How To Use Seamy In A Sentence
The glass shard of a building makes the dingy three-and five-story buildings next door seem dingier, and the seamy building boasting adult videos and scantily-clad mannequins even seamier.
A Sliver Shines Above Midtown
Below this were strata of trachitic breccia and augite; the formation was then seamy to an unknown depth.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883
At once, I understand the seamy story he may have imagined.
The zoo here is now playing host to a pair each of seamy crocodiles, alligators and caimans, giving the city dwellers a glimpse of some rare species.
More than ever our domestic media shoulders the responsibility of focusing on the seamy side of society.
In the course of conversation my wife happened to use the word "seamy," and it suddenly occurred to me to wonder why the word means what it does. SEAMY
A hopeless alcoholic living in a flophouse on the seamy side of town, he was a promising boxer chewed up and spit out by the corrupt amateur circuit.
In this latter capacity he has become, amongst other things, a sort of Jiminy Cricket or social conscience, pointing out the seamy side of certain prevalent business practices.
Is the Press Too Sensational?
It is a story of the seamy underside of respectability and conformity, and of the discovery of unlooked-for courage.
Write to your MEP - now, today!
He touches on this at the beginning and end, but most of his narrative is an engaging odyssey by questionable boats and jouncy automobiles through "a vast, malarial dystopia of stinking swamps, thorns, bandits, bugs the size of rats and dark carnivorous forest"—and one with an equally seamy history.
From Guyana to Guiana
Shakespeare's use of "seamy" in this passage of Othello is also a pun -- appearance seeming and reality is a major theme of the play. SEAMY
I have seen this world, the seamy side of it, in all places, but this stuff that we are allowing into this country, and the censor is allowing in, is absolutely disgusting.
At once, I understand the seamy story he may have imagined.
the seamy side of life
He is promptly thrown into the seamy world of Montreal's nightlife - its clubs, its cabarets, its women of easy virtue.
What we see in their clothes is the waist-cinch: her red seamy bodice, his jacket, furred collars and cuffs.
His education taught him a lot about the seamy side of life and the way in which an uncaring society could treat those who could not help themselves.
Dowd is calling the whole thing "seamy," and whenever someone brings up Bill Ayers, Rich sees a
The Daily Gut
Why the long-running fascination with this tale, a kind of seamy modern gothic?" asks
GreenCine Daily
The shooting death of Blake's wife, Bonny Lee Bakley, highlights the seamy side of Hollywood.
The city's seamy side overpowers him, and Nell slips into a self-destructive nosedive.
In its depiction of a rather run-down and seamy side of New Jersey, it threatens to be taken seriously.
Well, I never knew about "seamy" either, and, as someone who has sewn a lot, found this fascinating. SEAMY
The glass shard of a building makes the dingy three-and five-story buildings next door seem dingier, and the seamy building boasting adult videos and scantily-clad mannequins even seamier.
A Sliver Shines Above Midtown
Snooping women got caught up, she writes, in ‘the seamy obverse of elite inquiry.’
Nevertheless, I do not see sex between consenting adults as seamy, sleazy or even necessarily steamy.
We'll dig into the seamy side of Los Angeles with the man who gave us ‘LA Confidential’ just ahead.
The zoo here is now playing host to a pair each of seamy crocodiles, alligators and caimans, giving the city dwellers a glimpse of some rare species.
The set also made good use of images by the Expressionist painters Grosz and Kirchner to depict the seamy side of Berlin.
To me, the deepest feeling I have about this field is that it is a bitter experience to see the seamy side of life.
Carmen, Baby is a spicy tale of crime and punishment, set against a backbone of high society and seamy underbellies.
But research in organizations with nonfacilitative governments highlights the value of bureaucracy and reveals the seamy side of personal relationships.
There can be a seamy side to the transfer of children.
But it is an exaggerated horror, itself suspect, which would make us unable to acknowledge the facts because of the seamy side of the facts.
What Clarice refers to as ‘the Cause’ quickly gave her an education in the seamy side of politics.
Pistol once again brings attention to the seamy side of war, in his declaration that in France they will be like horseleeches, sucking blood.
Anna descends into the seamy side of commercial S&M clubs to assist in the official investigation into Kathy's disappearance.
They represent all that we find repugnant in sport, the seamy side of their profession and are, for the most part, to be found swimming against the tide.
SIMPSON: Well, a lot of people -- I mean, you're writing a book, basically, about the kind of seamy side of politics, the dark underbelly, and so you ask a lot of questions about things that people don't want to be seen talking about.
Dirty Little Secrets: The Persistance of Corruption in American Politics
2 Apr. 403/1 He appreciated to a considerable extent, what we may perhaps venture to call the seamy side of human affairs. SEAMY
There was a seamy side to the Congress and its various initiatives, and Saunders exposes it.
Yes, that's the thing that disturbs me, because there are so many people who apparently want to hear the seamy side of life about people who are in trouble.
A hopeless alcoholic living in a flophouse on the seamy side of town, he was a promising boxer chewed up and spit out by the corrupt amateur circuit.
All the stuff about the supposedly seamy side of gaming is way off the mark.