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  1. mark as different
    We distinguish several kinds of maple

How To Use secern In A Sentence

  • The genes have an arrangement relatable to those of coelomate metazoans, but not to those of secernentean nematodes.
  • _ When the defect of the due action of both the absorbent and secerning vessels of the liver affects women, and is attended with obstruction of the catamenia, it is called chlorosis; and is cured by the exhibition of steel, which restores by its specific stimulus the absorbent power of the liver; and the menstruation, which was obstructed in consequence of debility, recurs. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • O­­l­dish­ jo­­b h­u­nters f­righ­t interview­s w­h­ere th­eir a­ge ca­nno­­t be co­­ncea­l­ed a­nd w­h­ere a­n premier respo­­nse o­­f­ depress o­­n a­n interview­er's present, ra­pidl­y­ secret, a­f­f­irms th­eir expecta­ncy­ o­­f­ secernment. Xml's
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