
How To Use Sebaceous In A Sentence

  • Sebaceous hyperplasia is common in middle-aged and elderly persons.
  • Doxycycline is a tetracycline derivative that exhibits excellent penetration into follicles and sebaceous glands.
  • The oily sebaceous glands in the skin easily get clogged up, and bacteria sets up an inflammation that triggers the immune system to launch a local attack.
  • The sebaceous glands make an oily substance called sebum that normally empties onto the skin surface through the opening of the follicle, commonly called a pore.
  • Your skin is lined with sebaceous glands that secrete an oily substance called sebum, which serves to keep your skin waterproof and resistant to infection by undesirable microorganisms. Don't Use Soap on Private Parts
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  • Oilier complexions have larger sebaceous glands, making the skin thicker and better able to tolerate a more abrasive scrub.
  • Hair Premature graying, baldness, dandruff, seborrhea (excessive secretion oily material by glands of skin called sebaceous glands. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Sebaceous gland carcinoma is a rare, aggressive, skin tumour.
  • However, continuous secretion of the sebaceous glands and its accumulation resulted in formation of a small sac-like pouch, a saccule, between the inner and outer root sheath of hair follicles.
  • A considerable desquamation of epidermis takes place during fetal life, and this desquamated epidermis, mixed with sebaceous secretion, constitutes the vernix caseosa, with which the skin is smeared during the last three months of fetal life. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 2. The Common Integument
  • A sty is a small, inflamed swelling of a sebaceous gland on the rim of an eyelid.
  • The pores in your skin contain oil producing glands called sebaceous glands that release oil called sebum. Xml's
  • Examples of these are acne, seborrhoea and sebaceous cysts. DOLPHINS WHALES APES AND MEN
  • The condition is caused by excess secretion of a natural oil called sebum, which is produced by the sebaceous glands. Cold Weather and Hypothermia
  • Human sebaceous glands secrete a lipid mixture of mainly triglycerides, wax esters, free fatty acids, and squalene.
  • The pathogenesis is not clear, including:excessive secretion of sebum, follicle sebaceous gland duct hyperkeratosis, Propionibacterium acnes proliferation and excessive immune reactions ect.
  • The thicker or inner layer of the dermis contains blood vessels, hair follicles, nerve endings, sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Their sebaceous differentiation is confirmed by epithelial membrane antigen expression.
  • Sebaceous gland activity is suppressed by the cyproterone in the combination. Hello Ginette 35 meet Risma 17 You are going to make her Blind
  • Radiation inhibits mitotic activity in the germinal cells of the epidermis, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands.
  • Sebaceous cysts, fibromas, papillomas, adenomas, sarcomas, carcinomas, and melanomas also have been reported.
  • Along one side of the follicle, two buds are formed: an upper, which develops into the sebaceous gland, and a lower, which becomes the attachment for the arrector pili muscle.
  • Fig. 19-9 sensory nerve ending living epidermal cells dead cell layer sebaceous gland capillaries arteriole venule hair follicle muscle (pulls hair upright) sweat gland hair shaft epidermis dermis subdermal connective and adipose tissue capillary bed Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • These live on dead skin cells and sebaceous matter, a fatty substance which is excreted through small glands in the skin. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Human sebaceous glands secrete a lipid mixture of mainly triglycerides, wax esters, free fatty acids, and squalene.
  • Since that time, he has had sebaceous adenomas, sebaceous carcinomas, and actinic keratoses removed from his nose and cheek.
  • This results in enlargement of the sebaceous glands, which can eventually lead to the development of comedones (black-heads).
  • overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily
  • The 16-carbon acids are predominant in sebaceous cells.
  • Sebaceous glands develop at puberty in response to androgen stimulation and are attached to the follicle canal by sebaceous ducts.
  • Associated with the follicle are sebaceous glands and the arrector pili smooth muscle fiber bundle.
  • Sebaceous cysts, fibromas, papillomas, adenomas, sarcomas, carcinomas, and melanomas also have been reported.
  • Retention of the sebaceous secretions, and dilation of the follicle, may lead to cyst formation.
  • These drugs penetrate the follicle and sebaceous gland well and decrease colonization by P. acnes.
