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Second Crusade

  1. a Crusade from 1145 to 1147 that failed because of internal disagreements among the crusaders and led to the loss of Jerusalem in 1187

How To Use Second Crusade In A Sentence

  • Because he was a king, Conrad continued to play a role in the Second Crusade, but the imperial army was annihilated and the Germans did not contribute significantly to what followed.
  • The Second Crusade then provides a reference point for the role of clerics and warriors.
  • Such was the alleged power of Mary's relics, and the repute of Vezelay in Christian Europe, that Bernard of Claircaux preached the Second Crusade from this basilica in 1146.
  • The Second Crusade succeeded only in souring relations between the Crusader kingdoms, the Byzantines, and friendly Muslim rulers.
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