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How To Use Seance In A Sentence

  • Chinese mysticism was all the rage in those days when Spiritualism was everywhere and seances were popular.
  • An occurrence which occasionally takes place at _séances_, and more frequently among eastern Yógîs, is what is called levitation -- that is, the floating of a human body in the air. The Astral Plane Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena
  • There is a bienseance also with regard to people of the lowest degree: a gentleman observes it with his footman — even with the beggar in the street. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • The Bible certainly does address the issue of dealing with evil spirits in that it explicitly forbids engaging in pagan worship, conjuring up the dead or spirit-guides (what we call necromancy--things like ouija boards and mediums and seances), and anything that might be called magic (trying to manipulate the material world by spiritual means). Archive 2006-10-01
  • The two exist on the proceeds of Myra's efforts as a medium who holds séances in one of the rooms of their home.
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  • Consideréz l'incapacité de L'Etat de Berne qui pour n'avoir pas des forces maritimes ne Scauroit Soutenir un Pays si eloigné 6. ce Pays est desia marqué par les deux Puissances L'Espagne et la France, La premiere possedant les Pays delà de la Riviere contre le Mexique, La Seconde ce qui est de ça la Riviere le prenant pour une dependance ou plutost une bienseance Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • Noel Coward's comedy features the medium Madame Arcati who holds a seance with hilarious repercussions.
  • We should conduct a seance and attempt to contact the spirit of Eddie Daniels.
  • Illustrative of the assuasive powers of music, this story is one of several that allude to the strange potency attributed to the koto, an instrument anciently used in shamanistic seances.
  • `A lot of people may think a seance is serious scientific research, but it doesn't fit our remit, I'm afraid. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • A parade of entities was reportedly observed by the medium at the 1978 seance, and she deduced that there were 17 ghosts occupying the inn.
  • She was pictured taking part in a seance hoping to contact former deputy editor Peter Martin, who died last year.
  • Upstairs in the cafe, at midnight, all gather to begin the seance.
  • At the latter dark-room seance, I received an ‘apport,’ an object supposedly transported from the spirit realm.
  • «On ne va pas maintenant commencer des séances de pénitence nationale», a-t-il dit. Archive 2007-06-01
  • News of this incident quickly spread through the nation, and soon spiritualism, an informal religion centered on the seance, vied with the more established denominations for followers.
  • In mixed companies with your equals (for in mixed companies all people are to a certain degree equal), greater ease and liberty are allowed; but they too have their bounds within 'bienseance'. Complete Project Gutenberg Earl of Chesterfield Works
  • After this the seances were given up but Jacobsen produced an instrument called a planchette and with difficulty persuaded Bickley to try it, which he did after many precautions. When the World Shook; being an account of the great adventure of Bastin, Bickley and Arbuthnot
  • I milled about with the prospective sitters, and then we were all ushered into the seance room in the medium's bungalow.
  • Je n'ai pas voulu récriminer, mais j'ai vu hier la séance des Moniteur/Morning Chronicle
  • From séance to cryonic suspension, efforts to extend life indefinitely have been foolish, utopian and cruel. Never Say Die
  • Here's the part where you all think that I'm a freak who speaks with the dead and has séances each weekend.
  • Far, far too many people who claim to be originalists think that originalism is some kind of seance in which you try channeling the drafters in the spirit world and divine what was on their minds when they proposed the text of the statute. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Civil War Draft and the Constitutionality of Mandatory National Service Under the Thirteenth Amendment:
  • This is the second "seance" after the inaugural edition's sold-out success a year and a half ago. Archive 2007-02-01
  • To women you should always address yourself with great outward respect and attention, whatever you feel inwardly; their sex is by long prescription entitled to it; and it is among the duties of 'bienseance'; at the same time that respect is very properly and very agreeably mixed with a degree of 'enjouement', if you have it; but then, that badinage must either directly or indirectly tend to their praise, and even not be liable to a malicious construction to their disadvantage. Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1751
  • Like an incantation or a name chanted at a séance. Land of the Blind
  • Unlike previous decisions, by previous administrations that took place in seance-like settings, or were "divine" inspirations with no one from this world present to agree or disagree. Afghanistan decision to come within days, White House says
  • The sisters, in a sort of crude seance, would ask questions of the spirit, who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps.
