How To Use Secret police In A Sentence

  • So now in addition to the “ends justify the means” and “de minimus non curat lex” apologia for RW dictatorships, we have an implicit “no true Scotsman” argument: “No real RW gummint has secret police and a surveillance state” (even if they torture and kill their dissidents and anyone else that gets in their way). The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • The secret police tortured him to obtain information.
  • For seven years, he had been administrative director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, more popularly known as the mukhabarat — the secret police. No Tee Time for Zubaid
  • This government abolished the death penalty, got rid of the secret police and granted an amnesty for political prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anatoli Natan Sharansky was twenty-nine years old when he was seized by the Russian secret police, the KGB, taken to Lefortovo prison, stripped naked and searched, and told that he was being charged with treason, a capital offense. BARGAINING WITH THE DEVIL
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  • In the novel, scenes of daily hardship alternate with those of stronger historical forces colliding: officers of the secret police rounding up suspected counter-revolutionaries as the city's inhabitants starve; ragged soldiers fighting without adequate ammunition or food; officials studying the files of suspects and reading anonymous denunciations through the night in the only heated building in the city; ambitious party bureaucrats eliminating their enemies; idealistic revolutionaries explaining away gross injustices as "historical necessity. The Revolutionary Novelist
  • For months, he lived in terror of the secret police knocking at his door.
  • They were warned of the danger of informers and secret police trying to foil them. Times, Sunday Times
  • We generally had electricity at that time, because the family flat was quite close to the military secret police.
  • The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.
  • Handsome production design and pretty faces even after being ‘broken’ by the secret police, some of the drama students remain fresh-faced with a tiny bloody streak and a grimace are the chief assets here, this is pageantry of the Hollywood kind if you go for that sort of thing. Row Three » Welcome Year of the Rat - Where Cinema is more than just $100 Million productions
  • Without harassment, without secret police, faceless bureaucrats, permits and papers, forms, prohibitions, repressions.
  • The favorite tortures of the Soviet Cheka, or secret police (then called NKVD) in the 1930's and 40's were merciless beatings, confinement in refrigerated cells, week-long sleep deprivation, and endless interrogations. Eric Margolis: Make the Torturers Face Justice
  • But a covert Russian secret police agent discovers them and the chase is on.
  • Charles A. Ruud and Sergei A. Stepanov have mined a rich collection of memoirs and archival materials to explore the psychology and workings of the secret police.
  • In those days, dissidents or subversives could easily disappear from one day to the next, never to be seen again, after being picked up by the secret police.
  • He was obliged to leg it over the cemetery wall to avoid arrest by the tsar's secret police. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knew this was the doing of the Director, who had reported the theatre to Napoleon's secret police in return for a reward of 10,000 gold napoleons.
  • Okay, he says, these societies may not become democracies as we know them, but they can become places where people can live free of doublethink, free of the fear of the knock on the door from the secret police.
  • We're all going to be deputized first, as federal secret police.
  • An operative of the secret police stabbed him with an umbrella, the point of which had been poisoned with ricin.
  • They were warned of the danger of informers and secret police trying to foil them. Times, Sunday Times
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Death Squad Leader Was Top Cia Agent - Sunday Herald'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'THE LATE President Milosevic\'s secret police chief and organiser of Serb death squads during the genocidal ethnic cleansing of disintegrating Yugoslavia was the United States\' top CIA agent in Belgrade, according to the independent Belgrade Radio B92. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Death Squad Leader Was Top Cia Agent - Sunday Herald
  • The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them
  • Anton Tkalec, coin dealer in Vienna, now in Zurich, and some ex-members of the secret police and army establishment.
  • But it I wasn't until former agents of the East German secret police, known as Stasi, began to I talk -- and a new noncommunist East German government began to cooperate -- that the hunt made headway. Bad Time For Terrorists
  • His release by the court was announced but his rearrest by the secret police was not.
  • They were warned of the danger of informers and secret police trying to foil them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force.
  • He was blindfolded and taken to Secret Police headquarters.
  • He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.
  • Ordinary people lived in fear of being arrested by the secret police.
  • During the 1930s, Slezkine reports, the secret police, now known as the NKVD, “was one of the most Jewish of all Soviet institutions”, with 42 of the 111 top officials being Jewish. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • Various nervous audience members shuffled up to me and whispered that the secret police were there. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, with its clumsy passages about a Jewish drive for world domination, was a concoction of the secret police in czarist Russia — a fact not conceded by the Russian government until 1993, a century after the toxins had leached into the anti-Semitic world. Knock It Off
  • The secret police were determined to stamp out the last flickers of academic freedom.
