How To Use Seasonable In A Sentence
This seasonable supply enabled our hero to stand trial with his adversary, who was nonsuited, and also to mend his external appearance, which of late had not been extremely magnificent.
The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
It was in the upper fifties or lower sixties tonight, and I'd say it was unseasonable but it was just as warm last year.
Heavy rain also fell in northeastern Victoria, and cold air accompanying the storm resulted in heavy - and quite unseasonable - snowfalls on the higher mountains.
But we visited the place at an unseasonable time, and found it divested of its dignity and terror.
These two great advantages may be made by those who frequently study poets; — the learning moderation, to keep them from unseasonable and foolish reproaching others with their misfortunes, when they themselves enjoy a constant current of prosperity; and magnanimity, that under variety of accidents they be not dejected nor disturbed, but meekly bear the being scoffed at, reproached, and drolled upon.
Essays and Miscellanies

He [1] was indeede a man of extraordinary parts, a pleasant witt, a greate understandinge, which pierced into and decerned the purposes of other men with wounderfull sagacity, whilst he had himselfe vultum clausum, that no man could make a guesse of what he intended; he was of a temper not to be mooved, and of rare dissimulation, and could comply when it was not seasonable to contradicte without loosinge grounde by the condescention, and if he were not superiour to M'r
Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
The seasonable nature of the trade led to the production of much more ambitious pieces of furniture such as tables, cabinets, bureaux and chiffoniers.
Dean McCarron, principal of Mercury Research, is anticipating an "unseasonable" PC growth from 0 to 5 percent for Q4.
EE Times-Asia
Rene Heroux, a meteorologist with Environment Canada, called the unseasonable weather a heat wave. Top Stories
The sleepy porter admitted Cleanor without asking a question, though not without a grumble at the unseasonableness of so early a visit.
The world is a big place, so despite unseasonable blizzards in the media/political center of the US Northeast on average the planet is still getting warmer:
Matthew Yglesias » January Was the Warmest Temperature in World History
Everything seemed unseasonable, forward: the rotting wood of fences shimmered green.
Unfortunately for the Japanese, unseasonable rain and fog managed to keep the fire from spreading beyond a small area, and it burned itself out.
It cannot assure information authenticity, accuracy, integrality, seasonable sex , fair sex.
It was one of those days in June, in which our summer-hopes take umbrage at what we call unseasonable weather, though no season was ever known to pass without them.
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After two weeks of unseasonable cool weather, forecasters predict a 104-degree scorcher Sunday.
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From the shrinking snowpack of Western Washington through the unseasonable fog and heat of California to the drought of Baja, something was up with the climate, and people were rattled.
He stands as a glad, unnecessary witness to an event - the bluets unseasonable flowering - made possible and then actually made by ‘stamina.’
On Saturday the sky was clotted with unseasonable gray clouds that hung over the San Gabriel Mountains, which rose sharply about a mile in the distance.
Located in Shenyang, northeastern China, Euro-Asia will be able to transport fresh and seasonable produce to Japan conveniently, he said.
Everything seemed unseasonable, forward: the rotting wood of fences shimmered green.
Beware of enlisting in your vigilant fisheries any lad with lean brow and hollow eye; given to unseasonable meditativeness; and who offers to ship with the Phaedon instead of
Moby Dick; or the Whale
Maybe we should come back for the Sunday lunch of two meats served with a tureen of fresh seasonable vegetables, roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding for just £4.95.
How is it that you come here with clothes and hair still wet at an unseasonable hour?
And hunching herself even further into the brown coat, Glad turned her back on Posy and concentrated again on her unseasonable gardening.
If the warm penetrating rays of sunlight combined with unseasonable high air temperatures didn't get things moving I'd be very surprised.
The seasonable nature of the trade led to the production of much more ambitious pieces of furniture such as tables, cabinets, bureaux and chiffoniers.
And hunching herself even further into the brown coat, Glad turned her back on Posy and concentrated again on her unseasonable gardening.
Queen to tread over gently, as Fuller tells us, "rewarding him afterwards with many suits for his so free and seasonable tender of so fair a footcloth," or at the story of the rhymes the couple cut on the glass with their diamond rings.
Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
Others suggest a less sinister theory, arguing that the continent's torrential summer season is down to a completely natural and not entirely unexpected event: freakishly unseasonable weather.
The day was warm and sultry and the unseasonable rain which punctuated the round failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the golfers.
It is not unseasonable, when we are in health, to think of dying; but it is an inexcusable incogitancy if, when we are already taken into the custody of death's messengers, we look upon it as a thing at a distance.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
Although the so-called ‘near drought’ has prompted consternation among gardeners, many of whom are fretting about the health of their plants, the unseasonable weather is proving an unexpected boon for some retailers.
Eagle-cam shows a chick in that downeast nest -- the wildlife biologists had thought the eggs had died due to our "unseasonable" weather.
The fun never stops
Because of the lack of storage space it would be helpful if clothing is seasonable (warm clothing at this time of year).
Each winter, a larger proportion of people in Britain die because of unseasonable cold weather than in either Finland or Russia.
On the eleventh of March, 1888, when Dad came in to breakfast from helping with the morning chores at the barn, he commented on the amazing mildness of the weather - the unseasonableness of conditions in nature.
