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  1. characteristic of or befitting a seaman; indicating competent seamanship

How To Use seamanlike In A Sentence

  • We kept Mnemosyne for over two months, and never once did she misconduct herself or behave in an unseamanlike manner. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 26, 1917
  • For there to be some purpose to being out on the ocean, well, somehow it feels more seamanlike and very fitting.
  • An optional gunter sloop rig makes for a very seamanlike rig, and one ideal for young people to learn to sail with.
  • His letters to Mr. Astor, wherein he pours forth the bitterness of his soul, and his seamanlike impatience of what he considers the "lubberly" character and conduct of those around him, are before us, and are amusingly characteristic. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains
  • It was three in the morning when his unseamanlike conduct precipitated the catastrophe. THE "FRANCIS SPAIGHT"
  • A few days before, a tempest-struck vessel had appeared off the town: the hull was parched-looking and cracked, the sails rent, and bent in a careless, unseamanlike manner, the shrouds tangled and broken. The Last Man
  • I forbear to dwell upon this exhibition of human weakness, for almost any one in Jason's shoes would have been equally regardless of the regulations, and in consequence proportionally unseamanlike. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • They came swarming downstream, transports filled with palace servants and slaves and all their accoutrements and paraphernalia, barges laden with oxen and goats and chickens for the kitchens, gilded and gaily painted vessels bearing cargoes of palace furniture and treasure, of nobles and lesser creatures, all uncomfortably jumbled together in a most unseamanlike fashion. River God
  • I remembered Wada's reports on this unseamanlike intimacy of the second mate with the gangsters, and tried to make out the nature of the conversation. CHAPTER XXII
  • Chinese steward deplore as unseamanlike and perilous. CHAPTER XXXIX
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