  • Jachowicz had published numerous articles alleging abuses by the secret police.
  • The dissolution of the Communist secret police, then, was realized on the basis of old Communist laws.
  • And the reading room looks more like the assembly hall of an academy for secret police. Times, Sunday Times
  • Varsky returns to Santiago, and not long afterward is kidnapped by Pinochet's secret police and never heard from again. Nicole Krauss: Nicole Krauss On Writing 'Great House'
  • He had become the creature of the secret police.
  • He was halted in this folly by Count Lubonski, to whom the secret police had brought a copy of Krystyna Szprot's letter, and he more than most could appreciate the turmoil this epistle must have ignited in the heart of his young countryman, for he had seen many exiles from the Russian part of Poland commit themselves to stupid actions when caught up in emotional crises. Poland
  • He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.
  • In every totalitarian government, secret police were an indispensable device for the consolidation of power, neutralization of the opposition, and construction of a single-party state.
  • The father took over in a bloodless coup in 1970 and maintained a vast army of secret police and informers.
  • A Captain (Ulrich Mühe) in the corrupt secret police known as the Stasi (East Germany) is employed to spy on a celebrated playwright (Sebastian Koch) and his talented actress girlfriend (Martina Gedeck). The Lives of Others…Best Foreign Film. Ulrich Mühe a revelation! « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • Thirdly, make a complete report to The Central Authority as an additional attachement in your weekly report to the Secret Police. Archive 2007-08-01
  • So he walked 60 kilometres to the nearest town and reported his father's doings to the secret police.
  • It is a kind of freedom in an unfree country to behave as if the secret police does not exist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pinpointing the location of this evasive, supercautious quarry, placing the precise explosive charge in his SUV that would kill him and no one else “Pity about that new Pajero,” chuckled one intelligence official in Tel Aviv, and operating in the heart of an Arab capital saturated with secret police—these are the very stuff of the operations that gave the Mossad its famous reputation. The Secret War with Iran
  • It was under Lenin's less-than-benevolent guidance that the secret police which eventually became the KGB was set up, as was the system of Gulags.
  • Fouche, the head of Napoleon's secret police, a stocky man with a bulbous nose, leaned back in his chair and puffed on a cigar.
  • Various nervous audience members shuffled up to me and whispered that the secret police were there. Times, Sunday Times
  • Telephones used by foreign residents have been cut off and the secret police have assumed control of the country's mobile phone service.
  • It was during one of these fleeting visits, as he stepped out of his car and into his front yard, that the secret police pounced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Interior Ministry will also command a domestic intelligence network made up largely of secret police and intelligence agents from the ousted government.
  • The secret police shadowed the activists and tapped their telephones.
  • Many people denounced their friends and neighbours to the secret police.
  • They also created a secret police force that was used to break strikes, arrest workers and suppress working class freedom and democracy.
  • His departure followed his involvement in radical protest and his subsequent career showed that revolutionaries often make the best secret policemen. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • Back then, in 1984, it was about the secret policeman who followed him everywhere.
  • So now in addition to the “ends justify the means” and “de minimis non curat lex” apologia for RW dictatorships, we have an implicit “no true Scotsman” argument: “No real RW gummint has secret police and a surveillance state” (even if they torture and kill their dissidents and anyone else that gets in theirway). The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • The band became instead part of a thriving underground music scene with concerts arranged at short notice in remote venues designed to thwart secret police interference. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for years he was only able to take pictures as a dangerous hobby, under the watchful eye of the Russian secret police. Times, Sunday Times
  • PROLOGUE THE HISTORY OF THE SECRET POLICE OF RUSSIA FROM the days of the czars to the present is quite convoluted, which is, perhaps, to be expected. Rostnikov's Vacation
  • It was during one of these fleeting visits, as he stepped out of his car and into his front yard, that the secret police pounced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The secret police, the AVO, began to tail Douglas wherever he went.
  • The Czechs, East Germans, Estonians, Lithuanians, Nicaraguans, Poles, and Russians who tried to dismantle their respective secret police systems had few guideposts and no precedents to follow.
  • This was the world of secret police, of informers, of accusation and of terror. The Tribes Triumphant
  • Privacy campaigners have compared the trend to the activities of the 'Stasi' - the infamous East German secret police. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Various nervous audience members shuffled up to me and whispered that the secret police were there. Times, Sunday Times
  • This government abolished the death penalty, got rid of the secret police and granted an amnesty for political prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • His departure followed his involvement in radical protest and his subsequent career showed that revolutionaries often make the best secret policemen. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • The secret police tortured him to obtain information.
