How To Use Second thought In A Sentence

  • Atlético Paranaense warmed to the aggressive midfielder from the Minas Gerais province, only to have second thoughts. Sandro: 'I told my brother: I'll be the player we should both have been'
  • He may be a dangerous martial arts wizard, but Remy is also having second thoughts. Movie Review: Repo Men » Scene-Stealers
  • I think the council is being very mean about this and I do hope it has second thoughts.
  • On second thoughts, neither the apartment owner nor I had any reason to be unhappy.
  • This was no time for second thoughts or doubts of any indices. TICKLED PINK
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  • A nerve suddenly twinged in her chest, and without a second thought, she shot for the surface of the pool, suddenly afraid.
  • On second thoughts, do include choccy bars, and then I won't be tempted to spend your money on chocolates (though champagne could be a problem)!
  • I had second thoughts about thin shirts, and about stars and auspicious days and wise men from the east. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Since Paglia herself has been among the most vocal champions of "popular culture" among academics and intellectuals, the essay can almost be read as a kind of apology for her own excesses in encouraging us to "become unmoored from the mother ship of culture," or at least as an expression of second thoughts about her own possible collusion with the powers that be in the academy in "subverting" literature and the fine arts. Literary Study
  • But all my second thoughts crystallized into an unshakable conviction: I would choose death, because to live and not write what I believed to be true was not to live at all.
  • She actually surprised herself when she reached up to grasp his hand without a second thought.
  • It is tempting to ridicule these creationists, dismissing them as hayseeds and not giving them a second thought.
  • Based on appearance alone, I have created something no person would feed to even the mangiest and hungriest of dogs without a pause for second thoughts. Sirilyan Diary Entry
  • She'll spend a hundred pounds on a dress without a second thought.
  • The second thought has to do with Edwards--Edwards may well turn out to be the king maker in this election--Depending on results of the mega primaries, he could have enough delgates to throw to Obama and sink HRC--certainly the egregious robo calls from the clinton campaign criticizing him on fair trade, when BILL himself signed NAFTA speaks to the disreputability and the sheer perfidiousness of the Clintons and their machine. Waiting for the South Carolina results.
  • Second Thoughts, without any critical examination of the information he peddled as fact.
  • On second thoughts, maybe I won't apply for the job after all.
  • Lizzie considered she might be dreaming but had second thoughts after stubbing her toe on a ceramic vase.
  • As soon as I was on board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.
  • Second thoughts are best.
  • I'd like a cup of coffee, please - actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.
  • Independent voters are having second thoughts. And his policies are less popular than he is buy Ragnarok Online Zeny . Support for his health-care reforms has slipped from 57% to 49% since April.
  • When once attending a Christening, he discovered that it was customary to make a gift to the nurse, so reportedly stuck his hand in his pocket, pulled out a handful of gold guineas, and gave them to her without a second thought.
  • A visitor to the control room of this nuclear missile submarine might pass it by without a second thought.
  • Then she had second thoughts, beginning to wonder if she had misunderstood the sergeant's question. COME AND BE KILLED
  • he had second thoughts about his purchase
  • We don't even give a second thought to using prosthetics like contact lenses, but subconsciously, we ask ourselves: does this change me?
  • The effect was electrical: the motion was carried by acclamation and there was a unanimous rush for the now wretched mariner whose false alarm at the masthead was the cause of our embarrassment, but on second thoughts it was decided to substitute Captain Troutbeck, as less generally useful and more undeviatingly in error. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • On second thoughts, since you are so free with your money, what about marrying Hillary?
  • A visitor to the control room of this nuclear missile submarine might pass it by without a second thought.
  • Today, of course, any such regulation would be struck down without a second thought.
  • We submit that even those who impeach the Deity for opening the door to sin would on second thoughts confess that morally free -- and therefore peccable -- beings stand on a higher level than marionettes, however faultlessly contrived to perform certain evolutions. Problems of Immanence: studies critical and constructive
  • Only the nerdiest of flight enthusiasts give these planes a second thought.
  • The cool, cerebral White House might logically conclude that Wednesday's decidedly uncool, uncerebral "tea bag" protests were intellectually and politically incoherent, and therefore not worth a second thought. Best of the Blogs
  • ‘Maybe its Camera jitters, maybe she's having second thoughts about the Harry Potter movie ’, James suggested as Tash shook her head.
  • When thou hast made a vow, do not seek to evade it, nor find excuses to get clear of the obligation of it; say not before the priest, who is called the angel or messenger of the Lord of hosts, that, upon second thoughts, thou hast changed thy mind, and desirest to be absolved from the obligation of thy vow; but stick to it, and do not seek a hole to creep out at. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • If you find vacationing in a rental property more comfortable than hotel rooms, give no second thought to your choice.
