How To Use Seamount In A Sentence

  • As the rays hover over the seamounts, the diminutive angelfish come up and feed on the parasites that attach to the rays' skin.
  • These deep water whales are usually found in the vicinity of seamounts and continental slopes in temperate and subarctic waters.
  • Corals that lie on seamount flanks, below the reach of nets, face a different threat: ocean acidification. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the northwest Pacific you can see a whole series of seamount chains that were formed by hotspots.
  • Currents passing around the tops of seamounts also create eddies and other vortices that can catch, hold and concentrate small plants and animals-phytoplankton and zooplankton-in suspension near summits.
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  • He took advantage of the opportunity to record echo-sounding profiles across parts of the Pacific and discovered several flat-topped submarine mountains or seamounts.
  • Seamounts, underwater volcanoes, Rift Valley, the mid - ocean ridge, constitute a rich world of the ocean floor.
  • This process of volcano growth and death, over many millions of years, has left a long trail of volcanic islands and seamounts across the Pacific Ocean floor.
  • Happiness in sharks hasn't yet been studied or proven, but my bet would be that shark bliss occurs at these seamount stations.
  • The seamount is alive with little shrimp-like creatures, worm-like nematodes and sponges, many of which are new to science. Globe and Mail
  • These deep water whales are usually found in the vicinity of seamounts and continental slopes in temperate and subarctic waters.
  • Peering through the porthole stationed on the port (left) side of the sub, it appears to Sinton that the 350-foot-high seamount is covered in pillow lavas with very little sediment cover.
  • Seamounts whose peaks have eroded and become a flat surface are called guyots.
  • Closely related in origin to manganese nodules are the ferromanganese incrustations found on exposed rocks of the mid-ocean ridge, seamounts, and other places in the ocean where bare rock is exposed.
  • The rocks at the top of the seamount consist of serpentinized ultramafic harzburgite.
  • No volcanic or clastic sedimentary rocks were obtained from Cavalli Seamount.
  • The fish dwells deep in the ocean and travels long distances to spawn above seamounts in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • In contrast, oceanic island, oceanic plateau and seamount volcanism is distinctive in composition and eruptive style from the activity at plate margins.
  • On September 25 signals from the seamount ceased when a transmission cable that carried the signals to land was cut by a deep-sea trawler.
  • Pacific Ocean: Kermadec Islands, Philippines, Darwin Seamount in central Pacific, Tasman Sea, Nazca Ridge.
  • Since the Early Miocene, thermal decay has led to the subsidence of Cavalli Seamount and other, volcanic, seamounts in the South Fiji Basin.
  • In particular, seamounts on the subducting plate may serve as earthquake nucleation sites or asperities.
  • As the seamount sinks or its peak erodes, the seamount will disappear beneath the water leaving the coral ring.
  • Seamounts, underwater volcanoes, Rift Valley, the mid - ocean ridge, constitute a rich world of the ocean floor.
  • The predominant feature of the shoreline is the rocky cliffs, extending under water to encompass a lush kelp forest, submarine reefs and offshore seamounts.

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