickly concludes the Drake plot is tied to the murder of a relative of the Queen Lady Blanche Howard, whose corpse mutilated with numerous stabbings was found in a London fire. Martyr-Rory Clements « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • The Organization of American States suspended Honduras and has continued to resist efforts of Secretary of State Clinton to pressure them into readmitting Honduras. Bill Quigley: One Year Later: Honduras Resistance Strong Despite US Supported Coup
  • Reports by the chairman, secretary and treasurer included a review of the talks, events and outings over the last 12 months, and some suggestions for the future.
  • Not the current General Secretary, of course, who had somehow managed to advance despite his failures there. Red Storm Rising
  • The Defense Secretary added that a new medal would be issued to US Forces once the liferaft was retaken, which is to be named 'The Battle We Actually Won Cross'. US Forces to leave Afghanistan Immediately
  • Last year my husband owned up to a secret affair with his secretary.
  • A globe-trotting, business-building commerce secretary, he operated on the theory that a good defense is a good offense.
  • a male secretary/nurse/model or a woman/female doctor/barrister/driver. However this is now not usually used unless you need to emphasize which sex the person is, or it is still unusual for the job to be done by a man/woman:My daughter prefers to see a woman doctor.
  • And green groups were hopeful that the new Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, would restore full protections for the polar bear.
  • A philhellene, he obtained appointments in the Ionian Islands, including, in 1854, secretary to the Lord High Commissioner.
  • There must have been some misunderstanding between the minister and his secretary.
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates wants to economize on some military operations, through only to pour the savings into other Pentagon programs. John Feffer: Take This Job and... Transform It
  • Additionally, the secretary of state may promulgate regulations interpreting ambiguous provisions of the act.
  • She points to the Oscar Party Legs, the ones a drunken Jack Nicholson tried to violate after he won for Cuckoo's Nest, and the understated Nonprofit Fundraiser Legs she wore to Jerry Lewis Telethons, and the fake-tanned State Dinner with Reagan and Gorbachev Legs that the Secretary of State made her cover up with a long hemline, because their shade matched Gorbachev's birthmark. Centipede
  • A good secretary needs to be efficient, and above all diplomatic.
  • He buzzes his secretary and announces he's taking a two week vacation to spend with his kids.
  • Johnson appointed Alan S. Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary
  • Calling the long-awaited regulation a "landmark safety achievement" that resolves pilot-fatigue issues that have been festering since the 1970s, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on Wednesday said the changes were based on the latest scientific sleep research. FAA Mandates Longer Rest Periods for Pilots
  • The new secretary starts in June, but in the interim we're having to type our own letters.
  • The manager allowed his secretary to run with the routine work.
  • -- Members have been asked to surprise Secretary for Meetings Di Stefano which they instruct to attend a assembly during slightest twenty-four hours in allege of which meeting. Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • I call Trish, our secretary, hoping to avoid Francis, but for some reason Francis picks up. The Paranoia Experiment
  • Instead of the courts deciding who should be free and who unfree, the home secretary has sought to grab and keep that power for himself.
  • When, in the middle of the the first season, callow account exec Pete Campbell walks past striving-to-be-a-copywriter secretary Peggy Olson's desk without acknowledging her, Peggy's incremental comprehension of her powerlessness with this guy she's had sex with is documented in her face's shift from anticipation to abashment to acceptance. Sheila Weller: Mad Hopes for the Mad Men Women
  • US Republican Senator Judd Gregg withdrew Thursday as the nominee for Secretary of Commerce, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with the Obama administration over its economic stimulus plan.
  • Since the market price is the best estimate of the future price, it's hard to see how either the company or the secretary can systematically misjudge the value of the stock high or low. Executive Compensation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The bill calls for creation of an undersecretary for intermodalism and a national transportation plan that emphasizes "megaprojects" to address the country's biggest bottlenecks. News
  • His solidarity on that occasion propelled him to assume the general secretaryship of the St Lucia Workers Cooperative Union.