All the married couples received seasonable gifts at Christmas and the smokers one ounce of tobacco.
Scientists have suggested that the unseasonable bad weather that has been lashing New Zealand for the past few weeks is the result of a phenomenon known as the Antarctic Oscillation.
Analysts will also hope that M&S confirms that it delayed offering discounts on its clothing ranges - despite weak sales caused by unseasonable mild weather.
They knew when and where to be to take advantage of a seasonable abundance.
I'll wait for a seasonable moment to speak to her.
The Gucci windows with their huge globe with the ‘fluttering snow’ are seasonable and trendy.
Or that, if often reported, grayish or whitish gelatinous substance is not nostoc, and is not spawn if occurring in times unseasonable for spawn.
The Book of the Damned
you think my intrusion unseasonable
Extreme and/or unseasonable weather will tend to trigger health imbalances in many people.
She'd helped Wendy in her (mostly vain) attempts to contain the leaks during the unseasonable storm that blew in Monday afternoon.
A drop of 2 cents per dozen in fresh gathered eggs, due unquestionably to the warm weather and present unseasonableness, was the only change of interest in the otherwise quiet and steady wholesale cash markets.
But he often takes a false measure of their importance; and his superfluous prolixity is disagreeably balanced by his unseasonable brevity.] 66 Chishull, a curious traveller, has remarked the breadth of the Danube, which he passed to the south of Bucharest near the conflux of the Argish, (p. 77.)
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
New Jersey, while it did not disapprove of some of the changes, yet had ‘to recognize the unseasonableness and irregularity of them.’
They observe the system is tight, monitor seasonable, source is all ready, manage normative science.
If forehead and eyebrow bend ministry are contused to want to note the eyesight case of seasonable self-check eye, preliminary judgement has injure secondhand without optic nerve.
From the shrinking snowpack of Western Washington through the unseasonable fog and heat of California to the drought of Baja, something was up with the climate, and people were rattled.
a seasonable time for discussion
Now this is, in effect, so; the body she anoints is as good as dead, and her kindness is very seasonable for that purpose; therefore rather than call it waste, put it upon that score.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Moreover, no person is "to drink or tipple at unseasonable times in houses of entertainment," -- the "unseasonable" time being declared to be after nine in the evening.
Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 4, June 1906 Monthly Magazine Devoted to Social Science and Literature
seasonable clothes
If forehead and eyebrow bend ministry are contused to want to note the eyesight case of seasonable self-check eye, preliminary judgement has injure secondhand without optic nerve.
Should the weather turn more seasonable this week, some planters will begin moving to the fields.
In two grand, characteristic attributes, it is supereminent over all others: first in its universality, for it is capacious enough to receive and cherish in its paternal bosom every child that comes into the world: and second, in the timeliness of the aid it proffers, - its early, seasonable supplies of counsel and guidance making security antedate danger.
The epidemiology in subtropical areas is basically similar to that in temperate zones, except that the seasonable timing of events is different.
unseasonable bright blue weather in November
V. ii.114 (330,6) the card or calendar of gentry] The general preceptor of elegance; the _card_ by which a gentleman is to direct his course; the _calendar_ by which he is to choose his time, that what he does may be both excellent and seasonable.
Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
When you're used to snow in January, warm sunny weather feels unseasonable.
Such ill - timed exercise was of a piece with the strange unseasonableness of his morning walks, and boded nothing good.
There was a wonderful job done on the course and the greens were so slick despite the rain and unseasonable weather.
Monday's stage was reduced by 50 km due to bad weather - that included unseasonable snow flurries - at the original start town of Livigno.
By this it appears that it was advisable and seasonable only in calamitous times, and times of present distress, 1
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
a hard but seasonable frost
Three home draws in succession, including the semi-final, have helped; so has the dry, unseasonable weather that has done their expansive game no harm whatsoever.
Thursday and Friday were unseasonable warm days in Vidin, Northwestern Bulgaria, where thermometers read 32C, a record high for the past 50 years.
Page 10 to the intoxicating cup for stimulus to artificial excitement, and drowned all seasonable delight in mire, and a poison that not the dumb animals will swallow.
God Seen Above All National Calamities
Despite superbly unseasonable weather, my recent trip to the Queen's View was marred by litter strewn and uncollected over the drop from the viewing point.
"This is somewhat unseasonable," said the Governor, looking at his watch; "it is now almost nine."
The unseasonable rainy spell has certainly not dampened the spirits of the hardy young horticulturalists in Mr Rob's natural science class.
Though small in size, the shop specially supplies seasonaBle goods. You'll never Be disappointed.
a sudden unseasonable blizzard
And of course the story takes place in an unseasonable heatwave, so they get down to Horseshoe Bend and Carl is sweating, emaciated, very unwell, and on top of all of that, this October happens to be a hot one.
Winter; but being stopt that course, or lost; grow sick in fresh waters, and by degrees unseasonable, and kipper, that is, to have a bony gristle, to grow (not unlike a Hauks beak) on one of his chaps, which hinders him from feeding, and then he pines and dies.
The Compleat Angler
The epidemiology in subtropical areas is basically similar to that in temperate zones, except that the seasonable timing of events is different.
This hour seemed to him and to Mrs. Peterkin unseasonable, at a time of year when the sun was not up, and he would have been obliged to go to the expense of candles.
The Peterkin Papers