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[ US /ˈsimstɹɪs/ ]
[ UK /sˈiːmstɹəs/ ]
  1. someone who makes or mends dresses

How To Use seamstress In A Sentence

  • Women also frequently work in family businesses as shopkeepers and seamstresses.
  • The old seamstress ruffled my skirt rapidly.
  • Vendors and seamstresses are profiteering from the sale of these items, and those interviewed have said that they are just trying to make a living.
  • They are certain to know a few people in your area that are professional tailors / seamstresses.
  • The seamstress did a job on my wedding gown
  • On the day of the wedding, I remember dressing in that pink dress with inexpressible joy, for it was the moment I had been waiting for since the seamstress had first measured me for my clothing.
  • What the little waking dream revealed to me was that INSTEAD of the little allice in wonderland dress I had been planning to go under the FABULOUS crushed red velvet cape edged in wide satin red ribbon and lined with red moire silk; [Did I mention I'm a bit of a seamstress?} Madrigle Diary Entry
  • How many coffee-chain baristas and sweatshop seamstresses assume that voting for lower taxes will bring them security and prosperity?
  • Clever seamstresses, milliners, and tradesmen quickly reproduced the latest in sleeves, bonnets, and furnishings for their wealthy clients.
  • The seamstress gathered in the cloth.
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