  • There's no hope to succeed; the secretary is helping the old manager back sadly.
  • She became Secretary of State for Education after spending three years as Environment Secretary.
  • Ms. Handler worked as a secretary at Paramount Studios and moonlighted as her husband's sales force. Hot Wheels' Driver And Barbie's Dad
  • The plan has received the blessing of Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt.
  • The treasurer gave the financial account of the past year and the secretary gave an account of the yearly work undertaken and all officers were re-elected.
  • Madam Secretary, I'll start with you.
  • Secretary Small and Deputy Secretary Burke have exhibited a head-in-the-sand attitude toward wrongdoing at their agency; they have engaged in stonewalling and spin rather than dealing forthrightly with the discrimination that has occurred. Another Government Report Supports Sternberg
  • She earned a living as a part-time secretary.
  • The Secretary General says the declaration must now be backed up by concrete and effective actions.
  • And the defense secretary retraced what he called the actual history of how the U.S. got involved in Iraq CNN Transcript Nov 15, 2005
  • The coal secretary has told us that the coal ministry will be able to spare some of the coal that would be sold through e-auctions, provided the developer picks up the coal from the pithead," P. India to Divert Some Spot Market Coal to Power Producers
  • The verbal sabre rattling by US Treasury Secretary Geithner is a threat to the open global trading system.
  • Texts will be supplied in the normal format for dictation by dictators appointed by the Local Examinations Secretary.
  • Assistant Secretary Owen said the latest estimates are that 35,000 civilians were able to flee the area Monday when government forces used explosives to create a gap in an "earthwork" wall a few miles long constructed by the Tigers using mechanical diggers.
  • The secretary of Elizabeth I's Privy Council is supposed to have submitted the warrant for the execution of Mary Stuart several times, concealed in a pile of lesser bumf, to help the Queen get over the hump. Pardon Update (Updated)
  • His fervent soap-box oratory, rhetorical literary style, and experience as secretary of the Timber Workers Union brought a growing reputation.
  • The Home Secretary, David Blunkett, took a tough line, saying that he would not tolerate wanton destruction and violence.
  • A private member is any MP other than the Speaker, a minister or a parliamentary secretary.
  • Washington -- The United States and Japan will broaden their cooperative efforts on energy security and technology research, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman announced.
  • After her speech, the education secretary said she was not in favour of banning unpaid internships of more than four weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr Pearson might have to consider asking the Home Secretary to recall him or even consider re-examining him.
  • The Polish Hockey Association secretary also came into the field and accused the Pakistanis of unsporting behaviour.
  • Upon completion of the survey and of marking the boundaries, a copy of the record along with the headright certificate was presented to the secretary's office where a patent was prepared and a notation made of those imported. Mother Earth Land Grants in Virginia 1607-1699
  • The chief engineer was represented at the meeting by his secretary.
  • The boss asked the secretary to let the client up.
  • By Angie M. Rosales 10/13/2009 Congress has opted to draw on so-called unprogrammed funds available to President Arroyo in this year's budget to replenish the depleted calamity fund by P12 billion instead of Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes. - Articles related to Nograles slams oil firms for ‘insensitive’ price hike
  • A passing secretary stopped short, clutching her steno pad to her chest, staring wide-eyed at him.
  • The Home Secretary unveiled plans to stage a series of exercises to test whether Britain was prepared for a terrorist attack.
  • The word 'secretary' comes from the same Latin root as the word 'secret'.
  • The future foreign secretary had not met him before, was not sure what he looked like and almost handed him his hat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Foreign Secretary usually gets star billing on day three. The Sun
  • The prime mover behind Tawa's auction is a village party secretary, Zhang Yuwang, who happens to own, he claims, the usage rights to most of the land in question.
  • But those stinkpots just happened to belong to very powerful political patrons (some of whom now sit on his cabinet, like the Treasury Secretary).