  • Casting a doubting eye over seances, we might get involved with claims about life after death.
  • Maintenant, esperons que la seance de dedicaces ne soit pas sur tirage au sort comme au temps du CNIT! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Supposedly materialized or teleported gifts from the spirits, apports appear at some seances under varying conditions-sometimes tumbling out of a spirit trumpet, for example.
  • Most Spiritualists were outspoken abolitionists and often engaged in fiery polemics against slavery at lectures and seances.
  • Most Spiritualists were outspoken abolitionists and often engaged in fiery polemics against slavery at lectures and seances.
  • Prodi said he had received the information about Moro's whereabouts from a séance, probably in an attempt to protect his source.
  • She claimed she'd talked to spirits in a séance, and Jeff had sent a message to her. ANGELS EVERYWHERE
  • During his lifetime, his visits to mediums, holdings of seances, and hosts of other supernatural predilections remained guarded secrets.
  • Karajan sat with the orchestra in something closer to a seance or seminar than a rehearsal.
  • She added with some little diffidence that the fee for a seance was a guinea, and, as she left, took a card out of a case, encrusted with glowing rubies, and gave it her. Queen Lucia
  • Each of those shows was quiet enough to be a seance, a failed attempt to make contact with a dead celebrity.
  • In particular, it seems to me quite an inconclusion to give to the spirits of the dead, or to any other existences, good or evil (unless, indeed, by possibility to ourselves as magnetically and sympathetically influenced by some metaphysical potencies whereof we know next to nothing), the seemingly miraculous powers exhibited, however weakly and childishly, in numberless seances, privileged to possess among the company an ecstatic medium between (as is assumed) themselves and beings immaterial. My Life as an Author
  • They suck their lips in with a sharp hissing breath; then push them out suddenly, ready for the osculatory seance, the lips moving as if they were pushed from the inside by a pole. Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • We set up a little seance and tried calling up some dead personalities and ask questions while a machine was recording everything.
  • The terms he uses (haunting, poltergeist, medium, seance) come from a spiritualistic perspective.
  • One way or another, the young man had a typical séance and several Ouija sessions as a result of the hinted paranormal activity.
  • It was like a seance for 700 people, but a casual seance.
  • One person who was caught cheating was Florence Cook, a medium whose work in séances had been vouched for by Crookes.
  • At one point a panel of Harvard scientists was called in to observe a seance, and disbelievers called the girls harlots and witches.
  • Shamans are, in a sense, religious magicians, who have power over fire and who are capable of achieving trance states in seances in which their souls vacate their bodies to go on curing missions to the spirit worlds above or below the earth.
  • Al-f-u-r-d" was escorted home then to the cellar where the seance was a trifle more animated than usual, at least "Al-f-u-r-d's" cries so denoted. Watch Yourself Go By
  • Mr. Dempster was not disposed to encourage her confidence; her strange inquiries about people he had been greatly interested in, recalled the seance which had so much startled Francis Hogarth, and he suspected that this must be the person who had written the letter the spirit had been questioned about, and, consequently, that she was Hogarth's mother; no mother, certainly, to be proud of! Mr. Hogarth's Will
  • In the 1990s I was involved with a small group of magicians who ‘created’ an egregore and then tried to make contact with it using a variety of methods, such as a planchette, the time-honoured seance method, etc.
  • It begins with a Gypsy woman holding a kind of seance over a fat wad of supposedly cursed money for a rich, frightened woman. MERCHANT OF MURDER by Spencer Dean (Pocket 1960)
  • You see, this is how it went: I did the seance in a hidden room in the farthest part of the house from the front door.
  • Later minutes were issued as Procès-verbaux desséances de l'académie tenues depuis la fondation de l'Institut jusqu'au mois d'aoùt 1835, pub. conformément à une décision de l'académie par M M. lessecrétaires perpétuels. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • A devotee of the Ouija board and seances, King enlisted the aid of his dead grandfather while he was composing the inscriptions.
  • Germany and England, corresponded regularly with Madame Blavatsky and Olcot, wrote in spiritualist journals, and was always giving ad hoc séances. Wladyslaw Reymont - Autobiography
  • Be that as it will, he is a personage of a very portly appearance, and is quite master of the bienseance. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • Here we are back in the pestilent purlieus of Walham Green, and the frowsty atmosphere of the frowsy ‘medium’ and the squalid séance.
