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How To Use Seasonably In A Sentence

  • Punters expected earnings to have been pressured by unseasonably warm weather in Europe and production to have been hit by dampened demand and disposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several other reporters and cameramen stood shivering in unseasonably cold temperatures, ready to capture the multi-vehicle arrival Superdelegate deluge
  • Thursday to discuss what are called unseasonably high water levels in the Upper Mississippi Top News Headlines
  • Punters expected earnings to have been pressured by unseasonably warm weather in Europe and production to have been hit by dampened demand and disposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • These have been triggered in part by the unseasonably warm weather, which has left unwanted winter clothes piled high on the shelves. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Memories of previous heatwaves at exam time were washed away with the unseasonably heavy rain which has hit the country for most of June.
  • Houston-based drilling company Baker Hughes Inc. warned in a March 3 filing that it would take a profit hit because of unseasonably cold weather and the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa, which hampered its ability to deliver equipment to oil fields. Mining the Scarcity Boom
  • The whole region was the same till about the 14th when the weather broke and it got more seasonably cool and rainy. Recent trip to Alaska
  • Kevin Youkilis will continue to move from first base to third if it'll make the team stats] a better team, but he is getting to the point in his career - he turned 31 in March - where he believes the moves should be made "seasonably," rather than from game to game. MLB -
  • The unseasonably early winter storm, known as a "nor'easter" due to its north-easterly movement, was being called "Snowtober" and affected up to 60 million people. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • In the past year, it has blamed a harsh winter and then an unseasonably warm Easter for slack trade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Super Bowl Sunday, which forecasters said would be dry and seasonably warm -- in the upper 50s -- now looks to bring a mix of snow and rain to the big game with temperatures in the 30s. Super Bowl XLV: Ice injures workers; weather messes with Texas
  • If it weren't so unseasonably warm, you'd think this was the place that inspired the verb, to chill.
  • Those unseasonably sunny early springs are exactly what there will be fewer of, not more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tropical continental air is very dry and tends to bring very warm weather during the summer and unseasonably mild weather during the winter.
  • This year we only turned on our central heating towards the end of November as it was unseasonably warm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ananias, and just such a man as thou art, coming in seasonably for his relief, and putting his hand on him that he might receive his sight. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The sun was not shining on retailers last month as the unseasonably warm weather kept shoppers away from the high street. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had unseasonably cold temperatures and an enormous blizzard. Christianity Today
  • The unseasonably early winter storm, known as a "nor'easter" due to its north-easterly movement, was being called "Snowtober" and affected up to 60 million people. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Tomorrow Night: Clear skies and seasonably cold air. Forecast: A February week akin to March
  • Cry ‘holla’ to thy tongue, I prithee; it curvets unseasonably. As You Like It
  • Punters expected sales of DIY and garden products to have been buoyed by the hot summer and unseasonably mild autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • These symptoms supervene, not only if ptisan be administered unseasonably, but still more if any other food or drink worse than ptisan be given. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Across much of Europe temperatures have been unseasonably cold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain enjoyed unseasonably balmy conditions over the weekend with periods of bright sunshine and temperatures well above October averages. Times, Sunday Times
  • But unmixed hydromel, rather than the diluted, produces frothy evacuations, such as are unseasonably and intensely bilious, and too hot; but such an evacuation occasions other great mischiefs, for it neither extinguishes the heat in the hypochondria, but rouses it, induces inquietude, and jactitation of the limbs, and ulcerates the intestines and anus. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Strong winds are expected to die down but will continue to blow from the north today, keeping temperatures unseasonably low. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in England, the February weather had been unseasonably warm and mild, with temperatures in the mid-60s F. and narcissi and daffodils blooming in the garden of Gipsy House several weeks earlier than usual. Storyteller
  • The water, 300 feet below, was unseasonably glassy, which made it hard to separate aircraft from watercraft.
  • Although it was unseasonably warm this day, we expected the temperature to dip below the freezing level as the night wore on.
  • A pest control expert has warned that the city centre is facing a "rats epidemic" following the unseasonably mild autumn.
  • Shame there is no snow as Canada is experiencing unseasonably high temperatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • it was unseasonably cold
  • Had ten dozen of hornets stung him behind in so many different places all at one time — he could not have exerted more mechanical functions in fewer seconds -- or started half so much, as with one single quaere of three words unseasonably popping in full upon him in his hobby-horsical career. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • The unseasonably dry winter has fire officials preparing for another busy summer.
