
sea cucumber

  1. echinoderm having a flexible sausage-shaped body, tentacles surrounding the mouth and tube feet; free-living mud feeders

How To Use sea cucumber In A Sentence

  • The Macassarese traded with local Indigenous people and fished for 'trepang' (commonly known as sea cucumber), which they sold as a delicacy on the lucrative Chinese market. Australian Islamist Monitor
  • It also made other catches on the islands, including shark fins and sea cucumbers, more attractive.
  • The starfish along with sea urchins and relatives including feather stars, brittle stars, basket stars, sea daisies, sea lilies, and sea cucumbers make up the Phylum Echinodermata.
  • [74] The balate -- also known as "sea slug," "sea cucumber," "beche de mer," and commercially as "trepang" -- is a slug (_Holothuria edulis_) used as food in the Eastern Archipelago and in China, in which country it is regarded as a delicacy by the wealthy classes, and brings from seven to fifty cents a pound in the markets. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 21 of 55 1624 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the
  • One of their challenges last night was to create dishes using some pretty strange items: Grasshoppers, jellyfish, chicken feet, cock's combs, unlaid eggs, stinky tofu, sea cucumber, eel, and 2 other items escaping my memory. Archive 2009-10-01
  • In the past there was commercial over-exploitation of the sea cucumbers Isostichopus fuscus and Parastichopus parvimensis, of mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica and winged oysters Pteria sterna. Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California, Mexico
  • There's everything from stinkpot turtles and spitting sea cucumbers to fish slime, cannibalism and much more.
  • Some populations of sea cucumbers have been overfished, which has an effect on the ecosystem.
  • Animals examined as part of the study include deep-ocean sea cucumbers, urchins and brittle stars.
  • Sea cucumbers, invertebrate animals of the phylum Echinodermata, might hold out some hope for the afflicted.
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