  • General faradization, so-called, consists of a series of local faradizations, administered during one and the same séance, until the current has alternately been made to impinge upon and traverse the entire or at least a large portion of the body. The Electric Bath
  • He illustrates fetishism with a story of "two Malay women in Keeling Island who held a wooden spoon dressed in clothes like a doll ... this spoon danced about convulsively like a table or a hat at a modern spirit-seance."
  • An evocator whose name has been lost held a séance with Gilles and de Là-bas
  • For years she had been dogged by rumors that Crandon had surgically altered her vaginal opening to allow for the production of bigger apports in the séance room. The Secret Life of Houdini
  • Although, like most other mediums, she was regularly searched before seances, many believe she swallowed and later regurgitated the material.
  • His real joy, however, was in withdrawing for what might be called a seance of meditation from the world's business. The Money Master, Volume 4.
  • Six pub staff members joined paranormal experts for the seance, held on overnight on Saturday.
  • In mixed companies with your equals (for in mixed companies all people are to a certain degree equal), greater ease and liberty are allowed; but they too have their bounds within bienseance. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • The British governor of Hong Kong, entered into the spirit of the plot, briefing a Chinese contact who arranged for the prediction to emerge from a planchette message - a type of séance - at a Chinese temple in Macao.
  • We did conduct a couple of seances; during one I giggled hysterically throughout, much to my embarrassment.
  • I do especially like the advice tendered to a girl deflowered at a seance. Deflowered by Marimba Player | clusterflock
  • Red Sox outfielder Mike Greenwell used to collect bats from slumping players, pile them on the clubhouse floor, and perform seances to awaken the dead wood.
  • spiritual tappings at a seance
  • Or when all else fails, you could always come back home with us, and you don't even have to hold a seance to talk with the dead there!
  • `We were having a seance, jasminescented incense and one candle so we could see the board. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Again, there are the phenomena seekers who gormandize on the so-called proofs and demonstrations obtained at materializing séances. The Master Key System
  • So there's absolutely no conviction that what was observed in the seance room is anything more than very clever conjuring.
  • Provider of the peacock and the owl,438 Nur al-Din rose from the séance and stood upon his feet, because the darkness was now fallen and the stars shone out; whereupon quoth the damsel to him, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Rendered in the terms of the talking board séance, the ontotheological habit is akin to presuming that the movement of the planchette proves the agency of determinate subjects, dead or alive.
  • When he examined imprints on putty that had been placed under the séance table and found imprints of a woman's shoe, a stockinged heel, or a big toe, it did not occur to him that the imprints might have been made by a woman's foot.
  • She looked as if she had spent her life on platforms, in audiences, in conventions, in phalansteries, in _séances_; in her faded face there was a kind of reflexion of ugly lecture-lamps; with its habit of an upward angle, it seemed turned toward a public speaker, with an effort of respiration in the thick air in which social reforms are usually discussed. The Bostonians, Vol. I (of II)
  • Spiritualist mediums are predominantly women who hold divinations and seances in their homes; many have become successful and even wealthy.
  • He was also deeply influenced by spiritualism and the occult and often organised seances at his home.
  • He was credited among other gifts with the power of levitation: he was reported at one seance to have floated out of a third-floor window.
  • the seance was held in the medium's parlor
  • i must leave #82, dick cheney is here to lick the blood and the stench from my crooked ugly skinny fingers … we will then have a seance and wish for the death of justice stevens and bill keller. we will join claws in my death-filled basement and stare into the skull of a dead iraqi child, lit only by candles made from the flesh of liberals … sleep well … kisses, ann Think Progress » MSNBC regular advocates murder of newspaper editors.
  • But the terms he uses (haunting, poltergeist, medium, seance) come from a spiritualistic perspective.
  • Burroughs is fond too of the word "ectoplasm," and the beings that surround Lee, particularly the inimical ones, seem ectoplasmic phantoms projected on the wide screen of his consciousness from a mass séance. Déjeuner sur l'Herbe
  • There is a 'bienseance' also with regard to people of the lowest degree: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1751

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