  • On a sunny Sunday that is unseasonably warm, the Pawson household is bathed in light and filled with the smell of roasting lamb.
  • It was 18 July, unseasonably hot in Beirut, and I got back from the vet's just in time to catch the end of the 12 o'clock news.
  • But an expression seasonably uttered determined the matter whilst still undecided; for when a meeting of the senate, a little after this, was being held in the Curia Hostilia regarding these questions, and some troops returning from relieving guard passed through the forum in their march, a centurion in the comitium cried out, "Standard-bearer, fix your standard! it is best for us to remain here. The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
  • The winter weather is unseasonably mild under blue sky.
  • But contention is rashly instituted against the opinion of an adversary, first, when it is not proposed according to the mind and intention of him who is the assertor; Secondly, when it is discussed beyond all due bounds, and its deformity is unseasonably exaggerated; and, lastly, when its refutation is attempted by arguments ill calculated to produce that effect. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
  • First was too snatchy, second meant constant clutch slipping, resulting in wrist-ache after a few days, and the weather, which was unseasonably atrocious.
  • The unseasonably warm weather has also kept women from spending in stores packed with woollen jumpers and winter coats. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's unseasonably warm and sunny, as if God is trying to give New Yorkers a break and the sickly sweet smell of decaying flowers mixes with the acrid smoke.
  • Struggling clothes shops cut the prices of jumpers and coats last month to entice shoppers despite unseasonably warm weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain enjoyed unseasonably balmy conditions over the weekend with periods of bright sunshine and temperatures well above October averages. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was unseasonably mild for late January.
  • South-eastern Australia basked in unseasonably warm winter weather last week as north-westerly winds brought warm air from the country's interior. Weatherwatch: Emily disrupts the Caribbean
  • The unseasonably warm weather has also kept women from spending in stores packed with woollen jumpers and winter coats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thanksgiving was unseasonably warm in New England last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weekend's unseasonably cool weather and storm-tossed surf kept most beach-goers away.
  • As you'll see if you click it, it's been unseasonably cold up in Manitoba this year -- Audie tells me the ice is still in, and that this is the latest he's know the lakes to stay frozen. Nate Matthews here (I'm the online editor).
  • It fears unseasonably warm weather has lulled'at risk' groups into a false sense of well being. The Sun
  • It was unseasonably mild for late January and the air was damp and drizzly. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • The faded cretonne curtains faintly patterned with overblown roses and daffodils unseasonably intertwined were pulled back to show an inland view of the far Pur-beck hills. She Closed Her Eyes
  • Two thousand spectators braved the unseasonably brisk night to experience the spectacular demonstration of martial pride.
  • After three days of heavy walking, the sudden return to seasonably warm weather today has made me very sleepy.
  • I felt drawn to sit by the river awhile, the unseasonably south wind cool on my cheek.
  • Tomorrow (Sunday): It's another day of sunshine and seasonably moderate temperatures. Forecast: Four straight days of sunshine
  • Had ten dozen of hornets stung him behind in so many different places all at one time — he could not have exerted more mechanical functions in fewer seconds — or started half so much, as with one single quaere of three words unseasonably popping in full upon him in his hobby-horsical career. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • Is somebody at the BBC's pictures desk suffering from over-heating due to the sudden unseasonably warm temperatures?
  • People pleaded for tickets three hours before tip-off, standing outside in unseasonably chilly air, and inside, there was a distinct something-other-than-ordinary feel.
  • The night air was soft and unseasonably warm.
  • Struggling clothes shops cut the prices of jumpers and coats last month to entice shoppers despite unseasonably warm weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unseasonably cool weather also contributed to track records in four competition categories.
  • The weather continues to be unseasonably mild. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain is expected to enjoy an unseasonably warm weekend as tropical air blows in from the Atlantic after a prolonged cold spell. Times, Sunday Times
  • it was seasonably cold
  • The only thing that can recommend Trifles, or make them tolerable is, that they give off seasonably, that is suddenly; for that Author goes very much too far, who leaves his Reader tired behind him. The Third Part of the Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley Being his Six Books of Plants
  • The night air was soft and unseasonably warm.