  • But Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, began having second thoughts about a military career a few years ago after other soldiers harassed him for being a Muslim, he told relatives in Virginia.
  • However, your second thought upon looking at the brochure was probably: ‘This looks like a damn good collection of productions!’
  • How many will give a very serious second thought to whether life in public service is worth it; to whether a life in the very bull's-eye is worth the price Gabby Giffords is now paying and Christina Green has already paid? Rebecca Sive: Mark Kelly at National Prayer Breakfast: Will Something Good Come of This?
  • That the lines form a system; that, instead of running anywhither, they join certain points to certain others, making thus, not a simple network, but one whose meshes connect centres directly with one another,–is striking at first sight, and loses none of its peculiarity on second thought. Life on Mars? The real lesson from Lowell - The Panda's Thumb
  • On second thoughts, maybe I won't apply for the job after all.
  • Without a second thought, I pulled on the white blouse and buttoned up my jeans.
  • On second thought, Allison and Heuer are gentle, soft-spoken people, not given to such language.
  • One can say, there cannot be any second thought about the genuineness of their intention, which they consider a corollary to the remarkable quality and range of products showcased in the auditorium.
  • A changeableness, too, as if beneath my visible face there was another, having second thoughts. Middlesex
  • This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.
  • He'd seen his friend dismiss a flirtatious girl with gentle chivalry and no second thoughts, and he'd seen the occasional sidelong glances the brunet had sent his way.
  • There will always be a second thought about what to invite me to. Times, Sunday Times
  • He let the bolt of the crossbow go without a second thought.
  • In addition, I'm having second thoughts about deserting America at this particularly pandemoniacal moment. Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
  • But then he has second thoughts: Maybe Fionna would have been happier as a princess, instead of the ogress that I turned her into.
  • In the eerie quiet, it’s easy to lose your way and those with second thoughts might struggle to retrace their steps. Smithsonian Mag
  • By finding out what the facts are, rather than spending all of our time sitting around in gaping, slack-jawed stupefaction, swallowing wholesale whatever infantle lie is shovelled down our gullet by the paid professional liars at Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully, and swallowing said lies without even a first much less a second thought. Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
  • When a letter arrives offering escape to the US, Dondup pulls on his high-tops, grabs his boom box and leaves without a second thought.
  • Looking below to the hard, unyielding surface below, it is the first time I've had second thought about the whole warrior trainee thing.
  • Irish volcano consisted of the lake of Killarney, which I naturally conceived her to mean; but, on second thoughts, I divined that she alluded to _Ice_land and to Hecla -- and so it proved, though she sustained her volcanic topography for some time with all the amiable pertinacity of 'the feminie.' Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • On second thoughts, perhaps we should hope it's not a snorter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second thoughts are best.
  • On second thought, "Wiggle Dress" might also apply to the fact that one has to "wiggle" into them. Cleaning Out My Closet, Part 1 - A Dress A Day
  • On second thoughts I think I'd better go now.
  • On second thoughts, I'd like some hot soup, minestrone if it's available, as well as the sandwiches. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • I'd like a cup of coffee, please - actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.
  • This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.
  • She'd had second thoughts about the whole project.
  • On second thought, I'll bet it's that photographer they been talkin'about at the cafe.
  • Scandinavia might be right – certainly, the pipework and connectors in the bathroom (on second thoughts) are not of a kind used in the UK. Swedish Inspiration – White Apartment in Goteborg
  • Personally, I'd put my money on accidental death without a second thought.
  • Without a second thought he tossed it over his shoulder into the fire behind him, where it burned fairly cleanly with a yellow flame.
  • She was such a caring person who never gave a second thought about helping others.
  • When faced in a situation where you have second thoughts whether to buy a quality and expensive helmet over a so-so but cheap one, choose the first option.
  • We're beginning to have second thoughts about buying a car.
  • Flashback to Laura's blind-date on Caprica and she's had second thoughts and tells the hunk to take a hike, then calls Adar's rep and says she'll join the campaign. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Even leading dental authorities are having second thoughts.
  • Unlike communism and socialism, trade unionism has rarely inspired published ‘second thoughts’ by embittered apostates.
  • At least one company that has already completed an inversion isn't having second thoughts.
  • MOST of us slap on the suntan lotion, though we don't give our eyes a second thought. The Sun
  • He had grown his intellectual ego, by learning the art of retrospection and sober second thought.
  • Second Thoughts looks at people's careers that turned in the space of just a few words - following three people who spoke out for what they believed in and were harried and criticised for it.
  • Not really my business … second thoughts … I'll refrain from further comment except to say science is only a problem for religions when religions make testable and refutable claims. Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
  • Primarily under the guise of electricity or combustibles, energy is hardly given a second thought.
  • Newcomers trying to break into politics in Kerry must be having second thoughts, given the way the old political dynasties continue to dominate.