  • The route from Atlixco south to Acatlán de Osorio is promoted by the Secretary of Tourism as the ruta del aguacate, the "avocado route. Culinary travel in the Mixteca Poblana: The avocado route
  • Matt Wrack, general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union, said his former wife and student son had been "pestered" by reporters, with one "rooting about" in dustbins. The Guardian World News
  • All the ministers, as well as the Financial Secretary, spoke in supporting the need for the bill, which received its three readings and finally passed unopposed.
  • If Dole becomes president and McCain becomes a Cabinet secretary, Symington could appoint himself as replacement.
  • The president has dictated some letters to his secretary.
  • The ability to sell a franchise is in the licence conditions and the transport secretary will formally sign off on the deal within the month. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary.
  • Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano once again faces criticism for seeming to underreact to a possible terrorist attack. What did Janet Napolitano mean by 'one-off'?
  • Defence Minister Joe Modise was not yet in control of the affairs of the Department of Defence, defence secretary Pierre ANC Daily News Briefing
  • & Highways ha Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Zambales ngan Cavite; microfinancing para ha mga mag-arasawa ngan immediate family members hiton PUV drivers, conductors han Transportation and Communication Secretary Leandro Mendoza pati na an MRT-LRT nga mga rota; an mga paghingayad han kakalsadahan han bug-os nga probinsiya hiton Batangas han kanan Economic Planning Secretary Ralph Recto; Undefined
  • Irish rock star Bono and US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill were due to start a three-day visit to Uganda on Sunday, the third leg of an unusual tour focussing on HIV/AIDS and the efficacity of aid relief in Uganda. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We have a former undersecretary of state working in our Washington office. A KING'S RANSOM
  • As soon as he went down to Washington, ironically, the very first school I'm aware of that the Secretary or the President were involved in founding is a school called Ariel Academy in Chicago. Mike Green: NFTE: Injecting Entrepreneurship into Inner City Education (VIDEO)
  • The Ministry of Defence confirmed that Dr Fox had asked his most senior official, Permanent Secretary Ursula Brennan, to look into what he describes as "baseless allegations" concerning Adam Werrity. Evening Standard - Home
  • On the night Lincoln was shot, another would-be assassin put Seward's son in a coma and slashed the secretary of state's face so savagely that the doctor who saved his life said he'd "looked like an exsanguinated corpse. David Quigg: HRC's Choice: Seward or Chase?
  • A faded movie star is horrified when she discovers her trusted secretary is about to marry a gossip columnist. The Sun
  • The general secretary of the pit deputies union said it was ironic British mineworkers were wanted in Australia.
  • The president would not have picked him as Secretary of State if there were any doubt about his reliability or loyalty.
  • She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.
  • Since her graduation, she has worked as a bilingual secretary in a French law firm and as a PA to the general manager of the Clarence Hotel.
  • She had joined the company as a secretary and risen through the ranks to become a senior sales director.
  • The foreign secretary, William Hague, issued a statement "deploring" the loss of life. Israel accused of state terrorism after assault on flotilla carrying Gaza aid
  • The Secretary of Defence has said that he would not stand by and let democracy be undermined.
  • Brian Strutton, the GMB union's national secretary for public services, said: Is Mr Alexander saying in reaction to the way some unions are proceeding, what we are going to do is call a halt to these negotiations, so for the majority like me, who are trying to negotiate our way through this, the government is actually switching me off, actually pushing me in the dispute camp? Furious unions threaten strikes as minister springs pensions surprise
  • An idealistic student tries to bring back his creativity, while his secretary attempts to drag him out of his mopery.
  • Zhangxiu Gang , deputy director of gastroenterology physician, Branch Secretary of the Municipal Medical Association digestion.
  • Between 1994 and 1996 he was Parliamentary Private Secretary to Ministers in the Treasury and Department of National Heritage.
  • As foreign secretary he resisted party pressure to withdraw from Uganda and imposed a protectorate on that territory.