  • Struggling clothes shops cut the prices of jumpers and coats last month to entice shoppers despite unseasonably warm weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Tuesday, organizers gave the news media their first look at Cypress Mountain, the site of the snowboarding and freestyle skiing events, with hopes of allaying concerns about a lack of snow and unseasonably warm weather endangering the competitions. Matthew Yglesias » Vancouver Suffering From Snow Shortage
  • The run of unseasonably high temperatures goes back as far as October. Times, Sunday Times
  • WE might be enjoying some unseasonably warm temperatures but it's still a great time to treat yourself to a hot new coat. The Sun
  • On an unseasonably warm December afternoon 10 years ago tomorrow, everyone who was anyone in the obsessive world of watch collecting-formally known as horology-packed Sotheby's seventh-floor, wood-paneled auction gallery in New York. --
  • Children's Place Retail Stores warned yesterday weaker-than-anticipated sales would cut into earnings, commenting that "certain external factors, such as unseasonably warm weather particularly in the last 10 days of the month, put substantial pressure on the business. Retailers Aren't
  • It was the victim of an O-ring failure in its right-side rocket booster, believed to have been caused by Florida's unseasonably cold weather that week. Jim Noles: Twenty-Five Years Ago, We Lost More Than a Space Shuttle
  • The payouts come at a sensitive time as unseasonably cold weather forces households, already struggling with record energy bills, to turn up their heating. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it weren't so unseasonably warm, you'd think this was the place that inspired the verb, to chill.
  • Buyers are beginning to notice, with viewings being booked unseasonably early this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our conversation continues as we make our way along the salt-stained and seasonably cold Chicago sidewalk.
  • [6249] Levinus Lemnius reckons up three things which generally disturb the peace of marriage: the first is when they marry intempestive or unseasonably, as many mortal men marry precipitately and inconsiderately, when they are effete and old: the second when they marry unequally for fortunes and birth: the third, when a sick impotent person weds one that is sound, novae nuptae spes frustratur: many dislikes instantly follow. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Weather records show it was bitterly and unseasonably cold, rainy and windy that morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather was unseasonably bad and the only island we saw was Mull. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were also thought to be concerns that retailers may have had a weak October as as a result of unseasonably warm weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they say, that the physician bids his disciple to cut and cauterize, omitting to add these words, “seasonably and moderately”; and the musician commands his scholar to play on the harp and sing, omitting “tunably” and Essays and Miscellanies
  • 9 Whenever he saw them unseasonably and insolently elated, he would with a word reduce them to alarm; on the other hand, if they fell victims to a panic, he could at once restore them to confidence. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • Not so unseasonably cold during the cool spells. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had a dramatic visit there a few weeks ago when unseasonably hot sun was followed by a heavy hailstorm that turned the lawn white within seconds.
  • It had been an unseasonably hot day in June and the park had been filled with children. 'I'll Walk Alone'
  • Struggling clothes shops cut the prices of jumpers and coats last month to entice shoppers despite unseasonably warm weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • September was upon us, but the weather was unseasonably warm. IN FORKBEARD'S WAKE: Coasting Round Scandinavia
  • But newly hatched chicks had to endure unseasonably cold air temperatures with frequent heavy downpours of rain for much of June.
  • It berried early during the warm sunny days of autumn and looked unseasonably odd until surrounding trees dropped their leaves and wintry skies set its clusters of fat pillar-box red berries alight. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Many men may be far more ready to hear the gospel than we imagine; and a word seasonably and kindly spoken may be the means of saving them, Pr 25: 11; Ec 11: 6. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • It was in the middle of the afternoon that some people began to notice a change, it began to get close and unseasonably warm.
  • So, on this occasion, feeling seasonably charitable, I decided against telephoning her.
  • Weather records show it was bitterly and unseasonably cold, rainy and windy that morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The night air was soft and unseasonably warm.
  • In cases where, under the provisions of a above, demand on a carrier is required and the owner fails to make such demand seasonably or fails to make reasonable efforts to collect the amount recoverable from the carriers, the amount otherwise payable under these provisions will be reduced by the maximum amount recoverable from the carrier if claim therefore had been filed with such carrier within the time limit, provided that it is not found that demand in any event was impracticable or would have been unavailing EXECUTIVE ORDER 10053
  • Punters expected earnings to have been pressured by unseasonably warm weather in Europe and production to have been hit by dampened demand and disposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • An unseasonably early and severe storm caught several climbers by surprise in the Sierra Nevada.
  • Cry 'holla' to thy tongue, I prithee; it curvets unseasonably. As You Like It
  • Wow! were his first words as he surveyed the multitude, which included people in kayaks and small pleasure craft on the river on an unseasonably hot day in Oregon. Obamabots--Transform!
  • That evening, it was clear and seasonably mild.
  • To test these predictions we examined the seasonably variable response of snowshoe hares to moonlight and predation risk.

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