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sea slug

  1. any of various marine gastropods of the suborder Nudibranchia having a shell-less and often beautifully colored body

How To Use sea slug In A Sentence

  • Bryozoan colonies are important food sources for some sea slugs and fish.
  • Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism—for example, the eye of a sea slug—will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.
  • Most of the heterobranchs, including standard sea slugs and pulmonates, have lost the ancestral ctenidia. Everybody loves algae
  • Some snails, sea slugs, and worms embed embryos in gel, often in the form of thin strings or beautiful coiled ribbons that undulate gracefully in the current.
  • Among their findings were the inch-long file clam, the whitespotted boxfish, sacoglossan sea slug and the frankly terrifying post-larval octopus. British Blogs
  • The resultant ‘sperm trading’ is known from sea slugs, free-living flat-worms and possibly cestodes and may be widespread.
  • But sea slug goes about It'slightly differently.
  • A new species of Nembrotha nudibranch (also known as a sea slug) that was discovered during the California Academy of Sciences' 2011 Philippine Biodiversity Expedition.
  • There are over 3, 000 known species of these colorful sea slug relatives, and new ones are discovered nearly every day.
  • [74] The balate -- also known as "sea slug," "sea cucumber," "beche de mer," and commercially as "trepang" -- is a slug (_Holothuria edulis_) used as food in the Eastern Archipelago and in China, in which country it is regarded as a delicacy by the wealthy classes, and brings from seven to fifty cents a pound in the markets. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 21 of 55 1624 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the
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