  • No ragged band of men grumbling around their night fires, voicing their fears, their second thoughts. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • Now all but the most unquestioning loyalists are having serious second thoughts.
  • And gabachos have warped our precious St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo holidays into bacchanals of booze and women--on second thought, that's a compliment. Gustavo Arellano: ¡ASK A MEXICAN! Special Mexicans are Racist Edición
  • It isn't until you find yourself fighting the clamorous daytime traffic to get to your business meetings that you start having second thoughts. A Business Traveler's Guide to Naples
  • On second thought, maybe he is telling her he has a stomachache from the motley potley peanut butter cake? Stagiaire - French Word-A-Day
  • I just was have second thoughts and a question about what "tippling" really was. Drinking ok?
  • When you have others chiming in that the U.S. is just as bad I just want to point out that most people in the U.S. drive at night without giving it a second thought, not considering that doing so puts them at risk. Oh! Ouch! �Ay! The first really bad news from Mexico
  • The French, on the other hand, continued to eat croissants, Brie and chocolate mousse without a second thought.
  • Though just under five feet tall and about five and a half stones in weight, she had no second thoughts about launching herself at the considerably heftier intruder.
  • In the eerie quiet, it’s easy to lose your way and those with second thoughts might struggle to retrace their steps. Smithsonian Mag
  • Without a second thought, you'd probably compress the file and send it off.
  • On second thought, don't have a glass of muscadel; you've been drinking burnt sack. In the Garden of Iden
  • Now all but the most unquestioning loyalists are having serious second thoughts.
  • She'd had second thoughts about the whole project.
  • This enquiry will point a few fingers and 'tut' a little, but the major players will walk free and get on with their lives without a second thought for the sons, brothers, fathers and friends they murdered. Army Rumour Service
  • Judge Amanda DeWees was asked to pose for a nudie calendar in a good cause, but something about the representative from ‘Cantaloupes Against Cancer’ gave her second thoughts.
  • In my by-past songs I dislike one thing, the name Chloris -- I meant it as the fictitious name of a certain lady: but, on second thoughts, it is a high incongruity to have a Greek appellation to a Scottish pastoral ballad. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • I'd like a cup of coffee, please - actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.
  • But as I wind my way through a clean, quiet quartier, past stately white mansions and graceful churches, past small gated gardens cascading with bougainvillea, I have second thoughts.
  • I had second thoughts about thin shirts, and about stars and auspicious days and wise men from the east. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • But on second thought, aren't avarice and greed the same thing?
  • Today the beard is looking less bushy but he is not having second thoughts. Times, Sunday Times
  • On second thoughts a breath test might be more relevant as he made them in a bar after midnight. The Sun
  • But Violet's father harvested his putrescent basil without so much as a second thought and baked a batch of basil cupcakes. Sentimental Frosting
  • You're not having second thoughts about getting married, are you?
  • I've been calling the editor a lot, explaining that I'm having second thoughts.
  • Both women were active in preparing students for concerts, eistedfords, worked in with the local music conservatorium all without even a second thought about covanentalism - living it as naturally as they breathed. A Look at the Past
  • I watched in horror as children and adults alike shoveled food into their mouths without a second thought.
  • She dismissed the rumour without a second thought.
  • Yet, she dispenses advice about marriage and childraising with no second thoughts.
  • I have second thoughts as I begin to cut a traverse up and across a powdery leeward slope.
  • On second thought, Al may have a career in self-parody.
  • (On second thought, maybe the vowels aren't excessive, considering that vowels do possess a decidedly yonic quality, particularly when contrasted with the testosterone flavor of most consonants.) Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates
  • This is the kind of thing that gives me serious second thoughts about the Internet.
  • Resident Welfare Associations in the city complain that about 100 trees were cut down in recent weeks, and saplings planted with great expectations are felled without a second thought, sometimes by vandals.
  • What for men was a trivial matter that did not warrant a second thought was for her a risk requiring careful calculations and strategies. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • If anyone doubted the BBC's bias before they'll surely be having second thoughts today.
  • Thinking of buying a Plasma, you know the ones that increase my cardon footprint, one second thoughts maybe a clockwork radio would be a better investment given the skyrocketting thats coming. How ABC Stacked the Deck for Obama - Warner_Todd_Huston’s blog - RedState
  • And given the staggeringly large numbers of people who devote their existence to suppressing every last shred of their intelligence by sitting around in slack-jawed, gaping stupifaction, swallowing wholesale whatever infantile lie is shovelled down their gullets by the paid professional liars and hypocrites at places like Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully — and swallowing such drivel without even a first, much less a second thought — then exactly what REAL chance is there of a Constitutional Amendment (no matter how rational or necessary) ever even coming up for discussion? Think Progress » After Whining About Being ‘Suppressed,’ Chamber Discloses It Spent $123 Million In Lobbying
  • In the eerie quiet, it’s easy to lose your way and those with second thoughts might struggle to retrace their steps. Smithsonian Mag
  • That gives us until Tuesday afternoon and if we have second thoughts, we'll get our money back.