  • The Education Secretary accuses teachers of wanting to return to a dark age.
  • Then the Stoke club secretary was diagnosed with cancer and died within two weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The State Department, however, was meeting the Red menace with “basic timidity,” he complained to a friend, and Dean Acheson, who became its secretary in 1949, was a “pantywaist,” he told Jones. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Two retired generals today blasted Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for what they call incompetence and bad leadership. CNN Transcript Sep 25, 2006
  • The secretary tacked a meeting notice on the bulletin board.
  • Ah well, maybe Kenneth Clarke, the new Home Secretary, will talk more sense.
  • I've heard all sorts of rumours about him and his secretary.
  • The group consists of 3 families, including seven children and six adults, among them a mechanic, a dressmaker and a teacher, according to the National Justice Secretary.
  • At Honolulu these annexationists made speeches abusing the Senate of the United States for the delay in annexing Hawaii; they further said the most grossly insulting things of President Cleveland because he frustrated their plans, and included Secretary Gresham in their condemnation because he failed to recognize them as Americans. Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
  • It's absurd to suggest that decisions like these can be taken on a whim by the Home Secretary.
  • His treatment of his secretary was a blatant example of managerial arrogance.
  • For instance, the Home Secretary is regularly criticised for leniency on such issues from this lobby at the Conservative Party conferences.
  • This was probably part of the motivation for Secretary of Defense Gates' unusually blunt criticism of Chinese security policy at the annual Shangri-La defense forum in Singapore on June 7.
  • The Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said more members of the alliance need to contribute attack aircraft to the military operation in Libya.
  • During the Interior secretary's tenure, Taylor jumped to more lucrative work as a pumper, roughneck, and roustabout on Wyoming's oil wells.
  • Even his key Cabinet ally, the influential business secretary Peter Mandelson, said Brown must show more "razzmatazz," to entice voters disillusioned with his leadership. WBAY Action 2 News
  • If that were the case, Secretary White might justifiably (and lawfully) refuse to countersign the certificate on ethical grounds based on the manifest impropriety of Blago's action. Illinois Sec. of State Refuses To Approve Burris Appointment, But Admits He Really Can't Stop It
  • In August he was appointed to the situation of secretary.
  • In mid-March, as a White House assessment of the war in Afghanistan was nearing completion, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met in a secure Pentagon room for their fortnightly video conference with Gen. David D. McKiernan, the top U.S. commander in Kabul. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: August 17, 2009
  • Thereafter he was much occupied by the post of Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.
  • My secretary will see you into my office.
  • I took the exams over a four day period in a small conference room next to the department secretary's office (complete with daily noon-time vocals from the Hari Krishnas outside the window). Get the Best Education in the World, Absolutely Free!, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The UN Security Council endorsed the recommendation submitted by the Secretary General.
  • On May 8 Martin Shikuku, interim secretary-general of the party, declared his intention to stand for the presidency.
  • She has implicit trust in her secretary.
  • The Secretary shall promulgate such regulations as are necessary to carry out this Act.
  • When we asked the secretary that evening how he had liked the ordeal he said he could hardly describe his feelings whilst it lasted, but when the shelling ceased it was the heavenliest sensation of his life. With Steyn and De Wet
  • The Home Secretary has appeared as an interested party to contest the allegation of incompatibility.
  • He left the transaction of the matter to his secretary.
  • In a direct swipe at his brother, Ed, who used a Guardian article on Monday to lambast Nick Clegg for selling out Liberal principles, the shadow foreign secretary will criticise what he calls a patchwork approach to building electoral support. David Miliband takes 'comfort zone' swipe at Ed in Labour leadership fight
  • The nominal Health Secretary rose without trace and now been elbowed aside by the Prime Minister himself.
  • Dr Vincent Cable is a Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament and Shadow Secretary of State for Trade and Industry.