  • Testosterone causes excessive sebum to be secreted from the skin's sebaceous glands.
  • Blocking up of the outlet of the sebaceous gland (comedo), which is usually the beginning of an acne lesion, may cause a moderate degree of hyperæmia and inflammation, and a slight elevation, with a central yellowish or blackish point results -- the lesion of _acne punctata_; if the inflammation is of a higher grade or progresses, the elevation is reddened and more prominent -- _acne papulosa_; if the inflammatory action continues, the interior or central portion of the papule suppurates and Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Sebaceous glands are sac-like structures that arise from an epithelial outgrowth of the hair follicle's outer root sheath, and are composed of a single cell type, the sebocyte.
  • Sebum is produced in the sebaceous glands and consists of glycerides, wax esters, squalene, and cholesterol.
  • Morgan had an inherited skin condition called rhinophyma, which is excess growth of sebaceous tissue. Morgan: American Financier
  • A _sebaceous cyst_ may reach such dimensions as to simulate a dermoid or thyreo-glossal cyst. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Besides sprouting up hairs that sense things, your skin lubricates itself with oils we call sebum produced by sebaceous glands and also absorbs certain medications and hormones. You Being Beautiful
  • In addition to the sweat glands, the skin contains other small glands, called sebaceous glands.
  • A small parasite (_demodex folliculorum_, _acarus folliculorum_) is sometimes found in the sebaceous mass, but its presence is without etiological significance, as it is also found in healthy follicles. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Fig. 19-9 sensory nerve ending living epidermal cells dead cell layer sebaceous gland capillaries arteriole venule hair follicle muscle (pulls hair upright) sweat gland hair shaft epidermis dermis subdermal connective and adipose tissue capillary bed Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Sebaceous glands secrete sebum, and in skin they are thought to have bacteriostatic, emollient, and barrier functions in humans.
  • A steatoma is a cyst of the sebaceous gland and duct, produced by retained secretion. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Sufferers tend to have greasy skin due to an increase in the secretion of sebum, the oily substance from the sebaceous glands.
  • These sebaceous glands normally produce sebum, a substance which moisturizes the skin.
  • The hair canals are connected to a gland that produces an oily substance referred as sebum and the gland that produces sebum is called sebaceous gland. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Orth epidermoid cyst; or, according to Warren, a form of cyst made up of skin containing small and ill-defined papillae, but rich in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Sebum is produced in the sebaceous glands and consists of glycerides, wax esters, squalene, and cholesterol.
  • Histologically, they have a central plate composed of immature elastic cartilage and are surrounded by adipose tissue, hair follicles, pilosebaceous units, and eccrine glands.
  • Another accessory organ of the integument associated with the hair follicle is the sebaceous gland. Scientists Report Breakthrough in Cure for Baldness | Impact Lab
  • It consists of a small island of skin containing sebaceous and sudoriferous glands, and is the source of the whitish secretion which constantly collects in this region. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
  • This is a chronic inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland (pilosebaceous unit) characterized by pustules, comedones, cysts, and scars, and it affects most adolescents.
  • (These oil glands - scientifically termed sebaceous glands - are associated with the hair vesicles of the skin.) And as the cells within these oil glands increase in number at such a rapid pace, they cause the glands 'outlets to be obstructed. Clearing out Acne with the Best Treatment
  • Acne commonly begins in adolescence with stimulation of the sebaceous glands by sex hormones, primarily androgens.
  • The bacteria, the skin cells, and the sebaceous matter together form a stinking mass called smegma. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Histologically, sebaceous hyperplasia consists of enlarged lobules of mature sebaceous glands with a central dilated duct.
  • Sebaceous glands produce a substance called sebum, which is in charge of keeping the skin and hair moisturized. EzineArticles
  • The skin is thus exercised, as it were, and the sudoriparous and sebaceous glands are set at work. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • The skin of the auditory canal contains many sebaceous glands and modified apocrine (ceruminal) glands and variable numbers of hair follicles.
  • Excessive sebum production secondary to sebaceous gland hyperplasia is the first abnormality to occur.
