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sea chantey

  1. a rhythmical work song originally sung by sailors

How To Use sea chantey In A Sentence

  • But then when I searched for individual songs I remembered, I sailed into another kind of semantic fog: there are lots and lots of sea chantey sites and recordings that masked the instance I was looking for. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Sea songs and semantic distance
  • No, the march, the work song, the love lyric, the ballad, the sea chantey, the nursery rhyme, the limerick—those are the preeminent forms, and all those have four beats to them. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • Spotlighted on the backbar was a chest of gold coins and the words of a sea chantey: Fifteen men on a dead man's chest! The Cat Who Came To Breakfast
  • At Copley, he also exhibited a continuous 80 slide projection, coupled with an audiotape, showing a nine-person chorus singing sea chanteys with a pianist accompanying them.
  • The best moment of this set is the interlude between Scenes 2 and 3 in Act One, with the sound of moonlight on the water, the gentle heaving of the terrifying sea, and sailors below-decks keeping their courage up singing by sea chanteys.
  • Sometimes when we were mopping the deck, an activity in which Catherine and Nicholas were exempted from, the two would dance around singing the sea chantey that Patch, the singer of the group, had taught us a few days before.
  • It was only a little boy, singing in a shrill treble the sea chantey which seamen sing the wide world over when they man the capstan bars and break the anchors out for "Frisco" port. The Banks of the Sacramento
  • In Helen Mirra's video The Ballad of Myra Furrow, the artist, dressed in a peacoat and cap, sings a sea chantey as she stands before Lake Michigan in the drizzling rain.
  • With folk song - and sea chantey-inflected songs by Steve Goers, a book and lyrics by Alyn Cardarelli and lively direction by Paul Bosco McEneaney, the production is one part cozy adventure and three parts kooky shiver-me-timbers atmospherics. Imagination Stage's 'How I Became a Pirate" is a matey good play for kids
  • Sea chanteys (sailors' songs) have been sung throughout the sea-faring Omanis' history.
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