  • the post of Secretary of Veterans Affairs was created in 1989
  • She rose to be under-secretary in the new ministry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Considering the reports submitted by the Collector of Cuttack and the Secretary of State Election Commission ruling out anomalies in the delimitation exercise, the court delivered judgement. posted by Neel @ 10: 14 AM HC dismisses petitions over delimitation
  • JEANNE MESERVE, CNN HOMELAND SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, Kiran, the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the secretary of Homeland Security over what it calls unlawful searches and detentions at airports. CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2009
  • Mr. Sha, who was previously China's U.N. ambassador, is known for his unharmonious outbursts; at a meeting in September he told his boss, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, "I never liked you. The Harmony Prize
  • BARR: I think I ` m sitting here looking at the next Secretary of State in the Barr administration. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2008
  • The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.
  • It confirmed Foreign Secretary Russell's fears that ‘acts of plunder, of incendiarism, and of revenge’ would ravage the American continent.
  • Secretary of State John Hay had negotiated a series of arbitration treaties.
  • I am a secretary at my church and receive compensation on a salary basis.
  • If send public information or publish formal notice to WPE Interest Clubs, only the ICMC Chairman and secretary is responsible for operations.
  • The Foreign Secretary has decided to take the offensive in the discussion on the future of the community.
  • The secretary tacked a meeting notice on the bulletin board.
  • The Secretary engaged to keep the sealed packet in safe custody for this desirable object. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • By that low standard, the current Secretary of Agriculture is a roaring success.
  • Why does our secretary of state have to budget out her time for a face to face with a glorified facebooker? Clinton would 'look forward' to Palin sit down
  • How will the Secretary General measure up to his new responsibilities?
  • Today Luzhkov named Medvedev's press secretary, Natalia Timakova, and a Kremlin ideologist, Vladislav Surkov, as plotters of his downfall. Moscow's ousted mayor in 'pro-democracy' campaign
  • I wanted to speak to the manager but I got his secretary instead.
  • She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.
  • In fact, my secretary's bellybutton is more important to me. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • The education secretary was pilloried by the press for his latest proposals.
  • She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week
  • In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat.
  • Cameron, who will first fly to Bangalore, the hub of "infotech" and innovation, will visit along with business secretary Vince Cable and climate change minister Greg Barker the headquarters of Infosys, the cutting edge IT firm based in the city. Daily News & Analysis
  • It is a measure of the president's continued pulling power that the Europeans, who have seemingly grudged every extra pair of boots the NATO secretary general has persuaded them to dispatch up until now, are to stump up around 7,000 additional troops for the war in Afghanistan alongside the 30,000 more committed by a president who has now more than doubled the U.S. contingent there. How is Obama being viewed in Europe?
  • In a Guardian article, the former foreign secretary says the prime minister's "muscular liberalism" offers little to people who are craving what he calls a "greater sense of security" in an ever changing world. David Miliband attacks David Cameron's 'muscular liberalism'
  • Without ceremony, we headed past all these busy people and knocked on the half-open door of the secretary's office.
  • The secretary of defense briefed the president on the enemy's strength.
  • In 2007, Home Secretary Alan Johnson accused Ms. Hodge of using the language of the BNP, a party that advocates the repatriation of nonindigenous Britons but which has yet to gain a foothold in national politics. Race Shifts as Some Brits Sour on Immigration
  • This year, in shame, the relevant secretary of the Assembly has decided to reduce the scope of the fest and has given reasons which can only be described as sophism.
  • The young secretary's assiduity rapidly won him esteem, and some dislike.
  • The plans, which have been sent for comment to Britain's major conservation groups by the shadow environment secretary, Nick Herbert, and seen by the Guardian, received a mixed welcome from green groups such as RSPB and Wildlife Trusts. The Guardian World News
  • (Even Ike's famously rambling press-conference answers, according to his press secretary, were purposeful obfuscations rather than aphasic incompetence.) Archive 2009-01-01
  • President Bill Clinton appointed Bentsen as Secretary of the Treasury in 1992.
  • The new secretary speaks correct English.

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