  • In closed comedones (whiteheads), a mass of desquamated cells plugs the follicular canal above the opening of the sebaceous gland. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • On the surface of the former layer are sensitive and vascular papillæ within, or beneath it, are certain organs with special functions: namely, the sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, and the hair follicles. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 2. The Common Integument
  • (_Synonyms: _ Sebaceous Cyst; Sebaceous Tumor; Wen.) #Describe steatoma. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Retention of the sebaceous secretions, and dilation of the follicle, may lead to cyst formation.
  • When the erector muscle contracts, the outer coat hairs stand up to trap the air and cause pressure on the sebaceous gland releasing the suint.
  • They are made up predominantly of ectodermal components (hair, calcifications, sebaceous material) and have a large cystic component.
  • Severe flaking results from sebaceous glands, which are the glands near the roots of our hair.
  • It is not true that we squeezed sebaceous material from the sinus.
  • The mass was excised and was characterized histologically as another proliferative cystic sebaceous tumor.
  • Histologically, these lesions form a spectrum of tumors ranging from benign cystic adenomas to proliferative cystic sebaceous tumors.
  • Johnson 6.32 mentions a case of a horn from the scrotum, which was of sebaceous origin and was subsequently supplanted by an epithelioma. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • In the afternoon I went to the doctor, since it seems I have a sebaceous cyst in my left armpit, which is very inflamed. Breakfast in Bed
  • Acne is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, which is made up of a hair follicle, sebaceous gland and a hair.
  • In the axilla there are numerous hairs and many sudoriferous and sebaceous glands. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 11. Surface Anatomy of the Upper Extremity
  • The bacteria, the skin cells, and the sebaceous matter together form a stinking mass called smegma. Modern Science in the Bible
  • If mixed with the secretion of the sebaceous glands, blackheads will come up on the face.
  • Human sebaceous glands secrete a lipid mixture of mainly triglycerides, wax esters, free fatty acids, and squalene.
  • For example, tumors may show follicular, eccrine, sebaceous, or apocrine differentiation.
  • They are parts of the skin, being nothing more or less than enormous enlargements of dermal glands, either sebaceous or sudoriparous. Hormones and Heredity
  • Cutaneous glands include the sebaceous, sweat, lacrimal, and mammary glands.
  • When these sebaceous glands are stimulated by a hormone called androgen, these glands go into hyper mode and start producing excess oil Xml's
  • In summer, many people suffer from oily skin, because heat tends to stimulate your sebaceous glands, which produce more oil.
  • General Hospital, said The root cause of acne is a lipid-rich gland, the sebaceous gland, which sits a few millimetres below the surface of the skin. Boing Boing: April 9, 2006 - April 15, 2006 Archives
  • The mass also contained cystic spaces lined by columnar epithelium, sebaceous glands, cartilage, smooth muscle, and pancreatic acini.
  • Drake stood back in and eyed the pitcher, a heavyset kid with a face oozing sebaceous oils that only a blind mother could love. Parents Behaving Badly
  • Overactive sebaceous glands, not candy bars , cause the blemishes that can embarrass adolescents and adults.
  • From page 141 on: It turns out that human horns, anomalous growths consisting entirely of concentric layers of keratinized epidermal cells with a tendency to originate on the sites of sebaceous cysts, warts, or scars, are 'far more frequent than ordinarily supposed,' according to Drs. George Gould and Walter Pyle (Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine; New York, Julian Press, 1956, p. 222). Human horns
  • _ -- These are concretions in the sheath, though the term has been also applied to the nodule of sebaceous matter which accumulates in the blind pouches (bilocular cavity) by the sides of the papilla on the end of the penis. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The bladder should be examined to see that there is no stone or other cause of irritation, and the sheath and penis should be washed with soapsuds, any sebaceous matter removed from the bilocular cavity at the end of the penis, and the whole lubricated with sweet oil. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Dermoid cysts of the ovary may consist only of a wall of connective tissue lined with epidermis and containing distinctly epidermic scales which, however, may be rolled up in firm masses of a more or less soapy consistency; this variety is called by Orth epidermoid cyst; or, according to Warren, a form of cyst made up of skin containing small and ill-defined papillæ, but rich in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine

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