  • Agents of the secret police swarmed among its buildings and along its thoroughfares like ‘locusts.’
  • This government abolished the death penalty, got rid of the secret police and granted an amnesty for political prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kleptocratic hardmen with secret policemen were put in charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was obliged to leg it over the cemetery wall to avoid arrest by the tsar's secret police. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.
  • The secret police are out to trap you and people are scared to socialise with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Internally, a strong secret police had a shadowy presence in the universities and institutions.
  • This government abolished the death penalty, got rid of the secret police and granted an amnesty for political prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • This government abolished the death penalty, got rid of the secret police and granted an amnesty for political prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other travelers seemed embarrassed but passive, perhaps the legacy of years of informers and secret police.
  • Dad said that they were driven only by secret policemen and men from the ministry. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the institution of the secret police evolved to suit the needs of the Soviet state, the capacity for cruelty at the top remained a constant.
  • The secret police tortured him to obtain information.
  • Under Stalin, Politburo member Anastas Mikoyan had said that: “Every citizen of the USSR is a collaborator of the NKVD,” the acronym then used for the secret police. The Return
  • Meanwhile, thanks to Paul Koring at the Globe and Mail, we learn that our secret police, CSIS, have been in this up to their sorry necks from the start. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The country's secret police have such an iron grip that any hint of popular uprising recently has been quickly crushed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The solidarity of the underground was deeper than the fear of secret police my countrymen shared.
  • This government abolished the death penalty, got rid of the secret police and granted an amnesty for political prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were warned of the danger of informers and secret police trying to foil them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The secret police at the station looked on indifferently as I extricated myself from my Ostyak fur coats. My Life
  • Although the old secret police have been abolished, the military police still exist.
  • The Stalinist model files described in this section survived in Romania until 1962, when political prisoners started to be amnestied and the secret police underwent the fundamental changes discussed in the next section.
  • They're all enmeshed in the on-going debate on how Germany should deal with the files of the former East German secret police - the Stasi.
  • In October, Lavrenti Beria, the head of the Soviet secret police, issued an order that officers should be separated from among the hundreds of thousands of Polish PoWs.
  • This government abolished the death penalty, got rid of the secret police and granted an amnesty for political prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all ‘know’ about the secret police knocking on the door at night, adulatory TV programs exalting the president-for-life, the pervasive corruption, queues and shortages, or the silly propaganda.
  • The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force.
  • (Syria), during which time she was "deterred" from writing her thesis by the Secret Police!! TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at
  • The secret police were determined to stamp out the last flickers of academic freedom.
  • Both believe that Brano Sev, their enigmatic superior and himself a career secret policeman, is keeping them in the dark both about the details of the case and all its players and about the true motives of their investigation, but they can’t figure out why. Liberation Movements by Olen Steinhauer: Book summary
  • One day, I noticed some of my classmates were nowhere to be seen, and it was said that they were taken away by secret police for underground political activities.
  • Although the old secret police have been abolished, the military police still exist.
  • The tactics of young tech-savvy Kashmiris have already confused and bewildered the Indian government, whose recent actions – censoring the Economist, forcing spying rights out of BlackBerry and Google – evoke the last-minute desperation of the Arab world's mukhabarat secret police states. In India and Israel, the burden of protest falls on the victims of injustice | Pankaj Mishra
  • “In the event that he shirks from [being a good Hungarian],” the secret police colonel noted, “we can always rely on [the name is blacked out] to put pressure on him.” Enemies of the People
  • [Walter] Friedrich [director of the Central Institute of Youth Research in Leipzig] sought and obtained the backing of high-ranking officials of the Communist Party and all further research in psychogenetics in East Germany came to an end. "goes on to describe the aftermath he endured, which would be familiar to anyone who saw the tremendous 2006 film about life in East Germany under the thumb of the secret police, - Latest Articles
  • The word "Gestapo" is short for the German words "Geheime Staatspolizei", which is translated "secret police of the state". Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • He had become the creature of the secret police.
  • Similar fates await buildings formerly owned by the secret police, which in many districts have been inherited by the local authorities.
  • After deliberations involving Stalin and the head of the secret police, Felix Dzerzhinsky, who had organised the funeral, it had been decided to embalm Lenin rather than bury or cremate the body. John Gray on humanity's quest for immortality

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