  • She's that girl who sat at the back of your science class sketching in her battered and folded cahier, not giving a second thought to anyone else's opinion.
  • They throw curses and hexes around without a second thought.
  • He also saw a seamier side to prison life, which gave him second thoughts. Times, Sunday Times
  • He hadn't cast it a second thought for years but rediscovering the old treasure set his mind thinking.
  • She had shot him without qualm of conscience, without a second thought, and walked away without even looking back.
  • He repeated it once more, using "blander" for "smoother" in the second line; then wrote it down without erasure, but this time (my set eyes missed no stroke of any word) he substituted "soother" for his atrocious second thought, so that it came away under his hand as it is written in the book -- as it is written in the book. Traffics and Discoveries
  • As for the money, don't give it a second thought.
  • If the administration hypothetically had second thoughts and decided to renominate you and handle it like that, would you do it? Think Progress » Will Obama Recess-Appoint Former TSA Nominee Erroll Southers?
  • This 1947 semidocumentary is based on the true story of a Connecticut district attorney who has second thoughts about his own case against a man accused of murder. Chicago Reader
  • On second thought, she rejected his marriage proposal to finish college.
  • This is a lot different from the attitudes revealed in past surveys when migrant workers would not have had any second thoughts before buying the cheapest product available.
  • This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.
  • My second thought is, hello, it's still snowing!
  • We have the tendency to "think aloud," to react very quickly and intensively to the superficial impact of first impressions, to draw and express broad conclusions from what may be only sporadic incidents and to magnify their significance -- a tendency salutarily tempered by the practice of sober second thought. An International Survey
  • On second thought, maybe that's just plain weird.
  • I was so chuffed that I gave my old, trusty typewriter to her daughter without even a second thought.
  • I like the fact that it can pull my snowmobile in winter, or my Indy car to a race, and that I don't give a second thought to using it to take my wife and family to a nice restaurant.
  • On second thought, I carefully ripped out the very last page that had no indents in it and hastily scribbled what I'd first intended as a note, but ended up as a letter.
  • A slight fear occasionally rose, to be suppressed on a second thought; and evening advanced while yet their hearts were cheerly and at rest. Summerfield or, Life on a Farm
  • He dived in after her without a second thought.
  • A scandal of mammoth proportions has hit the media industry, but no-one seems to be giving it a second thought.
  • Don't give it a second thought; hell, most other magazine editors don't.
  • And prejudgment is such a trifling little consideration we really shouldn’t give it a second thought, should we? The Volokh Conspiracy » “We Cannot Ask a Man [Being Considered for the Supreme Court] What He Will Do”
  • The part that sends me into a pissed off tizzy is that this also guarantees freedom for men: freedom from accountability, freedom from financial and cultural responsibility, freedom to go around humping women without a second thought to the consequences. Duh pookie
  • The person who walked off with a hunting stand and related paraphernalia from a wooded area in Gambrills might have had a second thought if he knew who owned them: Sheriff Ronald S. Bateman. Hunters Robbing Hunters
  • MOST of us slap on the suntan lotion, though we don't give our eyes a second thought. The Sun
  • I looked at all the joking, laughing, smiling people and wanted to vomit, how could they swallow my lies without a second thought?
  • As soon as I was on board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.
  • How many gnats and mosquitoes have you killed without a second thought?
  • Where is the man who struck the bee without a second thought?
  • If they do, a theoretical diagnosis of the sceptic's presuppositions may encourage second thoughts about how well we understand everything he says.
  • The woman hopped to her feet and swatted at him without a second thought.
  • We gave no second thought to one of these youngsters using a cellphone to telephone his mom to come pick them up.
  • When his friend offers a palatial haunted house close to his workplace totally free of cost to stay, he clinches the offer without a second thought.
  • Second thoughts: that might be a prescription for sending yourself apeshit crazy. Cheeseburger Gothic » Let the word go forth from this time and this place.
  • You're not having second thoughts about getting married, are you?
  • If there were any doubts about the standard of the hotel, its cheap tariff leaves no room for second thoughts.
  • Because second-trimester abortions span multiple days during which the cervix is first softened by inserting bundles of dried seaweed called laminaria, a woman who has second thoughts can, in theory, backtrack. Top Stories
  • When I asked to borrow some money, she gave me £100 without a second thought.
  • How many will give a very serious second thought to whether life in public service is worth it; to whether a life in the very bull's-eye is worth the price Gabby Giffords is now paying and Christina Green has already paid? Rebecca Sive: Mark Kelly at National Prayer Breakfast: Will Something Good Come of This?

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