How To Use Seawards In A Sentence
She had sailed with him before on few previous schemes, on voyages soulwise or seawards.
Telescopes, binoculars, cameras and naked eyes all strained seawards to catch a glimpse of these huge creatures that had invaded the Cornish coast.
Although the students were in no immediate danger, a resident was very alarmed at seeing them walking seawards.
I glanced seawards to see dark shapes cruising in from the limit of visibility - four 2m long amberjack were scouring the area, foraging for their next meal.
Her gaze was fixed seawards.

The flood-plume pushed seawards by the river-flow also brings its warmth to the far northern Benguela current area.
The second area is between Christmas Rock and Gxulu River Mouth extending three nautical miles seawards from the high-water mark.
Fin seawards from here in a clockwise fashion, keeping the wall on your right.
Submarines ranged offshore to guard against unexpected seawards attacks, backing up patrolling destroyers and torpedo boats.
Shields "to see some women," they would probably have gone down to their graves, seawards or landwards, under the pleasing illusion that the ganger was a man of like indulgent passions with themselves.
The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
We race just feet above the flat wet sand before he pulls on the controls and we climb steeply and bank seawards to come round for our landing.
According to the people of the upper river the Fán were expelled by the Bati or Batti -- not "Bari" as it has been written-from their ancient seats; and they are still pushing them seawards.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
Many of these will be one kilometre inland or seawards from the main road, generally away from the tourist areas associated with the eastern coastline.
Her gaze was fixed seawards.
Lieutenants Amir and Yusuf to prospect certain stone-heaps which lay seawards of the graves; and they found a little heptangular demi-lune, concave to the north; the curtains varying from a minimum length of ten to a maximum of eighty me’tres, and the thickness averaging two metres, seventy-five centimetres.
The Land of Midian
Back in open water and heading seawards, you can return to the boat through the tunnel or swim out a bit further and through the large arch.
They ventured seawards only after 1000, when the Saracen threat had passed.
Later she saw the plane fire steep at the clouds, wheel seawards as it climbed, and diminish in sky.
I sent Lieutenants Amir and Yusuf to prospect certain stone-heaps which lay seawards of the graves; and they found a little heptangular demi-lune, concave to the north; the curtains varying from a minimum length of ten to a maximum of eighty me'tres, and the thickness averaging two metres, seventy-five centimetres.
The Land of Midian — Volume 1
Wood - decked, rounded balconies jut seawards as on a cruise ship.
Ethiopia, [Southern Africa,] close adjoining to which is a small island, called _Conie island_, [Dassen island] all low land, and bordered by many dangerous rocks to seawards.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
It faced seawards to the north.